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November 11, 1982 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-11

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he Michigan Daily

Thursday, November 11, 1982

Page 7

'Goodwin ready to


ring career

Iight night in Ann Arbor takes place in
ess than a week and the main attraction,
niddleweight Mickey Goodwin, seems more
han ready to continue his career which was
rrupted by a hand injury.
oodwin hurt his hand while training for a
fight against middleweight champion Mar-
vin Hagler. He resumes his quest for the title
n November 17, when he steps into the ring
at Ciisler Arena against veteran Rocky
GOODWIN has a 33-1 record with 22
knockouts and is currently the WBA's fifth-
ranked middleweight. He was scheduled to
earn $100,000 in his fight against Hagler, but
*s unable to take advantage of the oppor-
tunity because of the hand injury.
In addition to being the big name on the
seven-bout card, Goodwin is also helping to
promote the fight, something which he ad-
mits is new to him.
"It's a whole new ball game," Goodwin
said. "I have been dealing with Don King
and Bob Arum, and there were no rules.
Now it's different."
ICHIGAN Athletic Director Don
ham came up with the campus boxing

-~~~M W W -q W- -0

idea to give the public a more affordable
way to watch top fighters. Goodwin, who is
interested in enrolling at Michigan in
January, sees the series at Crisler as a step
towards making boxing an NCAA sport
"Boxing was stopped in the NCAA
because there were a couple of deaths," said
Goodwin. "I would like to see it come back
because it's really an art. After all, there
are probably more football players injured
each year than boxers."
If he enrolls at Michigan in January,
Goodwin would like to major in com-
munications. "It's something I deal with a
lot in my profession, but I'll be on the road a
lot, so we'll have to work something out," he
GOODWIN started his professional career
on November 25, 1977, the same night
Thomas Hearns made his debut. Goodwin
was victorious, knocking out Willie Williams
of Detroit in the first round.
He then won his next 17 fights before
losing a decision to Ted Sanders of Las
Vegas on May 20, 1979. Since that fight,
Goodwin has been undefeated, disposing of
12 straight opponents. His most recent bout,
which took place almost a year ago, was a

ninth-round knockout of Jeff Madison of
The oldest of three sons, Goodwin began
boxing when he was 16. He started in the
Kronk Gym in Detroit because he wanted to
compete in a sport all year round.
"I played football and baseball, and I
always had the goal to be a professional
athlete," Goodwin said. "When I started
boxing, I found that I had natural talent and
ability. So, I stuck with it. Now it's the only
thing I want to do. I want to go all the way."
Goodwin's forte has been his devastating
punching power which, combined with his
ability to take a punch, has made him vir-
tually unstoppable.
The man who will try to halt Goodwin's
climb to the top of the middleweight division
will be the veteran Stevens, of Jacksonville,
Fla. Stevens posts a 24-10 record. One of his
defeats came at the hands of former world
junior-middleweight champion, Elisha
Obed. The fight went the distance, with
Stevens losing a decision.
Whether Stevens poses any threat to
Goodwin's title aspirations remains to be
seen. However, the veteran will be a good
gauge of how much the one-year layoff has
affected Goodwin's skills.

' oilyGg ot o e r .J1 I 7LU
Melvindale's Mickey Goodwin poses in front of a poster promoting his fight at Crisler Arena on November 17.

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Wistert able to follow brothers'

So you think it's tough to be a fresh-
man at the University of Michigan?
How would you like to bea 30-year-old
first year student with a high school
equivalency diploma? On top of that,
what would you think about following
both your older and younger brothers
onto a football team where each had
been an All-American? Former
Wolverine star tackle and captain Alvin
Wistert, who went through all of the
above, sums up his memories succin-
tly: "It was Hell."

A Symposium: "African development-PROBLEMS AND PARADOXES"
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The exploits of "The Wisterts of
Michigan" were legendary in the thir-
ties and forties. Francis (Whitey)
Wistert and Albert (Ox) Wistert were
outstanding tackles, both of whom ended
up in the College Football Hall of
Fame after leading the Wolverines
through their glory years. "Ox" Wistert
became a National Football League
standout, and the Philadelphia Eagles
retired his jersey number in 1952 after
he had played nine seasons.
BUT WHILE his brothers were
gathering honors at Michigan, Alvin,
the middle brother, was in the Marines,
having dropped out of high school in 1935.
His younger brother entered Michigan
in 1939. For thirteen years, Alvin
Wistert found himself constantly
repeating the phrase "No, that was my
brother you saw."
"In 1944 when I was in the marines,"
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Wistert remembered, "a captain came
up to me, shook my hand and said 'I
saw you play in Philly and at
Michigan.' When I explained that that
was my brother Albert, he wiped off his
handshake, turned on his heels and
walked away.
"Well that so affronted me that I
wrote my kid brother and said I'm
going to try to get back to school."
WISTERT was working for Proctor
and Gamble in Massachusetts after
World War II when he learned that
Boston University was offering high

Michigan isn't so great, they haven't
improved in 45 years."
Michigan won yet another national
championship in 1948, under new coach
Benny Oosterbaan. Wistert made All-
American for the first time that year
and the Wolverines brought a 23-game
winning streak into the '49 season.
Michigan extended the streak to 25
games before Army pulled off a 21-7 up-
set. Wistert had been injured the week
"We played Stanford on the coast. I
got high-lowed on the kickoff and tore
up my left knee. I probably shouldn't
have played in the Army game."
ALVIN WAS the captain of that team
and felt that it was his responsibility to
keep the team looking forward after
suffering its first loss in three years.
But Coach Oosterbaan was not a,
believer in the 'keep 'em psyched"
school of thought. Wistert recalls. "I
would try to get the kids up and he
(Oosterbaan ) would say, 'We don't
need that, Wistert.' Benny was a great
strategist as a coach but he did not
demand as much as Crisler." The
Wolverines followed up their loss to
Army with a defeat at the hands of Nor-

ough act
Today, Al Wistert is a sales represen-
tative for Owens-Illinois, serving the
states of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.
He and his Wife attend all the Michigan
home games and Al is very impressed
with the current Michigan All-
American, Anthony Carter. "It gives
me a great deal of joy to watch Anthony
Carter. He's one of the greatest
receivers I've ever seen."
He also has some thoughts on the
coaching system today. "Bo leaves
nothing to chance. He's a very
thorough coach. As an individual, he's
a wonderful person but I don't know if I
could play for him. In our day, it was
left up to us as individuals how deman-
ding we would be on ourselves. With
Bo's team, for example, if you're not on
a spring sport you must come out for
spring football. We didn't have that."
No, Al Wistert did not have to put up
with the rigors of mandatory spring
practice. All he had to do was enter
college when he was older than most
graduate students and follow in the
footsteps of two siblings who excelled
on the gridiron. They even ga v.e him
the same number, 11, that both his
brothers wore at Michigan.
A real breeze.

school equivalency tests and sub-
sequent entrance into the university.
He was admitted in the fall of 1946, at
the age of 30, with the intention of tran-
sferring to the sight of his brothers' ex-
ploits as soon as he was academically
eligible. Wistert was in Ann Arbor for
the second semester of his freshman
Football soon became the driving
force of Al Wistert's life. He won the
Meyer Morton Memorial Trophy for
most improved player in the spring of
1947 and, when the regular season star-
ted in September, Wistert found himself
with a regular spot on a team that went
on to win the national champsionship in
Fritz Crisler's last year coaching the
Wistert remembers the success of the
'47 Michigan squad. "Number One, we
had depth," he said. "There were
players of almost equal ability on the
first two teams. You had to play at your
peak because there was someone who
could always step in. Also, there was
balance. A good mixture of youth and
THAT TEAM went 10-0-0, finishing up
the year with a 49-0 shellacking of
Southern California in the Rose Bowl.
"It was Michigan's first Rose Bowl vic-
tory since 1902 when we beat Stanford
49-0," said Wistert. "A California spor-
ts writer facetiously wrote that

sports Information Pho
Alvin Wistert came to Michigan in 1947 as a 30 year-old freshman after his
brothers Albert and Francis had successful Wolverine grid careers. By the
time he was a senior, Wistert had led Michigan to two national champion-

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