C, 14 p
otft t r
Swan Song.
The Pastime Cycle.
The Crucible.
(By Arthur Wiuizhrane
And so, after a summer of hot days
and cool days, of some news and no
news, The Summer Michigan Daily re-
turns to its shell, there to remain un-
til another summer shall come. The
last bit of copy. paper has been fed to
the office typewriters and the night
desk has been cleared of the last lit-
tle filler. In the parlance of news-
paperdom, "the sheet's gone to bed."
It has been a wonderful experi-
ment, this attempt to give the Sum-
mer session of Michigan a daily morn-
ing newspaper-a feat which no oth-
er American university has ever tried
to accomplish. The Summer Daily has
sought to give in its columns all the
news of the campus and the city, as
well as sufficient news matter to keep
students in touch with the affairs of
the world outside.
It was an experiment. The form-
ula was hard work, a small staff, but
earnest, and co-operation of faculty
and students. How well the experi-
ment has succeeded-that is for the
third part of the formula to determ-
ine. The three-a-week afternoon
paper of previous summers had grown
too small for the growing Michigan-
and in its place came The Summer
Michigan Daily. May it grow better
and bigger each year!
Back in the time of the barbarian
invasions, it was customary for the
young folks to get into the game of
tearing things down. Walls, towers
and entire cities fell before the on-
slaught of their battering rams.
In the present generation there
seems to be a reversion to this pas-
time. One youngster batters at the
wall of convention, another weilds his
pen in scathing satire, and another
burdens himself with the weighty oc-
cupation of criticism.
These outbursts, which often bring
down the denunciation of our elders
are but figurative return of an old
world pastime. Battering rams are
out of date, but the present genera-
tion has taken very seriously, what
somebody said about the "pen being
mightier than the sword."
College is near its end. Lights are
burning long into the night. Students
are spending long hours over books.
Laboratories are filled with experi-
menters. Moving picture theaters are
almost deserted. The call of exam-
inations is ringing in all ears.
Professors are wiping the sweat
from their brows. Their work is al-
most done. The class discussions are
beginning to lose their freshnes. Stu-
dents are thinking of finals, not ques-
tions and recitations for currying fav-
or with the instructors.
Far away bathers are splashing
merrily in swimming holes and crowd-
ed beaches. Gay young folks are on
pleasure bent in the open country and
the lively city. The student at his
desk thinks of these things, and his
mind wanders far from his books.
But finals are near. To pass or not
to pass-that is the question.
(By Special High Tension Wire)
Washington, Aug. 12.-It was stat-
ed in official circles tonight that the
cabinet headed by President Harding
would be mobilized at once, and hur-
ried to the scene of the street car
strike disorders in Nome Alasak.
The President's yacht, the Mayflow-
er, fitted out with special 16 inch
guns, will be used for the expedi-
tion. It is planned to storm the city,
if necessary, to quell the disorders
which have arisen out of the disagree-
ment between operators and motor-
men because the latter were deprived
of electric fans in their cars.
Mentor Invites 4
Men For Fall
Ohio 'State Battle
Opens Grid
(By Jack Briscoe)
Although little can be said now con-
cerning the probable outcome of the
1922 Michigan football season it is pos-
sible now to give some idea of the
material available and the problems
that confront the coaching staff. Ser-
iously hurt by the graduation of val-
uaple linemen, the team is fortunate in
having left a powerful backfield and
fine ends.
If a fair line can be made of the
plentiful but mediocre material, Mich-
igan will have a team that has an
even chance to win her games, and, if
favored by fortune may be a cham-
Invitations were sent out yesterday
to 47 men to return early for fall
practice which will begin Friday
morning, Sept. 15. Of these men 25
are candidates for line positions, eight
for ends, and 14 are trying out for
places in the backfield. These men
have been instructed to abstain from
smoking and to begin conditioning
themselves for the fall grind by Sept.
1 so that they can begin intensive
training as soon as they arrive at
Ferry field.
George Little Brings New Blood
Headed by Fielding H. Yost, Michi-
gan has a coaching staff that is the
best in years. Although criticized last
fall, when the team seriously hamper-
ed by injuries was defeated, Yost
proved in the latter games even to the
most skeptical that he still knows how
football should be played and what is
more he can impart that knowledge to
the players. A few who always are
down on the losers but strong for the1
same team if a winner, started the
talk in the fall against Yost and the
newspapers picked it up and made thet
most of it, but the majority of the
student body who knew him and real-
ized the difficulties he was up against1
were with him all through.
I George Little will be one of the as-
sitants and his addition to the staff1
brings new blood to Michigan coach-t
ing. He produced championship teams
at Miami where he has been during
the last three years. "Tad" Wieman,
who has been coaching here since he7
graduated two years ago, will also be
on hand and can show the linemen
how he played during his three years
at tackle. Sturznegger, a product of
Nebraska, has been specializing onr
the backfield during his two years of
coaching here and he will come back
for the season again. Then there willf
be the alumni who come back eachc
year to help the coaching staff before
the big games. Archie Hahn, the dim-
inutive trainer, will again be assisted
by "Billy" Fallon in keeping down thec
Center of Line Vacancies Worryc
The greatest problem to be met isc
the filling up of the center of the line.
The graduation of Vick, Captain
Dunne, and Wilson, who were the reg-f
ular center and guards, makes a hole
hard to stop up. For one tackle there
is Stanley Muirhead who made goodc
last year, his first season of college
elect of the 1922 Varsity football
play. For the other position some one
will have to be developed. With Goeb-
el and Kirk back again the ends of
the line are well taken care of and if
these men play up to their last year's
standard Michigan will have a pair of
the best ends in the Conference. Cur-
ran, Neisch, and Keatly substituted in
several games last year and will again
be ready to go in. Galloway, Kreis,
and Murray will also report early to
try out for the flank positions.
Twenty-five of those who will report
for early training are eligible for mid-
dIe line positions and from these Yost
will have to develop a regular tackle,
a pair of guards, and a center. Swan
and Van Orden seem to be the best
looking of the men for guards; the
former was a substitute last year,
while "Van" has been on the squad
for the last two years. VanderVort
looked good on the freshman squad
last-year and from his past perform-
ances seems to have the call on the
others for the tackle berth, but he may
be used as a guard.
Garfield, substitute in 1921, Hindes,
and Tracy, a last year's freshman,
will also stand a good chance for these
berths and Chamberlain, Heath, White
and Steeple, an end from the freshman
squad last year, are available mate-
rial. Jack Blott, Blahnick, and Slaugh-
ter are the most likely looking cen-
ters, the latter two coming from the
freshman squad of last year while the
former played on the freshman team
in 1920.
Spirit and Willingness Essential
Others for these line positions who
have been ordered to report early are
Allen, Avery, Decker, Elliott, Krein-
heder, Martin, Novy, Pyott, Richtor,
Rosatti, and Spencer. On whether
these men show the right kind of spir-
it and have the necessary willingness
to learn depends to a great extent the
success, measured in victories, of the
1922 Varsity.
Six proven backfield men remain
and several others who look good will
be out. If the backfield shows up as
well on the field as on paper there is
none equal to it.
At quarterback there are "Ted"
Banks, Knode, and Uteritz; and Keef-
er of last year's freshmen is trying
out. Uteritz took the helm last fall
when Banks was hurt early in the
season and played his position fully
as well as Banks who was a veteran
of the year before. Knode was played
at half during several games because
of injuries, but is more at home at
Cappon and KIpke, Return
CAppon, chosen on several All-Con-
ference teams last season was put into
the backfield from tackle last fall
when injuries had crippled the oth-
er backs. He made such a sensation
(Continued on Page Four) I
Libel Suit May
A disgruntled faculty member yes-
terday remarked that the newspapers
printed 10 per cent truth and 90 per
cent fiction. He was wrong. Judged
by this issue the latter figure should
have been not more than 89 per cent.
Summer Session Follies Close in Col-
or Blaze and Blare of Union
Editor's Note-The 'Summer Mich-
igan Daily was especially fortunate to
secure the greatly demanded services
of the famous society reporter Ben
Etts to give this vivid portrayal of
the great Summer session climax.
(By Ben Etts)
The silent blackness of the night
was broken by feeble strains of mus-
ic and a blaze of color as the 1923
Summer school J-Hop took place at 7
o'clock last night. Colors that would
put Nature herself to shame flooded
the floor of the Union roof garden
where the hop was given in gobs of
baby blue and pink. Under the var-
iegated lighting effects of the tinsel
decorated Xmas trees which were sus-
pended from the ceiling of the roof
garden, the florid complected gowns
stood out with refreshing relief
against the pastel shaded evening
dress of the male attendants.
Because of the fact that the num-
ber of men in the summer junior class
was so much in excess of the women-
a few home town girls were permitted
to be invited-after all of the wom
in the class had been asked.
Galoshes Flap Syncopation
The outstanding feature of the
gowns this year seemed to be their
pleasing simplicity. The necks of the
sweaters were rounded and rather
high, and it was noticed that there
was an entire absence of hip pockets
on the men's dress suits. Galoshes
seemed to be favored as to footwear
although a few rubbers were seen on
the older folks.
Headdresses formed a necessary
part of many of the costumes. Foun-
tain pens or eversharp pencils were
particularly good, being stuck at an
angle of 45 degrees behind the left
ear. Something new in the line of
head dress was displayed by Miss
Pirkene Packer, of Chicago, who wore
a miniature diamond studed electric
fan over her forehead.
Stars Dot Ceiling
Decorators from Saline have been
busy for days making the roof gard-
en more beautiful than before. Dew-
drops were used extensively on the
walls and stars were placed at irreg-
ular intervals in the ceiling.
Forming a huge double S the 999
couples attending the summer school
JSHop last night paused at the end
of the grand march while an aeroplane
view of the party was taken. After a
deathly pause while every one at-
tempted to move as much as possible,
the camera man gave the signal to
the orchestra and dancing was re-
sumed. The guests tripped merrily
until 9:30 o'clock when a light lunch
was served by Mill and Bert, Chicago
firm of caterers who served a dainty
lunch of graham crackers and milk
Promptly at 10 o'clock there was
a whir and buzz of taxi cabs and the
sleepy but happy hoppers went home
so as to get a short 13 hours sleep.
Before leaving, however, they all join-
ed hands and sang a song which had
been written for the occasion thanking
the dear faculty for their help in mak-
ing Ann Arbor' such a pleasant sum-
mer resort.
an unofficial six week's term,
Summer session, in point of service,
is the oldest head of any university
summer term in the country. Dean
Kraus became connected with the
Summer session in 1908.
Doubling Military Authorities Believe
Troops Nearly
(By Special High Paid Correspondent)
Doubling, Ireland, Aug. 12.-Every-
thing was quiet o the Belfast front
tonight. All troops were reported re-
turning to their homes. Most of the
men stated that they were tired of
fighting. An early settlement of the
Irish problem is predicted by Ter-
rence McSweeney, former lord mayor
of Cork, due to the fact that all of the
factions are in favor of an amicable
No further outbreaks are expected
in the county of Measles and all Brit-
ish troops will be immediately remov-
ed from all parts of the isand.
A Cork tip states that never before
has the Irish situation been more
quiet or seemed nearer an approach
to a settlement.
Excavations about this city have
unearthed populated underground ci-
ties resembling Pompeian discoveries
of the last five decades. With the
passing of the old homesteads of East
University avenue, subterranean pass-
ages extending for miles in and about
the city have come to the eyes of the
archeologists doing the work of mov-
ing the structures.
One on these deep recesses has dis-
closed as many as a hundred or more
or less citizens of Ann Arbor who
have lived here possibly years without
paying taxes. Escaping even the warp-
ed eyes of the LANDLADY,
The colonies have moved to new
homes and it is hoped that they will
choose the league houses that will
best accommodate them. The rats are
doing nicely.
Blue Books to Be Sold at Auction.
An auction sale of all used blue
books will be held immediately fol-
lowing examinations, according to an
announcement made yesterday. Stu-
dents are urged to remain over a few
days in order to avail themselves of
this opportunity.
with an enrollment of 91 in 1894, to
2,803 students and 450 courses in 1922
is, briefly the history of 28 years de-
velopment of the University Summer
At the time of their organization,
the summer courses were not officially
recognized by the University, and the
faculty was paid out of the net pro-
ceeds realized from tuition fees.
A few years later the Board of Re-
gents made the Summer session a
part of the University's academic pro-
gram, providing for an expense bud-
get and faculty salaries.
Enlarged Equipment Necessitafed
In 1908 the increased enrollment
made necessary a second enlargment
of summer facilities. The session was
extended, in that year, from six to
eight weeks, additions were made to
the teaching staff, and new courses
were added.
Each succeeding enrollment has been
consistently larger than its predeces-
sor, with the exception of the ses-
sion of 1911, which saw a slump of
120 over the previous year. The sit-
uation was about parallel with that of
the regular term for that year.
Between 1915 and the present term,
the registration total has nearly
doubled and has been accompanied by
an increase of 100 per cent in the
teaching staff.
Session is Cosmopolitan
In the present session, every state
in the Union is represented by at least
one student, with the exception of
Delaware. Michigan has 1,464 of its
sons and daughters attending Mich-
igan summer courses, Ohio is second
with 234, Illinois third wtih 121 and
Pennsylvania fourth with 112. Twen-
ty-four foreign countries are repre-
sented, with China's 47 delegates hold-
ing first place.
A summary of attendance by states
and countries follows:
Ohio ............................234
Illinois ......................... 121
New York........107
Iowa .........................32
Missouri ........................ 30
W isconsin ....................... 27
West Virginia ................... 21
Kentucky ............... ......19
Minnesota ...................... 19
Massachusetts .................. 17
New Jersey ................... 16
Texas........... 14
District of Columbia............11
Washington ......11
Alabama ...:....................8
North Carolina ...............7
North Dakota'...................7
Arkansas .................... 8 6
(Continued on Page Three)
lfirst Faculty
Paid From
jack pot
Students trom
A 47 States
With this issue The Summer
Michigan Daily ceases publict-