Page 8-Thursday, November 11, 1982-The Michigan Daily
7 T l-
-bVeteran Carraway ancl
Se______________.7- young 'M' defensive line
It is the nature, and perhaps the pur-
pose of college football to mold fuzzy-
faced freshmen into worldly seniors, a
fact that has proven all too true for
Michigan senior defensive tackle Win-
fred Carraway.
"When I first came up here, I was
still kind of wild," says Carraway, who
will play his final game in Michigan
Stadium this Saturday when the
Wolverines host Purdue. "But when I
got here I settled down and took care of
business. I didn't have any respon-
sibilities (in high school) and when I got
here I started taking care of respon-
NOT THE least of which was the
responsibility of anchoring the
Michigan defensive line. The 6-2, 240-
pound tackle from Detroit grabbed the
job midway through his sophomore
year, maintained it through an injury-
riddled junior campaign, and has now
blossomed in it during his senior year.
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"A lot of times those guys inside go
unnoticed, but he's played real hard,"
says head coach Bo Schembechler, who
calls Carraway his best defensive
Carraway was one of the principles in
the Wolverines' goal line stand that
preserved last Saturday's victory over
Illinois, but it was his ability to remain
calm in the heated emotional action
that probably best exemplifies his
"THEY (THE Illini) were doing a lot
of talking and the players were cheap-
shotting us," he says. "Their coaches
kept teasing me, kept-calling my name
out. But it didn't bother me or the other
players because deep down inside I
knew we were the better team. I knew
we were going to win. I just kept my
mouth shut and played ball."
It is that type of confidence that has
put Carraway and the Wolverines in the
position of wrapping up the Big Ten title
with a win over the Boilermakers this
weekend, in spite of the fact that they
lost two of their first three games.
"We knew we played poorly at Notre
Dame and we just wiped it out of our
minds because we knew we were going
to win the Big Ten," says Carraway.
"We said to ourselves we were going to
do it. We had a lot of senior meetings
and we said that we were going to lead
the team.
"WE'RE GOING to practice hard
this week. If we wrap it up against
Purdue we don't have to go down to
Columbus worried about Ohio State.
We'll just go down there and play good
And those seniors who have buoyed
the Wolverines this season will be
taking their final bows in Michigan
Stadium this weekend, which will mean
a flood of mixed emotions for
"I'm sure every senior is going to feel
down after that last game, but this is a
championship game," he says. "I'm
always thinking back. Once the clock
goes off and if we win the game, I'll be
happy and I'll also be sad knowing I'll
never step on that field again."
AND AS Carraway's career at
Michigan winds down, he talks about
the man who more than anyone else has
shaped him into the type of ballplayer,
and person, that he thinks he is.
"Me and Bo have a good relationship
where we can sit down and talk about
different things," he says. "He tells me
things I have to do, things I need to do."
One of the things that Schembechler
most likely advises him on is that
ultimate level of athletic maturity-
the pros. And that is something that
Carraway is definitely considerin4
though realistically.
"I think of the possibility of getting
drafted," says the education major.
"But if not, I'll just use my degree.
"I think it's in every kid's dream
world to play in the pros, and since I've
come this far, I'd like to give it a try."
A badly-sprained ankle hampere
Carraway some last year and force
him to miss a few games in the middle
of the season, but he recovered quickly
and has picked up again this year. He
has 23 unassisted tackles and 14 assists
and has been a mainstay in an im-
proving defense. However, it is not
athletic improvement that has marked
Carraway's four years as a Wolverine,
but rather a personal character im-
provement that he is intensely proud of
"Being around a lot of older peop
and dealing with different types of
people, it's a lot different from high
school," he says. "But I've always been
happy here.
"I'm an emotional player on the field
but off the field I'm kind of quiet. I don't
run around a lot, going to lots of parties,
though I do go out and associate some.
My senior year here I've just played
ball and gone to school." ,
And the lessons he learned were
never taught.
Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Wolverine senior defensive tackle Winfred Carraway (63) takes aim at Fighting Illini wide receiver Kirby Wilson last
Saturday at Champaign.
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Pistons roll past Indiana
Special to the Daily
PONTIAC - The Detroit Pistons
coasted to a 115-91 NBA win over the
Indiana Pacers last night at the Silver-
dome. Detroit's Kelly Tripucka led all
scorers with 28 points and Isiah Thomas
and Walker Russell added 16 points
apiece for the Pistons.
"We established our fast break and
defense early," said Piston coach Scot-
ty Robertson after the game. "We've
got to run to be effective," he said, "and
our running game fatigued in the end."
THE VICTORY allowed the Pistons
to retain their half-game lead over the
Milwaukee Bucks, who defeated the
Boston Celtics, 105-101, last night. If
Detroit, who plays Milwaukee this
Friday, handles the Bucks the way it did
the Pacers, it should have no trouble
extending its division lead.
The Pistons led all the way, opening
up with a 30-17 first-quarter advantage.
They led 56-44 at halftime but blew the
game wide open in the third as they
went up on Indiana, 90-71. The victory
margin was Detroit's biggest lead of
the night.
Tripucka, playing with a sore anklb,
thought the game was a big one for the
Pistons. "It was a big win for us," he
said after the game. "We have to play
well at home and, win the games like
these that we should."
Referring to the Milwaukee game,
Tripucka said that the Pistons wi
"have to play the basic offense ~ ano
basic defense. It should be quite a
The Pistons are now 6-2 and the
Pacers are 2-4 with an 0-3 road record.
Spartan cagers lose
EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP)- Hot-
shooting guard Eugeniusz Kijewski
sparked a second-half comeback wi
21 of his game-high 25 points as th
touring Polish National basketbaH
team defeated Michigan State 73-69 last
wasthe second victory in three
outings against American colleges for
the Poles, who will play a ,nine-game
schedule while in the United States
through Nov. 21.
THE GAME will not count on
Michigan State's season record.
The Spartans, who built an 11-poi
lead before collapsing midway throu
the second half, were led by sophomore
guard Sam Vincent's 16 points.
Take Charge At 22.
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decide who to pick in the Michigan-
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des, but he insists on bringing in his,
picks in-person. So far, he has been
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ceway to the Daily. rhree times he was
thwarted by that devious slate stair-
way, and once he almost made it, but
made a wrong turn and fell out a win-
Try to beat the chief executives by
bringing your picks to the Daily by
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remember to watch out for those tricky
1. Purdue at MICHIGAN
2. Ohio State at Northwestern
3. Illinois at Indiana
4. Minnesota at Michigan State
5. Wisconsin at Iowa
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