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May 13, 1923 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-13

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DA L F I I L BLLEIPublication i s theZBulletin Is constructiVe notice to all ineibe ofat
the University. Copy received until 3:30 D. iw. (11:94 a. 1n. Farsturilas.)
Volumne 3 .SUM)A, A Y Ltd :19f3 Ntumber '104
The President and Mrs. Burton will be at htome Wednesday, May 16''
mn 4 to G o'clock. Mr. and M\,rs. Gustav Hoist and Mr. and Mrs.. F-red-
ek Stock will assist them. in receiving. z
the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans on 'Wednesday, May 16, at
a. m. M. L. BURTONv.
e University Senate :r
The fourth regular meeting of the University Senate for the yea:
2-19)23 will be held in Room C, La6w Building, on the pvening of Mon.
V, May 14, at 8 o'clock.
The order of business will include:
1. Annual report of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
2. Rleport of Deans' Coniference on the use and misuse of keys, of
tversity buildings.
3. ~1ection of Secretary for the year 1923-1924.
Secretary of 'the Senat..
oats Council:
The niext regular meeting of thb Senate Council will Tie held' on Monday,
,y 14, at 4:15 j>. m., lat the Pr-eide'iis ofice.'
~'. E. Ri3Pi1NS. Secretary
versity Lectures:
Dr. J. S. Mackenzie, *Ltt. D:, LL.b., Professor' of Vhilorsoph y is the
tversity of Wales, formerly Fellow of the Universities of Glasgow fand
mibridlge, will deliver two University lectures' on, Monday, and Tuesday,
3q 14 and 15, as follows: (1) "The Three-fold CoMmonwealth," Mohnday,.
,g 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium; (2) "Our Present Out-
Ic iu Piloophy,"Tuesday, May 1G, at 2:00 p.m., in R~oom B, Law BUIld-
The public is cordi1ally. invited.; P. E. ROBBINS.
ebhulcal Eugineeing 30:
Trip .Monday, afternoon, May. 14th, to Amrerican Blower Co., 804 Rue-
1 St:, Detroit. C. B. GO0RDY.
9e~inuar In Labor Problems:
The class in Labor Problems will not meet ont Thursday ' ternoon,
pection Trip to Deroit, hXonday, May 14,91i1)2 (For Students Takg
(o~obie eng veering courses):
9: -.130A. W, (1) Trip thru For~d Highland Park Plant.
1 : 30 P. BA. (4) Trip, thru Packard Motor Co.

League, of Nations." Debateo will take place in University H-all, Mondlay,
May 14, at 8 P. M. ' hif public is invited. J., K. DU\\,
Loci l Contests.
]Players Club Annual Election:
14th, 7:30 p. Im. at-the union for the election of' officers. All out.
'the following nominees will be voted upon in Room 205, Mason Hall
Mo,1nday afternoon at 4 o'clock: Donald Cook, '24 and Stacy Black, '24 for
president; Theodosia Burton, '24 and Norma Mclndoo, '25 for vice-president;
June Itnisely, '25 and Emily I-ine, '24 for secretary, and Ross Taylor, '24

lNew Dirt Farnner
On Federacl Board


We Clean and Block all k inds of Hats
You will find our Shoe Repairing, o.
all kinds, excellent in qiuality.

for tresurer.


NO'USGO N OIMCE-Copy for this column should
he snhbmitted by 4..i~ o'clock of
the day before pobiliatin.
9:s0.-Unfve 'ity' Men's Bible class
meet4 in tUpper room of Lane hall.
l12:0=-Stiidei& class. Church of Christ.
meets in Upper room of Lane hail.
liltl--SudntBible cla sses meet In
"Wesley hall.
12O)00--Open forum, Congretgnlloniai
church.. Prof. S. F. Godrich will
ISpeak on "Poetry and Religion."
4 s:34--Opoh house at "Wesley ball,
jIt d-Youtng Peoples' meeting for out-.
door service and supper.
5 0-SocI hour anid discussion for
students at Presbyterian church, led
bey Luelo Meyerlng, '23.
5: 4--Hobart guild leaves Barris hal
fo; steak roast.
6$0u-Student fireside chat, "Radio,
Aeroplanes, Gas." Effect of modern
inventions on 'Society.
I8:30 Wslejyan guild meet- in iMeth.
odlst church.
1:00-4)nDr. aies G. uHler of Cincin-
I nati 'addresses 'the Jewish Student
j ongregation at Lane hall on "Why
.Hsthe Jew Persisted."

d cay, May .18, may be. obtained from
( William Galbraith, 604 South State:
street. He has also .a limited num-
b er of couple tickets left.
W14hbmsles rc'4iies-ts majiuiseripts for
the May issue be )sent in as soon as
possible and not later than May 17.
An exhibition of the Birch Burdettoa
Long competition sketches, loaned!
+. 1. VUIVLU+ J1,-V I)ft~l nl£rr, y P--!


Call 1568-J.
--The AInn Arbor Ha

__ _

" Give us

t Cleaning and Shoe Repairing Shop--
625. 1. LIBERTY


ell Points," is now being shown in1
the glazed .case in the architecturalI
corridor, main floor, Engineering
1111 onational water. color exilbit un-
der ausprees of Ann Arbor Art as
sociation in west gallery of Alumni
Memorial hall until May 20. Admnis-
sion 25 cents to all non-members of Edwad I. Ciuniughani
the association.
Tlhe s dibe no special car leaving Edward Ii. Cunninghiam of Iowa~ re-
ffor Parke-Davis trip tomorrowx'jcently znmedl new (dirt farmer mein-
SMoney will be refunded later. her of the federal reserve board, has.
____________________ long been active in the work of the
ADOPT "RtAIN .OR. S IJ"_E" American farm bureaut and has large
AS SLOGAN FOR LAWN FETE farming interests in his home state
-- iand o therstaates.
f"Rain or shine" is the slogan adopt- JQOENWRI'
ed for the lawn fete to be given by Z JJANIWt OEN AQU RIM N UN
the Members of Helen Newberry resi- ACESTAlAlliIi t':+F
dence, Saturday afternoon, May 19.
for the benefit of the Ujniversity of London, May 12. By A.P.-Fngland
Michigan League building fund. is soon to have the biggest aquarium
Refreshments are to be served on in Europe. if not in the world. It is
the lawn from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock in located at the Mappin Terraces in
the afternoon, and from 7:30 to 11 o'- London and will be completed in June.
enkint. he eveina Ifthe wea~the~r It -is to cost half a million dollars.




.)l kefs5idrf kd[Cvrzsem~a'h'-eClolht k;/irCo11ke 1Alei


(1) Leave Ann Arbor, *, 7:00 a. mn. Interurban
I;iterurban to Grand Belt city car to WtEoodward
t4main office at about 9:30. Inspection trip with
held leave plant about 12 noon.
(2) Take Woodward car down town.

Cutr. Cange
c~ar. Arrive at
special: guides,

(3) Take, Gratiot car to-Mt. F1lliott; change to north bound Harper
car; stop ,at Nest Grand Blvd. "Walk two bloeks east to Paickard mrain
Note: There will he no meeting of M. E. ,29 on Monday, .May 14., Be
certain to notify your instructor if you expect-tto g6'. Thos'e who
*answer to roll call on trips wiill be ex:cused .for the day at .the Aps't.
Dean's office. ~"W. 'E. ILAY,;


-rell 00)b:
The reguar, m ieeting of the Research club for May has been .post-
d iron: Wednesday, 'May 10 to Tuesday, M~y 33.
.IX lngiueers:r
Thru the courtesy of ?tone & Webster. Construction Company, aflilm
?vn as "Natures Frozen Credits" will be shown on Tue dky af'ternoon
:30 p. in. toi the Natural Science 'Audito ium. The film is of the
bou Hydro-Electria Development, and'some very pretty Western'seeneb
Professor A, *. Lovell will give a short introductory talk on the,
Cbairmlan, Student Branch A. I. E. U.
rrsity Itlfle Club:
There. will be a meeting 'of the University Rifle. Club, Tuesday, ?417
7:W P. M. at the Union for the electon of officers All qut.

M NI)AYEits unfavorable the lawn fete wiil be More than 100,000 gallons of water
t0 30-Juiie Martin Miller speaks on , held within doors. Special decorations' will be required to fill the tacks, which
"Propaganda and the Press" in Uni- which will further the attractiveness will contain fish and water fauna from
versity Nall. , of the lawn, are being arranged. Eall parts o' fthe world. This will be
4:1 . -Loeture by S. S. '31f kenzie in A dance is to be given in the even- I brought from the North Sea up the
Natural Science auditorium on "The'. ing, which will continue from 8 to 12 Thameb and taken to the zoological
Three-fold Commonwealth." ( o'clock. Kennedy's kollegians will grei ags
94:1-8enate concil meeting in Pres- play a special prograi i for the af- gresi ags
ident's office. f air. Invitatioins have been sEnt to Gilbert's Chocolates received fresh
6 :15s-4amnza AMhih dinner, in groomI the various houses cn tle c imnpus, for Mothers' Day. Tice's. 113 E. bib-
31'9 of the Un'ion. {and all are invited to attend. erty.-Adv.
$Ili--5-Xecluuicai engineerlIng faculty _____________
dinner ini main dining room of the lle tfll11illlt 1lilillllllllltallllltSlllltl111filtU
7 :00-W11ayfarerl.' meeting In room 130:?~
of the Upiion. r GO RIDII G TODAY
7 :48,--uiversity Senate meeting In
room C of the. Law building. Only =four. short weeks remain in wilich to enjoy thie delights of sum-
~:0-ljusfate letur byIbrhi in~te riding at Ann Arbor. Make the most of your time. The roads,
tFouad Bey in Natural Science audi- - are in fine condition, Miso's ossaea iea vr n h
torlunn. .;: cask coupon plan makes riding as economical as it is pleasant.
9:fq&--Asociatlon of UivHIersity Wioni-'
en- meets .in' room 323 of the Union. I w Phne3726 E. Ann St.
12 :15--=:A sso iation of UniversiYtemor. Phone 8
en lutncheoni in roomn 325 'of the Un- 1llll1ttlil!tlii1111011111fl 11l1111111fl 11illl11111
ion. - --
room A of thie Law building on "Our M
Pesent Outlook on Philosophy.'
4:00-A. F. F. 1lec-ure In Natural Sri-.
ence auditorium.I
6.- 0: Prescott lub dinner In room 1319 S or'at-n.h-w ned c lo sfo"
t' ihe Union.: SprWat--nmh w n edc l n--i!
i6:1--Assoelation Of 1Un1iversity 1om
en dinner in room 323 of they Union. 1'.
60 --Barristfirs' dinner In room ..3181'wear
of the union. i
7 40-Phiel meeting In room 1302 of the S
7 :04-la ss in tle Gosmel of St. JoDANA RICHARDSON
metsi teUnper Room ofLae= D 4N T O
S hall. -
7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 E. -Eeujr 1 ft-eU~ri~Liberty St.
hospital Mee~ts in room 306 of the115E
Union. 1
i70, -delhlmeeting In Adelphi=«
room of University hall, preparatory -
to outdoor meeting.'I
17 ;0-..Coniedy club- meets, in Sarah
Caswell" Angelhall. tI.._-_.___ .....M______
i7:&0--lI ci ar. lPamne,: teen iit New.'
Iberry hall.
7 :--Ftilversity P; lo clbi eeting at
1the 11Union. Election or officers.
8-" :0.Aeflytes ine'tl in room n106, Mas- r
{)a hell.
t~ ~ lse~xeb C .)eln nral Science auditorium.
in OTthe usnes1 rrelative, sef r i ere In hy bn dcl
training course- in non-technical,
subjects given by Ebe General Rlec- na"ro
AWieneke' either by plione, 1460, or V y u
fby seeing him in room 302 of tht
Union tomorrow.can n o v
Stag. tickets for the. Senior' ball, Fri. nd g -v

a° - .,
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' "
r I J,
.f " r ..r, i
r ff :' S >
A r r q.,
. r ', .
Yki 1
3 1 .
3 o l W
. .
ti d'
.;;, . y




Here' s an idea in clothes


Tor those lpiw graduatee

Mr. C. IT. Lang, '151 Assistant Manager of ;.he Publication Department
of the -Gener~l Electric Couipany, Schen ctad~y, N. Y., will be' at the
Michigan Union today to interview men who have, or whoD have not, matte
arrangewients wvith himn throulgh Mr. Robert F. Wieneke with, regard toi
the Company's business training course. - oth Mr. Lang' and Afr. W'ieneke
-will be here for interviews today and tomorrow.'
F F. ' P. 1ROBB1INS .
Freshmen Women Debate:z
The Athena and Portia Literary Societies will hold their first .annuAl
debate. The subject is "Resolved, that the United States should Join, the

INselecting 0U'"O17sprin-g Suit
you can choose'One: of tin-

dressed worsted in blue


black, with smart pin stripes
and hav itserve everyT Corn-

Read The Daily " Classified" Columns





,: .

Sunday dinner here, means more
than the ordinary bi .l l of f a re,
for wve feature every food that.

Don 't neglect hat'ing a pot-trait
showing this graduation attire.
They 're inexpensite. Telephone
404-w for an early appointment.

These by Harti;Schaffner&
Marx -and othe r good makers
are exactly what You'll want.




is fre'sh and seasonable'

- - -at a



is remarkably special.

Portrai 4ts

They'll Satisy, or money back





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