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SA AT NONS ANDr ipAl Aprr ,nlri~Tlft lTgaras but their sp'ed will not come Inew one and the real test will come
J t fl t i eithr Faller or 'lplc'=tnight. Coach sMahlstated that too
E P c r sSCiiiAERuE Dil RUL iV iLiii IUr It i while Cappcn works ust as effective-mfuch confidence sould'not be plac aed
III~rn ai nn irr r~nr [ri'Trnly if a little slower. The ilchiigai'but that they merely stand an even
li .i.IW IIIIU£ fIL in tecnseratas big a fctor o tngto bsetaken
I. U IILIII LUlUf no ani is edo tiht asuch chncdtewn
t'2esI en as Pper', iphie, and ap- Fiier Ae Killed
'dnusoaWith Strm DIefense IWi ll psh 0,1eof the garin^ rwanesses pcilen ha e Ci togther n the same l I ndon Jan. 12- (By A.P.-Capf.
w B~~e Ileal :refitFor 1olvrine evidencedl in the pratice games f'tam. 1!Keyes, Wrld war air ero, was killed_
Fire the Maroon and old wvas the inabilityl An ,a te ol to ,ope the reslt of this i'in an experimental flight at Stanmore;
h - ~to cage free throws. A score of one game woul 1 li*'ve ifutile because it of four mechanic with him, one was
.: au I',lli9VARSTY Wi'LL PttU A M ~E throw in six ries does not speak well . Tsrt k: ewii what the Gohes can killed, teohr ut
} TEAM XVUFiWJJF kACED IL IUdLNI for any player. Ido under Ca. Fren; c opettion. It I-
Pesea is Y'eternilimieter is true th~t most. of file men are vet New ruxedo Suits for Rental. Wild
Coach Mather and his squad of nine e '.rans bu)iii ,e eambination wil be a andI Co State Street--Adv.
r ' etb>i]>payer"arrve i Mine se, atcenter, is undoubtedly the, ___________bskolstal
this morning, wi hereithey play pbsessfes. trn ha e ok
apois ~X eses.Hehas ltftDcnata ailityan
a h ohrtses oih ntese good head. His exIerince has
Ka e~nd Conference game of the year for ,'een unrestricted and his floor wrk;
the Wolverines and the season open-; has developed accordingly. Captain OD FSI ND
r for Coach Cooke's Maroon and Gold. i lv vill have his work cut out for,
cobnte.him with this opponent, lbu.t te'
This onel game start is practically marked imiproverment in the past}
onle only advantage that the Maize an week of the Wtolerine leader seems'
' !-In(thoug lth a ncesiofor ta h ign a- to fore tell tht he wsill came in for
tl aIh te hanes or Mchian isshare of scorin. Vancura and' v
a ? . tvctory are not dim by any means, Foote will I udile the Gopher' forward'
Results will be closely watched and ios'hssed arhv rv
if 'Michigan takes the games on this poi
>j rpi il ekonthtaca ed themselves demons on the foor buttrpiwllb
know tha a cangetheir scoring has not been what it
i(A some sort has comec because it will shouldlbe. Neither have had any mr ucs i -
Y lbe he st n f ur haolerines havesnot lost the fist few I .hiled ancura, lase the freed tro
v i ? Rig Ten, ga~s on the schedule. specialist of the quintette, has foaled
Ftic esPyPrie G and n, ~ p isae n ov d i
tOlaso Cookeofeels chnfbdekttthatmheheasoul ii
j Minfonsth as inningvcombination in PT-
. tw sealtlrelrd eiile eg-ete ar nespCoablCookefhit
aland, Levis, Vancura, and Foote. The torwards will have to work faster oc n O frsjt9c
' ^bF (~~~~gopher mentor has been trying var- and morecffctively. lf Sn Xddc
.; ous combinations since the first pra- }ti1IIes%4IIHas Strong Deense $1 J 2~~ $2,85,6)9'
g ? ' y£ v 3 (, 45 tce but the work of these five mdeg, Levis and lBergsland urds are a."1,py 4 y$345.s
' #1F r I'2 has been a good, if not better than
A< :' M1 ('..'..&:---:'~-a pair of ?stelar defense men. oth are
'-' ..!2~..,.. ..~~K.-2"- Iany that the cach has tried. This 1 eand and eg la
:':: ~ ~ ' hs o en o hebs xerienced adheady an hlave been <ducio onal e ulrstc
ha t. si tl because i the big cogs that kept the oppaloniis
res for midable co nte niders this J" "'fla bo eRbr.Y e c ef ,and f r '' has slow ed up the doflo menIjscres dow n in the practice game:s,. M e n S a n d V V o m e n 's S h o e s a d a n d Ot e m nx -ett} c n e . a d hil .e t clof T w a e f s e t a h s a un o e m o k an a s n . J s a o n i
Th h aeRpClln ae o Wtc himy Vadte youlsteIr thisveopn Teyar fstr o thnteuulrno
the Yaefs r and PiRetSox; iller at-'yea Cr Irtheamwrand prkasng. hasasoun ___________________: .1t- nden s an 2 th
icfoseyofte adiasad a aI s Cookelysa the sossbltieassofthell p
Thcis rthree a reieollnstatedof Wntac imuand hey ustesth be ui ntettehowelvehedobed in ,al sarsJa!313han e dsJni26h
frmWsigo.trsigfco o twl iefn Cobb used' Ehmlke *n_ a deal to get T--da -g lamsinte i-a chance to compare the effectiveness GOS- n0
Cromln Wadshigtone. d<3iawy ftelngfatorsforit will ge n
ciisadsipdRdGda awyTu itysand class basketbal leagues agrainst the fie man defense. Ili-j ofteln n hr asgm 7 EAST WASHINGT'ON STREET
oget Pcrtica. to let Chick Gagnnr ragt ihexiin lysadnois used the long ass for the most
mncounted on to nuike Tlp
fe Iniant.Below. lester Johisor
A Norman E. Brownl). I
't the annual prediction thatt
roit Tigers get better pitch- i
season thney'll be contenders. i I
e contenders last season with i f
hiurling;. They threatened
se at one time and finished
a p-rophiesy that at last they t
rtcnmn g tltcy nave lacked for'go to get Francis irem ile mats-. !cloyOscores, and in tne minds o the ipartadi rvdahriefci
therefore mtust he reelkoned Which indicates Cobb has a firm belief offcials was one of the most inter- ;'l'oiiighit will see what Minnesota a. Ic
e Yankee(,s' imost dangerous the trio will fill his needs. - sting exhibitions of basketball that! time short pass wil be able to aci
Thlird. 0111Y troblelln has been seen since the leagues start-acm
esive s;treng th of the Tigers' While the Tiger infield isn't a per- °e n playing.
tent t,) carry a ieani to teto fect organization as yet, it is nothing S cores mradeirIThurday night'
rided Droper pitching. 'While Ito , orry about. Lou Blue, on firstj games are as follows: ! THE, SCHOOL
ifs ranikedl higher in team Ii1is.easily one ei: the be3t youngsters; I i Mu Alpha 20, Theta Chi l; ; Del- P E IR
Fast year it was th'e individual in the game at. that positioni, IDel tea Alpha Epsilon 14, Phi B~eta: Delta 7A9E ,DNC TUIOT
s :eorge Sislerthat g ave them= Prat, at secondl, fills that berth in A1.-' 2; Sigma Nt 15, Psi Upsilon 4; Phi WuIE rtI A r CaMe 4
As a team the Tigers have style. Elmer Rigney announced by I Delta Chi 0, Delta Sigma Delta 0;
verstil an fomidbleat-hisplainglas, yar hathe illt- juneiior engineers 2, laws 0; Delta Tau}
K~n he rows. a bid for shortfielding honors nx Upsilon 12, AIlha Chi Sigma 4; Cyg- {
Wclw Sl~tl~e Leaue isummer. Cobb 'rmust select a third nit,, 16, Tau Epsilon Pi. 6; Zeta B~eta
Fresh Shipment of
yeartheTigrs howd teirbaseman. His' choice now seemis to lie Tau 7, D)elta. Tan Delta 2; Phi Rho I;
odds arensonn of eortland. 11, jtniorbhitsd8; oteera Ciim14,
_ h PiGam Dla ;Alh Sgna8 iv th other- INY SimaNum7; Alpha Rho Chi 2,,1A P
<:re° eeme hededfor he r = game-w recking outfield i the 1 Theta Delta Chi 7;_ Sigma 'Alpha Em
huson, however, was out much game. And all ar'e great fielders. salon 10, Delta 'Upsilon G,; upper arch- 2 24 SOUHI STATE
eason withm injuries. Pillette, !Jhnny Bassler leaves nothing to; itects 2, hom eops 0; Phi .Delta Theta
ked, weakened. Olsen could-; be desired behind the plate and has (Continued on Page Eight)
l uip the gait.i Wc -all to relieve hmin in !emiergen-
year Cobb has three additions crdes.
taff which not only ought to! For the first time sinceC ("l l
him to handle the three kids' ed control of the team he is free of
isuch a. way as to get the best old, worn-out .itchers. T~heChurlinga
coli without overworking them,; wiil be of his making. That must be I
Tshould turn in a goodly string considered. Ic ~eShowed last yeair that
themselves. he can get work out of ycung tr.' .
"We lNave bell Ann ir;)Av
I yea r's. ('as ;iie
* plipe re ar 1lia.
aujtmr CC 4V3 A4Dr
""'We -try to teait y-ouriit"
Uo L .. ,I fY'"Y fiTAi l~YY~.W~?~wNcs
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