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December 13, 1922 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-13

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ly :recovered when Chicago "paid- its ! per inced ts hest season. With 73,000 ~I~,, Phi, Theta Delta Chi; 10-10 :30oclock, ( was 2120. Both of the men served
visit. Thie Maroons stepped lightly on ftthe Michigan games and no'less tb' 1 fI (5' l Chi Gamma Delta, Alpha Sigmna, Del-f the ball with force and their matchesl Duofol
the Buckeye's feet but got~away with "36,000 at any, of its home Big Ten _____ta Upsilon, DeltaSigma Delta. were of higher calibre than thse put rnende3
itads*ddIw.games, h gms aeprvn-rfi-iup lby Abrams and Scarnaeha, , c,:l sive
T1 2 I~ I Einl:soedidenIwa not only gtig atleo'vtesgaeshve. tOempralite The schedule for the basetbll_
--TeeeeHa gtigal oviiosadhm ta lk.7,fa l-hrWl ;In the second round of the after-
HI 4 better but was getting mad, It alhow- ;Net fal's schdutle calls for three prcieo4tefaentyadcasi oon, Scarnahia romped aw~ay to Vi-
( l its real stuff against Illinois and big home gaes and three games away !teams is as follows:XWednesday ory from Abrams 3-. Ths resut 1I;,_
teIllini victory is being considered from home. Ohio State will meet Col-; night, on courts, 1, 2, 3, and Contenders for the lving cup that was a surprse to those who had at-;
_ Oi Btuckeycs ith Blig Ptt ExperI= -here as the real "begining for next!gae Iowa and Illinois in Ohio sta- 1 4 G-6:30 o'cock, Phi Kappa Psi, Al- will be given to the winner of the all- tempted to dope out the situation, es-i
eeusWil ReCrn; -Klee, Work- year's team and not the end of last ium, while ,Chicago, Michigan and Pr- pha Chi Sigma, Tau Epsilon Phi, Lu- campus, handball tournament were Pecially after the briny performance
maiitz Avalulale M all's outfit, due will be visited.{ narrowed to two players yesterday' that Abrams displayed in wining hais
- hoSaei-ilhv 0mnjcher House; ,6:30-7 o'clock Phi Sg- afenorhnGen eetdS-iond Monday night. I___
PA1ST SEA1SON wanOsT EVER 'ijnior net fall who have had TR= MEN END ING ma Delta, Trigon, Beta Phi Delta, Psi' gall and Scrnachia eli~inated1 The winners of these two mat es -
FOft C)LLTM7B1r'S INSTITUTION Big Ten experience. Most of these TR C.IIUpsilon; 7-7:30 o'clock, Chi Psi, Chi Abrams in two close battles on thewilpafothchmosipote
men are resent sophomores -who PRE--SEASON 'WAORKI Phi, Hermitage, Dela Tau Delta; 9:30 anball courts at Waterman gymna- Itournamflet at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow :I
(7iJiney 1.1Iaclemmr -i re still a long way from being ripe 10 o'clock, I Delta Chi, Sigma Al- sium., afternoon on the handball courts in
SprsEioOi lt a ter) ut are gaulygtigAlong. Four(oniuegfo"PgeSx)ka ]si on, Phi tho gii.Delta Greene took the mesure of lhis op Watran agynasiumu. 1 prsLtiIOu.SaeLnen rdal etncniudfo aeSx A
olmii., ,De.1.Wth"tegood :ends, two or three tacltles, two 1Purdy, Martin and Samuel§ winnipThe~ gi 1-0 -ocS, Kp m:nnt egl,3-,afe -lyng.v
Coumu, , Dc 2-Wt h iga, GammaEWt Gnmtaw~,Gamma matces, the deciing score of whichI Patronize Daily advert~sers.--AQ-.
election Wednes'day night of Boni Pet- guards, two centers, a quarterback,______________
c o f , r g h t t a c l e n l st a ll s O io f u ll b a c a n t w s a r h l b k , a l th e ir h e a ts . Mf a r t n , S a m u e ls , aa l 4 . A p h a P h i " A lp h a OG a a~a . - r ---- _ _ _ _ _ _
CoIY niht acke o lat fal'sOhi, Vrsiy ^ men ar let fr te 123.Godwater are ,all fast men and awit ' ]i 2t sea "nighi-i til9)i 4anis
Saeoobltem toatanhelvritnen.eg frth" 9 Captain Burke to lead them are e e;. ithbv ie fioor a 4Wate inaigym-
1923 Bucikeye squad and thae awring eleyengrermnypons.nain - 6:0ocok ppr-els
of 31 Varsity letters -to ieniers of 1L. L. Judy, IHoge Workman, Ohlie Metdt anrmn ons aim -:0ocok pe eis
motNext to Captain Burke, -Martin s by lower medics, soph dlet, fresh ea-
the late gridropi team~ football '" Klee, and lam Hlamilton are the mostartefsetmn nti qa.gi s63- 'iic;trdae<
Ohio State was put to sleep' until experienced backfield men remnaining n teqare-ilr"hoso- col jno niers ieg-
Oct.c y,193 followthaweltwerrehanmae ed up were Joyner, Thomas, and Pu- 1I~he"bers, sclor egineers; 7-7:30 o'-
Buckeye fowllllowerast.,a comngoillgh neverd f tboastto y .iaalrf-coming:' oiontteand !clifoftheyits ,xpl fis, ucom its -
of the 1926 football season in any far enough, Ohio State won't thave to idyelmof wh Lomisare ownt etter, in clovk, frsh :its10sophltC 1 iio lts
duelaltetatal kta, lalo,.hurdlr, senior lil-;.:S0-ls-o'cloc, Deta 1p-'
fanning bees they might have with watutlisls ~m fnx o~-and Cochr , ,, mler, mpade up the! silon, Delta Theta 111, Alpha Sigma " Lw i
Th~~~~I g Ten friends. Externally it wa - on to uI il its only real run 'tert of theunesot o rate
failur-e a.worst ever experienved season as Ollie fleeclhli agist Ili- /Ird aeotsI ~
bya hoStt emw ie - m O.V11 Ordei onice again appeared -in I «- -rs - -
Iler of the. Conference but the four d Wlson and 'in regular ends this unjlforni after being abent from the I ~t '?L iO O F 'c-- -'f
defeats of the season have not soured year, were sophocmore-s. viorette and squad up until this time on account;flA.M('<'\T( r)" , i I!
partisans who'are onl the Inside. Schrecins Berger, sub ends were also Of studies. Although he- has had A ' f 1 t4A1
- Lst° Ten Stts ~s~cend year men. Oberlin. Duanlapl. ample op ortuniy:to gt awly from i~i"ate i<.~n n -'
Without aibing dto a~great eoax"ten-t. lon cag, Petcof 1C Kein ind Wattsall .i o shputtig frm Yieseni a isatI1Les1' l) n /1% "( , ; -v .PH- a
it might he said that the loss of seven have fl-C otw oeYears of to be going strong, hleaving the pill 1IN IDA(l4- -
of the-greatstplayers from the 1921 service on. the Buckeye line. Good 38 feet from a s;tanstill. ldintdes, tho'. '2hTJ' DN1Jc
]st a r b r d a i n = a lae t_ e z f o h a rt e me b r o t e w ig t s u ddno, ,of-three others throut hh elibil- 'team - will also m ake itseif felt and of hgagpss bee-l.ki g it easy fr the ast Jtl E Ns l lF
fty, left Dr.-JobbnW.XV W1, with qunite the line k(eps implrovig as it d1494'0 days on account of a trained side IIA.L-4IOOM ) NCN({:
l pbem -ufe -perie1c(, pa-- h baw~i--teLeeesHw-!ut he-wil, be rady by M0o time the
ers on his hands at II e start of the eyes won't finid such an) opera doo:' as firt trials are -hold altr Chrst-ba STUVDIO: ea-njut ' th--dd-tis-ear
Thseamgju t losed-. cngf~ thc dyh-.ea.vcton BYLOI lml ~:F-~- ~ 8LE
Th emgtofo h rn olSucessful Financiall - Mcllvn and of reraev both po- P1HONE1Z23Il V- DUECHO0LT E
whes it stacked up against fihe pow- I- While no financial statemerit ias 'ng stroun0i the 4g ump while~-- -rArw HL
erful Michiigain teamn, waastill 3n; sn ' been Issuedl regarding that end of1atir, ;Smith was tw.lig a day Oa.AlthoughJEA ETTE TH16GREAT NTON " r ^..";KbY.. -Hi EEO '
when it met Minnes~tot tea:wa"-season, the Bucnkeyes undoubted lv "mx- Mac hasn't repcled -hlt' . high-wter' KRUSZKA JOHNSON-RHY
s k---' - - - mark of six f opt, mae In~ the Chicago RSK JON N-ADWMC
----------meet lat" ~t, h. et~gt lig higher Instructor
* every day tnn ahouhtl btter.- his last
TIfI TISseasons r oldafter a few wees of L A . - -
C O U M LI O L IM Ns tre n u o u s tra in in g at e r t h e h olil d a y s . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CLOSES, CDSE Will the following call ~t The A. F-
AT y °4froERTIS TNG AT p, t lade Barber. Sopat 2 # m. Ne 0p " p0
S.Tniay cliW.ff r, . one , . FaM a +l
-I - t1CIO6Alt! DAI IY. Nowels, GltinMalone, R. K; Nlchol8i 3 ;N
-Im-ifl 4chatesfor wtaynt tieVordinimumpaidhere aftnc.Thrne, given the $10p-;4as rsetwll.e
('rrla ch*d ae ors.Today, 2prc. rMian dyupaithnedant2ce.Three gien athe sh'4 (ns revntwilbe 0 p- ht 4
cenits8pr woxrd per day At charged. White space charged for at rate ,
fI of 5c per agate line. Clssifled, charged only to those having phones. Call 445 Hurop :Isret Taxi.-.Adv. h , I'-Iit contains all ta is bestL i hocoate;
IllierRates: Twelve cents ,per line, wthout contract. paid in advance. 'ugr a- - . -rammikin tew
1110 NE 9 0 _____________ a, the fines woe-rammilk in the we

id healIth ur
by all leading
2ly by .J. F. -
i I'irst iN t.
Phone i1
lthe pure



Bank Bldg.




F4'iR SAJ i- 11101i RIWNT
FOR SALE-Ford Sedan, late '20. To- ! FOR RENT-Suite: and single room
tal mileage less than 83,000, over- well heated, private lavatories. Near;
size' cord tires, everything in good campus. Meals served during va-
condition., Ordered a 'new car, Must) cation. 1821 P. Huron St., Phone '
be sold this week. Bargain. Phono - 4$1-R~ 67-69"
2951,W, 67-2 S --au t J$JL- A

t e. __~~30U 3R

FOR, SALE--:r Trad!e; will -tra'de
laid contract 0 acres, 5 ,room house-
tmnl barn, 4 n)Jles nzorth of Cadil-
lac., for car. Extra for hou, e. Call
at 505 E. Kingsley. CS - 6-2
FOR -.ALA:-Radio set.- Bulb type,
neatly oeased. Detroit broadcast-
in~g clearly received, $20.00. Phone,
1t137-ME. - 67-2
FOR SALE-H11and crocheted yokes
anmd many Atyles of tact.ingi by the,
-yard. 123 -N. Thayer St. 68,
FOR SALE-Gibson tenor -banjQ. Ex-
collent condition. Call Good,, 273 S,
during meal hourscsI

campus,--for -two me. Call at41
E. Washington St. - - _-
FOR rUPNT' --War'm ,single room, $3.50 1-
311 Thompson. Also reasonably
priced .suite. 6.8-31;
FOR RENT-AOne large single room, in
Girl's League Hlouse. 511 Choev er
- Court. G- 8-3
WANTED-Read-er two oir thrse hours
daily during holidays. Reailing will
be, mainly, in Shakespeare and
IShakespeare Criticism. Only per- i
sons majoring' in English :need ap-
ply. Call. 243-5, Tuesday 3 to 5,
'Wednesday 7 to 9 p. me 67-2
W ANTED--A Rider °Pen: which fails
to write at touch.' Rider'sPe
Shop. 21

Sepig phscll n
metal fi Uur s-ud
men Come in Anysell n
prove It .to you. U
U_ s
jpzPs VltcIu" SODAS d
"We'i twy *t at yatawrigh~t'"


than. a new set o
or Draperies
By Special Order

{ q9


FOR SALIX--Persiani kittens; also one
orange male, 2 years old. 511 Cheev-
er Court. -f)- 8-2.
FORL SALE-Ne '$70 j-1t-sch Wick'-I
wire tuxedo, siz'e 37. $35. 9003 E.
F~OR SALE---Radio? Cry oal receiving
sAet. $22. Call 4615, .312 E. Jeffer-
;on St.+;
FOR SALE---C-melody Saxophone.
iPrice reasonable. Call 200~9-J. 67-2
LOST---Will the person who took j I+
mistake the grey overcoat fromn thel
hooks -outside of room 122 Cher.-.
between 4 and-5S p. m., Monday, Dec.
_1, kindly call 1166 a d ask for
Crawford. 6- 8.
LOST--Brown, fur-lined glove cny '
State or Williams Streets or vicin-
ity, -Call 856-M Monday night. 68
L:OST-Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity.
pin. Initials on b ack. Finder please
call 1521-W. 68-2
LOST-1923 11ich ig armnu a badge.
Please call 2738. 66-3.
LOST.-My pen- troubles, at Rider's of
course. 21'
FOUND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real
fountain =pen o~r exams.' 21
CORONA-The visible durable, port-1
able typewriter. Over 500,000 in'
use. Recent improvements put Co-
rona still farther in the- lead. Price
$50.00. Easy ternms if desired. Other1
typewriters taken in exchange. 0.
1). Morrill, 17 Nickels .Arc~Xle. Open
evenings. 66-51
typewriter with standard keyboard
and speed. Sold on easy terms.
1786-W. 60-1.1



cows that graze in the emerald green fields of Wisconsin
and drink from sprig-fed lakes. Only this comnbinatiori
can produce the whole cream milki you want you,
child to eat.
Eline's represents strict adherence to an jdeaI 0
manufacturing integrity which has inspired their efforts,
fort more than! 50 successful years. The keynote vi
this institution is best expressed in the inscriptio.
on the entrance gate:
This model institution was .budlded by Eline'sr
to ,produce chocolate and 'other fosso that;
we shall held develop for this great ntio'
s tr o n g , h e a lth y a n d c o n te n te d M e n a n d w o m e n .'.h d a i m i h b o e i s r p i n i 6o
the firm conviction that permanent happiness can come..
only from usefulness; that usefulness is ,Measu~red, ir
terms of service to mankind.
To render the greatest service to mankind is to
create ,a food product of superior. worth within-the range
of the most modest purse. Eline's Bars render a, very
positive service to mankind.
They suipply in concentrated form for 5c or 10c
a perfectly balanced ration of food. They. contain
protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamies in correct pro-
portion -- that stimulate, store and build up muscular
tissue- that nourish the red blood corpuscles -- that
provide the body with power to operate :the human engine.
-Eline's is a perfect food - for the' vigorous, the
weak, the old, and the young.. Buy :Mine's. with the-
complete assurance that it is honetly made, contains
no substitutes, no artificial olls.. -t is rich in flavor, per-
suasive, in aroma,, delicious to taste, yet costs no more
than common chocolate.
OnSlrw e &erywhere-Sc ad lsizes-




Phone 2946-M. ____ 66-31
shades made to, order. H. S. Col-
lies;, 214 El. Washington St. Phono '
?85-M. -211
RUYGS CLEANED--Thoroughly. 'Wash-
ed or dust,. cleaned. Ann Arbor
Carpet Cleaning 'Works. Phone 50.
LOCKSMITHS--All kinds of door and
trunk keys. Phone 249. Dell. Keel-
r. -6-
DONT FORGET Green's. H-arry up
Dray 'and Baggage line. 520 De-
troit St. Phone 3130. 64-7
Henry 0. Dieterle,
-343 South Main St.
Expert Shoe Repairing.
One day service 21 1
Speed and quality Kodak finishing,
at, corner Hill and Haven: Ave. 65-6
ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know thatj
Rider's 200 drop capacity Master-
pen is the mnost popular pen on the
campus? There is a reason. Call
at Rider's Pen Shop. 2
RE QARD-Offered for information'
leading to the recovery -of- light
brown overcoat, taken from the 4th
floor of the Chemistry building,
luff orv nft-rnn rnn Col l Mh.o-,n n

Serve every ay

Banana Pudding
l c

.! ?

AIIAE with, a rich custard
lithrough w hich sliced be4-
nanais are generously distrib-
uted. Served with a topping
'of heavy wipdcream. _It's
a dessert you'll enjoy im-
me nsely.100".




Caf eteri a



m ////1

r sA'

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