Upperclassmen in the literary col-
lege are privileged to take final ex-1T D O
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE aminations under the honor system 1
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 4 by notifying the instructor of their EEf f
Published every morning except Monday dgsire through petitioning. As most I ETHOD LBYI
ring the University year by the Board in students on the campus seem to be
>ntrol of Stude t Publications.uWHICI ONE MAY
...____- unaware of this l act it might be fit- E A W1N TER ANTT1 ,"
Member of Western Conference Editorial ing for professors to call for a class TOUARTN
ssociation. vote to decide tinder which system
The Associated Press is exclusively e,,,the examination is to be- taken 'at LAST NIGHT'S lupercalia certain-,
tied to the use for republication of all least, in classes. composed predom- ly rocked the foundations of this uni-I
ews dispatches credited to it or not other-;inatel of juniors and seniors.
ise credited in this paper and the .local y voisity. One youth of our acquaint-
ews published therein. Two years ago the honor system
was tried out in the literary college ance is sporting a flock of smoked
Eichigan, as second class matter. A r under the plan of making it optional glasses today. The singer was nota-
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3-50. for upperclassmen. The results at ble for the solidity of her technique--
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May'-
ard Street. , that time were highly satisfactory shot-put, hammer-throw - all the
Phones: Iditorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- both to its student advocates and the heavy stunts. We understood Duke
es., g6o.
- administration. Faculty men signi- Yellman's orchestra was to officiate,
Communications not to exceed3soo words fied their approval of it in answers but by the program the Carrie Jacobs
figned, the signature not necessayttoausinarehtwssntu.1
ppear in print, but as an evidence offaith, to aquestionnaire that was sent out. Band also ,held forth (or fifth).
ed notices of events will be published in But it was thought best to continue . : s
the Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
eft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- the optional plan until the honor sys- Introducing Hester
igned communications will receive no Con- tem should become more rHspoflsive to
on. No manuscript will be returned DEAR CAL: Am pleased to notice
the writer encloses postage. The Daily student opinion. that Alfred has a mate on the cam-
ot necessarily endorse the sentiments It is 'scarcely more than two weeks
sed in the communications. pus. She is about the most chic little
until final examinations. To force cement mixer I have ever seen, and
EDITORIAL STAFF the honer system on the students by I I thought you would be p'eased to
Telephones 2414 and 176.3M legislation might prove unwise. But know that her name is Hester. It
really is time that she received a for-
MANAGING EDITOR should be permitted to take an exam- mal introduction to "our college", so
MARION B. STAHL ination under the honor system if he
.at.t poesrssol c-prl take great pleasure in being the
ews Editor................Paul Watzel wants it. Professors should co-ope one to do it-et certera, ad nau.seam.
ity ....James1B. Young ate wi fstudents in the mattert (Don't you think. Hester ought to be
AsitrtCt dtr ..Marion iKem.ra l3(o' o tikHse uh ob
)ditorial l3oard Chairman ......E. . Meiss ichstened, as a token of our esteem?
Might Edtitrs- proves unfavorable they might segre- 1
alght Edyrs l~r~ l -Our boys can get IT!)
kalph byrs Harry Hoe gate the students who want the hon- Eve' our faithful,
T. P . Dawson, Tr. JE . Mack 1lvryou atfl
L. J. 1lershdorfer R. C. Moriarty or system from the others. SUSAN SOX
i. A. Donahue If the initiative is left to the stu-
'rts Editor.................F. i. McPike
iy Magazine Editor.. .Delbert Clark dents noaone need feel backward in From (astr and Pollux
11t !duetsr....... ........Marion BochFrm(atrndPlu
or Eio. ..........Donald Coney starting a petition, as at present stu-Th elpatasgatar
ference Editor............1. 11. Grundy dent opinon is the vital factor in d Ts
sic Edtori.......-.....". . AeiHow does he keep them warm, my
Editorial Board system will be usedd s
yell Kerr Maurice Berman d{_ _eas,_
tin Klaver Eugene Carmichael When the stormy winds do blow?
(Ohio State Lantern)
The union man works eight hours
and calls it a day The office man
works eight or nine hours, occasion-
ally taking work home with him. The
executive may spend only a few hours
in his office, but he spends many
hours outside thinking and planning
his work. The lawyer often works
far into the night on a difficult case,
and the physician may be found
working at all hours.
When does the college student
world. His hours are even more va-
ried than those of the' country doc-
tor, who is liable to be called out at
any time of night. He may be found
working into the wee small hours of
the morning or he may be up with
th gray of dawn, struggling with
some tough assignment.
More often than not he goes to a
basketball game, a movie, or a dance
cirly in the evening,,and then gets
Inly an hour or two of sleep, be-
cause his work must be done. After
the average laiw-abiding citizen is
asleep the fraternity house or col-
lege dormitory is a hive of industry.
Studying is done in odd hours and
moments, when a planned schedule
would make this unnecepssary.
But part of the charm of college
life lies in the fact that the student
can enjoy a basketball game, even if
he must work until 3 a. m. to get out
his school work; that he can linger
over a cup of coffeewith friends when
he knows that he should be working
on a term report; that he can enjoy
himself at a banquet and work all
night that a final may be passed and
'a good grade made in the course.
He finds som~e time to get his school
work, take part ineschool activities.
and not slight the social side of life.
Sleep is missed until it can be put off
no longer, when it is viuaIly caught
in snatches in the classroom; term
reports are handed in on the last
day of grace, and much studying is
postponed until the last minute--all
of which adds to the zest of modern
college life. The college student has
no working hours, bu he may be
found working at all hours.
6 G
r~ A
i A
But -he couldn't have been deader, if
he'd been dead wrong."
Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv.
Ima Andrewsi
nley N Baxt
Eothy Bennetts
fey Bielfield
n Brown
. B. Butler
C. Clark
13. Connable
:rnadette Cote
relyn I. Coughti
allace F. Elliot
seph Epstein
axwell Fead
1;E. Fiske
,,i Garlirghous
Walter S. Goodspeed
Portia Goulder
er Ronald Halgrim
Franklin I) .Hepburn
Winona A. H-ibbard
Edward J. Higgins
Elizabeth Liebermann
John McGinnis
Samuel Moore
M. H. Pryor
W. B. Rafferty
n Robert G. Ramsay
t Campbell Robertson
J. W. Ruwitch
Soll J. Schnitz
W.i : Stoneman
Frederic G. Telmos
e 'hilip Mt wanrn
A more stringent law on the pur-
chase and carrying of firearms is ad
vocated by. Col. Roy C. Vandercook,
Commissioner of Pubf3ic Safety. The
habitual gun carrier, whether an oth-
erwise law abiding citizen or not is
looked upon as a public menace. Even
the most self-controlled person, it is
argued, is at times swept away in the
By listening to the scandal, Murch
That flocks about the lot
lHe keeps his ears both nice and warm
Andi sometimes really hot
I swore off smoking for a month
To I-ease a lass
A week has pvrsed and now I think
I am an ass.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
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6:oo a.m., :oo an, 8:oo a.m., 9: c
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Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
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Local Cars West B<.und--7:50 a.m.,
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ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
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1923 JANUARY 1923
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We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking, of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
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Schedule in Effect October 18, 1922
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,11 A. M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 . Adrian ... 72:4S$ 8:45
4-1 8: 5'.. T'ecurmseh .'.'.1.5 :r
t:30 8:30 ... . Clinton .... 12:oo 8:oo
5:i5 9:15 .... Saline .... 11:15 7:15
5:45 9:45 Ar Ann Arbort.v. 10;45 6:45
-(Court Hos-e Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
hbs for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leave
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. iLLLIOTT, Proprietor
rion.2 926-M Adrian, Mich.
2 MEALS-$400
306-312 SOUTH IAIN (2nd Floor)
Alarm Clocks at ...................$.98
Cut Glass Sherbet at per doz...........$5.00
Wrist Watches at. . .. .... .. $10.00
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Telephone 960
face of extraordinary taxation of mf urch
powers of equanimity. Fate moves in manners odd and quaint
That the gun carrier has an unfair Its ends to bring.
advantage over the other person is The king and council rules the land-
realized by muost confirmed thugs of t a woman rules the king,
England, who appreciate the unsports- * * *
manlike position they are taking Jpl iter in The Daily Office
when they confront a victim with the Brow that befits the world's creator
vertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr. odds so decidedly in their favor as
k" vertising................Edward F. Corlin
vertising..............Walter K.Scherer to be the only one in the party with
pywriting..-...... ....-)avid J. M. Park a . Sthe
counts...... ...Lawrence Ht. Favrotapig o not to encouraethe
r ie :lat on.. .........ownlsend H. Wolfe totting of firearms on the part of
b cation,..............L. Beaumont Parks 1
Assistants I criminals the English police alsotab-
enneth Seick Allan S. Morton !stain from their use, and a mutual
errge Rokwood James A. Dryer -ounderstanding of disarmament is said
Eugene I. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman to prevail. If this is true, it appears
Wui. Graulich, Jr. Itoward Hayden
John C. Haskin *ibenry Freud to be the only ease on record Where
C. L. Putnam flerbert P. Bosticl4 Isc cem a okd
E?. D. Armantrout D. L. Pierces sh r
Herbert W. Cooper Clayton Purdy But we are not well enough con-
Wallace Flower T. B. Sanzenbacher k
Wiam WIr. Reid. Jr. Clifford Mitts vinced as to the integrity of crooks
Edward B. Riedle Ralph Lewright to advocate this system here. And
Harold L. Hale Philip Newallt
Wi. D. Roesser no matter how stringent our laws on
the purchase of firearms are made,
1 .a long as the manufacture of guns and
jrevolvers goes on unrestricted it will
SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 be extremely difficult to enforce them.
-- ---- ------ ;Sportsmen would probably bemoan
Night Editor-L. J., HERSHDORFER 1 any attempt to curb the output of
'guns in this country allotted for pri-
IN HONOR OF THE COACH * vate use. But we have heard too
On November 22, 1922, The Daily much of the playfu. antics of gun-
suggested editorially that the new men to condole their pleas. Others
fied housenowmbeing erected upon ight argue that any attempt to con-
trol production in this line would 'be
Ferry field should be named in honor a malicious and unconstitutional at-
of Coach Fielding H. Yost. Since that tempt, to dominate private industry.
\tinr many 4 enthusiastic supporters But the cogency of this argument
Sare been won to the idea. One peti- would be weakened by the disastrous
ion has been- circulated and turned gun play of the past year which has
to the Board in Control of Ath- tended to make state or government
while the Student council is interference a necessity.
at p esent circulating another for the
- - T1 /T ' r mtwi
Strength to defeat the Giants* un-
S aided:
hocould it be save Juvo Pater?
Hut ohl ow fallen, how degraded!
I-Hc looked around with glazed eye;
(Indiana Daily Student)
Occasionally a professor stops in
a discourse upon the subject suppos-
ed to occupy the hour and finds his
students following him closely
through an extemporaneous lecture
upon a topic far-a ;tray from the pro-
Mm-wn cnn3sca fn liim tinnn cniv him
{ gne por tonimnon sa nl fssor's seilzdknowledge ti
even;, ',ectures of this ort by which the
But, self-important, hustled by I student is most often most impressed
The Sovereign of Earth and Heaven. and which he is apt to regard as the
nost valuable lessons of his college
"Vae!', cried Olympus' star Lothario, career
Even the women now neglect me, There is something attractive in
I yearn for Leda and for fair lo, these informal, wayside conversa-
And all the other dames who necked tions, when a professor of mathemat-
me ics interrupts the circumscribing of
None perceive my power and godhead,
While I, on my part, cannot see
Who's boss, or 'why, I'll ask this guy
If he can't hand the dope to me."
The other stared at him as though
He were a strange new animile,
Regarded him from crown to toe,
And answered with a scornfuil smile:
"Our plan's efficient, though unique-
Victory goes to those 'who roarx
I heard Zeus give a tragic shriek,
And saw him carried feet foremost.1
*Not John J's.
Mortality statistics concerning
those who got j-op permits are out.
M. Coue got his start in a corre-
spondence school remarked OOD yes-
University of Michigan.
(Through, but not in care of, Caligua)
Dear Department:
To your already somewhat impos-
ing list may I not suggest adding one
more tradition, the good sense of
which will not, it is hoped, too great-
ly militate against its adoption?
Herefter, when any Freshman, or
am purpose. SIGNS OF MUTIN1
AAd not only has this agitation been 1 Completely eclipsing any physical
onrined to Ann Arbor. Detroit pa- suffering our army may have under-
er, have taken up the cry, and alum- gone during thd war will ibe the
A throughout the country have ex- mental agony of our soldiers station-
rcssed their opinion that the naming ed at Coblenz or when they arrive
f the new athletic structure in his once again on domestic soil. At least,
.onor would be a fitting acknowledg- this,-is the only inference that can be
gent of the services which Coach Yost drawn from mast of the press dis-
as rendered the University. patches that ha" been arriving
Some objections have arisen to the liately.
roposition on the grounds that Mich- Conjecture, how hard it will be on
gan will have a ,stadium at some the poor private who has been used
imne in the future and this would to drawing a salary in seven figures
): ovide a grander and more fitting to suddenly find himself back again
tructure to bear his name. But Mich- at thirty dollars per .month. But this
gan cannot hope to have a new sta- is not the only cruel feature concom-
Hunai for decades to come. Her itant with hist return He will have
parabolas on the blackboard to de-
liver to his class a free lecture upon
the appreciation of poetry; when a
professor of political science stops to
go upon a chatty excursion into the
value of traveling slowly on a jour-
ney and making the time spent worth-
while; when an economics professor
breaks off from the technical defini-
tions of his subject to discourse upon
the .arger asp\cts of pres(At-day
events and the need of reading news-
papers and periodicals; when the his-
tory professor suddenly forgets his
recitation of the age of feudalism and
launches into an inspired message ;
upon the cultural value of architec-
ture; when the professor of Chaucer
for a moment discards his metrics
and talks upon the practical political
questions of the day
Many things are discussed at these
informal lectures Campus affairs
come up for a moment; subjects
which the student has an opportuni-
ty of discussing in a special course
but which do not attract his attention
nearly so much or make so indelible
an impression as in these impromp-
tu lectures, occupy the classroom for
a moment, brighten up an otherwise
uninteresting hour, and estabAsh a
closer sympathy between the in-
structor and his students.
Th extemporaneous lesson, not list-
ed in the University catalogue and
unscheduled in any syllabus, affords
the professor opportunity to driva
home lessons to his students The
wire-fence salesman who can talk
interestingly upon Milton or Dante,
often has the power of converting his
listener,- to a. purer appreciation of
literature than the most learned pro-
fessor of English literature. So the
professor of economics may be ab'e
to interest his pupils in the paint-
ings of Rembrandt, and the profes-
,sor of music may be able to say some-
thing which will set the student to
thinking upon sociological and eco-
nomic problems.
sands now accomn:odate more than to renounce the quiet German villaay h assmatt, icue
X0,000 spectators, and those in au- in favor of noijy, army barracks. room of the Library, in any-
hority have serious doubts as to genuine liquor for God knows what, thing above the most subdued whis-
whether any larger stadium will be and a life of leisure for the strenuous!per, participate in conversation with,
orthwhil fimncial lor courtship of, a similar rodent. let
vorth while financially, existence of drilling and early rising.;i
The field house, on the other hand, We cannot understand the apathy it be a hoary tradition that all true
las been described as "the greatest of those logacious senators and ed- Michiganders within earshot of the of-
ias f thse oqacoussenaorsand d Ifensive sound shall, with pens, pen-
ingle athletic building in the coun- itors who demanded his return. Buts,
iry and the host and most complete now that the American flag has been I fists, jack-knives, vanity-boxes or
aI' around college athletic plant in removed from Coblenz, we may ex- other suitable objects at once set up,
America". Ever since Coach Yost pect mutiny in our army. Who wants and persist in, svch a rapping as shall
ook his ofaice as Director of Athlet- to leave a job worth three million a serve to convey to a mind of even the
to eav a ob ort thee illon !indicated calibre the high esteem in
es his aims have been to obtain a month in a quiet country for thirty
which the absence or silence of its
iuilding in which to house all indoor i dollars a month in Amdrica?
owirevr wuiu U luchnu
r ports and it is largely through his
fluence that the present enterprise
as undertaken.
The new field house represents one
more great stride towards "Athletics
for All", a policy the full attainment
That A pastor should see the neces-
sity in flogging prisoners when the
occasion arises is queer after read-
ing the sad pleas against it emanat-
ing from the pens of certain master
s rrit.i .ltnnln tc,
owner wouldt be held.
* * * '
"LOT-ountain pen by lady half
full of ink."
- * * *
"It ought to be cold when winter
Reflecting on the Ann Arbor cam- I
paign against careless driving we are
reminded of that little bit of verse