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January 13, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-13

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Corps Inspectors arn ii arifi arvnanl

Eneny Of AliesuA I

with enthusiasm at the inauguration
of hockey as a Varsity sport at the
Coliseum last night a game in which
Michigan netted two goas to onevfor
Wisconsin, but only after two five-
mninute overtime period, had been re-
quired to break the tie which had been
knotted at one all at the end of the
three regular 15 minute periods.
At no time during the 55 minutes of
play was either team sufficiently su-
perior to the other to be given an ad-
vantage. Both showed some brilliant
individual play but the combination
was lacking for the moist part due to
the fact that neither squad has had
more than 10 .days' practice. Thei
Badgers had a more effective combi-'
nation play than the Maize and Blue
but at best it was weak.
Kahn Is Brilliant -
It was the scintillating rushes of
Kahn, veteran Michigan defense man
and of Captain Combacker, Badger
center, that kept the crowd on its
feet, Lindstrom, Wolverine center,,
Comb in goa', and Captain MacDuffy
were the other outstanding perform-
ers of the evening. Fierce scrimmag-
es along the fence which at times were
not untangled for more than a min-
ute, had a tendency to eliminate
flashy open play, but all in all the
terrific speed developed in the game,
sharp collisions, and heavy checking
was a revelation to the. spectators,
many of theni witnessing the sport'
for the first tim#.
Both teams started with a rush and
the puck was worked- from one end
of the rink to the other without eith-
er side gaining any marterial advan-
tage. Shots at thengoal _were few in i
this period, close checking iby the for-
A 1- the disc from going[

Examination schedules for both the All literary college election blanks
literary college and engineering col- for the second semester must be
lege are out. The literary examina- handed in to the proper Committee on
tion programs may be obtained until Elections, Monday to Thursday, Feb.
12:30 o'clock today in the Registrar's 5 to 8.
Freshmen will find the committee to
office, University hall. The engineer- 1 rtheyenreiexpectedhtooreportein
which they are expected to' report in ,
ing examination may be had at the room 206 University hall. Those first
secretary's office of the engineering year students who will continue the
~school. The examination period be- same courses and sections the second
ins Monday, Jan. 29 and continues semester as pursued the first should
until Feb. 8 when the last examinatioat 5 Sophomores will present them-
lug xamiarno maythea. samores and l hesen d m
.Iwill be given. -selves in room 208 University hall and
The literary schedule i as follows: juniors and seniors in the registrar's
Courses holding their meetings at 8 1Ioffice. )
o'clock on Monday will be examined: All elections of botany 1; chemis-
on tle second Monday, 9-12 o'clock; try 1b, 2; physics 1, 2,; zoology 1;
courses at 9 o'clock, first Tuesday, 9- German 1, 2, 3, 4; mathematics C 1,
12 o'clock; at 10 o'clock, second Tues- 1E, 2, 2E; rhetoric 1, 2; French 1, 2,
' day, 9-12 o'clock; at 11 o'clock, first 3, 4; and Spanish 1, 2, 3; whether by
Monday, 9-12 o'clock; at 1 o'clock, freshmen or upperclassmen, must be
second Thursday, 9-12 o'clock; at 2 o'- made through the committee on clas-
Vol. Rufus I. Lane clock, second Wednesday, 9-12 o'- I sification to be found in University
Col. Rufus H. Lane, native of Ohio, clock; and at .3 o'clock second Tues- hall.
has been nominated by President day, 2-5 o'clock. Students are urged to consult mem-
Harding as adjutant and inspector of . Courses meeting for the first time hers of the different departmental
marine corps, with the rank of brig- of the week at 8 o'clock on Tuesday faculties before Jan. 28 if they have
adier general. He has been a marine will have their examinations on the any questions whatever concerning Sheik ul Islam
for thirty years. first Saturday, 9-12 o'clock; at 9 o'- their work because it will be impos- The Sheik ul Islam, cedited with
. clock, first Monday, 2-5 o'clock; at sible to see any instructors during inciting the Moslems to the massacre
10 o'clock, first Thursday, 9-12 o'- the examination period, which will of Armenians during the World war,
clock; at 11 o'clock, second Monday, continue from Jan. 29 for a period of now is a refugee from Constantinople.
m2 -5 o'clock; at 1 o'clock, first Wednes- two weeks. He is in Cairo on his way to be the
day, 9-12 o'clock; at 2 o'clock, first For the benefit of those who are guest of King Hussein in Mecca.
n Friday, 9-12 o'clock; and at 3 o'clock, hazy as to their classification on the
second Wednesday, 2-5 o'clock. campus, special definitions of the
S Examinations at irregular times amount of credits necessary to be-
-- will be taken as follows: French 1 long to each class will be found on
Is Wcll Known as Author, Explorer, (all sections), first Saturday, 2-5 o'- the back of the examination schedule.
Geographer, and Missionary clock ;' Spanish 1 (all sections), first The classification is based upon the
Organizer Saturday, 2-5 o'clock; rhetoric 1 (all amount of credit they possess on Oct.
. sections), first Thursday, 2-5 o'clock; 1. Freshmen are those having less I
PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR TO History 1, la, 1b, first Tuesday, 2-5 o'- than 24 hours credit; sophomores
PROVIDE SPECIAL MUSIC iclock,; economics 1, 46, first Wednes- having from 24 to 53 hours credit,
day, 2-5 o'clock; psychology 7, first inclusive;! juniors having from 54 to Donation Will Be Made When Rest of
Thursday, 2-5 o'clock; and mathe- 87 hours credit, inclusive, and seniors Money for Completion Is
H. K. W. Kumm, who, is conidered matics A, C, 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 51( all sec- having 88 or more hours or those Secured
one of the foremost missionary or- tions), first Friday, 2-5 o'clock. planning definitely to graduate in;
ganizers of the present day,'has been The engineering schedule is as fol- February, June, or August of the cur- OFFICIALS PLAN TO REI)OUBLE
secured as speaker at the service to- lows: Courses holding their first rent year.
be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow eve- meetings at 8 o'clock on Monday will Transfer from one class to the nex+ EFFORTS TO, FINISH PROJECT
nin in Hilaudltorrum under the an be examined on, the second Monday, higher on the b .stif" February
of i h i vrsity serice ao- 8-12 o'clock; courses at 9 o'clock, first grades surely a Prospects for the early completion
spices of the University services com-1 Tuesday, 8-12 o'clock; at 10 o'clock, ,follows: freshmen to sophomores-30 of the Unin swimming pool have be-
mittee-. He has chosen as the subject second Tuesday, 8-12 o'clock; at 11 o'- hours; sophomore to junior-60t
of his talk, "Christian Idealism and clock, first Monday, 8-12 o'clock; at 1 hours; and junior to senior--94 hours. omeas siuce of o mt Unio
_______officials since the announcement lap;t
Some of the World's Needs." o'clock, first Saturday, 2-6 o'clock; at 1 . -
ha s i------f---ife of-------- t0 tha~ 1.


warty seepng it uanigu tO a g to $L ,v Lo lae Pow P 1 b1 ,rooaXu a AyY~
too near the nets Combination play In addition to his work among 2 o'clock, second Wednesday, 8-12 to- --TE TtU milir a h "Th
night; at o'clock second Tuesday, 2- Efund from Mrs. L. W. Oliphant, of of Memel; which is defended by French ups:
was largely Mcking, the players missionaries, Mr. Kumm has gained nu a 4 o'clock, secondsual military activity has The
panyshowing that they were ltnac- . 6 oclock; and at 4 o'clock, second JU LII 1842 Austin avenue. Mrs. Oiphant isbenotcdaKoondherop tisth
Thursday, b8-12tiedao'clock.dth trop tansth
' !plainly ooig httheyr's e ofc-considerable distinction as an explor- d -12 o'clock..Ciag oa ane nnocdatK nanthtrpsaish
customed to each other's style of Thudsno sr.ia former Chicago woman and the on the Memel frontier are being rein- Ic measu
play. er and a geographer. During his'tray- Courses meeting for the first timeWI ITODAY mother of Milo Oliphaot, h24E forced strongly." jurisadict
Varsity Scores First els in the calpacity of missionary or- in the week at 8 o'clock on Tuesday The gift will be presented, accord- The Lithuania legation tonight an- missible
First scoring lionom~. for the game ganizer he has made extensive trips (Oontinued on Page Two) ITeitwl epeetd cod eaintngta
F srg n rhg gi h a d ts r(d P T )Official welcome on behalf of the ing to the agreement written into the nounced it had received a radio mes- present
and the first in the newly organized into the interior of Africa. He is .said student body will be extended the d sage from the foreign office at Kov- officialsI
Western intercollegiate Hockey lea- to have explored many regions in flfl(fl rn U... IlIUi three European students visiting here lge, when additional su- no outlining an official protest by 'ious V1
gue were taken by Michigan when which lie was the first white man 1I II VVLItTunder the auspices: of the Liberal ient to complete the pool have been British and French authorities against eign rig]
Eddie Kahn, taking the puck neashis ever to have been seen. During his P Pclub upon their arrival in Ann Arbor donated to the fund. the action of "Lithuanian partisans that me
own net, rushed down .the right side travels he has acquired a working today Vernon F Hillery, '23, presi- Mrs Oli-phant's gift swells the to- who are attempting to take the city to the t
of the ice, evaded all pposition bye tday VenonF LII fl,'23 t.V3
ofteie vddalopsto yknowledge of Arabic and other East- ,dent of the Stu IL Ident council has a- ta fund to .$0,000 The cost of the; of Memel by force," and its replya- mon
beautiful stick handling and fast ernoeges. oofdnt ahe tue K chunci has stu pool equipped with filtration plant, it suring the protesting powers that th I not by a
s Mr. Kmm is also an author of con- Eointe concltan K. Sct 24 stu- is estimated by Union officials,, would Lithuanian government will exercise
Treadwell for the initial counter 10 IPROVIEFBLiEAYTETB dent councilmman, to act with the ib- "GerI
sideraible note having pub':ished sev- be between $40,000 and $45,000, leav- all the means at its command to pro.SNm
minutowhicafustrb pecthei "en me
minutes after play started. eral books. At present lie is lecturing STATE CONSTITUTIONAL eral club reception cogmittee that $20,000 to $25,000 which must be tect the boundaries from infraction violence
Michigan fought hard for the rest in Yale university. AMENDMENT is making the plans for the entertain She ca
-w ent of tie visitors:- donated befoe the pool will become during the revolt. I ea
of the period to maintain this advan- Special music has been arranged n a realization force, b
tage and it ended Michigan 1, Wiscon~for the serviec under the direction of Discussing one of two bills of ma- The-three Europeans, accoimp nied It is Pointed out that the heaviest 'Tryouts for Gym TezIai to Meet willingt
sin jor importance introduced n the state by John Rothschild, executive secre- burden of the cost lies, not in the All men desiring to try out for the tirllyio
As the team cameo back o. fb ce partment of the School of Music. The houseof representatives Jan. 4 Prof. tary of the National Student Vorunm, i-U carrying
for the second period after a five min- choir of the Presbyterian church will Jesse S Reeves, of the political sci- will stay i Ann Arbor for five days, orate filtration plant which mush e nivert gymnasium "sp
te rest, the Piay ,slowed up percep- also take part in the program.ence department, recently expressed during whicatimeanumber of thea in pt i ust ed to report at Waterman gymnasium ec
reetyeprse uig huntneiumbrofteisale nodr t o finsure tsanta- ens
promptly at 2: 15 o'clock this after-(Iqene
varousgropsntecmpu._wllers wht
tibly for a time, d sl to the terrific - tkmhin,elf as being in disagreement withta various groups on the campus will tion The cost of this unit ot the pool o r a w coersw
Pace of the first period. Anderson andi the anendment as propcped. The bill ;meet them. is estimated at nearly $30,000 Inoon for a workout. A. L. Schultz, e onseiu
Lindistrom played' a strong game for PLAYS PROVE POPULAR under discussion was one which At 7:30 o'clock tonight they will Since the recognition of swimming 26M, Varsity pitcher, will be in ed in t
Michigan, while Johnson and Comr- would prohibit the giving of assist- meet the members of the Cosmopoli- as a Varsity sport and the more re-;chage (C
backer stood out in, the Wisconsin at- Two short one act plays, "The Ex- once to illiterate voters at the polls. ton club, at a meetinig in Lane hall. cent selection of a coach for the
tack. Lindstrom took the puck on the gWk Such a law, if passed, would have This meeting according to a statement swining team, Union officials an-D
face off and spassed to Anderson, who gplhay "Six Who Watch Whle t e ithe effect of depriving illiterates of made by one of the committee mem- nounce that efforts will the redoubled jI1'1e D ramaticJwd.
eluded Johnson, ws st by ay"SixWhesuffrage. bers, is called for the purpose of dis- to secure the balance of the pool
Mokrejs near the Wisconsin net. The Lentils Boil," presented last night in It is Professor Reeves' opinion that; cussing social, economic ,and political fund
Badger returned to center Ice but University hall by the play production "if the purpose of such a proposal aspects of ' the miodern European
lost to Henedrson who went down in class of Pmof. R T. D. Hollister met was to disfranchise illiterates in the movements, with special reference to
combination with MacDuff, who shot with enthusiastic approval from the state of Michigan, this should be ac- ! the possibility of creating an interna-. NEGRO KEPT FROM Much of the amateur vaudeville pre-, car. It
from the left wing but missed. audience. The plays were acted en- 6 complished by a frank and clear tional understanding among the youth HARVARD DORMS sented by college students is sorry en-.tar song
Several rushes by Kahn and' Mac- tirely by women, and were character- amendment of the state constitution" of the world. The Cosmopolitan club' rt
Duff were futile and finally Blodgett, ied by remarkable reading of the This would previde a constitutionai invites all foreign students to be pres- New York, Jan. 13--(By .P.)-Pub- !of vaudeville representing seven dif- IAce
taikng the puck in the scrimmage near lines. The scenery and costuming basis -for a literacy testh- ent at this meeting, and all others who lication of the letter by President fereht fraternities which were givagher a
his own net, made a beautiful rush which were made by members of tie Commenting further on the propos- wish to attend.ILelof Hefend the Utrsg lia, '25,
(Continued on Page Two) clas were harmonious. ; ed legislation, Professor Reeves says, At 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon invprefus, ngpr last night at the Mimes theater were senting
"The supreme courts. of several rooi 302 of the Union, the Liberal iversftybs policy of refusing to permit he fou
stte hve reeaedy el tatInegro students to rooni in freshman frfo en poor. Several act.te ou
H obbs A dvocates Planetesim al were a state constitution provide clubein s dormitories, was followed today by a were really exceptional and would be
guests.A public meeting at 8.oclc prtsbyheNinaascain : and Out
qualifications for the electorate, it is lotest by tme National association fo- presentable on a Keith's circuit. The and spo
____Er__' Bakibeyond the competence of theuuoesdayeenrinu and another met-ralthe Advancement of Colored People, majority of the acts were good. Iny
making authority to disturb thoseasserting that Harvard s putting i- this, the first dramatic tournament The si
qualifications either directly or indi- Iing on Wednesday evening at the Un- to effect the program proclaimed by that the Mines has ever held, acts of ta Kap
In an article published in the Feb- cated by Professor Hobbs, accounts reetly" , tion will give everybody who is iter- the infamous Ku Klux Klan, and its varying nature were given, including eluded s
ruary nunber of the Popular Sciene for the formation of the earth by as- Professor Reeves further expressed apologists". negro comedy skits, singing and talk- Witt Ta
Monty, nm the uesPion ofthecaim suming that what is now its core was himself as being of the belief that no information on what is going on in The association's protest came ing numbers, burlesques, and female by Doug
Monthly, on the question of the con- once a separate body revolving person should be aowed to vote who Europe toda, accordance with the from the pen of its secretary, James impersonations. .
position of the interior of the +aith, around the sun, which in the course does not possess a reading and writ- program of te cl Weldon Johnson, in which he referred Variety Offered Iracofma
in which the theories advanced by of years, gradually attracted other ing knowledge of the English lan- to the letter written by President Zeta Beta Tau fraternity opened ty. The
several noted geologists of the coun- smaller bodies, similar to meteorites, gu kngegOLowell to Roscoe Conklin Bruce, the show with a negro skit, somewhat ed of tw
try are set forth, Prof. William H. which were detached from the sun, -HYDOUYOU prominent negro graduate, whose son similar to the usual type of singing en by C
Hobbs of the geology department ap- and thus slowly built up to its pres- N ECALL CONFERENCE has been excluded from the freshman and talking acts now given on the Green,
pears as one of the leading advocate ent size. .*COAL WON .RJ dormitories. stage. Several songs, interspersed Chi frat
of the "planetesmal" theory of the or Under this theory the earth's heart OF VAL 'R- with some rather clever dancing on The s
igin of the earth. is made up in succession of a solid ..You'll find something suitable, SLIGHT DAMAGE DONE the part of the three persons in the en tonig
This theory assumes that the inter- core, a layer of rock mixed with iron, Cleveland, Jan. 12-(By A.P.)-All whatever it is you need, by ad- IN LIT BUILDING FIRE act, served as an enjoyable curtain diencev
for of tie earth is a rigid mass, com- a mass of almost solid iron, and final- organizations of coal operators in vertising in the Daily Classified --raiser. A mixture of singing, talk- ner ann
posed for the most part of iron and ly the crust on the outside. Volcan- Ohio will be represented at the wage Columns. Many people daily : Slight damage resulted from a fire ing, and a burlesque on Spanish life
rock, as opposed to the other princi- oes are accounted for in the article by scale conference called by presiden imake use of the "Wanted" clas- which broke out at 7:30 o'clock last made up the second number on the
pal theory that the earth's heart is a the fact that during the slow shrink- John L. Lewis of the United Mine night in the foundations of the new lit- bill which was given by the Alpha

German govei'nm
t only financial am
res within the terri
on of the entent
but not-such meas
invasion of troops
which constitutes
olation of Germar
hts. Germany fur
asures against her
reaty can be take
action of the Alhi
ny single power,
Germany Helples
any solemnly pre
against a defensel
nnot. oppose this
t at the same time
o submit to a bre
f peace or to co-
out the French ti
)nsibility for all I
will rest solely o
h made the invas
nces are already
e further fall of
ontinued on Page
ernity T
ended up with se
Impersonations Gi
er impersonation c
nd Mr. Shean" by
and Gordon Rice,
the Sigma Phi fra
rth act. Lionel
lady of this year's
impersonated a
ke and sang in an
ng manner.
xth act was given
a Epsilon fratern
ome eccentric dan
ylor, '25, and seN
las Flood,a'24. T
inied by a three-pi
embers,of the sar
seventh, and last
vo humorous mon
"rosby Rees, '25,
'25, representing
ame performance
;ht when the votes
will be counted ay

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