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November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…High hopes; low turnout See Editorial, Page 4 C I tr Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom ~Ialij So Blue Partly sunny and cold today with a chance of snow showers and a high in the 30s. Vol. XCHII, No. 57 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 13, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages UAW leaders select new president to take over after Fraser exits From AP and UPI DEARBORN- United Auto Workers union Vice Presiden...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…0 Page 2-Saturday, November 13, 1982-The Michigan Daily Incredible eggs test. Engineering ingenuity By EVA SCHERER The eggs poured out of the sky near the West Engineering arch yesterday. They were enclosed in spacecraft that looked like lunar landers, cardboard rockets, and rubber satellites, and the cargo, a by-product of chickens, was precious to the beings that had laun- ched them. To the cheering crowd, who avoided the rain and eggs by...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 13, 1982-Page 3 Candidate to tap student energy By ROB FRANK Rajeev Samantrai said he was first interested in LSA-SG as a forum for his own gripes about the University. Now, the sophomore hopes to become its next president. LSA-SG "tends to attract disenchan- ted students, and I thought student government would be a good forum for LSA-SG ELECTIONS effective change," Samantrai said. HAVING worked on Mich...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…OPINION ;- Page 4 The Michigan Daily> Saturday, November 13, 1982 The Vietnam Memorial: Some reflections By Janet Rae WASHINGTON - We.had wandered along the Mall for more than an hour, relishing the last throes of one of Washington, D.C.'s spectacular Indian summers. "It's somewhere between the Washington Monument and the Lin- coln Memorial," we had been told. As much as our feet were beginning to hurt, we were determined to cover ever...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…an Daily-Saturday, November 13, 1982-Page 5 3; J Bob Seymour (left) and Bob Stoick practice a dive for their final performance of the season. w Cowning round r on the footbaff ieldr What does it take to be a cheerleader at Michigan? Partly clownlike humor, partly foot- ball enthusiasm and mostly gymnastic skill. The 11-man squad practices three times a week but practice consists of a couple of hours of fun and; games that closely resemble gra...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6 -Saturday, November 13, 1982-The Michigan Daily Saturday t Morning 5:00 Q MOVIE * 2 "The Jungle" (1952) Rod Cameron, Cesar Romero. Members of an expedition encounter huge prehistoric creatures deep in the jungles of India. © () SONYA E BONAVENTURE TRAVEL f!o 5:30 ® ART OF BEING HUMAN e A ( MOVIE * 1 "Blonde Dynamite" (1949) Bowery Boys, Adele Jergens. The Boys are kept busy when they organize an escort agency. 1 6:000 Q ® OPEN DOORS...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 13, 1982-Page 7 olwmmmmml..- r,,,,,, rr..--'- 1 BU ,.Iscr beer. We ko Ovs hichcosts so much tu o te jto ¢w~rd eirnq produces vt beh4N S Oter¢c II yo wlfind i n noothhpo md TH eEWO % Pfp.9 Gridders battle elements Not even the death of Soviet Premier Brezhnev can stop the IM Touch Foot- ball Playoffs from marching on. Of course, this week's inclement weather was no help to the various teams, and ...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…0 Page 8-Saturday, November 13, 1982-The Michigan Daily - -~ .. . - - - - ~- - ~- - - - . - - - - - - . -. - --- The Rose Midnight Cowboy Harald and Maude If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page You WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES 60 ] I I A I "* I 1 1 .' I I *I'~1 .1 1 I*.*I**I*.~~.I*t I. I" Stereo, exc. cond. Technics receiver. Sony turntable. Toshiba Dolby cassette, Alpec...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 9

…SP ORTS Saturday, November 13, 1982 The Michigan Daily Page 9 Michigan battles for roses By BARB BARKER -'Ordinarily a Saturday afternoon matchup between Michigan and a sixth- lace Big Ten football team would illicit *ittle more than a yawn from network television programmers, but the con- ference situation leading into today's 12':35 p.m. Michigan-Purdue game at Michigan Stadium is anything but or- dinary. Because the Wolverines are the o...…

November 13, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 57) • Page Image 10

…0 Page 10-Saturday, November 13, 1982-The Michigan Daily BO L OVE < t.. :«r ; r. e " - ' x .: ;i,-.' a , . ^q lILE KERS N 1982, er of shing ~lzl s , 1 'r'' , earth of you need quality pro- your treasured~ family illustrations for your sit SUN PHOTO. Our Packard Road is fully It's still a wa ma ter! to al give you solutions to fast, your Parthl Uof M an older cal cars I IONS ekond rates- "1 Cot, In Ann Arbor 438 W.Hur...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…t Smaller but better prisons See Weekend Magazine Inside Black enrollment: Dubious commitment See Editorial, Page 4 C I tr Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom 43ttti Wicked Windy and colder today with showers possibly turning to snow showers. Viol. XCIll, No. 56 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 12, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Low turn-out mars nuclear arms forum Brezhnev dead; Power ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…A 1 I L.S.A. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION VOTE Page 2-Friday, November 12, 1982-The Michigan Daily Independent candlidate runs on uniqua"ate run an u u sl 688A November 15 Union 10:00 am-2:09 pm UGLI 7:00 pm-10:00 pm Fisbowl 8:S am-3:15 pm Mosher Jordan 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Alice Lloyd 4:15 pm-6:15 pm Couzens 4:30 pm-6:45 pm Markley 4:45 pm-6:45 pm~ November 16 Union 10:00 am-3:00 pm UGLI 3:30 pm-7:00 pm Fishbowl 8:45 am-8:00 pm East Quad 4:0...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 12, 1982-Page Union sends national reps to 'U' to By NEIL CHASE A major union has sent national representatives to join in the con- troversy among University office workers over whether to organize, and union officials say their attempts to woo members during the last several weeks have been successful. "We feel real good about it," said Reggie McGhee, a spokesman for the Lansing office of the American Fed...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…0 OPINION Page 4 Friday, November 12, 1982 The Michigan Daily Giving students the voice they deserve s # t r By Richard Layman and Margaret Talmers On December 6 the LSA Governing Faculty will vote upon a resolution that is crucial to the future role of students in the University's decision-making process. The Governing Faculty will discuss the Ross R olution, which recommends making one stdent a member of the LSA Executive Com- mit...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…Brezhnev's death will have no drastic effect The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 12, 1982-Pag (Continued from Page 1) we'd be in a holding pattern," said Rusk, who was President Johnson's secretary of state when Brezhnev came to power in the last major transition in the Soviet government. Haig, who resigned from the Reagan administration only six months ago said all the United States can do in the next few days is wait and watch. "We must me...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…A ARTS Friday, November 12, 1982 The Michigan Daily Pointer Sisters' Page 6 :: 'h4 S a party at the By Halle Czechowski N 1964, Richard Perry graduated Ifrom the School of Music. Today, he returns to his alma mater to promote one of his concerts, generate interest in 764-0558 764-0558 kin was copies Our Xeon 9600 of offet wqualty & ast servce dt "" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 540 E. Liberty St.-61-453s Corner of Maynard & Liberty -s kinkors copies...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 7

…oU The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 12, 1982-Page 7 Brought To You by ' The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS }, 0 - - Friday Daytime Specials 6:OfXUJ HBO TWO OF HEARTS When a 10- year-old black girl, the product of an interra- cial marriage, needs a new kidney, her estranged white mother consents to be the donor. 12:00 m HBO STANDING ROOM ONLY "Crystal Gayle In Concert" The Grammy Award-win- ning star sings many of her biggest hits, ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, November 12, 1982-The Michigan Daily . - . ..l-a- . .- ,- '. -".. .r- - ..-. .'-.. - - -- -- - -* - - . - --T e os .-. The-RoseIf you find your - - - name in today's Midnight CowboyMICHIGAN DALY " - - - - - - - yclassified page * .7 _-_YOU WIN TWOEE TICKETS - - to any one of THE ELECTRIC LADY (XXX) STATE 1-2-3-4 - TITIHELTI AiDYV MIDNIGHT MOVIES I .1, 1 1 . ' i :,. I I 4 ~ I I im I i -- t~ b~ It~ I mfm i - ~1mu.h~ I.~.i I ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 12, 1982-Page 9 / / 0 .1!1 I k r I e haE h H RVEST OF HITS pW "FEAST YOUR EYES AND EARS ON THESE SUPER SOUNDS AND 4 jOh NoM tS £ evoi PRINCE 1999 1'1999! 688 T* VANITY 6 Includes Nasty Girl/Fe' s5o Dull Wet Dream/3x1=6 LOW PRICES!! 'I 4 I PETER GABRIEL SECURITY OH NO!I IT'S DEVO i Includes Shock The Monke /I Hove The Touch t' ON SALE NOW'! f * SPECIALLY PRICED 2 RECORD SET ___...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 10

…0 Page 10-Friday, November 12, 1982-The Michigan Daily Small turnout mars arms buildup forum (continued from Page 1) Levin said he recently talked with warheads last year, urged the audience former President Jimmy Carter and that "it's a short time span before this asked him if he ever felt vulnerable to a thing gets out of hand." Soviet attack. "He told me that he never "I'm nervous about talking about felt vulnerable," Levin said. "He post-...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 11

…SPORTS -Friday, November 12, 1982 The Michigan Daily Page 11 Elliott, icers hope to repeat upset of Tech '1ky CHUCK JAFFE Myichigan goaltender Jon Elliott has .-rturned to the scene of the crime. .,Last year, in his first two conference' "games as a Wolverine, Elliott shut own Michigan Tech, and Michigan swept the Huskies in Houghton for the first time since 1956. Tonight, when Michigan squares off with the Huskies .t."the Student Ice Are...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 12

…al Page 12-Friday, November 12, 1982-The Michigan Daily Muransky adjusts to NFL walkout By JOE EWING As the National Football League players' strike drags into its ninth week with seemingly no end in sight, it would seem that the rookies would have the least understanding of the walkout. But this is not the case with former Michigan standout Ed Muransky. "It will give me a chance," said Muransky, an All-American tackle last year at Michigan ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 13

… 0" 0 Ul ISYOUR INSURANCE AGENT LOCKED INTO ONE COMPANY? z U _c U, a- C I roCookie/Black Rasberry/Tin Roof /M& M/Maple O. 3 0- 0 -C 0L Qr 00, NOW OPEN 39, flavors All of our ice creamsz Co are freshly made in our store. c 3 Featuring: "1 Ice Cream Cakes° " Shakes and Malts " Banana SplitsA ", Sodas and Floats 3 U * Pastries and Candies o C~f) 330 s. Main -C (between William & Liberty) C Co 662-2626 iw m "NI a Mint hn- tto Ch~i %ttai! t...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 14

… 0 2 FREE TOKENS WITH THIS COUPON (U of M Students-Expires Thurs., Nov. 18) I 1 ~at1 1 MICKEY RAT'S 1 1 1 * NOW 7 TOKENS FOR $1.00* I I 1 -Brand New Pinball Room-1 E. William-1 Block from State USED EQUIPMENT SPECIAL ALL GUARANTEED AND RECONDITIONED SAVE up to 60% (0FF Manufacturers Suggested List Price) " Fisher Cassette Deck CR 120 " Teac 124 Cassette Deck I Phillips Turntable AF887 " Teac a3300sx, 10" reel to reel " Toshiba receiver sa350...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 15

… 9 enactment of Proposal B in 1978. The proposal eliminated "good time" for prisoners, requiring them to serve at least their minimum sentences beforee being eligible for parole. Ln an effort to relieve the problem, the state approved the controversal Emergency Powers Act of 1980. The act allows the governor to declare a state of emergency in Michigan prisons, slashing 90 days from the sentences of all state prisoners not serving life or fl...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 16

… w w -W -W w S Iluf c Work in g men By Larry Dean Men At Work Royal Oak Music Theater Saturday, November 13 SUMMER'S ARE meant for driving in top-down cars with radios full- blast, a well-tanned scribe once spraypainted on the outside wall of his high school. Indeed, every year the trees sprout leaves, the beaches open, people kick off their shoes, the tem- perature soars and music, sweet music, fills the air. The summer of 1982 was n...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 17

… U U U 7W. Prison from 1 like an expensive community college. than a maximum-security prison. But instead of students, it houses 123 in- mates serving life sentences and another 53 serving sentences of at least 20 years. When the maximum-security prison opened just over a year ago, it was hailed as the beginning of a new trend in Michigan correctional facilities-a move away from traditional dungeon- like institutions such as the state pri...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 18

… 0 0 S 9 w w :...................... ":::.::::r, ::: ".: r::::::::::::.;.:::::::.:. ::.:::.:::::.:.v:.:::::::"r .:::::: _ ..................... ........................::.................. .... . f .................:.::.. :.::.::::::r, :::::.:.......................,.........:.:::.::..::::::::: :.. ....................... ./ ... ...... :: ..::: :.::......,:...r.....v............r........................................................... ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 19

…0 - --------- A a $ e.' pQpe -., r, mYarn rn *8 , O a ,1 e vw- g pr c e 4,4G 1 . . " °b 100LLp t! AsaL at' p ' l . to v '-4 I CL 00 ' .i .O [I1N a'w m < r~ a om, m M it A e O e A=. b O C i 2 mfl,0 47 F0. '1cn JCL~ ~ c. ~ <I 0. -.t, 0 -n X,04* 6 ~ ~ O r 'f 4 A « - G 0 'ea ' 'C" } ~3 L O R 9 jo " -, 10m 9 Qm k $4 0 -y, o0 6 ad a xe y mcpx A "' 0 r°.5 7*9 "ow Rp It O q Afy g y p At 8- pA p A ' -JO C to mb m 6 .2 ~ .- to 5: w t A _C s ~ N, ...…

November 12, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 56) • Page Image 20

… -W 7f 7W 7W S I eh Lft A Bars & Clubs Annie's Dug Out-Stainless Steel plays top-40 rock. Arbor Valley Inn-Dance to the pop sounds of Scat. The Blind Pig-Features the slick R&B sextet, the Detroit Blues Band. The Earle-The Ron Brooks Trio features a hot jazz piano. The Fox's Den-Classical pianist Winifred Kerner. The Habitat-The versatile Wiz Kids play danceable top-40 and oldies. The Hill Lounge-Looking for good country music? Blues...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…Two steps back on El Salvador See Editorial, Page 4 E Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom :43 ttiiu D~ ~tc1ien ~ ( (I in to(kly xvith tern- ~V'Q lB tho miti 10 lOW ~(JS. Tern- ~ ive'~\~l;I bE' (il-oppibg to 30 by B LI I Vol. XCIII, No. 55 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 11, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages .w....,.... ..... --r . - .. 'U' deans support proposed research corp. By JIM SPARKS Th...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Thursday, November 11, 198 Ford, H (Continued from Page - hoped Michigan's Governor-elect James Blanchard could serve as well as previous Republican administrators. "There was a movement toward the center rather than to either extreme," Ford said, adding that he hoped Michigan's Governor-elect James Blanchard could serve as well as previous Republican administrators. 2-The Michigan Daily aig spea ON INTERNATIONAL topics, the four...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 11, 1982-Page 3 Rumors indicate Brezhnev may be dead From AP and UPI MOSCOW - Soviet television broad- cast somber music in place of regularly ;scheduled entertainment programs yesterday, setting off rumors about the possible death of a Communist Party leader. Recent reports have raised questions "about the health of both President teonid Brezhnev, 75, and Politburo member Andrei Kirilenko, 75. In Washing...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…A OPINION Page 4 Thursday, November11, 1982 The Michigan Daily Breaking ground for blacks in business I After breaking ground for blacks in the world of tennis, Arthur Ashe now is attempting to do the same in the world of corporate America. Ashe currently works as a minority recruiting consultant for the Aetna insurance corporation. Daily staff writers Julie Hinds and Sharon Silbar spoke to Ashe last month during a recruiting trip about the...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 11, 1982-Page 5 'S Brought To You by / The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS - - - Thursday Daytime Specials 5:15 HBO STANDING ROOM ONLY "Crystal Gayle In Concert" The Grammy Award-win- ning star sings many of her biggest hits, including "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" and "Talking In Your Sleep." 10:30 © @ REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Bri- an Smyth hosts coverage of the annual trib- ute to Canadian sold...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6-Thursday, November 11, 1982-The Michigan Daily - w - wmu . s mm - . - a - . - . - - a - . - s - . m - u mi - a a - w - a w - w - a - w s m Imp m ~ mimi q r I- F. ,: - -- - . . - - - - - - - S~ - - - - - - , .,. - * - - .,~ . - - - -'.., - - - - - S S *::.;. _ ,.I_ .. ".-~ - - -- '~S.- - - ____- --- ~ - ~ Clockwork Orange ERASERHEAD Haro/d and Maude THE ELECTRIC LADY (XXX) and PLATO'S THE MOVIE (XXX) If you find your name in to...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

…SP ORTS he Michigan Daily Thursday, November 11, 1982 Page 7 'Goodwin ready to resume ring career By-MIKE BRADLEY Iight night in Ann Arbor takes place in ess than a week and the main attraction, niddleweight Mickey Goodwin, seems more han ready to continue his career which was rrupted by a hand injury. oodwin hurt his hand while training for a fight against middleweight champion Mar- vin Hagler. He resumes his quest for the title n Nov...…

November 11, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 55) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8-Thursday, November 11, 1982-The Michigan Daily 7 T l- -bVeteran Carraway ancl Se______________.7- young 'M' defensive line ors By BOB WOJNOWSKI It is the nature, and perhaps the pur- pose of college football to mold fuzzy- faced freshmen into worldly seniors, a fact that has proven all too true for Michigan senior defensive tackle Win- fred Carraway. "When I first came up here, I was still kind of wild," says Carraway, who will p...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…._ For books, not people See Editorial, Page 4 tie' Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom !ilailg Blechy Today will feature a high in the mid- dle 50s. A chance of showers will also be in the air. Vol. XCIII, No. 54 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 10, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages 'U', nuclear reactor fnds may be cut By BILL SPINDLE As part of the University's continuing attempts to save money, No...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…0 Page 2-Wednesday, November 10, Afghan ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Up to 2,700 civilians and Soviet soldiers died from asphyxiation in a car-filled mountain tunnel last week in Afghanistan, Western diplomatic sour- ces reported yesterday. The sources said the soldiers had sealed off the tun- nel after a fiery auto crash, apparently fearing they were under rebel attack. Neither the Marxist Afghan regime nor the Soviet Union, which sent troops ...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…Aganst advice,'K l o n o will be brought back to city _court today By GREG BRUSSTAR Against the advice of the county sheriff, convicted murderer Kyle Johnson, who escaped from police for a day three weeks ago, will be brought back to down- town Ann Arbor today for a court hearing. After Johnson escaped Oct. 22 while being brought to a downtown court for another hearing, city police and sheriff's officials agreed to hold future hearings for es...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, November 10, 1982 The Michigan Daily 14 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Stewart Vol. XCIII, No. 54 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 $ocial Rocy~( ASecuriby saki as if hbe iOIL lore a~ wall ready to fall 14 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board For books N O MORE in-between meal snacks, library officials told students last week. If you do...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, November 10, 1982-Page 5 ..S . . ,. Brought To You by t The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS - - - 'Wednesday Daytime Specials 12:00 0 HBO STANDING ROOM ONLY "Sher- lock Holmes -- The Strange Case Of Alice Faulkner" The master detective searches for stolen love letters in this stage production, taped at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts; Frank Langella and Stephen Collins star. 2:00 ) HBO ST...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…I 4 Page 6--Wednesday, November 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily Surg. Gen. attacks video craze PITTSBURGH (AP) - U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said yesterday that video games may be hazardous to the health of young people, who he said are becoming addicted to the machines "body and soul." Koop, a Philadelphia pediatric surgeon who became surgeon general in January, said "more and more people are beginning to understand" adverse mental a...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…ARTS Wednesday, November 10, 1982 The Michigan Daily Page 7 S, Doll of a Johansen concert r , Vi ,a ;: IL \' y \Af&1c ., I ... ... : :h_ . , I Guitarist Luther Allison is talking the blues last Friday at Rick's. No'tj us tfor b rea kfas t By JeffGibson D AVID Johansen's appearance at Second Chance Thursday: (showtime: 9:30 p.m.) continues what has proven to be ar exceptional month for the performing arts in Ann Arbor. Those fo...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…a Page 8-Wednesday, November 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily '! i - i . . q - * q . - ., y 9 t I F I mY I~ Y 1 9 ~ Y . I 9 Y 'I Y~'l [ J,~ I ..~ . - . - .. . - - - - -- 4 . . ..' ..- -,. -- Clockwork Orange ERASERHEAD Harold and Maude THE ELECTRIC LADY (XXX) and PLATO'S THE MOVIE (XXX) If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES r+ .r t ' 1!:1 " I ...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily Leonard makes decision; calls it quits BALTIMORE (AP) - World Welterweight champion Sugar Ray Leonard, who admitted he vacillated unil the last minute, announced his retirement from boxing last night. "The final decision was made tonight, right here in the ring," Leonard said after making the announcement to a crowd of more than 9,000 in the Baltimore Civic Center, where he launched his pro career in 1977. IN ANSWER to a q...…

November 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…A Page 10-Wednesday, November 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily BREWER SHORTSTOP OUTPOINTS MURRAY Club Sports SAILING The Michigan sailing team hosted the Area A eliminations last weekend on Base Line Lake. The sailors proved to be less-than-gracious hosts, however, as they completely dominated the event. Michigan took first place, seven points in front of second-place Notre Dame. The other five teams were never in contention for top honors. "It ...…

November 09, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Class reunion See Editorial, Page 4 E Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom IE aIIQ Frisky Partly cloudy today, with a high in the lower 50s. Mostly cloudy tonight with a low in the low 40s. Vol. XCIII, No. 53 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 9, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages Black enrollment drops to 4.7% Budget cuts may hi t 7 5% inLSA programs By NEIL CHASE The five internal LSA review com- mitte...…

November 09, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…0 Page 2-Tuesday, November 9, 1982-The Michigan Daily cotes b ~~tba" dmatted yesterday December. Sogren said. compromises, with less than a 2 0. . ilXe'~ ~ b~ the ~x~c' ,,~ tile bes ion Director lift Sjogren Michigan Daily feporter ~ There have to be some however, is Cilutilbet ot al on ~X~Xet .~iail ~i~ax~ Sjogren said in the article that Sjogren did not deny saying of success Student.athlet. test (SN 2~(2 ~ the COO~.~e 0ut ~o~s' .ta~x copyr...…

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