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March 15, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-15

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"The Niagara Falls Route." lVentschicr, the 11hotoraabhcv. )Ahrm Cocks IQ "
Taking Effect Noene r ls 19, 18919. ~,,, , ,, - -- --- J fM il 0 o$00. F
GOo NGET...----__ __ _ _--._-_- _-.____-___ _- _ . T. o .P n ~ t 1 .0
lecot Night Rpre ..... ...-rA . Watch Re tis toe" a Secialty.
AtlantcoFEx es.. ....... . 7,p,"4. "1 n
Yailand a1 pe11 A...me....o.....Finera NeglieeS irs L CHAPMAN, JEWELER,
N. Y. Bostoni Specil...........45 '", a
Bet Eartern ...........9 43
GOING1 50 50 2"61Mc nin t.
Mal and NE'iresa. .... . . .9 40 Al'ru.t ltand'tsi td rla1 t I,
fist W~eterue pr'co... 1 38r a'!nli0the est tind cot pret Shrtu1 h 1 f\
(.MR. and ia. NEpeess ..e.e ..tt.Syle f --lr-._--itset'ti- l'_..
Chicago Night Ex pres.. 4 ..e nCaty)l, O ' rc nft.t1i. tie' i e
PacficExpess.... . .. 12 l30 A M.$1511 0
Earopeapeitls at toeset rates bulrtotr ;
oatleon nappttcatio. f' peeni our lO'4aoEtL INS Fe
O.W. RUGGLES, flIW.HAES,"' " ' ' tinisg a t-ny plac 5fn liur city
G. P. &'.T.Ag't, Chicago. Ag'tiAnn Arbos, sewer eocangel themi
i 'cy _ _ . "--- - - - - - Iht? IMU lldtI Studio
}\ i bi i II) IETI,1 S A Vertble Rubberek at thel
1113etfollw ig lee, 1101 139 ii I itt 1Museum 112 W HrnSI. N SPhone 119
TIME TABLE s'iI sis \igust t libsnIi. to i ArcinOs 1.h1 whi c h io o1diet, B lo
Takng Ciet, S. CCassC , Ma "1, 199. 1c"le. erBbn~, R.Bbtn!A H N H A R
Traina to' e AnsnArbor 3by (vC e "a l Sd Ito is J.ar, D e tr i, last Snd117 it I ben
cr4 Tise. Si S ii eb 1les. rsy a 1)1 ce o c yicr I OI li
SOU0 o511 fC ycic ; tDi M r NI attic DavisJ. \%bei tro ns in in a11 t131ia l iio'. th ie
- ---.R. ]IiolleJ 1.*Ear, U.K, E itns, birdms ure ov1r03 feet,3 feet vI FIDAY, MA RCH 1.
No. .-it1 25AA . a. Nos 1. a13:5 A. e' 5 1c1'rs h c A tiK ,~ vi 1 o133 ~ 313
Nol, .- 113 a. x. "Ne 5-.:or.w u o eMr 1"rs ci t Jolesci Dun 1 0311 250h.113(1 100t 4vle ht wasbe
-____ ( K iz, J an,11/ 1 Oe ls Mary; LowsIigthe11sinshtslieenSbroil '.i e F r ai V r
'IlsobatesAcnnsArbor >,cod Totedo31onlIs' Jm vd1rm th e1 - fot he i
Alt trais all sy eet Sundi .1 311133331 1 ad; Iii M 1 1c Mot s.A 10 1 3p 01 o
F. .GL12IICF Aget.tI, oil 313 ,hss '.H A Niors t310 L.5Fa r V igi i
33 11. B NNETTr. e I. AclrwgI a slc 5ci ton Iswel,3
13.A.Uc sc ito e Ster Miss 'stry; mls~iouned stleclllloil1the y eqg il, c PRICES 25,35 50 75, $1.00
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- si c riord o y;R e Sskteo Pul1 '1111 1 e0013rothe3 am10 sou0r0311 a few vek et i af anaa
bor Ralway. light Fred; Sone ar sI C.;W rd s1110in c liireaein i m titlar eamanner. Ca 1 sl_' n~els
tars loase for Detroit an101 pslanttlIIti M es.J 1.0 ells, SA; scltllrr'Mis 3lls 111 '111101.3 1h 1 vlr'
osr el i 'sirilisplti'.111110313 we33011.'o GRANGR'S
every ha~l ',urregirlainKa t 7:L1.a. m,1 ' ;is Z s , i1 Sre .1310 lect ostIatho.pbi.
anti 7:4b5p. 01.1After that toe letsoittDros-E Ickr, .I ;Jaeciidt, Svera 3300101will beceqire1111or tireSCHO OLOF AN CIN[1
at 8:45 p. sm., 9:411 P.. asnis21:15l p 01 .augst; eeisi, r.; R'itsi iii R Iproelore110' 505'l111 and 1111u111111g13of1tie
Watng room, 0corner .Ann and Main H SenPu;Shedr . si n tl ogrttl o h
et.: Detroit.Ill1 (trissold t.I. preipati Sctede, t31 o33 31111 i t te sk lgtcr s.ivte r class lsoste c33a enc. e To's
____________________ ________ I ri t -illosi. Peer:13' Siatio'y' _Itcsicciotvoreblaci e oe as5 1op Y 5
When downetowin call at te Nose IACADEI "on3JAYNARD ST,'
p p7 p A new:line o lblalattacs Shiuts ICga Store 116 East Huron street., oe _
U REAKFAST1 - ANN ARBOR joel. ill .tWdhasRyan &ctRele.alcfinelne of ppe, tobacco and cigas REAll'II DII LY.
B (+ Se the, S. ainW W. DAVIS, Prop
SUPPER -ST. LOUI, MOr Special Rate on IIhtsRlt Wadhas IynDu tital Gold
WABASH - FAST TRAINS 30ItRstsc Arlt i lDiy l b 1 3 14 4t 1. n te maket fr ,,
dierestool rem~aindeoir f the ya 3051 t 020 b M i sOl oldesrs 501
FREE - CHAIR CARS $T hliis 'prcstl offer s tiade iIvieseold:01 n
itPhuy iasbi ctdl iii Ile Ann Abor Msc Co. ae Sle.
siotgl 11sar.At1t eehtt ome inldcents to offer te- $~dA Ladn
\Lchganwil cary nd o wichthedenta o table oard; also ae coiec JLai
11llaily wlI9.P .00 ns 12113 it giocparticullar 'attton. Aly"Iof rooms " ol , Jeweler
It. . G eenw....1,:i1 P. _ C ica t o e w3ois not ahi asu cri berh5 to1
11e513p1radlwishiles to lkeep a lne ona l ria he fr 5>n il s e h ote ee[iso
thtoamits prospects1'.1In01w001kIcwill I I Sdso5iss 1s Icg- ybs111 111011upot tia ut
~ a/s ,C4. T.L7 '33w1ell to ttu tisexcptosally lose$350 . 11MCK & C.LOWNEY
\'fi ames mlay b till11 n1101owu
///lrcr wllstffApi]z. -1 a I rs cmlt l in lle f Adlr Fins,u e:ll CHOCOLATES
H e l ' R . _sis it WasT asi 310. i's's3l eule '00 3j17n 1330 City 0310II ustsu
a slt cas(ls lGIl' isi 1 310 '2 ans t
4 TRAINS DAILY 4 eft.115n, ts'(i'afurisinsgs e.d hatsu,e 111EANPCiDTIS 338 S. Sate St.
ll.la s, tycus - Otulu . 0.Mains 1110eli compelaltot of 01u1es ha; _________________________
Betwen Toeduouasd (ouo ituis, ussug r lass ICme3 to te omewhat obsolete owin1g
depot in 0100 ctiee. 3 to tiecemay changes nmde by thef MM ATIN
'hroigh Sleeper toWsinsgosanulltitneeu. Decoration Dayj Game in Grand board. The mtter was referredl to ' ' ',
GREAT RAPILROAD I Rapid. Prof. Pettee 0w1ithlintrctioes to colr..I FUNERAL
THEHOCIN V(LL I iteclstorBirod anntsoucs sh at 1110 pil alltrte resolutionsof ortab oard DRCO
Tif ICJGVILYDi'coration day1117baeal gasme with li 1- theme into a compact rle. Hisa report Embalming a specalty No 2011S 4th
Wriet lo i ite playedl in Grasnd Rapids i-s m ec ~ade a secial order for the neo'xt Ae. Ambulance night nd day Rsa
L.3w.LANDMANs oftoi s in13 1formter years. meigof the oard. dee 302 FfthcAe
11 W. Fot S, Derot .11 - 1u3 t
~Wear the PURIAN$3 5
And You IH Al lways be in Style i0 EAST HURON STREET j

T1R C 1 EE Embalmer and 613 East William Street I w
LFunrlDirector I'Un iviy junt one-halt block ws EFin'
VVflJIjj(f[rs.EnochI DietI uerle ady reeleat of law building. All kindesin
Shoe Sh.opnliOolrlLay eofee. trepairing neatly done. R n a l Poo
O~t~fNT~s ATSM TI Ne N. 116 E. Libety Street. lResidence baa8 S oeS o E. Lamb ert.[

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