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May 13, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-13

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Deficient Secondary School *"iOR- |AKINIe
Education Causes Failures A limb, a cudgel, or a bean-
pole, you can find them all.
F --Senior medical students carry all j
Profssor elivers Series of "The average freshman is inade- dents to take their work more serious- , varieties of stcks as senior
L'etures o American Psychology quately prepared to meet the stand- ly, though by no means do they take cas. is re ar' g rauting
at Paris ard requted by the University be- their work as seriously as in the days ayclaw is reviving the custom of
cause of a deficient secondary school when education was only for the weal- k many years ago and carrying
LECTURE TOUR L PROBABLY training." declared Prof William G. thy. The paradox is evident,-when home-made walking stick.s s
BE CONTINUED THRU ENGLAND Smeaton,' of the chemistry depart- only wealthy "spendthrifts" attended Ec me f th las has
ment, in a recent interview. Profes- college, the amount of studying done gone to the forest with his tiys-
sor Smeaton was chairman of the sub- was greater than today, when a col- ty hatchet, hewn dwn a husky
Recent communications and letters committee appointed by Dean John R. lege educration is no longer beyond: oak, and carved it to the proper
have been received from Prof. Walter Effinger last spring to investigate the the reach of the majority. shape for a watlkindg support.
B. Pillsbury of the psychology de- causes of freshman failures. He stata These causes, together with a ten- I The ca re tnadorne
artment, who Is lecturing in France ed that in his opinion too little care dency to neglect study for outside wihs hemaed s of the s I
is being given to the student's train- activities, are believed by Professor various members of the class.
this year, by Prof. Charles E. Griffitts ng during his high school career. In Smeaton to constitute. some of the
of the psychology department and numerous instances the funds at the main causes for failure among fresh-
Adelbert Ford, also of the psychology command of a small high school are man students.
department. entirely Inadequate, and therefore the - PA EISGRETST
Prof. Pillsbury hps.been absent on school board is forced to engage inf ill.. ,e,.snutt ..mlat
leave from the Universaty this year in competent teachers. Again, when
order that he might take up his lev- there is a scarcity of teachers in one
ture tour in France. He has been lec- department, often., a man or woman U VI C T
turing at many French universities teaching in another department is
and coliegs throughout France, and drafted to fill the first position, des- U U L UIILJ Prague is the greatest university
it is possible that he may continue his pite the fact that the teacher's train- center in the world. It is estimated |
lecture tour Into England in the early ing and ability do not lie in'that direc- I believe that more can be done to that no fewer than 27,000 students of
part of June. tion. promote a good international relation- full university rank and time are
The main and most important lee- Speaking of the present agitation for ship among the nations of the world gathered in the old medieval city. For
tures have been given by Prof. Pills- separate trade and literary schools through wholesome competition in ath- r e om i ity
bury at the University of Paris, which for high school students, Professor purposes ofhcomoarthrnghtnmayobetiaod
is located in the Latin Quarter of Par- Smeaton stated that the plan has prov- letics than through any other means that there are probably not exceeding
is, the distrit sometimes known as ed successful in Europe, and there is of which I am aware" said Captain In- 20,000 university students of full uni-
toirbnoro where he has ees lee- no reason why it should not work man Sealby, '12L, during his visit versity time and rank in the whole of
turfg for some time. In his last letter out well in this country. People are Monday and Tuesday in Ann Arbor New York City. Prague has not mere-
to Mr Ford, he states that he is about too well satisfied now that "practical" ly the Czech university, named after
to begin a new series of lectures on the Emperor Charles, but the German
in the schools, while the literary side Captan Sealby was a great favorite Ferdinand University, a German and
which will be delivered in French as of the student's education suffers ac- among' faculty members, being then' a Czech Institute of Technology, an
all Prof Pillsbury's lectures have been cordingly. He believes in separate middle-aged, and was interested in ac- Agricultural Institute and a commer- I
tiven. While in France. Prof. Pills- igh sch ls, as described, to accom- tivities, especially the Student Coun- cial university, and, finally, a Rus-
bury gained favor with French stu- modate the two types of students ci 1of which he was president. sian and a Ukrainian university, all
dents perhaps largely through his first whose inclinations lie in different di- In advocating the participation in carried upon the national budget. The
publication,.a book on the psychology rections. games by the different nations, Cap- two latte rare composed of profes-
of "attent n which was first printed In response to a question concern- tarn Sealby recommended track meets sors and students, refugees from the
in PFrench and later in English and ing the effect of the war on students, and boat racing as the best sportsI Bolshevist tyranny.
Spanish. Prof. Pillsbury has a rep- since they are the most common in-'
utation as being one of the foremost1ternationa sports.
psychologists in that particular rfie -rIn speaking of the religious situa-
today .i ,AD N IU T n s e ki g o h ei io s st a U LE E G A S W N E
.o. Pla LiU tion, he said that the charge that,
nrof. Pillsbury will resume his ac- "the people of Continental Europe were
tivities at the University next fall. not religious was false, as nearly one
it is expected that he will return from half of Sunday was spent by the aver- -_____
his lecture tour by the latter part of age European family in religious ob-
this coming summer. SENATE CQM1MITTEE 1 E A R servance. Religious worship is general Officials of the Standard Oil com-
WANTS OF MICiIGA', LUMb among nearly all families there, ac- pany of New York have recently an-
D TTALKS ON BER DSTRICTS cording to his belief, and that un- nounced that they will require a few
STUDENT NIusual interest in this vital thing of! college graduates for their foreign
{A$QUS LECTUJRE' . A~f cannot be eliminated, and must service before July. The duties o
[ W have a place here on the campus, as
ore 3000 nn and womnn -Sitting in the heart of the once fam- well as in all parts of the world. Even these .poition5 range from office
have ben enbled to go through col- ous Saginaw valley timber region, the worst sea-faring men as a rule work and sales management up to the
lege on the proceeds from delveri ebers of the U. S. Senatorial re- are Christians and are truly relig- organization and development of
og R. H. Cornells' talk on "Acre'srof forestration committee were told that I ans,. agencies. Owing to the nature of
fHAi additional federal and state ld for duties in the tropics and is partly
Diamonds," according to Aubry flob- fin additection and in adequate reduc-7 civilized countries applicants can or-
rest. '23Ed, who gave extracts from iroen rtetion a n i cutOver lands, lies SredduIl ss dinarily only be conidered from A-
the famous lecture Wednesday nightIuterl ie- Srion bee n age o Am-
in Lane hall. It is estimated that Mr. the only hope of reluSbng chliants must nBe un2arried al-
Conwell has given the talk nearly gan's idle acres. -h"ta though their is no objection to mar-
6000 times and that approximately- The hearing before the committe!
000O piesons ha hprdxIat y :was attended by grizzled lumbermen : Student illness is on the decrease : riage after the employe returns home
,~000,000 persons have heard i. res according to the Health service re- on his first furlough.
According to Mr. Roberts, Mr. Con-' who have seen millios of acres of 1port for April, showing that there No previous business experience is
army ande a present an Btst mU - wood. They were divided in their were 641 fewer cases of illness during necessary and it is not required that
inter in Philadelphia, first heard the opinions as to how much aid will be the past month than during the same applicants be able to speak any for-
sistrc of Phi alk, firm anArard ecessary to bring Michigan back as a moth a year ago. There were 3,1.07 eign language although if accepted
subject of his talk from an Arat lumber state cases during the past month and 3, 74S they will be required to learn the
Hol land. whilen tto th u The committee evidenced a lively in- in April last year. - speech of the country to which they
yhe made it his life work to b tl terest in th Sargent reforestation More illnesses were due o respira- are assigned. When assigned to their
aw nentedtbthe Mgan egrsla-ooltory infections, such as colds and oth- foreign positions employes will re-
moral of the story to as many people law, enacted by the Michigan legisa- drs, than to any other cause, 40 being ceive in native currency an equiva-
as possible. ture just adjourne lit fall due to this. In April last yea, 452 lent of 200 in United States gold per
It provides for the aboli o similar cases were recorded. Ninety- month. After one year of service em-
PIONEER CLUB TO MEET advaloren tax laws on'land being de- nine infirmary patients were cared forta
AIONERueTMEET voted to reforestration.r an at th Hieoys become eligible to partici-
of rforetraton ws moth.pate in te company's plan for an-
:-.__ _....rrr..,_..... .A. uniquean,7 ilplann P

Eplosive Expert Lauds Use
Of Surplus War Materia

tie ex-
th.., x- Maiuiani rei's Unravel T
re now iimplicated I'rocess
rh no In Fao

Salvage and utilization of surplus
war materials has been a great eco-
nomic benefit, according to Dr. Charles
F. Munroe, chief explosive chemist of_
the Bureau of Mines. Government
agencies have distributed for their own
! and supervized uses during the past
four years many millions of pounds
of explosives as compared to none be-
fore. a
Such agencies include the Bureau
of Public'Roads, Reclamation service,
Indian service, and the National
parks. Thousands of pounds of ex-s
plosives have been used to construct
the government railroad in Alaska,
in the Canal Zone work and in num-
erous river enterprises.
"Many benefits can be derived from
the use of these explosives in highway
construction and repairing, in ditch-
digging, in drainage work, and in land{
- clearing," said Dr. Munroe. "Event-.E
ually there will be an increasing (e-
mand for explosives as labor savers.
Consumption is expected to go far be-
yond present work. Using explosives
once will lead to a greater demand

for them ond will increase
plosive industry in the country
Surplus war explosives a
being distributed throughout tl
try. Dr. Munroe made a repoi
Bureau of Mines in which he
"The use of these surplus ex
in industrial blasting seems n<
an obvious means for their eco
utilization, but it was by nm

rt to the
ow t'o be
o means.

New York,. May 12. By
business of life, at least t

so obvious whIen first proposed follow- of it having to do with the man
ing the armistice. Authorities differed i
turep sale, and use of material t}

widely in their opinion on the matter.;
Those who believed that military ex-,
plosives were unsuitable for indus-°
trial blasting could point to the well[
known fact that although the explos-'
ive properties of substances such as
picric acid and T. N.. T., had been
known for years prior to the war, yet!
they had not entered into use as in-;
dustrial blasting agents. Investiga-z
tion had to be resorted to as a means
of determining the facts, and the
larger part of the allotments made
have been used in industrial blasting.
on- a great variety of projects with
entire acceptance."
One interesting feature is in the
case of agriculture investigations.
Estimates of the U. S. Soil Survey
showed that, when lands were cleared
of stumps and reclaimed; the upper
Mississippi river states alone would
increase in value more than $1,000,000,-
fwa' Th ii. is iiow c ug arrie

has become so complicated in recen
years that more than 200 national in
dustrial associatioas and governmen
departments arc now engaged in a co
operative effort to straighten out tho
tangle. The straightening process ha
taken the form of simplification, unifil
cation, and standardization - of raw
materials, of manufacturing processe
and of finished products.
The far reaching proportion thi
work. assumed during 1922 is reveale
i the year book of the American En
ginecrig Standards Committee,
federation oK the industrial, technical
social, and governmeWtal agencies en
gaged i national standardization
work. 'ihe projects under way rang
Rom standardization of the propo-
insof bolts, 'nuts, and rivets to th11
standardization of the dimensionsA C
motion picture films; from standardi
zation of the methods of testing ante
mobilo headlights to standardization
of methods of testing wood, steel, o
portland cement; from standardizatio:
,i methods of sampling coal and cok
to the standiardization of the method
r testing cotton fabrics; from th
tandardization of rules concernin
electricity meters to standardizatio
of the manner in which telegraph, tel
ephone, and other electric wires Gros
each other at overhead intersection
on the streets and roads of the Unite
States. In all, more than 120 such prc
jects have been completed o. are no'
under waY.

U". its workr is now en are
Detroit, May 17. by A.P.-Promi- on as a result of the distribution of
nent authors and educators are listed explosives ordered by congress.-
among the speakers for the twenty-
third annual convention of the Ameri- PRIZES OFFERED
can Booksellers' Association, to be . F ESAY CON e
held here May 14 to 17, inclusive. I SAYC N ET
Among the authors expected are Fan-
nie Hurst and Irving Batchelor. Many studcnts interested in thV,
A large part of the convention time prize essay ,ontest which is being
will be taken up with entertainment held by the Intercollegiate Zionist so-
features. A trip will be made ,to Wind-: ciety of the Unfversity of Michiga'n
sor May 18, after the close of the local { Fifty dollars in prizes have been of-
convention, to attend the annual meet- fered for the three best essays deal-
ing of Canadian booksellers. ing with any phase of Zionism.
Among the speakers during the var- The contest is open to 'all under-
ious business and dinner meetings will : graduates of the University. The es-
be Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris, Si- says should not contain less than 2,000
mon L. Nye of Washington, president words and not more than 3,000 words.
of the Association; Frank Cody, sup- All papers should be typewritten and
erintendent of Detroit's schools, and bear.an assurned name. Essays and
Edgar A. Guest, the Detroit poet. communications should be sent to the
Contest Chairman. care of 0etroit Jew-


A >7 inltment of Clarenace Sndr
)Jaily Exchange ish Chronicle, -on or before May 20 A
The names of, the judges of the con- the Varsity Laundry Co., Geor
Files Include 40 -test will be announced at a later date. Burkc, of the law firm of Cavanang
Colsanl Burk , and John Swisher, pr
_Tr r nprictor of the Swisher Grocery coi
C'ollege andmetropolitan newspa.L pany, to the new board of police cor
g dm ptp~missioners was announced by May
pers from all sections of the country George E. Lewis recently. Snyd
may be found on the exchange rack Indiana. Purdue, and Ohio State will serve for one year, Burke f
in the Daily office. Exchanges are universities have combined to form u two and Swishgr for three years. T
made with more than 40 papers, most an udebates etween these schools agu board was sanctioied by the voters
of which are college publications. the la-t election.
College newspapers from the west be held nextafrmtion of this league Other appointments include Re
and southwest include the universities Indiana has withdrawn from the In -Granger as city treasurer; ose
of California, Washington, Lregon, Le- gy eC Bonisteel as city attorney; Edw
land Stanford, Texas, Kansas, Okla- ference league will be of greater ben- Schmidt to the board of fire comm
Noma, Utah and Idaho. From the efit to the university. Indiana was sioners; Levi D. Wines to the boa
i south and east come the publications tied with Notre Dame for the chain- of park commissioners; Titus Hi
of the universities of Kentucky, Van- p h thisyear in the Indiana zel to the board of public works a
derbilt, Washington and Lee, Johns pionship ye r. Udo J. Wile of the medical sch
Hopkins, Harvard, Princeton, Penn eDual or triangular 'ineets with other to the board of health.
SState, Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia, state universities will be held during
Massachusetts Tech, Wellesley, Grin the first semester of next year, it was Police Program Boosts License Sal
ne and McGill. a w announced. Since the local police adopted t
r1,xchanges are also made uwith.____________
smaller schools that are nearer to Ann policy of arresting drivers .with(
Arbor and with a number of metro-- W<ashtenaw to be Paved drivers' licenses the number of licen:
politan newspapers. Schools in the Money was appropriated by the com- issued has shown a great increa
Big Ten conference are also included mon council at a recent iheeting for Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien -
l on the list of schools represented on the paving of Washtenaw avenue from timated that 300 drivers' licenses b
the Daily's exchange file. Oxford road to the city limits. been issued in the past two wee

Michigan Pioneer and Historical so-
ciety will held its forty-ninth annual
meting May 24 and 25 in the new
state building in Lansing. This con-
vention will be attended by Regent
William L. Clements, of Bay City, who
is a trustee, and Prof. Carl 0. Sauer';
of the geography department, who will,
speak on "Some Interesting Problems
in the Historical Geography ofMichi-
This meeting will bring together a
great miny people of this state who
are prominent in literary and histori-
cal circles. A paper on "Women foi
Whom Michigan D. A. R. Chapters
Are Named," will be read by Mrs
William H. Wait, wife of Professor
Wait of the modern languages depart-
ment. Mrs. Wait is the Past State
Regent of the D. A. R.

advanced by Mr. Hansen, a wealthy
Grayling operator. He declared that
governmental or state reforestation.
is the only solution of Michigan's
problems. He suggested that it would
be an excellent investment for the
government to buy Michigan's cut-
overmlandto beypaid for at $5an '
acre with 50 year bonds issued to the
owner. At the end of 50 years, he
believed, the government could realize
sufficient revenue from the tale of the
'orest to retire the bonds.
Professor Smeaton expressed the be-
lief that the war has rapidly increas-
ed the percentage of people who de-
Lire a college education. In addition,
he said that now that the immediate
disconcerting effects of the war are
past, there is a tendencyamong stu-

..1 cuzis t.a n nsurance.
Mr. F.'P. Gause, who has spent 30
years in this foreign service may be
ENGINEEIN DEPA T EN consulted by students interested be-
tween 9 oclock in the morning until
6 at night in room 302 of the Union.
- Star And +Comet
Negotiations have been closed] With ta nd Co e
the Detroit Edison and the departient Added To Heavens
of electrical engineering whereby this____
engineering depar t an reslrcuc Cambridge, Mass., May 12-(By A.P)
a series of experiments amid research n--A new comet and a new star were
work so that certification of thestand- -added to the known stock in the hieav-
ards used by the Edison canmpany may ens by discoveries announced by the
Sbe made. .Harvard observatories today.
With the acceptance of this under- Rev. Joel H. Metcalf, of Portland,
taking by the electrical department, Maine, clergyman-astronomer who has
three. tasks are beiing .perI.olm1(d by
Stheeptasaret.besear ismedn,;byto his credit the discovery of several
the department. Research is being stars and comets has added another
'conducted along lines of artificial by finding a comet in the constella-
lighting, and along other lines of the tion Ophiuchus. The discovery was
development of a single phase motor.'made an the night of May 7 a comet
Prior to the acceptance by the cc- -ofde nint megnighdetoofayntatoete
j trical department of the FEa~son'.5 of in themagnitd e. ta nebee
proposition, the work was first being sth thak eye. It was neaith
done by the Bureau of Standards im
TAr '1nrf n id tho 11 n - - tr- -

.. I

ftwow-vwwo -

+ ,::a ,: a,; .,
.a. , -..,
~P r


--- Today In The Churches ---


1 .,... .

With Swing-Out, Dad's Day, and 7:30 o'clock evening service, Rev. VVaiiiI1tLU nadinen iy'acs """"'' Fromnthe Lowell observatories at
the beginning of Spring games, so Sayles will speak on "Saul's Suicide- cal testing concern in New York. Noav Flagstaff, Arizona, Carl Otto Lamp-
many activities are in the atmosphere A Warning Against Jealousy." the work has been entirelypc lan announced that e had found a
that a rest in-between-times is al- Lutheran i the department's hands. new star in the great spiral nebulae
most a necessity. Mother's Day is a "Duties of Children to Parents" will Messier 83. It is a tiny spot of 14th
national observance; and at the same be the subject of Rev. L. F. Gunder- ADELPHI TO HOLD magnitude visible only through a pow-
time it is an appropriate day to rest, man's morning service, at 10:30 0'-UE TeIul telescope.
and think, and worship. Ann Arbor clock at the Trinity Lutheran Church, OUTDO ORMEETING-ft c
pastors :wi> choose topics dealing Bible school will meet at 9:30 o'clock. .A
with mothers for their sermons to-! Bible school ssturyhhour will be An out-doors meeting is planned by SlU OALS UOT
day. held at 9 o'clock at the Zion Lutheran the Adelphi House of Representatives
Baptist Church, followed by a pre-confirma- for Tuesday night. This is rather a,
"Mother" will be the topic of Rev. tion service at 10:30 o'clock. Student depart-re from the usual meeting but New York, May 12. By A.P.---Com-
Edward Sayles' morning service at Forum, will meet at 5:30 o'clock, with I the committee in charge, headed by -iunity art centers in country school-
the First Baptist church this morning. Miss Ruth Sauer, leader. The subject E Andrew C. Beam. '23Ed, intends to 1 houses, deserted during the summer
Following the morning service, stu- will be "The Christian Attitude to- give the members of Adelphi a chance vacation period, are advocated by Da-
._ _ .._':31 Y. I i - 4 A Plnnr Vn.p of+ . h-n m ,,,+' t-An- vid Mannes. a musician of this city.



'fn army ph.ne T-2 in Ahich -Lic
tepants Oakley Kelly right, and
John Macready. left, made their
2.800-mile flight.
When the giant army plane
T-2 taxied to a stop at S3..
Diego, Cal., under the gkudanve
of Lieut John Macready the
"impossible" had been ncccn-
plished. Maeready and Lieut
Oakley 1 elly flew acro-s x the. con-
tinent. from New York to Sie
Diegi2,800 miles, in 2ii hiors



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