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May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 9

…LL wo C A60, AbF: a it A6V ,AL- 0 . XXXIII. No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 13 1923 PRICE FIVE Deficient Secondary School *"iOR- |AKINIe Education Causes Failures A limb, a cudgel, or a bean- pole, you can find them all. F --Senior medical students carry all j Profssor elivers Series of "The average freshman is inade- dents to take their work more serious- , varieties of stcks as senior L'etures o American Psychology quately ...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 10

…A.L%-*A .. Hlorseback riding is the et" being taught in thel Phe popularity of the1 shown by the class roll.f -eds have signed up for h meets once a week for ven by the officers of Toai s--Santo Tomnos Uni- at Manila is the oldest institu- learnin~g under the American t was founded in 1611, 25 years the foundation of Harvard Uni- and has for many years pro- the foremost statesmen of the r It pine ds. Northweste~rn - A movement has e...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 11

…_.'r -... - THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1923 Mot,. TONE PAINTING but he never succeeded in duplicat- perhaps as men of the hour, but we It might seem unnecessary to delve (Continued from Page Seven) ing the worth of his "Pagliacci." The know only too well how often these into the music of Spain at this june- ' same can be said of the more old-fash- men pf the hour siffer at the hands ckf .tureIinvew f the coprehesive cancteihaps tn...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 12

…13, 1923 excessive frivolities,- or perhaps she toss of a Leginska-type shock of hair, Ing their Inferiority. . W1 POwas just plain lazy, but a nice girl and would hold their own as long as This musical ,activity of women wil and all that,-so she may be granted there was no competition with the produce no happier results than i a a normal diploma. i opposite sex. But .as soon -as Field hitherto has if institutes permit them M USIC he fey nmen...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 13

…I fr3 "C7 O H'" t4M4 0 LO I 8" H w d . , ,.0 ° A cr w WbI (, Q tor) = ..,4-'... - '"~ . ca 4)rn "' r ' cuw ° 0 0 "1 r u4 rA--w . . r : . .. '+ r 1*0 -1 :1ao; 'qy"" '¢ " 'A ? ,a. 1 ro co ILA , o a °' ~ k -0 :C,/ s ,0, cl G W G: } Q r- to y iy "'y" 00 __NIfhIi0t 0hI I ifuhgf$Ilttwn0 Ii rwirlti5wtmQ~ 07 004 0-4- Os. ~ q :1aH 0 -0 H0 ro0 p 0 (l]):- ca, ~~.iC~ m" V ~ ~ . W~~J 0Ds n r ); h a i ,", + +0 - 1)m ;n 'a j ! 0 V" i o . MR M t M O ...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 14

…DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1923 SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1923 THE MIC1I4GAN DAILY TONE PAINTING Among the Magazines (Continued from Page Three) nection with the trip Tscbaikowsky By N, B. took though Germany in 1888. Con- "Be cruel to poets and don't let them iducting a concert of his own- works at think the famous concert hall in Hamburg, You like their preposterous patterns 1.he remarks in his nieoirs that among in ink; !the various works which appeal...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 15

…THE -IIGAN L 'd ---l Wnefth Nazimova in Oscar Wilde's beautiful version. of "Salome" will be the screen attraction at the Wuerth for three days, beginning Sunday. The screen version carries out faithfully the ex-. quisite beauty of Wilde's play, while the inimitable Nazimova is superb as the capricious Salome. Thecomedy for the first part of the week is "White Wings," With Stani Iaurel. On the stage, the Wuerth management presents the S...…

May 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 163) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIG, DAILY Al Japanese Ambassador Pays Respects To President Hardi irrive at any definite estimate of the Poli1ce Set ; Cw Record, 'irk Our Busness ?1en's Lunc] ing Bonstelle and her associates ,In the 14th annual season 61 stelle Company at the Garriclk next Monday night, offering first week the Gladys Unger, comedy, "The Goldfish," erved Marjorie Rambeau as a vehicle. Goldfish" proved one of the l tisfying bills that Miss B...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 1


March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…ThE ICHIGA N DAMLY .... .. ._...........R..... ,,.. 'RATERMBTIES TO ROOPM I FP AiOUnR. ~Frisco Banker .is Appointed Envoy To .Netherlands Sufficient Lodging 4)fered o";zal ( (r"e of All lien; Will llai-e Mcod' t Union. VISITORS ILL IWM EN.1IN ANN ARBOR T11IFEIS1AY AND)FIIA Fraternities haver already miade available enough rooms to accon to- date the legislators who will visit here next Thursday and Friday, it was anZ- nounced last night...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…r r1 MICHIGAN DAILY - - _ IWEinuniIL U L I iLiUtU tiLL DIPLAY ARfTISTRY HHEE .askcd to call Catherine Stafford, 2338. Group pictures of the University Girls Glee club which were taken for th 'Ensian, may be called for at the rehears1a today. .Applications for Junior Girls' playj tickets should be sent, not telephoned, ''eCersais for the Junior Girls' to Freida Diekhoff at 1030 Oakland ;l y wti take place today as follows. avenue. s 'c...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY X T public eye than they think. It is also time that they not only take anI -active interest in civic affairs but OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE make manifest that interest to the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN world. In former days the Univer-' Published every morning except Monday sity was the storm-center of all po- during the University year by the Board "Ilitical. debate, and questions of moment Control of Student Publications. ...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY U j ORn nnn 1u of Iris set of five talks at St. John's IiI~l~fli tir PlIII~'IIII Icathedral oan "Christianity in-a Clang-I "1IIuUUIIII1 0CIMi lg World". Prof. Leroy Waterman, ofj The day htmk shap aeU i fllilr T ur~anthe depar tment of semitics, gave the 1 htmk shp1ttjcu 11 r e OULINED*J pT MEETING coi espondling number of his gr oup PLA 'S 'I NC'D1E SI1N(4 G(4AMES:, -____'____ ' COR;NELL TRACK 11*E T, AND Bishop Returns fr...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

…, ,a x :: .....:. ... ..:....-..1 I Ar I YA At. A AAL. . a',& -:1.01V ai-4 , " DIAMOND TRYOUT Fisher and Proteges Anxious For7 Of Ferry Field Lot VARSITY COACH TO RETAIN TWIRLERtS FOR OUTDOOR W Coach Fisher sent the Varsity, ball squad through its usual, stiff w out in Waterman gymnasium ye day afternoon. With four week indoor work already stowed away diamond mentor has started g the candidates for this year's s hhrder and harder workouts. P...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RD H S Q AD J~out. If the sprinters can stand up n no doubt of the outcome but because they have never practiced a dash of this length it is doubtful if they can make good time. sprinters, and Snyder, a hurdler, will Unique Relay to Feature Program For make up the sprinter's team. Meriman -Entertainment of j is the alternative. Brown, Rockwell Legislature Freyburg and Fingerle with Turner as alternate will run for the dista...…

March 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…THE ICH-IGAN DAL'I .., Uni _~ D' Y 0FfIC A I Publication in the Bulletin, is constructive, notice t,6 all memdbers of the l~veraity. Copy 'received until 3:20 .p. m, (11:80 a. 'n . taturds*. 'lole 3'.. TU ESDAY, MARCH 1.1. 19.03A utnber 118 r - _ u ww.w+11M110fY r General Attacks Congress Actionf In Cutting Army Sk *~E Faculty : Cileg-e. of Lieratnre, Sclence, and tt3 Arts. Will members orf the fac6ulty kindly fill out and return...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER X ODX, VOL. XXXIII. No. 94 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1923 EIGHT PAGES START NEW SF RIG PRICIF r r To Become New' DInIpnnpnARi Economics Head UILDINGPO6RAM -.' ADVANCES RAPIDLY City Observes Lincoln Birth __Marking the one hundred and four- Ti teenth annivrsary of the birth of Ab- Engineering Building and Clements raham Lincoln, the banks of Ann < Library Are Nearest !Arbor and many business. house...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…THE MilICAN DAILY M~an Heads 5. Coast Gmard WH 1Ar'S GOING OiN ; . 7 :3?-11( r er{;' (4 ijeifets Ini Law, ' IJ~,nb rt yncivc : ValtabhdBooks Character," has recently been, issued hl.Oneot o stil1 lin11nortan purchases as the second of a series of University oI Thv~r et;~ of ret yar has reachoed the Univer- of Michigan General library pablica- r(- } ~sit Y ibra It is "Codices CGrace! et tions. p1,Oa.B Latini 3"otogr aphice Depiciti,...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…tY 11,1~rTHE -.MICHIGAN DAILY S HOUSE START I ---- inents can hie ~who) are ab~le C their pedes. _ ., . accented. Any others Barbour gymnasium from 3:30 to 5:30 are req uested to)pay o'clock every. Friday afternoon dutring Soine one wvill be in February to' take the money. I UH A [NT23T0V A beginning ( oxre in ntlieic. Prlnny ansith ine-dcigwill be given at 8 o)'c;lickl lLonse 'l)alSketb~ll toCurnamenlt' anionpg Me"-'Cly and Wednes...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE ICHIGAN DAILY rTUESDAY, FEB3RUARY 13, 1923 4; I ° ; i f 1 Xt !t until tomorrow night has gained gen- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 01' THE 1 UNIVERSITY OF 111CiI( AN Published every morning except Mondayl during the University year by the Board in Control of Studer t Publication&t Member of : Western Conference Editorial1 Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-7 itled to the use for republication of all7 newsa dispatches credi...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 5

…1923 'THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY w Theaters s Misi Sewell's Marionettes will ap- pear for the first time in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Feb. 14, in both matinee, and evening' performances at the Mimes' tiheater. The qualifications of a pupeteer, a!, one is called who operates a puppet, are numerous. This highly specialized means of dramatic expression requires quite as decided gifts for success as do the other branches of dramatization. He must po...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGANDAILX TUESDA ', FEBIIT y .. , eJ pp gYiifi f nF a , + n ! f " Y F ' Y L . ' Ri r,_"y iTac ', , ' "" ...... %-um , the winners a .,,,,, n KX olverines teet at Evanston onl tilrnwinners Monday, has aready~ swampeQ-, idi- Intr mu al tII A high gr LUIBIT ITS SMI MINI TE 1 ~n b a4. t 2ount. The Hosiers ILERPOSTPONES FIRST 0B9____ appearweak i the fee stye andFi i tcna thlet mntagers31011 toTIIaIVstrokein et e ntandr , fa ilyss ...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

…T' TI 7 1 MIHGN DAIL~Y HA1+i :D 'i 'b' i _ _ Y V I "1 Indoor and Outdoor Athletic Equipment r Everything for i i °"t ' vJl every sport, in- cluding stti-catc::s, jerseys, shoes, etc. 1 Catadoraee sent on request State S1-.r C10C, "( .UL 1HITS AR YCORpN CAP0NSIPHOES 'ST C dIan alll t. 2~Sil for hiatny a eth vasio Iiip th t yleevents tO a gracct ex- .: hrst se1 ?er't ?l this,(Xafternoon i a POWDER PUFFBEAUTY'HOP I I Call 993-R. for an ap...…

February 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILX U DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until .: x0 v. n. (11 ,30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3 TUESIAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1923 Number 9 To All Nenibers of the University Faculty, Staff, and Employees: Emer- gencies, Accidents, Sudden Illness: The facilities of the Health Service are available at all times in cases of sudden illness or accident on...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…THE .W EA T H E R I VOL. XXXIIIL No. 80 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 13, 1923 EIGHT PAGES SEE THAT HOCKEY GAME TONIGHT PRICE FIVE C Will Head Marine ANNOUNCE EXAM DATES FOR ENGINEERS AND Corps Inspectors arn ii arifi arvnanl Eneny Of AliesuA I Now Is RefugeeUSMANASHNDOF with enthusiasm at the inauguration of hockey as a Varsity sport at the Coliseum last night a game in which Michigan netted two goas to onevfor Wisconsi...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE m JIGAN [LY .. w w .- rM.rr rrrr r lrrrr rrt wrr +4 rriiirrrrrri6 rrY r rsr w ny wr on~~~~ nu P'~ P i e ~ e 1~tc ~t seuece te future ongasths ilstonexims and ual~~~~1'' COlCljIC' r ot re- 1, an ll-(3yA. PR)-='Gelsen-. th lre e n snortheast of Ev- 113d, in the1C ;on')1d zone .of oc- FO E " GERMAN MVA.N OF WAR RETURNS TO UI, S. AS A TRADER MICHIGAN WINS, (Continued frome Page Erne) through the entire Michigan teamii)and 'shot from...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…___ ___ __ ___ _ Tk 1CH iAN fl DEAIN HAMIL TON TELLS FN IN OF SELF-GOVERNMENT1 FO . -R VWOMFN,,V Self-go)vernmenIt 1? k1 stas a theory (tho b.-u odirectors of, thleag 'lmpng the woMr:en Michigani, bu3114. i' allrnoon in IBarbour gy'Iul no one has clear ideas about it, Dean nasiun). .'ean ilamnilton declared while address- Dean Hamilten. explained the tw, ing the board of representatives of the types of govcrnmenit which arc possi- Women's l...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATRA Y, DO WE WANT ITT Upperclassmen in the literary col- .FE.N I lege are privileged to take final ex-1T D O OASEDRL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE aminations under the honor system 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 4 by notifying the instructor of their EEf f "THEIREIS 1 X0N Published every morning except Monday dgsire through petitioning. As most I ETHOD LBYI ring the University year by the Board in students on the campus seem to ...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

… ,- ATTRDIAY, JANC RY WI1RDY~ ANARY13 It2: __ ___ il C',TGAN QAI .+ J 1 b 1 A : Y, ?' i \ ! (fit h "] . !ll JI u tf" ( t 1 air. . I ( 1 k1l) ./;! i . .. ' & v /4 f .,. I N The Schultz rGocery- iEHOME OF PUIR E FOODS YOU CAN DO BETTER, AT LEMBLE'S THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS INCLUDE- PHONES 326.=327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON Hiome Killed Chicken, .30-.35 Mr. Steward,. Facy Home Killed Short Rib Beef .. Fancy Pork Roast . Veal ...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILY } ymer. ' pop_- 4,IIPIIIIININI III if-L ma7 ,doom%. o ' _ IE HUML. K,: { ,"\t ' +'.'"' ~'q ".. / A.,^'. /.e SA AT NONS ANDr ipAl Aprr ,nlri~Tlft lTgaras but their sp'ed will not come Inew one and the real test will come J t fl t i eithr Faller or 'lplc'=tnight. Coach sMahlstated that too E P c r sSCiiiAERuE Dil RUL iV iLiii IUr It i while Cappcn works ust as effective-mfuch confidence sould'not be plac aed I...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . __. FORECAST STRONIG AQ URTIC .._S5EASO i Acquilsitioni of IBowit for Coach ( ivA- T~l nk Teamn 's Pr'sioets B;g :. Boost Z)(i).;i)litlfis i i raing; w'ith a fu-. tur'e soi) prol!;=ing ?Fit11"e1th ' lbeen pPi; d 1 e SW1 _1ERS.WUL-GETF1 ST' 1l'e , sz to so ns i l19 ,) Ihe TEST AGAINSTii .A.C{. J. 1 -)C~u O~ th ii ve lunty c lo4 ,gugto r- 'With. the announcement made last'ti ntefl f12.furire. to 111if5 0' b'...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

…_________T1 teaMICHIGAN DAIL\ 'E NEMESISOFGRAY I side hal.Subject, "A Creed for [but all other necessaries must be furn- 92:;."ish~ed by the players or teams. '~~~l l3 "civrn~ ~i'ie inllubll and!- t ;riuni. T)D1. II. K. W. Kumtn Watch the signs that have been ~; ~dxl. c2zted around the campus telling - 1 whether or not the ice at Wineberg's t'3..JIf 1;icoliseum can be used for skating. PI- rh' okr n~i st have their ji{e-# P'dfr V c. ](:ig...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER CONIrED COLD VOL. XXXIIL No. 68 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 GIVE SOME KIDDIE A CHRISTMA PRICE FIVE CEl s$7IN00, 00IAa Recall Meeting in 1920 The purpose of the convocation in 1920 was the presentation of Presi- dent Burton who was beginning his first year as Michigan's president, in an intimate manner to the student! body. He disclosed his plans for the University in a mannercthat was in- tended to create th...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…/ q sGiven J d-ear Y SIGMA ALPHA IOTA Emblems, TAKES 12 WOMEN ost's .final T'alk Sigma Alpha Iota, national lior ____________________ Iary musical sorority, pledged the fol- _u..,.. _... ... , AnotherrrDament Meet ., . -....... Gathering together for. the last time' hope is that they will be constant re-' loin1g girls, on Saturday afternoon: as a body; Michigan's 1922 undefeatedj niilders to you .of 'the service you ten-. Lucile Belil...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

… ~I1onen - Dr~. Iden's Bible class will be discoin- tinnied until after the Christmas vaca- I ionl.y _ , { _.. f ,. ..... ._,. . , w .. - .. ,, , , . . .. :' r _. t + l _ ., .. _ r s - f , , , .; , s , r -i All Y. W. C. A. pledges should he paid today without fail, at the office , . a: ° Chr'istmnas carol services will be ld at 4 ('(,lock this afternoon in the south parlor of Newberry hall. All .members are urged to attend.; I [ Decemb...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…^ . ,, .,,_ _._ ...y.. ._.___ k. Hik 1 -. .. .-, . . . . , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Publishied every morning except Monday1 duing tu he University year by the Board in Control of Studer t- Publications. -~ - I,~ ft s holders of the two attitudes above discussed. Campus. performances and s;tudlent entertainments as a wholej have the support of The Daily, but wherever it is felt that adverse criti- cism may effect some constructive purp...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…,.,,. ..t- .....,:r.. ,.. .--.-.. .. ... i ECONOMIC ESSAY azil President Started Life As Clerk In Grocery INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED TAKE A REMINGTON PORTABLE Home With You Your bank should be sound, accurate and F LANUSCRIPTS ON PURCHASING POWER WANTED BY FIRM efficient. But that is not enough. Banking CA L L TODAY STACY R.. BLACK k b' ! g r M. T i ; , s i s 1: eC r. ;. -. F For the best manuscript on the sub- Ject "A Statistica...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…,w ^ mil; J /!'f! .1 1 0 . I . . Nomm" W (f111 1 1 i eee e'der err rr .. '"'" .."",,,,,w.. 0 ME J AWN% u u t; _ .. of int ,st tee in) I ini oll ien hth: be 012 atc Me bbl leg the the A Nvii firs !,-e pri vi 1 bec f'0; 11 i at~ rot {avy, but Centre seems to have the m( 4(1-;rmendations mate to the oard of; prospects n 11 BO SNFR H CKEY POPU RTY GOPER HOCKEY SQUA4D biggest place in the campus limelightICARDS RESIGlNS AS rege...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…k., i A y" ii yj S ': i ly :recovered when Chicago "paid- its ! per inced ts hest season. With 73,000 ~I~,, Phi, Theta Delta Chi; 10-10 :30oclock, ( was 2120. Both of the men served visit. Thie Maroons stepped lightly on ftthe Michigan games and no'less tb' 1 fI (5' l Chi Gamma Delta, Alpha Sigmna, Del-f the ball with force and their matchesl Duofol the Buckeye's feet but got~away with "36,000 at any, of its home Big Ten _____ta Upsilon, Delt...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…HE ICHIGAN DAIL\ . s..._._,._.._ OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS LY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN i lication in University. [In M4 the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 D. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 Number 64 I To All Faculty and Staff 11nembers-General Faculty Meeting: There will be a general faculty meeting, at which the attendance of all the members of all the Faculties a...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 1


October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…)oerr P rost ietrng Grzves Views O tdn '122, vice president; Floyd G. Ecklesl rdlttee chairman. '25E, secretary; Howard G. Chamber- ;- - lain, 23E, treasurer; Ivan Clark , '25,! Lose somethiing? A classifie d In, sergeant-at-arms;: Arthur E. Ander- the Daily will find jt.-Adlv. Life, A4rt, Education _ . ..._ Rotb.ev Frost, . who returned to Ann ~Arb~or Wedntesday, and will live here again this year as an honorary. fellow in English, inte...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…UNIOR! L5 Announcement has been made at te-rnity and ailso of the Gun and M3ad'e IMore than 1, 00 copies of Chime's hebi the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity of the club. I "Freshmen Number" were sold on the sale engagement of Miss Emiily Russell of - - campus yesterday whi;ch is the larg- Flint, Michigan, .to Charles A. Walt- Corduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and est sale since the establishment of I(o mnire Jr., '24R.. Mr. .Waltmire is a IC(,.---Adv....…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

… [AL NEWSPAPER OF THE (ERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Monday, University year by the Board in Student Publications. have proved to be something more, substantialthan mere entertainment for upperclassmen. t Aseiber of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Pres is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all. news dispatches credited' to it or not other-' wise credited in this paper and the local news...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…The Illinois delegation to the Amer- ican Legion convention at New Or- leans, 58 strong, will go instructed to support only such candidates for elec- tion openly in favor of the bonus for ex-service men. William Setliff, State Commander Charles W. Schick, and HARTMAN THEATRE Columbus-Oct.20-21 which will include Bloomington's fa- mous "40 and 8" band in its Parisian uniforms, which have attracted great attention because of its snappy ap- pear...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…_ .W........... r ES LISTED RDAY CARD CanVanderilt Hold These Men? Wrestlers' Called. Meet For Today ide Interest "ettles On Yale-Iowa Clash in Eastj MAROON AND PURPLE TO MEETy IN ' 1 GE8T MD1111-WEST dUME saturday will be the first really big d1y of the football year. With the thrill of opening games practically +ver the gridiron world turns to the tenser interest that comes ith the reerand more serious tests of theE nation's reput...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

…tis fall. Lands rand Wellman's understud I Mc dies. d. y, 4 'I ,j '4 I TEAr COMPOSED MAINLY OF NEW M1EN WILL GO INTO GAME 'AT DISADVANTAGE LaFayette, Ind., Oct: 12.-With the first game of the season out of the way, Coach Phelan has turned his at- tention to perfecting his team for thg game with Notre Dame here next Sat- urday. Seven hundred and fifty rooters are planning on coming with the Irish team. The showing of the Boilermakers again...…

October 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volunne 3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1922 Number 17 To University Women: Every woman student expecting to attend the 0. S. U. game, Oct. 21, must be registered in the office of the Dean of Women and pay the chaperonage; fee. Railway tickets will only be sold to women presenting registratio...…

August 13, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

… THE WEATHER FAIR WITH MOONSHINEj TODAY C, 14 p #'ummtr 41P otft t r :4I--atiI14 ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XIII. No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS THE DAILY A GRA VE MISTAKE MADE 1. 2. 3. Swan Song. The Pastime Cycle. The Crucible. (By Arthur Wiuizhrane And so, after a summer of hot days and cool days, of some news and no news, The Summer Michigan Daily re- turns to its...…

August 13, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, k -- ---- .. ., . Mi4, jj4. a 473ttt OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credite...…

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