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March 13, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-13

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YI e






Detroit, March 12--(By A.P.)-
A gale that brought with it a de-
cided drop in temperature reach-
ed Detroit from out of the West
today, turned the waters of De-
troit river into a maelstrom and
made the crossing of the Wind-
sor ferries a hazardous undertak-
ing. Nearly three hours were re-
quired for one of the ferries car-
rying scores of passengers to
effect a landing on the Detroit
side. The wind is moving the ice
field down from the lakes, adding
to the peril of river traffic.
Other parts of the state suffer-
ed a greater inconvenience, sev-
eral cities were without wire
communication or else were con-.
nected with the outside world by
meagre connections. The wind-
storm left in its wake rows of
broken telegraph poles and twist-
ed and fallen wires. Several
days will be required to get
Michigan utilities back on nor-
mal basis it is believed.



List of Speakers Includes Stefansson
S Tigert, 31erriuan, Robinson,
and Jocelyn
members of the Michigan School-
master's club who will meet March 28
29, and 30 here, will be entertained by
the biggest program ever prepared by
the club.
fBurton to Speak

Chicago, March 12-(]3y A.P.)
A small flesh colored hot wa-
ter bottle was the secret of a
hoax by which Miss Evelyn
SLyonsof Escanaba, Michigan,
has been able to baffle and con-
vince doctors for three weeks
that she had a temperature of
114 degrees or higher.
The young woman who. had
once been a nurse concealed the
( hot water bootle in her bed, it
was said, and through pretended
j fits of coughing and hysteria
managed to place the thermome-
tee on the hot water bottle long
enough to drive the mercury to
the desired point.

Home Secretary Rends Letters af.
Proof of Offenses Alleged
Against Members

Entire Recklinghausen District is
Placed in State of
JBruseis, March 12-(By A.P)
-The French and Belgians by de-I
claring this afternoon that they
are ready when Germany beginsI
payment to evacuate the Ruhr and
the territory recently occupied on
the right bank of the Rhine, be-
lieve they have delt a big blow to
Gernu resistance propoganda.
The formal declaration was
given out in the fort of a com-
munique following today's con-
ference of Premier Poincaire and
The evauation, It is pointed
out, outlA Involke the same Iri-
eipal as that a plied when the
Germans evacuated French ter-
ritory after the Franco-Prussia
war, the troop withdrawals being
erriedi on pogeressively as the
french id the indemnity.
Recklinghausen, March 12-(By A
P.)-Elght German are dead as the
result :of clashes with French troops
In various parts of the Recklinghausen
district last night. One French sol-
dier and three Germans were wound-'
ed in a riot at Dortmund.
A state of seige -hasbeen declared
in the- entire Recklinghausen district1
Additional troops have been sent to1
preserve order at Buer where a1
French army officer and a French ci-
ilan were 'killed Saturday night, and
where excitement since has been run-
ning high, reulting in renewed shoot-
Ing. .
Fight Gerians Shot
Of the Gemans who met death tw
were shot .down while trying to es-
cape from the gendarmes in the Buer
disturbances. Fide others were killed
and several wounded an hour later
when a crowd attacked a French
guard post. TbJ eighth German war.
killed at Dortmund when a crowd at-c
tacked a French detachment.c
Dusseldorf, March 12-(By A..)-
The Recklinghausen district today fac-f
ed severe penalties for what perhapsY
was the most serious incident of the
Franco-Belgian, the killing at Buer o
lrieut. Coltin of the chasseurs, and M.,
l ydirector of the Buer railroad sta-
French officials indicated that BuerE
would be placed under what willt
amount to martial law,min addition t(t
a fine of 100,000,000 marks.
Debt Increasest
Berlin, March 12-(By A.P.)-Ger-I
many's- floating debt in discountedt
bills at the end of February totalle't
1,588,000,000,000 marks it was an-
nounced, this being an increase of
159,000,000 during the week cdig
Feb. 28.
Paris, March 12-"(By A.P.) --Pre-
mier Poincaire, accompanied by Min-
lster of Public Work Le Trocquer and
a staff of experts, let today for Brus-
sels to attend the Franco-Belgian con-
ference on the Ruhr.-
eader Will Give
"Peaceful Valley"
Phidelah Rice, nationally known
reader and interpreter of plays, will
ive the second March lecture on the1
Oratorical lecture course program at
8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill an-
ditorium. He will read "Peaceful Val-
ley," the play made famous by the not-;
ed actor, S. Smith Russell. The play
itself is a comedy and is especially fit
for "monacting." It was once read
by Mr. Rice at Chautauqua, New York,
at which time he was called back twice
by the applause.
At the present time Mr. Rice is
teaching at Lelanid Powers School of
Dramatics at Boston, Mass., with the
exception of the few times a year he
leaves his work to give recitals in oth-
er institutions;
In speaking of Mr. Rice's work,
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the

public speaking department, who is in
charge of all arrangements for the
lecture course program, says, "Mr.
Rice read a play.last year at the Un-
iversity of Wisconsin and was so pop-
ular with his Madison audience that
we saw fit to engage him for a recital;

}1 ,

Communication is Cut Off as Wires
Fall; Kentucky is Hard Hit
by Winds
Louisville, Ky., March 12-(By A.
9P.)-At least nine deaths resulted
from the wind storm which swept cen-
tral Kentucky last night and early to-
day according to reports received here.
Reports from Richmond said three
persons lost their lives in that vicin-
SShiey .ity when the wind lifted a small farm
house with three adult* and ten chil-



I , Of the large number of notable char-
acters who are to speak, perhaps Vilj-
mur Stefansson, famous arctic explor-
er, is the most prominent. The list in-
eludes such men as United States Com-
missioner of Education J. J. Tigert
WORID PI G[PLI iProf. Roger B. Mer::man of I-arvard
university, Prof. David M. Robinson off

(ommittee Loath to Take Action on
Budget Bill Pending Legislative

f 7

Dublin, March 12-(By A.P.)-Near-
ly three hundred prisoners taken in
the week end raids in England and
Scotland are understood to have been
landed here from British warships
200 from one, and the balance, includ-
ing about 30 women, from another. All
were conveyed under heavy armed
guard to jail.

Greatest Issue Today is "Organizing
in Order lo Bring Peace",
Says Publisher

Johns Hopkins university, and Presi- Lansing, March 12--(By A. P.)-In-
dent Marion L. Burton of the Univer- dications are that the financing of the
sity. Louis. P. Jocelyn, secretary- Unvriybidngpormhsbe
treasurer of the Club has announced University building prora has been
completion of the program and ha- left entirely to the legislative body.

set the headquarters and place for The stat
GIVES HIGHEST iIAISE registration at the office of Registrar
Opening the session Wednesday ev- of the1
"The greatest issue before Americr. ening, March 28, Prof. John G. Winter Which n
and the rest of the world today is how of the Greek and Latin departments of Universi'
can the world be organized to bring ithe University will give an illustrated ahead u
about rpeace." This was the keynote lecture on "The Basilica Near the Por- What1
that the Hon. Herbert S. HoustontaMaggiore": of cours
publisher of "Our World", and a mem- The general session of the confer- in view
ber of the American committee of the once will open at 9 o'clock Thursday of the f
International Chamber of Commerce morning. President M\arion L. Burton branches
struck in the opening words of his will deliver the opening address at 11 ly a pr
speech in Hill auditorium last night o'clock in Hill auditorium. He has $4,000,.0
when delivering one of a nation-wide chosen as his subject, "That Mind of years fo
series of lectures in the interest of ob- Yours. From then on meetings Will proveme
literating war. I be held at various times until the close that the
Discusses European Conditions of the conference. is askin
The publisher explained the un- Will Show Photograph Exhibit
stable equilibrium in which Europe Views of sites and ruins of Athens
now fiinds itself. Russia is trying a Sofia, Palestine, Egypt, and a special RM
new experiment. Many new nations study of Caesar's battlefield on the
have arisen--children of the Versailles Aisne will be placed on exhibit for the
treaty. France and Germany 'are at visitors in the West gallery of Aluin
daggers. The one thing that seems Memorial hall under the, auspices of B
clear, he agreed, is whatever affects the extension department of the Uni-
one country today, affects all the oth- versity. These views were taken by New'
ers. The qnestions are international George R. Swain, '97, a member of the 'Luis An
-exchange, reparation, allied debts, University expedition to the near east heavywe
control of basic materials. He then in 1919-20. Mr. Swain will lecture or rugged1

te administrative board, which
ual control of about $1,300;000
1921 building appropriation,
never has been granted the
ity, appears to be loath to go
ntil the legislature his spoken.
the legislature finally will do,
se. is an open question, . but
of the fact that the chairman
inance committees' of- the~ two
s recently approved tentative-
ogram that would leave only
0 a ;year for the next ' two
or all state buildings and il-.
nts, it appears safe to predict
University will not get all -it
g for.
Fork, March 12-(By AP)-..
gelo Firpo, South American
eight chanipion, knocked out
Bill Brennan of Chicago, the
ng block of the division, in
Lfth round of a scheduled 15
out tonight in Madison Square
r...,lr in~n iv4i -m n~

! ! EMr. Smith, secretary of the Univer- ; drenr from the foundation, .carried it
Dublin, March 12-(By A.P.)-The sity, is chairman of the committee oiln! 50 yards and hurled it to the ground.
free state government tonight issued I general program in connection with Houses Wrecked
the names of 100 prisoners taken from the visit of the state legislature to From Bowling Green came a report
the week end raids in England and the University. that Mrs. Jennie Doffy, 31, and Mrs.
IScotland and' brought here. MagrtCakI1 eekle n
rTe prisonebr gtake nto military Margaret Cark,. 51, weretakilledn
custody are declared to have been en-Mr.Doffy was probably fatally injured
gaged in a conspiracy to supply the when the storm bleendowrthei -
Irish irregulars with war materials. county. Brownsville in Edmonson
Labories Object An unvarified report from South Un-
LsabgrlEesEOiEeItion, Lgncutsi htamn i
London, March 12-(By A.P.)-After Ian conty, said that a manshin
submission of the Naval estimate in UP Nt ancial lo thriei
i the House 'of commons John J. Jones. thestorm.
labor minmber broke adjournment orf oAcinTaey oy nPoloe Dennis Boggs was killed and five
Soue ebte tActiontaken by Body on roposedother children injured when the roof
rest of Irishmen in England and Scot- Changes i Special Meeting was blown from the High School build-
lmnd and- the deportation of the prison- Yesterday ing at Portsmouth, Ky., - and carried
ers to Ireland. into the school yard where the chil-
Mr. Jones and J. Ramsay MacDon- FIRST ARTICLE DEALING WIT i dren were playing.
aId tRSeRlabor leader who Wires Destroyed
fimboth pressed the osupported uEMBERSHIP ALONE DISCUSSED Telegraph and telephone lines in
the legal aspect of the deportation . ---- many parts of the state were prostrat-
they desired to know the precise au- Discussion of the proposed new con- ed. Paducah was isolated from Louis-
thority on which the police had acted stitution of the Student council ville until late in the day. At Lexing-
On whether the home secretary had brought forth some question tcern- r cinthewbettigash ec ethe Kentucky
ta-ken proper steps to safeguard the
right and liberties of the deported. ing the initial article at a special fronts were scattered and . poles and
MacDonald pointed out that the res- meeting of the Student council held at trees felled.
toration of order in Ireland was pass. 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the At Winmhester a w . of a sehio
ed. in-1920 when British troops were building was demolished. Plate glass
in' control;and the British ministers Union. windows were blown in trees uproot-
were: responsible for the administra- First Article Stops Action ed. One man was slightly hurt. The
tBon of Ireland.: That was no longer Although the question was debated f wind tore away a cornero : a bedroom
the case. . The parliament might sat- at length, the body was unable in a dwelling: where a young won
isfy itself that the action of the gov- slept. She was unhurt.
tgres beyond the first article dealing
erinment in this miatter was in ac r
cordaice not with convenience but with menbership in the council. The Jackson, Tenn., March 12-(By 'A.
with the law. changes proposed for the council con- Px.)-Twenty known dead and proper-
The home secretary William C stitution were turned over to the St- ty damage expected to reach $250,000
Bridgeman, replying, said he wouldbyastormkofnyconhav proeontkn
leave 'thelegal aspects to be dealt dent council for discussion recently by a storm ofw cyclonic proportion
with by.the attorney general, and pro- by the joint committee of the Senate which swept through sections of Mati-
ceeded to read a number of seized let-' council and Student council who have son and Chester counties late last
ters as proof of the offenses alleged been engaged in, the work for several night wrecking at least two towns.
against the inembers deported. months. The whole report of the Sen- Iinson and Dyerswurg.
enatdDneril committee will later be


forcefully described how the college#
man, the Michigan man, is suited tof
go out in the world and help in these1
"And here I want to urge upon youI

E the exhibit Friday afternoon.


the twel
round bo

The. knockout came witia dramatic

the most searching examination, guid- swiftness when Firpo sent the Chica-
ed by true scientific spirit", he said. m u TO n Iu R I L goan down with a terrific right to the l
"The greatest experiment in interna- TO head. Firpo showed his right to meet
tional operation that the world has ev- Jack Dempsey in a battle for the
or seen, the League of Nations. Study Moundsvihle, W. Va., March 17-(By championship of the world when he!
carefully, without prejudice, the Cov- I A. P.)-A sergeant and three soldiers came from behind after trailing Bren-
enant upon which it rests . See how have arrived at the army flying field nan on points for the greater part 4
the Covenant is full of democratic spir- here to prepare for the coming of sci- the bout and opened g up a slashing ate
it and ideals of America." Mr. Hous- entis'ts who will endeavor to produce tack of rights and lefts to Brennan's
ton proceeded to back up his asser- rain by dropping electrically charged head. He drove Brennan about the
tion with facts. sand on the roof of clouds. ring in the twelfth until he landed"
"If we had remained with the Al- The experiments are to be conduct- the punch that sent his opponent t
lies, Germany would have been in the ed by Prof. W. D. Bancroft, of Cor- the canvas.
League of Nations, and this Ruhr sit- nell niversty, and L. Frances War-
uation, and present political chaos
would have been avoided," le stated. rep of Dayton, who will also endeavora
"The world, by now, would have been to dissipate fog. Some success had al-S
on its way to peace.". ready attended similar experinieuts at
Hopes U. S. Will Ite-Join Allies Wrights field, near Dayton, 0., but it 1r,
Mr. Houston closed with the state-.' was stated that this vicinity was better LECTU ON U Ltiu;
(Continued on Page Two) adapted. ;

Chimes will appear on the campus
in the garb of a' "Theater Number" ;
when it is placed on sale tomorrow.
Campus dramatics, country wide dra-
matics, world dramatics, all will be
combined in the issue that is dedi-
cated to this form of activitiy.
The principle article on the sub-
ject is called "Dramatics at Michi-
gan", and is by "a campus critic". It
states that the campus is "inflated with
dramatic virus" and attempts to ex-
plain a general attitude in regard tr,
the matter. "The New Hamlet" is an
article on the modern trend of the old-

turned over to the Senate councilorura
turcation.rt check late today showed. Most of the
Theaticle whihinjured are in Jackson hospital.
The article -which was discussed at
the meeting Sunday read as follows: Derrick Kills Worker
Membership of the council; the coan- El Dorado, Ark., March 12-(By A.
cil shall consist of nine members to P.)--An oil field worker was killed
be elected from the campus at large here last night when an oil derrick,
and three ex-officio mmbers. In the blown down, fell on him. Many. other
event that the president shall be elect derricks were demolished. There
ed other than from the personnel of were no other caualties nor serious in-
the council, the council shaf consist of ! juries.

Art and onions were brought into u-

" nd. LI '( timate connection last night by Frain ; 'er dramatic principles.
one d " AA LargeIn C tyJewett Mather, MArquand professor at Avery hIopwood. '05, is the contrib-
f rrinceton universty,in his talk on the ; utor of a third article in relation tc
Ab n Six Sororities "Newest Painting", given under the the theater. It is written in a whim-
auspicesxofsthe fite arts department sical manner on "Some scrambled
A sownhk The speaker made use of the humble thoughts on the drama and other
Activities of the "Lone Kid"were in-Iwas a note which read, "Thanksifor vegetable in an extended simile com. things". A page of some of the lead-
creased early Sunday morning when the entertainment, girls." The in- paring the gradual purification of ai t ing.ladies from leading New York
he Broke into two more sorority ,scriition, "The Lone id" was writ- to the pealing of layers from an on. shiows is used as a frontispiece and
houses using the same peculiar meth- ten on a mirror in the basement. ion in the search tor what lies at the a full page reproduction of ticket
ods of robbery that have marked hie B:rlap Has (areer Hero center. stubs and program covers of dramnat-
previous escapades. Delta Gamma This makes the sixth house that has Beginning with the first great change ic performances in Ann Arbor for the
sorority, 1205 Hill street, and Zeta Tau in art which came ih 1830, the charge past 10 years illustrates another arti
Alpha sorority, 810 Tappan avenue been broken ito by what police her from the old classical style to the new ce.
are the latest victims of this housc ieve to be the same man. The firstT romanticism, he outlined the transi The prize winning stories of the
breaker who is alleged to have robbed robbeny was on Jan. 27 at the Kappa tions from romanticism,-to realism tc month's short story contest conduct-
six girl's rooming houses in the past Alpha Theta sorority, 1414 Washte- impressionism and post-impression ed by Chimes consitute the fiction for
two months. naw avenue. Here $50 wa-s taken and ism and finally to that which at pres the issue. "Futility" by "Helena", the
Delt(a Gaana Robbed the name "The Lone Kid" was found ent holds sway, the art of the cubist winner of the first prize in the con-
At three o'clock yesterday mornin on a mirror written with soap. On and futurist. Each period was illus. test is used together with the second
he awoke one of the girls in the Delta Feb. 22 and 23 the Chi Omega house, trated by slides of the works of rep- prize story, "Under Their Skins", by
Gamma house and was promptly told 1503 Washtenaw avenue,' and Collegi- resentative artists. Wallace F. Elliott, '23. Other pieces
to "Get out or I will fire." He ran ate Sorosis sorority, 1505 Washitenaw, ' --of fiction are "The Inn of the ApI s"
and with an alarm clock flying after were broken into. The next robbery by Jack Jay, '25, a short story, and
him. The light was tried but would occurred last Friday night when a man i "The Flower", by Robert Bartron, '26
not work. He had destroyed all the -a found in the Westminster hall One of-the articles on topics of gen-
fuses in the house. rooming house, 602 E. Huron street. - eral campus interest, that is used is
The police were notified and when riglhte, a0 a by onesofeth, a discussion of the origin and develop-
meeiie n erhdtehueand was frightened away by one of the m aent of fraternities at Michigan. John
they arrived and searched the house gir'ls returning. ** jmn ffaente tMcia.Jh
it was found that the burglar had tak- i A. Bacon, '23, is the author. It is the
en a pocket book con-taining $4. Noth- Almost every time the same things 'fThe largest classified section first of a series of articles on the sul-
ing else had been touched and all have occurred: lights disconnected. ject by Bacon tracing the gradual de-
Sdooms were locked. I telephone wires cut, and money stolen, - ve p m the Michiga velopment of the organizations to the
At 4 o'clock a similar robbery oc- I usually in $30 to $50 amounts. In no Daily will appear in next Sun- present time.
curred at the Zeta Tau. Alpha house, I case has he entered a fraternity or day's issue. For your space call Sports are treated in an article by
816 Tappan avenue, the robber break- man's rooming house early and avoid the ut Wallace Ellitt, 3. lie tells of the
break: ----- alyad vi terut.arowth of the swinmming and hockey.


Outid 11 ,i t aLaU1IL1 1Uve ue V1LwwU.-
n innovation in the Gargoyle willCCHINK
be used by-that magazine in the Mar-h
issue which will be placed on sale
oi the campus early next week. All UATED U NNUAO fNNUl
of, the material used has been submit-
ted by leading huiiorists and artists POSTPONEMENT DUE TO PRES.
in other college magazines in the Un- DENT BURTON'S INABILITY TO
ited States. ATTEND FRIDAY
The members of the Gargoyle staff
have written short biographical Chicago alumni of the U iversil
sketches of the 17 artists from other have announced the postponement o
schools who are contributing. their annual banquet, -which was t
have been held Friday night in Hot
PRESS CLUB WIi ILL PLa Salle, to April 6. It was necessai
to set the affair over -three weeks b
HIOLD)MEETINGC TOUIGHI' ;cause of the inability of Preside
:Marion L. Burton to attend Frida
Due to the illness of Walter K. Tow-! The visit of the Legislature will r
ers, '10, former editor of The Ameri- quire his presence here over the wee
can Boy and now a Detroit newspaper- end.

_ _ w _ a r i
3' ,

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