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March 13, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-13

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T public eye than they think. It is
also time that they not only take anI
-active interest in civic affairs but
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE make manifest that interest to the
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN world. In former days the Univer-'
Published every morning except Monday sity was the storm-center of all po-
during the University year by the Board "Ilitical. debate, and questions of moment
Control of Student Publications.
were decided by deep students of:
Member of Western Conference Editorial those questions; they were decided by
Association men particularly qualified to cast an
The Associated Press is exclusively en-intelligent vote. But now the univer-
titled to the use for republication of at sities are blamed for an utter lack
news dispatches credited to it or nother of interest in all civicpand
wisec credited in this raper and the loca o neeti l ii problems, a(
news published therein. the twelve votes lately cast out of
'Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbo four thousand qualified voters do not
Michigan, aa second class matter, offer any substantial evidence that
Subscription by carrier or mail, $350. Michigan may be"excepted.'
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
card Street. Every qualified student voter nust
e :ditorial, 4 and i6-M; Bus wake up to the fact that the call to





Wated: For Burglary-
His activities have again started.
His speciality is robbing she-frats and
causing consternation therein. Tlhe
say he carries mice in his pocket in
case of discovery.
One girl's description of hin fol-
lows (the others saw only the mice);
"He is rather tall and just as attrac-
tive as he can be, only he wears that'
slick black mask. His voice is deep
and thrilling He wore one of those
adorably brilliant ties and the cutest'
little hat; and he has the nicest man-
ners. His Norfolk suit was quite
'dark brown and so were his eves I

Communications net to exceed soo word.
11 signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith
and notices of events will be published is,
The Daily at the discretion of the Lditor, P
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un
sisme cmmniationswill receive no con

citizenship is one particularly direct-
ed toward him. The problems of thd
day demand specific knowledge and
studied consideration; and above all
what the nation needs is intelligent



W .voting. ()ut of consiideration for the -Kt ua w a ,
;ideration. No manuscript will be r eturnee ,,U
unless the writer encloses postage. The Dail} University, Michigan students must should judge. But that voice I shallI
does not necessarily endorse the sentiment make a just and representative show- never forget and such a line! Oh! I
expressed in the communications.
_________________________-ing. hope he robs us again, and leaves an-
other lovely note. I've got that one
EDITORIAL STAFF im meoyboan th ohrIt
Telephones 2414 and 176-M TESTS FOR ATHLETES i my memory book and the other
girls want one, too."
Skeptics and casual observers have
MANAGING EDITOR been heard to remark frequently that ,I,, ~ I ,S, ,
MARION B. STAHL athletes were doing themselves more was whe
harm than good, by their athletic ex- Time was when
ews Editor..............Paul Watzelskya unversity!built
City- Editor...........James B. Young ertions. You know, they are wonts l
Assistant City Editor .........J. A. Bacon to say, "that these athletes don't live men. Seems like now,
;ituriai Board Chairman....... E. R. Meiss Ji' e ulir
Nigt C ..ditorsr-.as long as ordinary men, because so it's men building
Rtalph Byers Harry Hxey much exercise affects their heart." the university.
L. J. Hershdorfer R. C. Moriarty JoKr.
1. A. Donahue J. E. Mack The University Medical Department
Sports Editor ...........Waace F. E'liott at Cornell has decided to settle the * * *
+r amen's 1ditor......:....Marion KochHE!GRS EYt
;,- l' * Marito;..1. A. Donaui question once for all. They are plan- HEY! GIRLS 1EY!!
Pictorial Editor................Robert Tarr ning to examine from twelve to fifteen I am a great big tall,
Music Editor.................... E. H. Ailes oarsmen on thiis years squad, giving h a n dsone, conceited,
Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr E Maurice Berman them fluoroscope examinations, by ; deceitful sopho m o r e.
Eugene Carmichael which it is claimed accurate tracing Aht yes -- but I am
Assistants of the size of the heart can be made. lonely, ah, so lonely.
tanley T,. Armstrong Franklin D .Iepburn These records are to be compared Bunk, why don't you
Sidney Bielfield Winona A. Hibbard
R. A. Billington Edward J. Higgins with similar records made at the end start a lonesome col-
tickrn ro-un' e'nneth C.IKellar
I. C. Clark Elizabeth Liebermann of the crew season, revealing any column for such as me?
A B. Connable , ohn McGinnis enlargement which might have devel- I have a Packard Se-
Bernadette Coate Samuel Moore tepet o oiy
Evelyn . Coughli el. H. Pryor oped in the hearts of the athletes. clan, plenty of money,
Joep pstein. W. B. Rafferty
r. Fiske Robert G. Ramsay Other institutions in the past have and lots of good quali-
John Garlinghouse Canpbell Robertson attempted to determine whether or ties-but am best by test-isn't therez
Walter S. Goodspeed 1J. W. Ruwitch
Portia Goulder Soll J. Schnitz not extreme athletic exertion has re- some one?
Rald r Phiim M \arner sulted in overdevelopment and sub- -Just Jake.
BUSINESS STAFF sequent poor health, but their records
Telephone 960 are not convincing or authoritative. Jake, my boy, you don't need a col-
This investigation at Cornell, how- umn, any more than you need to wor-
ever, should reveal with considerable ry about whether or not a Humming-
BUSINESS MANAGER accuracy any changes which the sea- bird flies with its tonsils. All you
ALBERT J PARKER sons activities may have made in the need is a little nerve (you have that)
erathletes.and a little publicity (you're gettingj
Advertisng.... ...John J.. Hamel, Jr.atetstht Grs isatnmesMa-
Advertising.. .. ...Walter K. Scherer Such investigations as these de- tat). Gl hs ts C
Advertising..........Lawrence .11. F ayrot
Vublication ................Edward F. Coserve enthusiastic support, for if they Dandruff.
Copywriting....David J. M. Park furnish concluisve evidence that pres-
Circulation. . . . ownsend I.Wof
Accounts..............eaumont Parks ent day intercollegiate athletics ask A Tear froi l eara.ble
Assistants too much of a sacrifice from the en- The sun at its meridian blazes down
Kenneth Seck Allan S. Morton trants into various sports, changes of Somewhere else--not in Ann Arbor.
George roclwiood James A. Dryer
Perry7M. Hayden Wm.1 I. Good a sweeping nature are almost certain An owl, in the cimmerian darkness,
Eugen .a liunne lyde L Hgrman to be made within a reasonable length Hid from view,
John C. Haskin Herbert P. Bo- ' oI Shouts hoarsely, "Towhoo! Towhit!"
C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce ~ o ie
E. D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy I sit in the dark
Herbert W. Cooper J. B. Sanzenbacher Drinking the stygian gloom
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts A N1RSIGPORM
Wi~aniI .Reid r. Ralph Lewright Ayewhwinse termak (there is e'en 'no moonshine)
Harold L. Hale Philip Newall Anyone who witnessed the remark Ant m rins m no
hn niano recital which GuyvMa er


(Daily Palo Alto)
'1For beatjty I am not a star
There are others more handsome by
fa r, I
But my face. I do't mind it,
For I am behind it.
It's the folks out in front that I jar."
The above lines are by Woodrow~
Wilson, nparently without excuse
A. Bonar Law, Premier of England,
holds the distinction of being the
ugliest man in Parliament, and is
proud of it. In the popular elements
of personality (the "power that cot-
pes", etc.), he must be wholly lack-
ing, for people, even members of
Parlianment, will not listen to his
speeches. Still they are said to read
them always for the meat they con-
The good fellowship elements of per-
sonality are too often the sole basis
a' colome men's judgment of one
another. Honor societies often pick
too many men on this basis, with the
result that in really important enter-
prises they sometimes lack the power
to put over a real worth while proj-
ect, as past methods have shown.
Good fellows intead of good execu-
tives are often put in office A
"dough", "gawky", "goofy", "stub-
born" or otherwise wrong freshman
may be ignored by group after group
until some intelligent senior puts him
on the right track, after which he
often puts earlier critics to shame
Fortunately this last possibil'ty is
less in evidence here than at many
universities, because of the broad or-
ganization of Stanford living groups.
Students wilh ideas, strength.
willingness, and interest, are needed
in activity. Many of us will do well
to judge people more on power to
accomplish something. Men with this
quality in the long run usually do not
prove such bad fellows. Good fel-
lowship, as such, i:5 over emphasized
in college.
(Detr6it Free Press)
In what sounds like a shrewd diag-
nosis of the situation in which Great
Britain finds itself with re'ard to
France, Sir Philip Gibbs says events
are going to force "England quite soon
to take sides definitely with France
in coercion of Germany, or to tell
France politely but firmly, that we
must resist and oppose by all politi-
cal meacs, her occupation of the
Rlhi'neland with its destruction of Ger-
man industry and its dragooning of
German citizens who refuse to work
under French bayonets or to shInit
to French domination and martial law
in time of peace."
Sir Philip says this will be a "very
terrible decision" for Great Britain to
make, but the burden of his conclu-
sion is that while that country will
be loth to break with France, it "can-
not and will not associate itself with
France in this use of force and bru-
tality to. exact tribute from a de-
fenseless people whose national ruin,
increased by this coercion, prevents
them'paying. And Gibbs offers to his
fellow-countrymen whatever comfort
there may be for them in the asser-
tion that the fault is the fault of
France, not of Great Britain, which
ha had forced on it an issue it would
be happy to avoid.
However, Sir Philip is not hope-
less. lie confesses to a "gleam of
hope" which has suddenly burst upon
him. This'gleam is nothing less than
the old stock suggestion that the way
out of the Ruhr difliculty is interven-
tion by the United States. But in
presenting this scheme as a novelty.
Gibbs is more diplomatic than some
of his brother writers. He puts the
thought into the mouth of an unnamed

American who is made to say that
"when intervention must happen, the
United States and Great Britain will
have to straighten things out." In
short, we find emphasis on the idea
that force of circumstances, or shall
we say fate, rather than deliberate
choice is going to govern Washing-
ton's attitude.
This is interesting, and possibly in-
structive as a warning to America to
be especially careful in sailing clear,
particularly in view of the reiteration
by'Pr'emier Poincare of his announce-
nient that France will not accept me-
diation or even enter into indirect
conversations with third parties re-
gardling the Ruhr situation.
But Gibbs is not only interesting, in
spite of the seriousness of the topic
he discusses, lie also is entertaining.
It is quite apparent after reading what
he has to say, that lie and those oth-
er Englislunen for whom he may
speak are not so much oppressed by
the thought of making a "terrible
decision" which may make "those
Engli.sh dead lying in French soil turn
in their graves as this hideous mock-
cry of their sacrifice", as they are by
the thought of being obliged to take
such a step alone. It seems quite ap-
parent that their sorrow over a break
wv th FrNance would be immensely as-

i' r

happenings in the Ruhr, they are did-
tinetly none of our affair as a nation.
Ann Arbor and Jacksn
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Car-
6 :oo am.. 7 :oo amrt., 8 :oo _a.m., 9:0[
a.m. and hourly to 9:os p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m.,tand
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.n.
and every two hours to 9:oo p. n.,
ii :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-1x:40 j
p.m., i:is am.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.-
Local Cars West Bcund-7:5o a.m.,
Ia:a t .ni
To Jackson and kalamazoo-Lrm-
ited cars 8:47, -0:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, j
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.

712 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Streetse
Schednle in tffect October ze, z922
Central Time (Slow Time)
PM. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3 :45 7:45 .... Adrian ... 12:45 8:45
4:15 8:15 ... Tecumseh ...:1:5 8:15
4:30 8:30 .... Clinton .... t2:oo 8:00
5:T5 9:15 .... Saline .... 11:15 7:15
5:45 9:d Arknn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D--Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. E LLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 46

hthoQI of Music Tuner
Office at Res 418 N. Division St.

omen'S League
The Graham Book Stores will give the Building Fund of the Women's League a per-
centage on all cash sales of the













1 )

e 1


1 2
8 J 1
1 5 16 1
30i 3)~





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write practically every form of insurance except lif,.

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You'll find a
at the
Blue-Gold Lunch



Night Editor---HO WARD A. DONAHUE1
Because of a rush of other matters
hiich lprecluded its thorough consid-
eratio, according to statements, given<
cut, the Board in Control of Athletics
postp1oned its de1(cision concerning the
proposed naming of Michigan's new -
field house in honor of Coach Field-
ing H. Yost until its next meeting in '
This is not the first time that the;
wtter has been tabled; although it is
true that when the Student council,
presented its petition Saturday the
climax of an intense campaign upon
the-part of student and alumni of the
university for Yost Field house was
From now until the April meeting
e~ntlbers of the Board wil have con-
sid eable time in which, Vo delib-
crate the request. They have the
facts in hand. They must realize the
weight of alumni and student opin-
ion; almost a quarter of a century of
exceptional service on the part of
Coach Yost is worthy of recognition;
the ;greatest athletic structure in any
university of the country today pro-
vides an appropriate tribiute.'
These facts should be weighed be-
fore the next meeting is called, so
that at that time the members of the i
Board in Control may finally decide
upon a matter which has aroused no l
little interest and anticipation upon

able iiiano recital which Guy Maier f
and Lee Pattison offered before the
audience in Hill auditorium recently
could not but marvel at the unique
manner in which they entertained
their listeners. Demonstrating a new 1
type in the realm of first class musi-
cal artistry, these pianists played:
with an uncanny unity, except in the
two brief numbers which apparently
were inserted into the repertoire for
the purpose of reflecting the merits
f the other compositions. m m
Thegse two movements, from a mod-!
ern Italian composition, which were
characterized as "not to be taken
too seriously" in the program note
were neither beautiful, comical nor
ingenious. Sadly enough, they repre-I
sent the ambitions of some talented
composer to add a bit of "music" to
the composiltionp of the world. Cer-
tainly there is no excuse for believ-
ing that such tomfoolery would even
be recognized as music by the mostr
savage of African cannibals. Lacking
in harmony and rhythm, the tones
were merely combined in such a way;
pis to produce a ridiculous snicker
throughout the audience, and in fact
even on the face of one of the pianists,.
who himself must have realized the
absolute lack of artistic merit. If the
purpose in playig 'these numbers
was to cause the- others to shine by
comparison, the artists can be com-
mended upon their choice; if not,
their taste was evidently off-color.
Mr. Wise Student says he's get-
ting most of the semester's work done
these weeks, 'cause he knows it will
be twice as hard to work when "ca-!
noeing time" comes. Now we know
why he's called wise.

I sit and think of nothing-
Absolutely nothing.
I think of you.
Dere Bunkie: (Ali that makes it dif-
Much bursting out of jaundice-coated
Uneeda Biscuit kids on the campus,
presumably in celebration of the alleg-
ed Spring rain yesterday. Something
ought to be done about this-I strong- ,
ly suspect that a committee on sup-
pression is even now considering the
matter. Or shiuld be considering it.
All of which reminds us that we were
walking home with our Temporary.
Best Beloved t'other nite, he being
sparklingly arrayed (no, not spark-
ingly--the word is obsolete!) in golf
hose and nickers, a slik bandana car-
rying all the known colors, a fancy
sport coat, and the inevitable battered
headpiece. Along by the cemetery, a
real fancy wealthy-wagon (Chevro-
let, methinks) drew up beside the'
curb, and from the depths af the flap-
ing side curtains came an enticing,
"Wanta ride, girls?"
And all the rest of the way home
my T. B. B. had it borne home to him
that the female of the species is more
vicious than the male.
I1 ask you!
j Squitessence of Squatroot.
You asked me if I heard about the
dear young thing that simply couldn't
stand up before those library stares.
No, I haven't. She must be a flighty,
little creature.
** *
I'm tired tonight, I'm oh, so tired
My head whirls as a dervish wild.
My energy is all expired,
And I'm just a weary child.
But when tonight in bed I'll creep,
My weariness will all be o'er,
For I will fall in slumber deep,
And snore, and snore, and snore,
and snore.
* *' *
Question:. Can you inform us engi-
ners why the Dents don't extract;
roots on a slide rule? Beelbee.
Answer: Yes.

Convenient location, and quick
service make it .easy to eat at'
the new M-Lunch in a hurry!
322 South State-next Graham's


the part of those who follow Michi-
gans athletics.

The Daily will guarantee to help
the Buildings and Grounds department

It is a fact quite widely known that
only twelve out of four thousand
qualfied students at the University of
Michigan voted at the fall elections,
despite the fact that adequate meansI
was taken to acquaint the student
ith the method of "absent voting".
This unfavorable record speaks poor-
ly for the degree of interest Michigan
studIents are taking in civic affairs.
It presents an especially inviting and
vulnerable attack for the people who
continually preach that tax-payers are
not receiving satissfactory returns for

keep students off the grass, if the B.
and G. department will in turn put up
some coathooks in class rooms.
The Ann Arbor train from the north
was only two hours late the other
night. It must be getting to be
spring in the upper peninsula.
The average life term in Ohio lasts
between six 'and seven years, accord-
ing to statistics. Ohio criminals are
evidently short-lied.

Th e iost acceptable
,Easter Gift Is,
Whitman's Candy
We shall have some of the regular assortments in Easter
wrappings without extra charge. Send Whitman's.

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