Aganst advice,'K l o n o
will be brought
back to city
_court today
Against the advice of the county sheriff, convicted
murderer Kyle Johnson, who escaped from police for
a day three weeks ago, will be brought back to down-
town Ann Arbor today for a court hearing.
After Johnson escaped Oct. 22 while being brought
to a downtown court for another hearing, city police
and sheriff's officials agreed to hold future hearings
for escape-prone convicts at area prisons to reduce
the risk of escape.
BUT, IN a change of policy, Johnson's hearing on
his escape charge was scheduled for a courtroom in
City ' Hall today. County Sheriff Tom Minick,
however, said late yesterday he will still seek to have
officials relocate Johnson's hearing to the
Washtenaw County Jail, where Johnson has been
held since his escape.
Minick met yesterday afternoon with officials from
the county prosecutor's office in an effort to persuade
them to cancel Johnson's scheduled Ann Arbor court
appearance today. And Minick said he will urge them
again today to move the hearing to the County Jail,
located near the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti border.
Fifteenth District Court Judge Pieter Thomassen,
who will preside over Johnson's pre-trial hearing at 3
p.m. today, said yesterday, however, that Johnson
will be brought back to Ann Arbor. He said city police
would take adequate steps to ensure that Johnson
does not escape a second time.
ANN ARBOR police Capt. Calvin Hicks said last
night that security at City Hall will be beefed up for
Johnson's trip to court. Almost three weeks ago,
Johnson escaped from a police van in a downtown
parking lot as he was being taken to a court hearing.
-"Knowing his past record, I don't think (bringing
him to the court) is a safe procedure," Hicks said.
"But I can assure you that we'll do everything
humanly possibly to keep him from escaping."
Hicks added that there are greater security
See JOHNSON, Page 5
The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 10, 1982-Page 3
R ickover:Technology
mush be 'umanistic'
-HAPPENINGS MSA endorses city
Billy Joel will be performing at Detroit's Joe Louis Arena tonight at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $12.50 and $15. For more information on the show, call (313) 567-
AAFC-German Film Festival, Werner Herzog shorts, 7:30 p.m.; The
Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, 8 p.m., MLB 3.
CG-Last Year at Marienbad, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
CFT-Cousin, Cousine, 7 & 10:30 p.m.; Bread & Chocolate, 8:40 p.m.,
Michigan Theatre.
United Campuses to Prevent Nuclear War-Film shorts, Clouds of Doubt;
Molly Rush: Turning Swords into Plowshares; In the Event of Catastrophe;
Ground Zero; Molly Rush; Nuclear Battlefield, War Machine, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.,
last Quad Room 124. More film shorts, Nuclear Countdown; How Much is
Enough: Decision-Making in the Nuclear Age; If You Love This Planet, 7:30-
9:30 p.m., Angell Aud. B.
Linguistics-Larry Selinker, Dan Douglas, "The Problem of 'Discourse
Domains:' Evidence from Native/Non-Native Interaction," 4 p.m., 2050
Industrial & Operational Engineering-Frank Plonka, "CAD/CAM at
Chrysler," 4 p.m., 229 W. Engineering Bldg.
German-Wilhelm Vosskamp, "Dokumentation oder Erzehlung? Zur En-
twicklung der deutschen Prosaliteratur in der Gegenwart," 8 p.m.,
Rackham West Conference Room.
Women Faculty-Shelley'Chang, "Teaching & Researching in China: A
Historian's Long-Awaited Journey," 7 p.m., League Conference Rooms;
dinner beforehand, 5:30 p.m., League cafeteria.
Oral Biology-Richard Corpron, "Redirecting the Field of Pedodontics," 4
° p.m., 1033 Kellogg Bldg.
Communication-Peter Miller, Social Class & Parents' Control of
Television," noon, 2050 Frieze.,
4 Statistics-Bruce'Hill, "On Conglomerability and Statistical Paradoxes,"
'4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Psychiatry-John Burnham, "The Development of- an American Style in
Psychiatry," 10:30 a.m., CPH Auditorium.
Chemistry-Special Analytical Seminar, David Lubman, "The Uses of
Tuneable Lasers in Chemical Analysis," 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry Bldg.; D.
Hart, "Alkaloid Synthesis via Iminium Ions & Free Radicals," 2 p.m., 1300
Chemistry Bldg.
Computing Center-Jim Knox, "Debugging in FORTRAN: *IF," 3:30
Russian & E. European Studies-Abraham Brumberg, "The Rise of
Political Opposition," 8 p.m., 200 Lane Hall; Irina Livezeanu, "History &
Transcendental Meditation in Romania," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
English Com~osition Board-Phillis Lassner, "Using Evidence in the
Research Paper," 4 p.m., 2203 Angell.
Classical Studies-J. Clayton Fant, "Patrons & Pavonazzetto: Aspects of
the Roman Marble Trade," 4:10 p.m., 2009 Angell.
Industrial and Operational Engineering-Terry Truax, "A Micro-
Computer-Based Work station for Dieticians," 4 p.m., 229 West Engin. Bldg.
African Students Assoc., MSA, Trotter House-Ali Mazrui, "The Burning
Political Issues of Africa Today," 8p.m., Union Ballroom.
Museum of Art-Gerald Hodge, "Medicine & Art: Famous Painting in
which Diseases and Pathologic Conditions of Sitters can be Diagnosed," 4
p.m.; "Theme and Variations," 12:10 p.m., Museum of Art.
School of Music-Tour of Carillon, top of Burton Tower, 4 p.m.; Cello
recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; Wind Ensemble, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Science Fiction Club-Meeting, 8:15 p.m., Union ground floor conf. room.
Academic Alcoholics-Mtg., 1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
WCBN-"Radio Free Lawyer," 6 p.m., 88.3 FM.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Martial Arts practice, 6 p.m., Sports Coliseum.
LASC-Carolyn Forche will speak with members of Latin American
Solidarity Committee, 2 p.m., Guild House; Poetry reading, 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Auditorium.
Theater-"The Trojan Women," 8 p.m., New Trueblood Theater, Frieze
Women Engineers-Pre-interview, Applied Physics Laboratory, 1-4 p.m.,
146 W. Engin.
Traditional Music & Dance-Concert, Betsy Beckerman, 8 p.m., 1029
Westaire Way.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop-Power Tools Safety, 6 p.m., 537 SAB.
UAC-Laugh Track, 9 p.m., Union 'U' Club.
VA-Free diabetes scre'ening, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., VA Medical Center.
Ark-Open Mike Night, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Arborland-Opening day of "Shop for Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival,"
Arborland shopping mall, 3693 Washtenaw Road. Festival continues through
Transcendental Meditation Program-Lecture on TM, 8:15 p.m., 528 W.
Recreation Cooperative Outdoor Adventure-Mtg., noon, Union Copf.
Room 4.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
Friday, Nov.12 at Noon
Michigan Room in Michigan League
(Law, University of Illinois)
National President of AAUP
"Pros and Cons of Collective Bargaining at Universities"
proposal on insulation
"Much harm has been done to man
and nature because technologies have
been used with no thought for the
possible consequences of their interac-
tion with nature," said Retired Admiral
I;yman Rickover last night to an
audience of over a thousand in
Rackham Auditorium.
.In an address which was sur-
prisingly scarce in references to
American naval power, his field of ex-
pertise, Rickover called for what he
termed "a humanistic atitude toward
technology," stating that "since it is a
product of human effort, technology
can haveno legitimate purpose but to
serve 'man."
said, "technology is not an end in itself,
but a means to an end." He also added,
surprisingly for the man generally con-
sidered the father of the nuclear navy,
"that technology can have no legitimacy
unless it inflicts no harm."
He illustrated his points by citing the
examples of detrimental applications of
technology - the excesses of commer-
cial deep-sea fishing, the overuse of
modern pesticides, and the harm done'
by the then untested drug
thalidomide - and contrasting these
with the medical profession, which he
considered to be the model which
technologieally oriented professions
should follow.
"Of all technologies, that of the
physician has benefitted man most and
harmed him least." he said, adding,
"the stringent standards set by the
profession and by society for the
education and professional conduct of
physicians account for this happy cir-
IN ORDER to make technology safe,
Rickover proposed the
"professionalizing of the decision-
making process in technology. I have
long believed that we should come ap-
preciably closer to a human humanistic
technology if engineering were prac-
ticed as a humanistic profesison, and if
engineers were accorded the
professional independence granted the
members of liberal professions."
Rickover was removed in January by
the Reagan administration in a storm
of c9ntroversy after serving 60 years in
the United States Navy.
In the short question and answer
period which followed his thirty-minute
speech, the 81-year-old retired admiral,
a recipient fo some of this nation's
highest honors, including the
Congressional Gold Medal and the
Presidential Medal of Freedom,
showed the irascibility for which he has
become famous.
He repeatedly responded in a brusque
and impatient manner to questions
posed by the audience. When asked by
an engineering student of the necessity
of a code of ethics for engineers,
Rickover said "Why don't you go to
church for that."
After the speech, audience members
responded ambivalently to the ad-
miral's presentation.
"The lecture was very good. The
question and answer period typifies his
style, but I don't know how helpful it
was," said Susan Kling, a graduate
student -in public policy, adding, "He
could have been more forthright."
The Michigan Student Assembly last
night endorsed petitions to put a
"weatherization" proposal on next
April's city ballot and to protest the
removal of vending machines from
University libraries.
The "weatherization" proposal, ac-
cording to its author Paul Teich, would
set minimum standards for insulation
of rented housing.
IF ENACTED, landlords would be
required to caulk and weatherstrip
their buildings, install storm windows
or similar insulation, tape furnace duc-
ts, and install automatic setback ther-
mostats-which keep an apartment at
its most efficient level of heating by
varying the temperature throughout
the day. Teich, an attorney for Student
Legal Services, said the most expensive
of these requirements, the automatic
thermostats, would cost approximately
$30 to $50 per house or apartment.
Teich said that 3,750 signatures on the
petition are necessary before January 3
for the proposal to be put on the ballot in
April. He also said the proposal had
distinct benefits for all renters,
especially students.
"There are about 20,000 student ren-
ters in Ann Arbor, and if these
measures save each one only $5, that's
$100,000 saved by the student com-
munity," he said. "There are 50,000
renters in total, and we expect these
improvements to save between $50 and
$100 per renter, so the savings are in the
THE ASSEMBLY also approved a
petition campaign to prevent the
removal Hof-vending machines in the
Graduate and Undergraduate
The petition states that removing the
machines will be counter-productive
because it will encourage people to
bring food into the libraries from out-
side and to socialize in the study areas
instead of the lounge.
The libraries are considering taking
the vending machines out of the
buildings completely and, in the Grad,
convert the lounge to a study area.
MSA'S PETITION also defends the
present uses of the lounges, saying they
offer advantages to small study groups
and provide a place for students to
relax for a snack or coffee break.
"There are only two reasons for
taking out the machines: to protect
library materials and to increase study
space" said MSA member Mark
Kleinman. "The UGLI's policy (of
restricting food to the lounge) is so
strictly enforced that there really isn't
a problem, and the amount of stufy
space created would be minimal."
We are now accepting applications for management
positions in:
Applications should be no older than 34 years old (varies by program),
have a BS/BA degree (summer graduates may inquire), be able to pass apti-
tude and physical examinations and qualify for security clearance. U.S. citi-
zenship required.
To make an appointment, sign up at the Placement Office to be inter-
viewed by one of our Navy Representatives, or call us at 1-800-482-5140.
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