Page 6--Wednesday, November 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Surg. Gen. attacks video craze
PITTSBURGH (AP) - U.S. Surgeon General C.
Everett Koop said yesterday that video games may
be hazardous to the health of young people, who he
said are becoming addicted to the machines "body
and soul."
Koop, a Philadelphia pediatric surgeon who
became surgeon general in January, said "more and
more people are beginning to understand" adverse
mental and physical effects of video games on
preteen-age andteen-age children.
"THEY ARE into it body and soul," Koop said.
"Their body language is tremendous and everything
is zap the enemy. There's nothing constructive in the
"There are educational video games," Koop said,
"but the kind the kids like and the kind they are ad-
dicted to are Martians coming in that have to be
killed, the enemy is coming here and you have to zap
"Everything is eliminate, kill, destroy, let's get up
and do it fast," Koop saod.
THE SURGEON general, speaking at the Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh's Western Psychiatric Institute and
Clinic, said doctors and psychiatrists are just now
seeing "aberrations of childhood behavior" due to
video games.
He described symptoms brought on by the games
as "tensions, sleeplessness in kids and dreams that
have to do with the things they have been doing all
Electron games and television may make some
children too ready to accept real violence - or even
willing to copy it, Koop said.
KOOP SAID evidence shows 34 children became
paraplegics in 1976 from accidents "in attempts to
mimic, to copy, the dubious achievements of motor-
cyclist Evel Knievel, whose stunts were exhaustively
reported by television, complete with slow motion in-
stant replays."
Video games impress today's children more than
comic books impressed earlier generations of
children, he said.
- "Most of the top-selling games are non-violent and
involve sports, science fiction and fantasy themes,"
said Jack Wayman, spokesman for the Washington-
based Electronic Industries Association, which repre-
sents home video game manufacturers.
"Very, very few of the games can be called
violent," Wayman said.
$100,000 cut
g, one of the is aiding University research, Duder-
stadt said. If it turns out that the cuts
prove detrimental to the University's
the proposed nuclear research, the money could be
ly the project restored, he said.
'U' nuclear reactor may suffer
(Continued from Page 1)
The $100,000 cut was an incentive for
the unit to actively test the market for
outside sources of support, Duderstadt
said. "It's a way to require a major at-
tempt to achieve an efficient and cost-
PROJECT director William Kerr,
however, said the reactor would have
trouble boosting its outside support.
"I would be surprised if we can in-
crease our income substantially," he
said. "What we are doing now is seeing
how we can reduce our staff."
A reduction of $100,000 would
probably force the project to cut its
reactor operating time by 15 percent to
20 percent, and would inconvenience
some of the researchers who rely on the
reactor, Kerr said.
"IT WILL have a significant effect,
but I wouldn't say a serious one, Kerr
said. "There are some users who will be
th Ave, a liberty 761-9700
DELIGHT" Vincent
handicapped seriously and others that
won't be hurt that seriously."
Duderstadt saidit was not apparent
how much of an inconvenience the
budget cut may cause researchers in
the College of Engineerin
reactor's primary users.
One of the reasons for1
cut is to test how efficient]
'U' committee to discuss MRC
(Continued from Page 1)
position that has changed since then.
Two weeks ago Steiner said he sent a
letter to Vice President for Academic
Affairs Billy Frye expressing
"qualified support" for the corporation.,
Steiner would not comment further on
the new position.
Chemistry Prof. Daniel Longone, a
member of the LSA Executive Commit-
tee said the change was made because
the current proposal is "far more com-
fortable for us than earlier proposals..
. earlier qualms that we had have been
somewhat allayed."
IN PREVIOUS proposals he said, the
University would have paid millions of
dollars for the corporation, but in the
current proposal only $200,000 would
come from University funds.
Longone also said that with the
University now only a minor
stockholder in the MRC, concerns about
entrepreneurship obscuring "the true
mission" of the University have been
Under previous proposals, the cor-
poration would be directly under
University control, and would obtain
tax-free status. Hancock said now the
MRC's board of directors would be
largely made up of representatives of
firms who contributed most to the cor-
Under the current proposal, the
University would contribute $200,000 to
pay for a board of directors, staff, and a
president, would then try to get money
from the state and the private sector.
Engineering Dean James Duder-
stadt, who will also be present at
today's meeting, said he supports the
idea of the MRC, but would rather not
see a separate corporation formed.
Duderstadt said he thinks a separate
corporation might create excessive
DUDERSTADT said he would prefer
to expand the role of the office of
Charles Overberger, vice president for
research, in getting private money to
support University research.
One of the questions raised by
University faculty members has been
that of control of the proposed cor-
poration. The fact that the University
would only be a minor stockholder in
the proposed corporation is a major
point of contention.
"If the Michigan Research Cor-
poration chose, for example, to become
the source of all military research on
campus, we have no say yes or no on
that," said Ronald Bishop, chairman of
the Faculty Senate and professor of in-
ternal medicine.
BISHOP USED the example of the
Environmental Research Instituteof
Michigan, which gets two-thirds of its
funding from the defense department,
and has several University faculty
doing research there.
The University has no say over where
that institute gets its money, Bishop
Concerns have also been expressed
that the MRC may shift the Univer-
sity's research efforts from a search for
knowledge to entrepreneurship.
"The MRC could lead to people being
brought here for _ industrial-type
research ... that really wouldn't belong
here," said Wilfred Kaplan, University
professor of mathematics.
AP Photcta
Sugar beet mountain
A farmer greets a worker at the Michigan Sugar Co.'s Sebewaing, Mich.
plant. The beets in the background are part of the earliest harvest on record.
Blacks view enrollment
THURS-6:40, 8:30, 10:20
WED-1:10. 3:00,4;50
640, 8:30,10:20
only $1.75
shows before
6:00 p~m.
THURS-7:10, 9:20
WED-12:40, 2:50, 5:00, 7:10, 9:20
III Shabbat
drop at 'U' with frustration.
(Continued from Page 1)
President for academic affairs, said same thing."
they would listen to any suggestions MASON AGREED, "We need an ef
about new ways to reverse sliding black fort that is more coordinated and more
enrollment. aggressive to try to reach black stude.h
MANY BLACK student leaders ts on campus."
yesterday said they would be making Another black MSA member, Cynthia
such suggestions. Several black studen- Reeves, suggested that the ad-
ts said fewer black students would ministration establish a new University
leave the University if counseling ser- agency to "police" the University's 17
vices were better. Many of the special schools and colleges, making sure
counseling the University now offers minority support services are
black students are inadequate or poorly operating efficiently and effectively.
organized, a number of students said. She also said the administration
"A lot of students feel they don't have should examine the way that other
the counseling they had in high school," universities bolster sagging black;
said Sudarkasa, an LSA sophomore. enrollment and help black students ad-
Peter Ford, a black member of the just to campus life. "They (other
Michigan Student Assembly, said last universities) might have programs we
night that the University needs to could try here," she said.
reorganize its maze of counseling ser- The University also should stop
vices for minority students. The relying on Detroit high schools for most
University, he said, should "centralize of its new black students, she said. "Wes
(student) support services within the should go to Grand Rapids, Saginaw,
schools. They ought to coordinate effor- and Muskegon. We can always go to
ts. After all, they're trying to do the Cass Tech to get black students,"
Unprotected student homes
invite crime, police say
TO RESERVE. 663-3336
In a story in yesterday's Daily
("Budget cuts may hit 75% in LSA
programs"), it was incorrectly stated
that the University's Center for
Economic Development receives
$60,000 from the University's General
Fund budget each year. Twenty
thousand dollars of that money comes
from the LSA college.
When the Daily reports
the news ...
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(Continued from Page 1)
One student, who lives in the stadium
area and whose home was burglarized
this semester, said had the proposed
ordinance been in effect then, the thief
probably would not have been able to
enter the premises.
"THE GUY didn't smash any win-
dows, didn't kick any doors in. He just
broke bad locks," the student said. The
house was locked at the time of the
burglary, the student said.
The students living in that house are
replacing their exterior locks, and one
resident has even put a deadbolt on his
bedroom door.
Greg Kjolhede, manager of Heritage
House apartments, 829 Tappan, said he
thought the ordinance would "undoub-
tedly bring a reduction in breaking and
enterings." He questioned, however,
the city's legal rights to impose
legislation which would create such
MAIZE AND Blue Properties
Manager Suzanne Gurbachy said she
forsees landlord opposition to the or-
dinance. "It is important that landlor-
ds make their apartments safe," she
said, "but there is a big cost con-
sideration for the landlords."
No matter how many- good strong
locks a residence has, it won't be safe
unless the residents use them, Wright
said. And this, unfortunately, is not as
silly as it sounds.
"Fifty percent of the people (in the
city) don't use locks, even if they have
them," Wright said.
THE FIRST step in crime prevention
is awareness, Wright said. "People
have to become more aware, a little
paranoid," he said.
A house in the School of Business area
was burglarized this term after
someone entered through an open win-
dow while the residents were asleen.
it's like until you see that you've beer4
robbed," said one of the residents:
After the burglary, those residents
attended a Neighborhood Crime Watch
meeting to learn measures they could
take to deter criminals.
These Watches involve an initial
mass meeting of neightborhood or
apartment residents and their landlor-
ds, where Wright informs them of
prevention methods. Participants are
then encouraged to upgrade their'
existing security equipment, get t4
know their neighbors, and report any
suspicious activities in the area.
RESIDENTS of the University's
married housing facilities on North
Campus are setting up a Neighborhood
Crime Watch with the cooperation of
University Housing Program Director
David Foulke. He said, however, that
this may be difficult because of the
busy schedules of the tenants and
because of the high turnover rate.
Several off-campus apartment com-
plexes have also adopted this preveng
tion system. Bob Wolff, manager of
Chatam Village, 2000,Pauline, said the
program "gives the residents a feeling
of security." Not only do they feel more
secure, he said, they are more secure.
Another aspect of the Neighborhood
Watch is "allowing the tenants to buys
their own lock, which the landlords
agrees to install, if the tenant agrees to
leave the device in the unit upon lease
termination," Wright said.
AREAS WITHOUT a Neighborhood
Crime Watch do not have to remain
vulnerable to crime. Individual tenants
and the homeowners can do some very
cost-effective things in order to im-
prove their security, Wright said. For
example, hinge-pins in double-hung win-
nw smake it more difficult for a A