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December 13, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-13

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1 -.

.. .-, . . . . ,

Publishied every morning except Monday1
duing tu he University year by the Board in
Control of Studer t- Publications.

-~ - I,~ ft s

holders of the two attitudes above
discussed. Campus. performances and
s;tudlent entertainments as a wholej
have the support of The Daily, but
wherever it is felt that adverse criti-
cism may effect some constructive
purpose, The Daily owes its constitu-
ency a duty to express that criticisnm.







j (The Harvard Crimson) j
A profds ;or in jack boots bracing
1. ltt e : x~n~ 7 n- ,,c tnnt ~ ral

10 C IGA9'



It is a source of great and deep joy1

Member of Western, Conferernce Ed torial 1to1us thati we UJhave soii manyt UUVpII
Association. A. CHRISTMAS CONVOCA TION ou ha ehves ayi~~- of a mountain stream and playing a
r Prsidnt arin L.Buxon illad-thizers in our recent bereavement. A atr'out with~ the gusto and skill of a
The Associated Press..is exclusively en- Peidn aro .Butnwila-great'- manyyung 'persons are w2ill resotmnsesams mz-
titled to the use for republication of a)' dress the entire University at a Christ- tu prsa em otaiz
news dispatches credited to it or not other- .Ing to become our staff. Since our'igdsupin o te rpreis
wise credited in this paper and the localmas convocation 'Thursday morning, statementruofiyesterday prpprcaties.-
news published therein. Ti is the first time in two yearshae d te Scarcely less stai'tlhi~is tlhe di, ov-i
This loddth ffc. eare ('x- ie famme ftef uv e
that such an event has been held, and crcai ihpesr n gt r famme fefcly dep
Etrdat the postoffice at Ann Arbor, annocucie ih"laueao 1' t
1iIiaaseodcasmte.the student who in the 'past has at-ita llapiatosein a t~zilzmurde.sl9I-V ur a 4schol-
Sbcitobycarrier or mail, $3 3o. tended one of these meetings knows ar of the classics telllig- after-d!inner
Offices; Ann Arbor Press Building, May- hung on the Hook. ~~iihtea-tnrcno
card Street~. the value of any message the Presi-'* i*stoi-ts, nt.,«)cite-itnrcno
Phones: Editorial, 24i4 and 176-M; tiusi- dent will choose to leave with the help lughing.
nles, g6o. DA A- - ol Iietpf Istudent body over vacation. DER ALGUA: twultI"Fl' ~ ~rfessores ' e inl lazrge
Communications not. to exceed Soo words Convocation is practically the only ecm yorsaf Ihveadn nr- Wathi'suetS ak
if signed, the signature not necessarily to Sa''eteinea a neasc
appear i print, but as an eviden:ce of faith, means now in existence by which' the 1tiftxpriece. - . -asonc e menl i'WQ t~a~lh sfnUt
and notices of events --ill be published in entire student body may be brought; ond class boy scot 1)0, you , ot be pedantic pedabgi ST: they "-always -
th al ttedsrto fte dioi hn ewl ulfeleft at or mai:led to The Daily office. LTn. 'into immediate contact with, the tikm elqaiid have been anld will ciie so. The
signed communications will receive' no son- rsietQSc meigsmkefrABNER B.-BUMBOTTOM. chiilld'stutor twa S so- iniunlian as to
sidei'ation. N o manuscript will be returned Prsdet Sc mein arIo
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily solidarity among the Students, and a i call him from his play to books; and
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments better understanding between the Stu- D EAR CALIGULA: I can fabricate the child persisting; later finds Is
expressed in the communications.
___________________dnsanal their executives. New mendlcospns n elquaiidt professor inhuman. This notion is
.,. aXL~iAI~ nd wculen onl tle campus become, become your staff. Just now I. thinkk the sc;hool-boy's heritage and is so
I -ttex- acqiuainted with the ideals of,- of one concerning the name ralstaff, ! strong tlhat when en attempt is made
- Telepllaitaney,24E11 and 17I6. the Universty through attendance at but I won't tell it to you unless you: to popularize: a course, when the pro-
these meeings, and upperclassmen let me be your. staff, so there! fessor tries to escape the mou'd the
MANAINGBEDTORf assimilate them again with greater' DELIA DUMPLING. studcltnt tes upon himi,lhe is criti -t
avidity..I* cited as sugar-coating a pill which is
News Editor ................Paul Watzel Special significance is attached to D EAR CAL: I wanna try out for preferred bitter, as. feebly trying to1
p~i~n ity Editor ..... .. .ae. rongi the Convocation tomorrow because of your new staff. I can write swell curry the students favor.
hEditorial Board Chairman .....I;. R. Meiss the approaching vacation during; poetry, delicious prose. etc. The college undergraduate at times
WiltEios.which time we shall-be separated from YOURS TRULY. begins faintly to ssetta hl~
Ralph Byers, a Haty I HoAnAbrenyerevrnsfra Hr s ape:s4ec htIhl
J. P. Dawson, Jr- J .Mc nnAbradhreniosfra.lPS: eei ape professor must be a prof esstw %ithe4
H. J -esdo j.C Mrat most three weeks. Every Michigan; Poetryj class-room he may be a man outside.f
Sports Editor............F. H. mcPii.eI student will want to hear whateverj I hate the telephone-- This secret is whispered about like a''
Sunday Magazine Editor ......Delbert Clar: message PeietBrondsrsubt ig olu.itU
Wome's 7Editor ............Marion Koch bit Presidend'lBadrheardesceetiusll
Humor Editor ..._..........,Donald Coniey to take home. Besides, a large attend-I And o'er my spirit - by niy. Orne of the few chances the
Conference Editor..........11i. B. 'ruiidyi
PictorialEdtr......R et Tarr ance at this convocation wi'_l clearly Itcssa}cod r' r~~es o"oeot"i h c
MiC-Eir.........ZH.Alsreflect to the Regents- the attitude of; Prose cas i(54of the University teas. Last
Assistants the student body in desiring to rein- jI was walking across th cnipus year it'is reported that one F'reshma~n
Thema ndiews Jon Grlighos .state the old custom of monthly con- Ithe oft'er day and I ssaw tize funl-. stra , d ;into9 one of these parties and
Dorothry Bennetts Part!3 Goulder vocation; niest thing. It was a girl wt a tre -proMptly flu- whlen he disc vcied th3
llauricn Berman Franklin I. Hepburn
I:... :lington Winona A. Hubbard boots on and her boots got all taingled "ogres' or the Classroom" assembled.
Wl. 1,% 'utler lEdward J. Higgins WORTHY OF EXPERT ADIC up in some chewing gum. Gee,-Ilhad Thir i- 'ae tdnts fro' 'd
If. C. Clark - Lowellheirr ilt , rdut unsim ao
A\. Ii. Connable Simuel Moore The Zoning ordinance oni which the to laugh. attended and are saidl to have enjoy-
Bendtt oe d . ro 'f*el themselves, _while the few law stu--
EvelynO 1. Coughlin W. B.. Rafferty City Council has been .working for the
W1allace F. Elliott Robert G. Rimscy past two .months ought to be ready WHILE AS A colyumi we have al- dents present' hung disconsolately
Joseph Epstein J. W. Ruwitch bu h e.pt'Btwt h e~
Maxwell Fead W. H. Stoneman for popular approval by the first of ways, considered picking allainerican abotteta9t u ihtenw
Isebel 'Fisher Frederic G. Telmos the new year. And, while the ordi- elevens in the class of activities spreading that Sunday teas in certain
1,;. E. FsebP.I',. Wagner -wihicue rtn oeltest r
A . P. Wehbin< na-Ree in its final form will undoubted- whc nldswiiglv etr ofamoaus homes are very pleasant a--
BUSNES STFFly represent one of the most impor.' movie actorines, yet the following se- fairs mnore undergraduates may take
Telephone 900 tant pieces of local legislation ever = lcrction, chosen, says the contrib, by advantage of the professors' "comning
_ ___ enacted, the services of an expert3 the late DJr. Lovell in collusion with out"parties at the Union.
BUSINESS MANA-GER have not been secured in drawing it 'Wrlter Scamnp appeals to us.
ALBERT J. PARKER up. This appears to be rather an, in, ter Scamip UPappas to us. S3TAY WITH IT OIl FlUN~K
Adetsn.......Jh .IaeJ.discriminate exercise of economy, es- R. E.-Tube of Colgate- (The F~~l Illini)
Advertising ........ ...". ..hard F. Conlin pee ally in view of the importance to R. T.-Stick of Willias Stt with it orfiank (,cee the
Advertising........Walter' K.' Scherer the city of an effective zoning. ordl- R. G--Falls of Niagara -
Accounts .........aurcnce I1I. Favrot!UnvriySatintscio
Circulation ...........David J. M. Park ilRance,. and the high degree of special- C.--wiener of Texas Uganesityienatesan ithvaat
Publication..........L. Beaumont,- Parks ization which the 'work - entails. 1L. G.-Gang ot Tufts imcussatr he.fatsve
-Assistants Zoning is a phase of city planningr L.'_=Lock of, Yale wwek;.J~egixiniitg >t uct N.zz~ester,
Townsend H. Wolfe Alfrcd M. White i..
Kenneth Seick Win. Li, Roesser ignored in this country until a /-few1 L. E.--Purchase of Louisiana ~I suet h hog elc rlc
George Rockwood Allan S. Morton !years ago, but prevalent in Europe for RH.H-Off of Centre I of abilli have become seriously de-
Perry ii., Hayden ,lamles A. Dryer ;3
Eugene L,. Dunne Wrn. H. Good more than' a century. It constitutes L~. H.-District of Columbia 1
Wit. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman dividing, the city into certain sections F. B.--Waters of Navy I icienit in a course, will have either to,
John C. Haslkin A. Hart-well, Jr.; continue it to the end of the semester
,~e \Ld J. Blumenthal ea.c~h mutually -exclusive of the othi- - B.-Banks of Wabash. - or to drop it with a semester grade
c. L.Putnam H-oward H-ayden ers; andy each for the most part r Sbsiuts-et:f igin a o . olngrma h q erke
E: . D. rinantrout W. K, Kidder SbtttsWs fVrI co Etologrmahhe-'terke
H. W. Cooper -lenryFreud stricted to buildings of a certain drat of Notre Dame-1hiavrg be wtr wtou
W'allace l LweVr Herbert P' BostwickD..
r i«. B Ii al~e L. Pierce class. A zone is created for high D.K YU.'P working to do so.
---.1i T1.I class residences, one for commercial 1 *,Den - lz s <lac i tl1U1JtUr
establishments, anothier for factories, How Thoughtful, How Courtetius cti n ti e '' 4 f
=- and so' on. In eatch zone certain i "Although the talk is to be given i '} z. e

:: A T :- :




Anan A-bor and Jackson
(Easterni Stan datrd Time)
Detroit ,Limnited and Express Cars"
6 :oo a.mn., 7 :0o a.nb., 8 :oe a.m., g:o5
a.m. and hourly fo 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops-
west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.mn., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.m.
aaid every two hours to 9 :oo p. in.,
1 i :oo p.mn, To Ypsilanti only-itr :40
p.mi., .i1:15 a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bl.and-7 :50 a.mn.,
12:1o P.111'
To, Jackson and Kalamazoo-LI in.
ited ears 8;'47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:.47,
To Jackson and Lansing-Liniited at
8:47 pi..
1922 D)ECEM~LBER 1922
1 -2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1011) - 12 13 14-14 16
17 1S 19 24) 21 22 23 12 7 2 9 3
We have, just made up some
very Snappy. Hats for the,
Holiday Trade. Step in and
look them over.!
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Street .Phonle 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)I

4, I



Our Line of Skating Equipment
is Complete





711. University Ave. Next to Arcade Theatre,

House. Managers:

During vacation is the thie
have. that plumbing work done.



Schedi:!-e in 'Effect October i8, 1922
D Central Time (Slow Time)
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7-'45.. Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
t.1i5 8:1 .:. Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
4:3,o 8:3-o... Clinton .... :2:oo 8:oo
53:'5 9:15 . Saline ... i z : 7:15
5:45 9:45 Ar Ann A\rborLv. 10:45 b:45
(Court He,-.:e Square) A. M.
D-Daily, X-Daily except Sundays
and Hlolidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1 :45. leaves
Annl Arbor 4:45.
J,,\4ES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
nho~r.: 426-M Ad;rian, Mich.

If the heating'. plant at the house,
or the water system is not 1utic-
tion ing properly,

Phone 525



Lost Something? Let a "Daily't
!tied ad fired it for you.-Adv.,


2j 1S._ FOURTH

shone c525

1 1....1x

=rr.~ . e""rrrr

____________ ___- building restrictions exist.
WVED}NESDAY, DECEFMBER !"El;1"2:r F But the scope of zoning, is broadler
Nigh Edtor-. J HERHDOFERthan this. The needs of the city in
N___litEditor-L._J.__________ _ the future must be taken into consid-
erto RTCS NTEIALr eration as well as its requirements of!
CRIICIM I TH l)1LX the present day, which implies spe-
A most unfortunate difference of , ulation based on scientific facts andC

Spanish, it will be delivered n such '
cou rs 10a1lon asthef rae>asst
a manner as to enable all S atpitsh..- f fiez tff&cpe I
students to understand it.".-otwe Tergaetre.g l
* * * OOD. habietida-l- deSnt:--rhas h ln de t-:
' tni~ftb t v'''lte~er '~ill power' the

TIP Tj wr : of .+ fthigan 'Must r'"

WHOM V!IS TISzPete Bag Alfred


tug u;): *

c ,Gon wiun which ThenoDaily is forced
constantly to contend may b3 four d
in the two opposite attitudes held on
the campus in regard to the criticism;-
of concerts, plays, or other public

not mere guess work. IThe, beauty of
certain sections of the city must be
maintained, but 'not by degrading oth-
er 'sections. These factors make the
drawing Up) of a zoning ordinance ac-*
ceptable to the entire populace, yet;:x


Performances in Ann Arbor.; designated to meet the needs for
The holders of one theory believe 1 which the works was undertaken a*
that The Daily should devote its col-1 task requiring special ability and I
umns as advertising matter for the experienca,
performances in question, lauding any Our pose is -not to decry anything*
wvorthy qualities which they may have, the Council has done in its tireless' *
an11d generously overlooking defects in; effort to zone the city. But merely to
'order to avoid the hurling (if feelings, suggest the advisability of hiring an
and to make. everyone feel good. They expeit to aid in completing the work,E
are especialy insistent upon this in- or, at ?east, to test the ordinance in its I
retard to student p'oductions or en- final form. It seems false economy
terprises, feeling that it is unfair to for the city to carry out such a mo-
pick flaws in the work of 'an amateur' mentous undertaking practical'y un.
whlo is trying his hardest, and onl the # aided. rG

Mne 0of firin)
Xnmas is soon to be aniong u.
It seems our inme tnd that of Mary
arden were linhked in conjunction,
,. it were, and hurled from l tle''pl-
4t of a prominent church Snuday.

qfiitter has happened to pick up). It I
has allowed his average to belie his
ability. But now hie will have at
chance to improve.
The new ruling 'was passed to atf
Ject only those students whose grades
are low througn their own willful
neglect or because of their in ability
to prass the course, however. Sickness'
or other conditions that make it im-
piossible f,-r the stulenat to continue
in a course will, of course, have di"-
ferent bearing on the case.
Cont aryto the - idea cnemighit gryt
from r i fflynmember's rec~ent an-1
swrer th : i su lnt'~ question, the with- -
drawal ruling was 'not. pc;s d to prc-I
vent the ilnivei-s~1y's being cheated
out of din E. The case referred to, in-I
cidentally, was a bit unusumal. The
student was cal-rvang an unusually
heavy Course and was c andiclate for a
campus honor. One of his t -o~ hour
cours~s he could" have carriedr the
next semester wOth no di ;clva nta e-,.
Yet when lie asked this facu'ty memn-
ber's permission to dr-in it, the faculty
member' turned Shylock and mnadb the *
refreshingly naive rep'ly that t he T-
versity must not be cheated out oft
Foi tunately, the personnel of the
University Senate is a broader minded
group of men. They ha«ve acted in the
best interest of the students, and the
students will benefit by the(ir ruling.
We 'wroider how,. the b'is Cpeple
will appreciate tee 'Victors" v,v'hen


Weare listing
several articles
tical gifts.

below, as suggestions to aid_ you in. your Christmas "shopping,
from our store', which would make most appropriate. and prac-

boo ristmas

"Ii end Out" scores are certain to please -the folks at home, apd' as you. will
Le able to buy them in Ann Arbor only, be sure to get yours -before leaving-
l~ iday. We have the exclusive sale on State Street.
fho, to, he~c s te Mchi~nSong Book, "Midhigan's Favorite College
Soings," which we publish, which you will be able to buy onily in Ann Arbor.

whiole perhaps doing commendably' -__-_
well. An example of this attitude ap- A BASKETBALL PROGRAM
gea-red in a commnunication to Thej At the football games an appreci-
Daily, printed yester-day, which de- g ated convenience is afforded specta-
plored certain adverse criticism ex- tors when they are provided with pro-
pressed in reviews of the Union' grams containing the line-up, the
Opera and on the grounds that it was names, and playineg positions of ther
1; ungrateful to the boys whose work players on both teams. At baseball
shows days and weeks of 'honest to games fans are also supplied with
God' hard work and training", score cards.
On the other hand a completely op- Spectators at basketball games
posing view is held by not a few indt- played in An Arbor are not sup-
viduals. of the University body. They plied with programs of any sort, andj.
assert that The Daily is too favora- must guess the names of the. players,
bily inclined towards any campus en-, or depend upon the information which'
terprise, whereas if it is to fulfill its someone sitting near them may be-
office correctly, it must depart from able to supply.
its too mild criticisms and delve into; The fan who kiens "hostedl" .n 04h


Among other* disc; ct=:;e gifts'; which you may

select at our store are:

"Alfred," says Sargent, "is a prof
because hie steams and potters around
and emts hot air."-
"Is thi, a new joke?" we asked him.
"I'm a former humor editor,-" he re-
.-Trod. "and know nothing about new

Records of Michigan Songs
Red Seal Victor Records
Victor Dance Records

Gibson Mandolins
Gibson Tenor' Banjos'
Gibson Guitars

Popular Sheet Music

"Melly Clistmus."
-"Bleatinga, bleatings."

Music Books


Saxophones .'
IMusic Baggs and Rolls

every flaw wvithout the least semblance
of rmercy.
Thiere can be no denying of the
faict that The Daily as a newspaper is
a public organ, and owes a duty to the
camnpus to place, facts before it. Al-
so, The Daily is, not a detective agen-
cy, aind accordingly can hardly be
expected to direct special efforts. to-
wards carrying adverse criticism se-
cretly, to the object of the- critici.-a in
order thlat it iay gain no undesir-able
publicity. But, on the other hand,
Th e Daily dCor's not care to iriticize
merely to 1,e enrv'ina an rrnin

- ------ --* _____----- the Union orchestra tours Europe.
team, knows the players through see- I.RV,4R)IAN LITERARY C'LASS -- - - - -
ing them in previous contests or HOLD1S BUSINESS 3W1 ] 1IN G' -Thei q,..-thme Gargoyle .staff, la ughs
through seeing their pictures but the - hi f ed h agyei ml
average fan has no such supply of in- Poor attendance but much en t,,- -P6~la-ti od aaie
formation. For hinm a program con, - iris fea'urecl the m1eeting oithe, f*s-
taining this inforniation would en-;"manl e~- casyetry x "~~<-.-~
fiane hi enjymen of he :tural $ciecuce auditorium. Th1110 N '- "C'ountthe Days" isth~e name of a
hac i nomn ftegame to;in,:was fr hemtpos o luar-sn. -But "ve (lon't"'have to
a considerable extent, and need not - - vafo h pros fr4.> n g
money for the theater dap'la e but, a,=be l th --- - -
add to the expense of his seeing thetathdlrdy entkncaeo
ga-nme, since the cost of the progirams' by the class officers, it resolved, into a 0R~',(.NTTIONS W[LL PRESENT
would be easily covered by the a-dyer-; business meeting. Class dues were ('HIISTMAS TREES TO PA1TIENTS
tising they would contain,. collected and Hubert Struthers,. '?&,;
-was appointed chairman of the pjublic-' According to a long established cuts-
DrtU. Sink rports t~hat our viin is ations committee, tor, the fraternities and sororities andl
on ho 00 IT~~(~Tffl1Cfll-i 1hin,1,4+ - --____other fVorzaized han-l I n ~zr~.thn ,-',mni



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