Page 2-Thursday, November 11, 198
Ford, H
(Continued from Page -
hoped Michigan's Governor-elect James
Blanchard could serve as well as
previous Republican administrators.
"There was a movement toward the
center rather than to either extreme,"
Ford said, adding that he hoped
Michigan's Governor-elect James
Blanchard could serve as well as
previous Republican administrators.
2-The Michigan Daily
aig spea
four dignitaries at the news conference
agreed that U.S. sanctions against
European countries over the Siberian
gas pipeline should be relaxed.
Haig said he has thought all along
that the sanctions are "counterproduc-
tive and should be reversed. And I
believe that will come very soon." Ford
added that confrontation among
at conference
Western allies is not in the best in-
terests of North Atlantic Treaty
Organization nations.
On the subject of the nuclear freeze
all four men expressed alarm that the
citizens' initiative plays into the hands
of the Soviet Union. The movement puts
an "extra arrow in (Brezhnev's)
quiver," Ford warned. "We ought to
encourage them to be more flexible."
Conference sparks protests
RUSK WAS just as disapproving:
"We don't have to be belligerent, but
there is such a thing as tempting
thieves," he said, explaining that the
American peace movement may in-
duce the U.S. government to lower its
security precautions.
Haig called for the Reagan ad-
ministration to cut its tough rhetoric
toward the Soviet Union. "It's passed
its utility," Haig said. "The oppor-
tunities for improvement in East-West
relations are better, not worse."
At the opening of the conference, a
sculpture by George Rickey titled "Two
Open Triangles Up Gyratory II" was
dedicated by Ford. The piece is two
stainless steel triangles. balanced by
weights so that all its motion is created
by wind.
The conference will continue
tomorrow, after which the Atlantic
Council will take over the study which
will culminate in a paper to be
published in about a year, according to
Ford Library Director Don Wilson.
Haig said he hoped the results would be
"read carefully and thoughtfully" by
both the current administration and
Congress, and eventually implemented.
(Continued from Page 1)
are no longer in office, the demon-
stration might effect U.S. foreign policy
She added that the rally also helped to
inform students of the "increasing U.S.
militarism" in the government and on
SPEAKERS AT the rally addressed
the crowd for more than an hour from
atop a makeshift stage, and included
members of the Latin American
Solidarity Committee, the Citizens
Against Registration and the Draft, and
the Progressive Student Network.
Ann Arbor City Council member
Raphael Ezekiel (D-Third Ward), who
was also a participant at a "die-in"
staged earlier in the day, urged the
crowd "to make wider the sphere in our
culture that is devoted not to death, but
to life." He said current American
foreign policy and policymakers find
meaning in death, not life.
The "die-in" was staged earlier in the
afternoon at the North Campus Com-
mons during the conference lunch
break. Approximately 50 ralliers stret-
ched out on the floor as if they were vic-
tims of a nuclear attack, and later sang
choruses of "Give Peace a Chance" and
"Down By the Riverside" as conferen-
ce participants ate in the nearby
ARMED WITH black balloons and
yellow stickers labelled "radioactive,"
the die-in participants had originally
planned to block the road with bodies as
the visiting dignitaries made the trip
from the Ford Library to the Commons
for the noon meal.
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'U' deans show 'cautious'
support for research firm
(Continued from Page 1)
SCHOOL OF Dentistry Dean Richard
Christensen and George Gamota, direc-
tor of the Institute for Science and
Technology, said that keeping the MRC
outside the University is more
desirable than putting it under Univer-
sity control.
Christensen said the corporation
could probably expand faster outside
the University, and would be easier to.
close if it fails. Gamota said that if the
University controlled the corporation,
as an earlier plan called for, it might
not be visible enough to draw invest-
ment capital.
. Engineering Prof. Walton Hancock,
who designed the current MRC
proposal with Larry Crockett of the In-
stitute for Science and Technology, said
the first task of a board of directors
would be to select two or three good
projects to develop. He said within five
years he would hope to have about 10
"THE $200,000 should last about two
years. If ive. can't pull it off in two
years, it will fold," he said.
Unless the University is willing to in-
vest more money in the corporation,
according to Hancock, it's
unreasonable to expect that the Univer-
sity should control it. If the project is
approved, he said, "we want the
University to pull back and let it run."
60's leader Abbie Hoffman
speaks out on democracy
(Continued from Page 1 "Pac-Man is misnamed," he joked.
play the lecture circuit around the "It should be called Reaganomics. We
country. are the little white dots trying to sur-
"I BELIEVE in, I practice, and I vive in the alleyways and here comes the.
*---1, hty fn natirintP in bgjlyea.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Polish police suppress rioting
WARSAW, Poland - Polish riot police firing tear gas and water cannons
fought fierce street battles with pro-Solidarity demonstrators yesterday, but
the underground's call for a nationwide day of protest drew only scattered
The most serious clash occured in the southwest Solidarity stronghold of
Wroclaw, where 2,000 to 3,000 chanting demonstrators marched carrying
banners reading, "Solidarity will win: Solidarity will live. "
Police battled the protesters with flares, smoke bombs and clubs after the
tear gas assault. After dusk, crowds battled riot police with rocks and
Molotov cocktails hurled from behind makeshift barricades.
Underground union leaders called for nationwide protests yesterday
against military rule and the banning of Solidarity, but their call for eight-
hour strikes in which workers would report to their jobs and only pretend to
work appeared to get little response.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Americans demonstrated in New York and
Massachusetts Gov. Edward King declared yesterday "Lech Walesa Day"
on the second anniversary of the now-outlawed Solidarity's official
Stock trading rally collapses
NEW YORK - Stock prices, which surged past all-time highs at the outset,
plunged in active trading yesterday when megabuck investors took profits
from Wall Street's historic rally.
Professional traders were disturbed by analysts' warnings that the
market was banking on too strong an economic recovery and unloaded their
stocks after the government reported an anemic 0.6 percent rise in October
retail sales.
The Dow Jones industrial average, which soared 10 points to 1,070 in the
first hour, skidded 15.75 to 1,044.52. It had climbed 22.81 points Tuesday to
1,060.25, just under it all-time closing high of 1,065.49 set Nov. 3.
"I think the market might have reached a top for the time being," said
Michael Metz, of Oppenheimer & Co.
The broader-based New York Stock Exchange index shed 0.92 to 81.43 and
the price of an average share decreased 38 cents. Declines topped advances
by a 9-to-7 margin.
Big Board volume totaled 113,240,000 shares, up slightly from the
111,220,000 traded Tuesday.
Soviet spy convicted in London
LONDON- A British spy pleaded guilty yesterday to providing the Soviet
Union with top U.S. and British secrets "of an exceptionally grave nature"
for more than a decade and was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
Geoffrey Prime, 44, got three more years for indecent assault against three
young girls-the sex charge that tripped him up.
"By your treachery," Lord Chief Justice Lord Geoffrey Lane told Prime,
"you have done incalcuable harm to the interests ad security of this coun-
try and the interests and security of our friends and allies."
So important was the case that Lane himself presided in the'historic Old
Bailey courtroom and the prosecutor was the attorney general, Sir Michael
Havers. The entire trial-some of it so sensitive the court was
cleared-lasted less than two hours.
"I don't think it's possible to exaggerate the damage he has done," said
former Foreign Secretary David Owen. "This will damage our relations
with the United States."
Democrats, Republicans clash
over federal jobs program
WASHINGTON- With momentum apparently building for new federal
jobs programs, Democrats and Republicans staked out different positions
yesterday on what shape they should take, what to call them and how to pay
for them.
Democratic congressional leaders called for defense spending cuts and
higher taxes on the well-to-do, while a Cabinet official lobbied President
Reagan for doubling the federal gasoline tax.
Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis insisted that the proposal he pushed
during a 45-minute meeting at the White House was aimed at repairing the
nation's highways and bridges rather than creating jobs.
Transportation Department documents say the program would generate
32,000 jobs. Administration sources who asked not to be identified
acknowledged the proposal's appeal is growing because of bipartisan in-
terest for a nationwide program to cut the 10.4 percent unemployment rate.
Under the Democratic appraoch outlined at a news conference by Rep.
Henry Reuss (D-Wis.), chairman of the Congressional Joint Economic
Committee, 600,000 people would be put to work next year on such things as
repairing bridges, maintaining roads and mass transit systems and
rehabilitation of public buildings.
Shuttle landing site may change
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- Officials yesterday declared the countdown
for a Veterans' Day launch of America's first commercial space shuttle
flight the smoothest yet but said California rains may force a change in lan-
ding plans.
A small change in plans for the flight's normal return to Earth Nov. 16,
however, appeared all but certain.
Air Force Lt. Col. James Moore said the desert lakebed at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif., had been turned to mud by one and twelve-hundredths of
an inch of rain late Tuesday and early yesterday, virtually ruling out the
planned lakebed landing.
Officials said the second choice for a normal landing would be the concrete
runway at Edwards, where the Columbia landed on its last flight July 4.
Vol. XCIII, No. 55
Thursday, November 11, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out-
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Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
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teacn people now to par icipatei n
democracy," Hoffman said yesterday.
"We have to teach disrespect for
authority, that's what democracy is
And the former radical, who some
say has "sold out" to the system, had'
plenty of shameless disrespect to share
with the audience.
Hoffman noted that the world he sur-
faced in is not the world he left. He was
shocked at the book banning
movement, he said. "I had to go back
and read Catcher in the Rye,,I thqught I
missed the dirty parts."
Escapee to stand trial
next week in county court
(Continued from Page 1)
Johnson waswstrip-searched and
chained at the waist and ankles before
leaving the Huron Valley Men's
When Kline opened the door to the
van at the court, Johnson burst out of
the van and ran. Johnson had apparen-
tly unlocked his ankle chains with a
paper-clip and a large staple found in
the van, Kline said.
At the hearing, Washtenaw County
Sheriff Tom Minick recounted theeven-
ts surrounding Johnson's arrest at
Marley's home. "I ordered him out
with the P.A. system, but he didn't
come out."
MINICK SAID when they arrested
Johnson in an upstairs bedroom
"holding a barbeque fork in his right
hand and a bottle of pop in the other."
Security at City Hall yesterday was
beefed up to ensure that Johnson
wouldn't escape again. The Washtenaw
County Sheriff's Department sent four
officers and the Ann Arbor police sent
two officers to the court room.
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