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December 13, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-13

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Recall Meeting in 1920
The purpose of the convocation in
1920 was the presentation of Presi-
dent Burton who was beginning his
first year as Michigan's president, in
an intimate manner to the student!
body. He disclosed his plans for the
University in a mannercthat was in-
tended to create the 'confidence and
interest of the student body in Univer.,
sity affairs. The address which will
be given tomorrow will be of a simi-
lar nature.
Speeches by Prof. E. M. Bragg, of
the Marine engineering department
and W. R. Kales, engineer of the new
field house, featured the smoker giv-
en by the Engineering society at thr4
Union last night.
A boxing match under the auspices
of the Boxing club was staged by
Clifford McKecknie, '23E, and Gecrge
Wolnitz, '24.
An abundance of music added to the
festivities of the occasion. Jazz mu-
sic by the Frank Pollen orchestra,
singing by. James J. Johnson, '23, and
selections by the banjo quintet of the
Varsity band made a varied program.
Wanam zker, "M
Dies After
Philadelphia, Dec. 12.-John Wana-j
maker, Philadelphia merchant prince
and philanthropist died at his homes
here at 8 o'clock this morning, fol-
lowing a brief illness._. Mr. Wana-
maker had been confined to his home
since late in November. He was 84
years old.
John Wanamaker, often called the
"miracle merchant", led in the crea-
tion of the department store as an in-
stitution in American life. At the
outbreak of the Civil War in 18611
when he began business for himself in
a humble way in Philadelphia, retail
merchandizing in this country was in
a disorganized state, and, in the opin-,
ixn of the far-sighted young merchant,
it was suffering a rapid decline
through practices that were then gen-
eral. Aside from his ambition to
make money, "my paramount pur-
pose", said Mr. Wanamaker, "was to
help save the mercantile profession
from lowering its flag before other
professions and occupations". There
were in those days no fixed selling
price for goods. Business then de-
manded a thirteen-hour day from all

Hindu Communist- [TO(
Labor Delegate In IL LVL U UL
British Commons A A D ED (WETE( S
Class Nume als on Jerseys Instead of
Customary "I" to Be Given to
Squad This Year
In accordance with the ruling made
.:...last year by the Board of Athletic Di-
rectors, members of the Reserve
squad will be awarded sweaters with
their class numerals in Varsity col-l
ors, instead of the customary "R's"
which were dispensed last year.
This action has been takei follow-
ing the precedent set last year. when
the men were offered the choice of
the "R", or their class numerals. The
men chose the numerals. It is thought
that this form of reward is more ap-
propriate than the "R" in as much
that it distinguishes the men more
clearly with the Varsity squad, by1
rziving their class numerals in the
Maize and Blue colors.
Coach Fisher stated in giving these
awards that they were for the work
that the men bad done and the serv-
Shapiro Saklatvala ice that had been rendered the prac-
She British hveo, comms i The following are men requested to
of the British house of commons, is jIrenort to the athletic office. before. the.
one of the outstanding political fig- end of the week, to be measured for
ures in England. Saklatvala, though sweaters: K. A. Blumer, J.' V. Camp-;
a member of the Labor party, is a bell, E. B. Bennett, W. J. Donnelly, M.'
communist. W. Decker, P. A. Edwards, C Gallo-'
way, W. r. Foster, J. J. Gaarnault,
M <. W. Swanson. E. R.'Schakel, HI. G.
TCarman, B. V. Lawson,I-I. Carney, M.
B.Scully, L. B. Roby, R. II. Harkrid-
- er, A. J. Armstrong, E. A. Chapman, J.
YCK. Miller, F. B. Day, W E. Benson, G.
A.Price, L. Savage, R. V. Ingle, H. S.
Winkler, Peterson, W. Lande.
Members Gather at 4:15 O'Clock This
Afternoon in First
III Santa Claus and a Christmas tree'
Faculty members of every school will help to bring Christmas cheer'
and college in the University will meet to the "kids" in the Hoover district
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Nat- tomorrow night at a party to be giv-
ural Science auditorium in the first en them by the Presbyterian Young
general faculty meeting of the year. Peoples' society. A committee of Stu-
President Marion L. Burton will ad- dents under Esther Mahaffy, '23, have
dress the meeting with an explanation charge of the arrangements for the
of the legislative program which was party and have prepared an enter-
set before state officials Monday, and tainment for the children in which
an outline of the policy of expansion they will take part themselves.
and administration for the coming Mrs. E. H. Vanderwilt will sing
year. I several Christmas songs and mem-
The meeting affords an opportunity hers of the committee will tell the
for the President to place matters of children the story of Christmas after
general moment before the faculty of which every one of them will receive
the University as a body. President useful presents and bags of candy.
Burton stated yesterday, however that The gifts and entertainment is made
nothing in the way of disciplinary possible by the recent Hoover--"Bob"
policy, nor anything concerning the McCandliss drive put on by the Pres-
report recently made by the discipline byterian students, through which over
committee will be discussed in the $1,500 was raised.
meeting. 3f
Davis, Edmonson visit Columbia ,SR
Prof. C. O. Davis and Prof. J. B. Ed- I
monson, of the School of Education.
are visiting the school for teachers at 'T
Columbia university, and the Lincoln D S
school in New York City. They will
return to Ann -Arbor next week. More than 150 students have called
at the office of the Dean of Students
" ~ for the purpose of securing pamph-
erchant Prince"EsceEtet *""ien'e
lere antAto~14 ce" lets describing the work of the United
n e r Iss States consular service. The director
B r i e TI I in es CS of the service forwarded such mater-
ial to Dean Bursley in the event that
some students might be interested in
became one of the first retailers to taking up this vocation as their life
do this. He found it difficult to get work.
employes who were properly instruct- The pamphlets contain reading mat-
ed in their duties and he organized ter telling the benefits, and prerequis-
training schools where his workers ites of the work as well as stating the
were taught the "Wanamaker. sys- time and place where the examina-
tem". tion for entrance into this particular
He was known as a great believer branch of the department of State
in advertising, in newpaper advertis- must be taken.

ing above all other varieties. He Students who have pamphlets out
spent millions of dollars in it. One of at the present are requested to return
the features- of his advertising cam- them as soon as possible in order that
paign was his development of the others interested may secure them.
"Store News Page" which he led with
an editorial over his own signature,
invariably written by himself, to keep
the public in touch with the policieg YACIION U9NICE
of his business.
In political life Mr. Wanamaker was Invitations have been issued for the
prominent as an independent Republi- Michigan Undergraduate dance which
can. In 1882 he was offered the Re- will be held on the evening of Friday,
publican nomination as congressman- Dec. 22 in the Detroit Athletic club.
at-large for the state of Pennsylvania, The- dance, which is to be given for
but declined it, and in 1886 he declined the benefit of the Women's league, will
I to be an independent candidate for be informal. Music will be furnished
mayor of Philadelphia. Upon the by Bergen's orchestra. After Friday
election of Harrison, Mr. Wanamaker of this week tickets will be exchanged
was invited to enter the cabinet, and only at Grinnel's in Detroit.
although there was much criticism to Patrons and 'patronesses for the
the effect that a merchant was unfit dance are as follows. President Emer-
a tr~+-- -~x. -

( g| p 'Admiral To Head
"OI N IReorganized Navy
Fourteen Specifications Mentioned in
Evidence Against Attorney
Washington, Dec. 12.-Hearing on
impeachment proceedings brought
against Attorney General Daugherty
by Representative Kellar, Minnesota,
were opened today before the house
judiciary committee. They were mark- I
ed by frequent clashes between mem-
bers of the committee and Jackson H.
Relston, council for Mr. Kellar, first c
as to the method of procedure and
second as to the relevancy of testi-
The Minnesota representative won
the first scrimmage, the committee Admiral Hilary P. Jones
voting an executive session after an Under the new reorganization plan,
hour an d a half of wrangling in the approved by President Harding, Ad-
open to hear first evidence on three miral Hilary P. Jones will be in su-
o the fourteen specifications desig- preme command of the naval forces
nated by Mr. Kellar, instead of ~ of the United States in peace and war.
ing the charges up in the numerical The navy units have been divided into
order in which they were presented four groups, each under individual
originally. command subject to the orders of
Another decision was against the Jones.
summoning of Chief Justice Taft,__
whose presence had -been requested
by ialston for the purpose of con- fr
firming a letter, which Mr. Taft wrote 1Sll
Attrney General Wickersham and
which was read into the records dur-
ing the day. The committee held that
conflrination. would be unnecessary.
Second Day of Physical Education
Conference Given Over To
To establ-sh interest in a fund- that Several tas dealing with so+ e
will aid in the relief of Russian. chiff l phase of physical education. charac-
dren -is the purpose of an ilustratedd terized the second day session of the
lecture.and motion picture 1ow that fourth annual convention of the State
will be given at 8 o'clock tonight min, Society of .Physical Education, yester..
Natural Science auditorium. Pr Lucy day.
M. Elliot, of Flint, will speak on the A discussion of "Competitive Ath-
subject "What I Saw Along-the Vol- letics for Girls" opened the program,
ga". when addresses were delivered on
The lecture is being arranged un- that topic by Miss Crystal Wormer,
der the auspices of the local commit- Miss Ruth Dunbar, and Dr. Linda
tee for the relief of Russian children, Roth. Following this Dr. John Sund-
that is under the general supervision
of the American Relief administration wall, director of students' physical
and the American Committee for Re- welfare in the University, gave his
lief of Foreign Children. ,views on "Responsibility for the
Dr. Elliot has served in relief work Health Program".
in Russia and was formerly employ- C ielg 1.
ed as a Quaker relief worker. Dr., Ccah Fielding H. Yost and Mrs.
Elliot served during a greater part Yost were the guests of the conven-
of the time that the conditions in tion at a luncheon in the Union at
Russia were at their worst and the which time Coach Yost commended
description of the starvation condi- the work done by this body. Discus-
tions will be given from first-hand in- sion was resumed in the afternoon
formation. Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director of
No admission fee will be chargvd& 1 intramural athletics in the University,
beginning with "Ability Tests" as his
FOR LETTERS DURING ,HOLIDAYS W. P. Bowen then spoke on the
'"Present Day Trend of Physical Edu-
Students desiring their mail to bhe cation". The final exposition of the
forwarded to them during vacation day was an outline of "The Program
are asked by the post office depart- of the American Physical Education
met to fill out the pink cards which Association", by Miss Ethel Perrin.
are obtainable at the Arcade branch Chas. A. Sink, of the school of mun-
of the post office. On this card they sic, former state. senator, was the
should state their home address, Ann guest of honor at a second dinner in
Arbor address, and time of return. the Union last night. Immediately
All first class mail will be forward- following dinner a discussion of the
ed free of charge as usual, but second afternoon's problems was resumed.
class matter will be held at the Ann Prof. W. B. Bowen of the Ypsilanti
Arbor address unless money covering Normal school was the main speaker
the forwarding charge is left there. at this time.
Union Opera "Supreme"
Declares Prof. Campbell

"Details of the stage production of Out' when you consider the stage ef-
the 1922 Michigan Union opera are su- fects, dancing, and general'finish.
preme," declared Prof. O. J. Camp- The music, comedians, and danc-
bell, of the English department, yes- ing are especially commended. The
terday. "E. Mortimer Shuter is an music is termed by him as "tuneful,
excellent producer and has great feel-! excellent in its character and differ-
ing for stage fixtures, color, andi entiation." The "Dutch Cleanser"
e lighting. The precision with which he dance is by far the best; "I consider
works out the details, and the rela-1 it to be one of the best chorus dances


tion of the dances one to another all I have ever seen in any musical re- In the cases of the students wno
combine to make this an unusual mus- vue," he declared. "The others are are placed on warning or probation;
ical comedy." good, but lack originality." letters will also be sent to their par-
Professor Campbell, who is chair- As in all productions of any sort ents or guardians.
man of the University Senate commit- there are defects. More characters
tee on student dramatics and who with well-trained voices are essential ALL-JERSEY SMOKER WILL
took an active part in directing simi- to the complete success of a musical BE HELD IN UNION TONIGHT
lar productions at the University of comedy. "I realize the difficulty of
Wisconsin when he was a member of finding students who can sing, act, Students from New Jersey will hold
the faculty there, believes that the and dance well, but I think that Mr. their annual All-Jersey smoker in the
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