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September 21, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 36) • Page Image 10

… outstanding rec- ords turned in by any Wolverine athletic squad. Wolverine runners have won fifteen Big Ten indoor track titles since competition began in 1911, and dominated the Conference indoor paths from…

…. Veterans of some of the later championship teams are the pres- ent Wolverine coaches, Don Can- ham and Elmer Swanson. To- gether they comprise the youngest coaching staff in the Conference. ONE OF MICHIGAN…

… each in track and baseball. Running for the Conference cham- pion Wolverines, he won both the Big Nine high and low hurdles titles in 1944. * * * BESIDES scoring a double vic- tory in the Conference…

… par- allel bars, contests in each of the Wolverines' meets and also in the Big Nine affair. THE WESTERN Conference Meet was held for the first time in Ann Arbor last March 26. It attracted the largest…

May 21, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…ThDAYI MAY 21, 1949 .THE MICANDVAM PAGE TS1 Wolverines Qualify Six In Big Nine Track Meet Barten, Thomason, Lindquist, Kirkendall, Sergeson, Mitchell Place in Preliminaries _ 4 Michigan, Broncos…

… seven. Illinois was tied with the Wolver- ines with six qualifiers as Wiscon- sin placed five men and North- western and Iowa placed four and one respectively. THE WOLVERINES surprised the field by…

…'s netdseason. Only one man on the Ohio squad has an unbeaten record this year. He is Dave Kuenzli at the number five singles post, and has ten wins in ten starts. WOLVERINE ACE Andy Paton comes up against…

… Buckeye number one man Arnie Levenstein who forced Grant Golden of North- western into three sets last week but dropped the match to him, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Al Hetzeck at number two for the Wolverines faces Guy…

… the Buckeyes serves to Wolverine Fred Otto, while Otto's teammate, Bill Mikulich at num- ber four, puts his game against Dick Slager of OSU. GORDIE NAUGLE, playing number six singles for Michigan faces…

… managed to put out the fire sev- eral times. Dave Settle pitched the ninth and tenth while Bob Hicks fin- ished the game. The Wolverines travel to East Lansing today to meet the Michi- Nu Sigma Nu beat Phi…

…, the Wolverines took the lead for the only time of the day. The Broncos tied the score with a counter in their half of the seventh on two singles sand- wiched around a sacrifice bunt. Hogan'sbsingle and…

… worked Hogan for a walk, stole second, and rode home on Baker's single. The Wolverines collected eight hits during the 12 innings of play while Western garnered 16 safeties. Baker and Wolff paced the…

December 21, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

… Return Bout Cowboy Tilt Precedes Opener With Ohio State Wolverines Hope To Gain Experience for Conference by Meeting Tall Wyoming Squad By MARY LU HEATH When Michigan's basketball squad tangles with the…

… University of Wyoming Saturday night in the Field House, it will mark the last non- Conference game for the Wolverines before the Big Ten opener with Ohio State Dec. 30. It is particularly fortunate that…

…Nine Tilts Sextet Faces Vickers In First Fray of Year The Wolverine hockey team will swing into action January 6 when thesextet opens the 1945 season fac- ing the Vickers Hockey Club of De- troit. This is the…

… schedule, is that allthe games will be played at home except when the Wolverines travel to Minneapolis to meet Minnesota. The opening tilt is Jan. 6 against Vickers. Jan. 13 the Wolverines op- pose Minnesota…

… Anal standings of the 1943-44 seasui4 for the Wolverines was five wins against three defeats. FLOWERS... are your answer! . For the perfect Christmas gift buy FLOWERS! There is noth- A ing like a POTTED…

… for the stadium to be filled as it was in 1941. Time For a Change? Michigan has not won a Western Conference basketball championship since the season of 1928-29. That year the Wolverines racked up 14…

… Gala showed for a certainty the makeup and+ material of the 1945 Wolverine swim-J ming squad, which is out after Con-] ference and National honors this year, according to Coach Matt Mann. The team…

…, depressed by the five point margin by which the Wolverines trailed. The '98 team, one of the best Michigan aggregations ever assem- bled, according to Fielding H. Yost, was losing, 11-6, with three minutes…

… left to play when Widman took the ball for his 85-yard jaunt up the field. The final score was 12-11, and the Wolverines went on to clinch the Conference championship. of :65.8. His times have been…

January 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

… Michigan By MURRAY GRANT A game but outplayed Michigan mat squad went down to defeat at the hands of a very powerful Illinois wrestling team yesterday by the score of 21-10. The Wolverines were in trouble…

… spots of the afternoon from the Wolverine's standpoint were the pin by Newt Skillman and Jim Galles' 12-5 deci- sion over Louis Agase. Burwell Beats Sachsel Although the match between Sach- sel and…

…' With the match score 5-2 in Illi- nois' favor, Newt Skillman put the Wolverines into the lead for the only time during the afternoon as he pinned Bob Smith in 5:37. Fred Booth then lost a close 4…

…-end, the Wolverines played the first of these engagements against.t Iowa Friday night and lost another heartbreaking decision. 29-27. in the1 last minute of play Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's outfit entered this…

… contest as complete underdogs as they entertained unbeaten Iowa, which was currently rated as the outstanding basketball team in the country.l Although none of the critics gave the Wolverines a chance of t…

…'t relinquish until the final minute of play. The Wolverines held the Hawks scoreless until eight minutes of ther half had slipped by, when Clayton Wilkinson tallied the initial field goal for the Iowans, and…

… squeezed through with a victory. Since the Wolverines have already lost two such tough' games, the first being an overtime decision to Ohio State, and the Iowa defeat, both against the two top teams in the…

… their first Big Ten Conference' meet, the Wolverine swimming team, taking seven first places out of a possible nine, swamped the North- western Wildcats. by a decisive count of 54-29. Michigan ace…

… event still proved to be a high point in the meet, as Bob Munson, up-and-coming Maize and Blue backstroker, churned through the distance to win handily. The Wolverines drew first blood by winning the 300…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…%/2 game margin over the second place Red Wings, but has played three more games. 345th Fliers to Bring Fast, Short Squad Wolverines Trying for Third Straight Victory over Service Teams By CLARK BAKER The…

… Army gets another crack at Michigan's cagers tonight at 7:30 when the 345th Army Air Base Squa- dron five will attempt to break the Wolverines' jinx over service teams at Yost Field House. To date the…

…. Michigan's lineup will be the same which opened last week against Wis- consin. Big Jim Mandler, Wolverine captain and scoringleader with 81 tallies for nine games, will again be at his familiar pivot spot…

…. Jim's six feet-four should be a big factor for the Maize and Blue tonight. Doyle, Strack at Guards leeo Doyle, who has been hitting the strings pretty regularly in Conference games for the Wolverines

… work under the baskets has been a bright spot in the Wolverine offense, and Mel Comin, who carved a niche in the hearts of Maize and Blue fans with his fighting play against Wisconsin last week. For…

January 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, JAN. 21, 1945 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Ohio a gers Han Michigan Wolverines Drop Third Straight Conference Tilt{ Buckeyes Lead Throughout Contest as Risen Sinks High Score of 11…

… Michigan's Wolverines, 61 to 47. The only time the Wolverines were on even terms with Ohio State was in the opening minutes when the count was deadlocked at two-all. The Wolverines stayed close, however…

… at that point Don Grate, Rod Caudill, and Jimmy Sims hit the target and coach Harold Olsen sent in reserves to finish the contest. Greer Notches All Wolverine's Goals By JERRY LEWIS Holding the lead…

… the Wolverines' tallies. Greer made three of his goals unassisted. His first came late in the first stanza, when he out-skat- ed two men .to tally. Near the end of the period he made his one and only…

May 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ........ . ................. .......... ............ . ..... .... . ..... 'M' Circuit Clout Rips Irish, 5-2 __" - w} Wolverine Golfers Rally To Defeat…

… yesterday afternoon. this year, the Wolverines turned in a sensational round to win the match going away. Schalon Sets Pace Ed Schalon set the last half pace, blading down the home y stretch with a one…

… still has three years to run. The Wolverine athletic director. was expected back in Ann Arbor, sometime after the first of June. Officials of the university athletic department announced that Cris- ler…

… this year with a re- sounding explosion that can still be heard in the far reaches of the Notre Dame stands. The Wolverine hockey goalie who played right field pounded out three hits, including a three…

… run homer in the third inning, to pace Michigan's diamond squad to a 5-2 win over the Irish. It was the second victory for the Wolverines over the South Bend nine, and their fifteenth triumph of the…

March 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

…'s Paul McDaniel, third and Gene McDonald, Michigan State, fourth. Catyers Givent Wrist Watches Time will tell! That's the old saying which goes double for the Wolverine basketball team, For twelve…

Wolverines, the watches they received last night from Big Nine Commissioner "Tug" Wilson will tell of the year, 1948, when Michigan player for the first time in the MCAA tour- nament at Madison Square Gar- den…

… 1) honored by being selected on the Associated Press All-Tournament team. Ross Smith and Gacek were picked on the second sextet. The Wolverines jumped into an early lead, when Gacek grabbed Grant…

… rebound into the Wolverine net at 4:25, with Bob 'Merriam getting the assist. Gacek and Grant again team up, at 10:55 of the initial stanza to give Michigan a one goal lead. Grant fed the pass to Gacek who…

…I shot a 20 footer for the score. The' goal was a direct result of some very fancy passing that had the Big Green completely confused. With the Wolverines a man short after Dick Starrak had been! caught…

March 21, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

… performing on home campuses, Wolverine cue- mnen amassed 406 points for ten innings of play at the Michigan Union, three points ahead of run- ner-up Minnesota. The Gophers set an all-time scoring record of 615…

… competition of pocket billiards, qualified for national play Wed- nesday along with nine other lead- ing clubs. Recording a better than 80,% accuracy range, the, five-man Wolverine squad gave an artful…

…, competition will be on a "personal contact" bas- is for individual honors. Wolverines Win Trophy Michigan will receive from the Billiards Association of America a national championship trophy, which will be…

… fourth straight championship in the annual Pur- due Relays. Pre-meet performances indicate that only a repeat of last year's stunning upset victory can retain the crown for the Wolver- ines. Wolverines

… Edge Illini in '46 In the 1946 meeting, the Michi- gan thinclads entered as definite underdogs to the highly-touted Illinois, Big Nine champions. In the biggest upset of the indoor eason the Wolverines

May 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…MAY 21, 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines Upset Buckeye Golfers TigerTrip Michi61Michigan Nets 18-6 Win, TDeeatsBig TenChamps Six Run Uprising in Sixth Inning Spells Defeat for Wolverine Nine Barc…

… last inning for the Wolverines and got the side out in order, after Wise had been removed for a pinch hitter in the eighth. Sad Sixth DETROIT Webb, ss Lipon, 3b Evers, cf Wakefield, If Cullenbine, lb…

… WAKEFIELD-One of Coach Ray Fisher's former charges re- turned to Ferry Field in the livery of the Detroit Tigers. Ie garnered a lone single against the Wolverine nine. TODAY: Maize and Blue Net Team Host To…

… Ohio State earlier in the season, 5-4, the same score by which the Wolverines stop- ped the Buckeyes Friday. Leading the Kalamazoo team will be Eric Pratt, who holds a victory over the defending Big Ten…

… spilled the Wolverines on the University course. A month ago the Bucks gophered them 19'2-7X2 at Columbus, and came into town to- day a top-heavy favorite but Bar- clay's men blew right back and now must be…

April 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… Play Against Purdue I Coach Weir's Team Defends Championship; Lewis, Johnson, Post, Boucher Head Starters In their first of six Conference matches, and their only Big Ten home engagement, the Wolverine

… today in Detroit. With practically the identical team that won the Big Ten title in 1944, the Wolverine squad will face the Titans in its initial contest under new golf Coach, Bill Barclay. Four var- sity…

… comparatively well. It is reported that the Detroiters will be a much improved club over last year's Titan squad which were defeated twice by the Wolverines. Coach William Joyce's team will have three first…

… together three hits in the first place in Conference standings, fifth to put across two runs. Tom will play here again this afternoon at. Rosema, Wolverine first-sacker, singl- 200 EWT at Ferry Field in the…

…, slapped out a long triple, igan, will do the pitching for the scoring Tomasi from second. Wolverine crew. Art Ecklund, who held Iowa to three hits in his first Stevenson Scores Conference start, is slated…

… ended when Gerald Kaires made a beautiful catch of Kell's deep fly to left. Wolverines Get Eight Hits The eight Wolverine safeties were spread out among five men, with only Rosema and Bill Grego snaring…

August 21, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…21, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Trackmen Meet Pitt In First HomeAppearance Decker Duels Pitt' Rhodes In Pole Vault Mile Relay Likely To Be Deciding Factor; Piel Faces Stickel, Carter…

… job on the starting forward line with veteran Paul Goldsmith j playing center. Fife is a husky boy,I and a fast, clever skater. He shouldl add considerable scoring punch to the Wolverine lineup. The…

… before a near capacity crowd of 2,500 fans but the Wolverines came from behind and Iroppzd the Hawkeyes 50 to 34 for ,heir 24th consecutive dual triumph. The meet started out to be a typi- cal Michigan…

… yards. ,.. and the diving events to go into aj 22 to 14 lead. The Wolverines then . reversed the procedure in the 100- yard free style and the 150-yard. backstroke and copped second and third in the…

… school here while serving as assistant to Ooster- baan. Jim Rae, Toledo boy who led the Wolverines last season, started his ,areer in Townsend's shadow at the .enter spot, and overcame an injury n his…

January 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

… game today against Michigan will be the Boilermakers' first major test of the campaign. Purdue must sweep the two game series against the Wolverines in or- ler to maintain their number one position in…

Wolverines have been at full strength. Wiese has been out with an injured ankle and Leddy just returned from a two week fur- lough. Lodge Sparks Purdue Attack The Purdue attack is sparked by center Bill Lodge…

…'s powerful two-mile re- lay team will defend its 1943 cham- pionship at the famous Millrose Games Saturday, Feb. 5, in Madison Square Garden, New York. The Wolverine quartet of Bob Ufer, Captain Dave Matthews…

… and tomorrow. Today's program in- cludes the sprints, high and low hur- dles and broadjump at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, the Wolverine coach plans trials for the pole vault at 1 p.m., high jump at 2, shotput…

…. Phi Chi. 3:30-Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Pitcher To Be Hunter Swimmers Set For Sailor Meet Michigan Hopes Lie In Freestyle Events The Wolverine swimmers will real- ly be out for blood tomorrow…

November 21, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

….95 1.49 Formerly 1.95 CORDUROY 1000 395 By Wolverine The Wolverine held its second drawing of names from the student directory yesterday, Phil Westbrook, '43L, social director, announced in the campus…

…-wide contest sponsored by the organization. The five winners of this week's con- test to win complimentary tickets to the Club Wolverine for Saturday are: Leonard Blumberg, '42, Chester Wit- ters, '42E, Verne…

April 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… schools in nearby localities. being organized. Cash prizes and four ribbons have been offered by Golfside to the win- Wolverine To Hold ners in each event, the events to be judged by Mrs. John Alexander…

… by Gordon Lon, '41, and the largest in Michigan. Awards Don Counihan, '41, will be the spe- will be given in horsemanship, jump- cial feature of the Wolverine social ing and musical chairs divisions…

March 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Capture National Hockey Title Senators Still Unconvinced On UMT Plan Poll Shows More Sup>orl for Draft By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 20 - -A majority of Senators remain to be…

… Marker By B. S. BROWN and HERB RUSKIN (Special to The Daily) COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, March 20-Michigan reigns tonight as National Collegiate hockey champions. Flashing a powerful attack, the Wolverines

… spark the four goal Wolverine rally that racked up a National title for the Wolverines. OPPOSITE ANGLES: U.S. Pul~iePolicy Reversal Hit by Camnpus Arabs, Jw and Rabbi Lymon issued a (Next Week…

… Square Garden tonight. Mack Suprunowicz was the li man in the Wolverine attack again as he pumped in 14 points in proving himself one of the bette' players of the turney. Un- like the Holy Cross game, his…

April 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

Wolverine lineup until just before the match starts, but either fresh- man Roger Lewis or Captain Jinx Johnson will probably start at the number one position. They have been alternating' at that spot in…

… Porter in 1941. Porter played' number two for the Wolverines last year. Newcomers Fred Ziemann, Mickey Elliott, and Marv Ott will probably round out the Spartan's roster. Rain Prevents Scheduled Tilt With…

… Thompson, '46, reports. The Tutorial Committee will hold a meeting for all women in- terested in working on the com- mittee at 5 p.m. today in the League. Wolverines Out To Take Three Team Titles in Penn…

… outdoors. And the Wolverine coach has the material to turn out two other pow- erftil quartets. There is a possibility that Michigan can take two more titles, but sports fans should not be too free with their…

… meet with Ohio State will be chalked up to experience which will help us in the quest for the Conference title," Coach Ray Court- right'said when he returned with the Wolverine golf team after its match…

September 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… Parking Problems ... Drive Through... S BE ER DO" DEPOT M& ran tj an th e qt By MURRAY GRANT Daily Sports Editor WHEN BENNIE OOSTERBAAN takes his 1948 edition of the Mich- igan Wolverines into Spartanland…

… Saturday it will mark only the fifth time in the 50 year rivalry that Michigan State has played host to the Maize and Blue. And the record that the Wolverines must uphold is really out- standing. Michigan…

Wolverine's lop-sided edge. With a completely veteran aggregation returning and with a coaching staff that has had a decent opportunity to work together the Spartans must not be lightly regarded. Last year…

…, working with a young squad, the then-new coach Munn turned in a season's record of 7 wins and only 2 losses. True. the Wolverines really gave Munn's crew a sound 55-0 trouncing ir the season's opener, but…

… the offing. Oh yes add to this a dash of desire to dedicate new Macklin Stadium with a Wolverine pelt and you've got a little bomb that may well upset a few well-laid plans.-. Lea uHe Lea oston Downs…

January 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

… To.9e Given Bycongress' Club conveniences and a club cu- isine will be special features of the Congress J-Hop breakfast which will be served from 3 to 5 a.h. at the new- ly redecorated Wolverine, Larry…

… Gluck, '42, and Fordyce Hartman,' '41, co-chairmen, announced. All Wolverine facilities, including the public address system and music for dancing, will be turned over to independent men and their guests…

May 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… baseball nine, 6-1, yesterday in an exhibition contest. Scoring their lone run in the first inning, the Wolverines looked as if they might be on the way to upsetting the Bengals, but after being hand- cuffed…

…. Detroit Infield Listless Asks Support The Detroit infield refused to show much life, completing one double- play and committing three errors, For est urant while the heads-up Wolverine inner defense made…

… three twin killings. The only Michigan miscue was Dom Tom- Wolverine Cooperative asi's off-balance toss to Tom Rosema Needs 200 Backers in the disastrous sixth inning. The Tigers reached Michigan pitch…

…- Student Congress called yester- ing for ten hits, including a triple day for student support in its attempt and a double, but the Wolverines to reestablish the Michigan Wolver- could summon up only a pair…

… ankle in spring train- the ire-war Wolverine that there is ing, in a lineup of uninspired second a sufficient demand on the campus stringers. Dick Wakefield, an ex now to warrant the use of the funds…

… Central reported yesterday. The New England Wolverine from Boston is still combined with the New York Wolverine. The Michigan, from Chicago, is not running. 342 from Chicago at midnight is com- bined with…

April 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…, 15-3. The Wolverines had little trouble with the Michigan State team, tying only one match and winning the others. The greatest opposition came from a stiff north wind that played havoc with almost…

… Dame third with 49 5/6, and Illinois fourth with 28 2/5 points. The Wolverines took the lead in the meet when they swept through to a victory in the mile team race, and held it through- out the rest of…

… had trpuble settling down and handed Mike Sofiak a free ticket to first base, and the little Wolverine shortstop was so pleased with this generosity that he stole second a -minute later. Steppon Triples…

February 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…, the misplay putting the Wolverine forward out of the game. Shrider made good on the free throw to knot the count at 44, and then, with only six seconds re- maining, dribbled in from the side to sink the…

…, scored 12 points, giving the Ohio second-string for- wards 27 points while the two regu- lars had a total of three. The Wolverines outscored Ohio from the field, 20 goals to 18, but Ohio missed only two of…

… 100% Wool BOB UFER . ..senior Wolverine track star who broke the Varsity record for the half-mile yesterday with a time of 1:53.9. record of 1:55.3 established by Dye Hogan of Michigan in 1939. The…

January 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

… night, losing to the league-lead- ers, 29-27, in one of the lowest scoring duels-ever played at Yost Field House. The Wolverines' controlled ball offense played havoc with the race-horse Hawk stye, and it…

… Lund paced the lost Wolverine cause with 12 points, while Murray Weir and Clayton"- Wilkinson headed the winners with 11 each. LAST NIGHT the cagers travelled to Columbus to meet Ohio State for the…

… previous matches, beating Sarnia, 4-3, in a thrilling contest featured by hard, aggres- sive play, and some fancy goal-tending by Wolverine Dick Mixer. Ted Greer scored all of Michigan's goals, three of them…

…- ping seven of a possible nine first places, the Wol- THE WOLVERINE wrest- ling squad, after scoring a convincing triumph over Nnrt carat~ar lAf. W . _k (: ijJ^i, Yti:? :%r .t-i %%t iz %t i r..zr '.::G…

February 21, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… unseat the Wolverines from the throne of the swimming world. Tonight, for the first time since 1938, a Michigan swimming team will enter the water in the unfamiliar role of the underdog. The last time was…

… four years ago against Ohio State when the Buckeyes swamped he Wolverines, an occasion dutifully recorded in the official archives to mark the last dual meet defeat suffered by the Maize and Blue color…

… secretary of the organization. Michigan's Al Thomas nosed out Wolverine Capt. Al Piel and Notre Dame's Jay Gibson in the 60-yard dash in the fast time of 6.4 last night. The Detroit speedster finished just…

… miserable for his fellow Irishmen. The Wolverine husky led the pack in the 65-yard high hurdles, out- jumped the field in the broad jump and then upset the pre-meet dope by tying Notre Dame's great high…

…-jumper, Keith O'Rourke. But it was the all-around balance of the mighty Wolverines which ultimately brought victory. Five of Coach Ken Doherty's heretofore un- heralded cindermen came through with much needed…

March 21, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

… Third Places At Chicago Ufers Thomas, Relay Team Win Points For Wolverines In Competition At Annual Midwestern Relays Allied Attack InPhilippines Is Promised FDR Connianded Forces To Pierce Enemy Lines…

…, vast Chicago Stadi- um for the sixth annual presentation of the Chicago Relays Track Carni- val, the Wolverines grabbed a third place in the two-mile relay, ace dash- man Bob Ufer took another third in…

… Patten, a smooth-stroking junior who never had swum in com- petition before entering Michigan, was elected captain of the Wolverine swimming team by his teammates yesterday. To Patten it was an honor…

… Patten will succeed, will lead the Wolverines in their last meet, the National Collegiates, next weekend. Most consistent point-getter on the Michigan crew, Patten intends to take over where Burton leaves…

… over- shadowed by Jim Welsh, one of the best distance natators in Wolverine history. But this season he came into his own, and only sensational Noted Soviet Film Io End Run Today Final showings of "Girl…

May 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 141) • Page Image 7

… front. The Wolverines competed without the point-getting services of broadjunper Elroy Hirsch and hurd- ler Elmer Swanson. I rack SAmmaries One ilie Run-Ross Humeand Bob Hume, Michigan, tied for first…

…. Baseball Squad Plays To 4-4 Deadlock at End of Seven Innings Ag"aiinst Illinois Nine CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 20.--(P)-- The Wolverines' baseball team played to a 4-4 deadlock against Illinois in a game which…

May 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

… Frolik's style, and forced him to the net, where the Wolverine play- er was unable to cope with White's persistent lobs. White took the next five games and the match, 7-5. Merle Gulic, De Pauw transfer who…

… victory was the Chicagoans' sixth in 24 games this year. "With Five 1 By RUTH ELCONIN The Wolverine golfers ended the 1944 season yesterday in a blaze cf glory by defeating the University of Detroit, 17%-l…

… loss of the sea- son when the Buckeyes won by six points. Saturday, May 6, the Wolverines faced Western Michigan at Kala- mazoo. Michigan easily won. when they trounced the Broncos, 25-2, and Tews…

November 21, 1943 (vol. 54, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…j1 lull Y .44V ai4t Weather ILillt' le Chiln VOL. LIV No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ann Arbor Sc a Conf esses Killing Wolverines Gridders Cop…

… games for the Wolverines and the se- cond largest point total in the series with the Buckeyes since 1897. The Crisler machine completely routed the hapless Buckeye civilian eleven by piling up 426 yards…

May 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… State at the half-way point of the 72 hole medal play in the Western Conference champion- ship battle. Capt. Bob Palmer led the way in the first 18 holes with a four-over- par 76 as the Wolverines racked…

Wolverines whipped in their last home match, led at the end of the first 36 holes with a team score of 628. The Buck- eye hosts took second with 634 with Michigan two strokes behind. Bill Gilbert, Ohio State…

… invited to par- ticipate in the discussion after the speeches. Varsity Netters IBeat. State,, 6-3 Victory Is Fourth Straight Over Lansing Squad By BUD DOBER The Wolverine netmen success- fully closed their…

…, the Wolverines will rest today, preparatory to leav- ing for the Big Ten Tennis Meet to be held in Evanston Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. Coach Weir an- nounced, however, that he would work out this…

February 21, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… here tonight as they spent an hour and a half chasing Wolverine feet around the pool in a meet that ended with a 70-14 Michigan victory. It was a typical Michigan State- Michigan encounter with the Matt…

… record. Never be- fore has a Mann coached outfit com- pletely whitewashed its opponent as the 1940 edition of the Wolverines did tonight. Fourteen Michigan swimmers en- tered the Water and not one of them…

…-Bone" Martin remaining at home, the Wolverine swimmers were never in trouble. Francis Heydt, the Iowa transfer, captured the 150-yard backstroke event in 1:39.4 for a new pool record. The bespectacled dorsal…

…, the Wolverines (Continued on Page 3) Daily Calls For Tryouts Second semester freshmen in- terested in work on The Daily edi- torial, sports and women's staffs will meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26, in The…

January 21, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… To 'Lead Scoring By NORM MILLER Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's down- trodden Wolverines have finally won a Big Ten basketball1game. Led by their three senior veterans, Captain Herb Brogan, blond George…

… The victory was the first Confer- ence triumph of the season for Mich- igan after four vain attempts, and lifted the Wolverines out of the Big Ten cellar for the first time this year. It was the Varsity…

March 21, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 124) • Page Image 5

Wolverine Hor Dance To Feature Al Wistert's Song Debut And Hardy's Music <"- THE MICHIGAN AiLYEFIV- Will Be Presented. Today Rt League AL WISTERT . . . he composes too Patrons' List For Slide…

…. Lawyers' Club To Hold Annual Formal Today To be sung by a quintet combining "muscles and melody" the song which Al Wistert claims as his brain-child will at last make its debut at the Wolverine Hop…

October 21, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…- ranted pranks of the Army rally, referring to the snake dancing through the women's dormito- ries. The pep rally is sponsored by the Wolverine Club in conjunction with the Varsity Committee of the Student…

… next Satur- day's Illinois game, according to Al Hartzmark of the Wolverine Club. Round-trip bus tickets cost only $12 and the trip takes six and a half hours, which is at least two hours shorter than by…

February 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

… methods of combat- Daily-Mccready. TIMBER TOPPER-Ohio State's versatile Lloyd Duff, who is the National Decathlon runner-up. will be favored to win both hurdle events in the closely contested Buckeye-Wolverine

… track meet in Yost Field House tonight. * * * * Wolverine racksters Oppose Favored Ohio State Tonight Murray Registers 'Not Guilty' Plea In Labor Bill Test Attorneys Ask Dismissal of Case; Political Ban…

March 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… pool mark set by Wayne in 1940. The other new record came in the closing event when the Wolverines' freestyle quartet of Charley Moss, Dick Weinberg, Matt Mann III, and Charley Fries churned the 400-yard…

… distance in 3:36.2 to knock over three seconds off the old record set by a Wolverine team in 1941. Gardner Takes Diving Bob Gardner of the Tartars lived up to his publicity by upsetting Michigan's duo of…

… Ralph Trimborn and Tommy O'Neil in the diving. However, the Wolverine pair were badly handicapped by a very low ceiling which necessitated Trim- born's "banking off" of it before going into his dives. In…

July 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

… maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth which is open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature…

… 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron…

March 21, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… to 150 colleges and universities through- out the country, according to Coach Matt Mann, Wolverine swimming mentor. Although wartime travel restrictions may discourage some squads from participating…

…, when Wolverine, Heini Kessler, and' Minnesota's Vern Ojampa, co-holders of the Big Ten breaststroke crown, battle each other in that tilt. Entries from other schools have not yet been returned, so it is…

August 21, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… might against a, powerful crew of Panthers in their dual meet at 8 p.m. today in Yost Field House. And it will take every point the Wolverine trackmen can possibly muster to turn back the Pittmen, who…

… made Michi- gan basketball history here before completing his career in 1938, will re- turn toYost Field House next Fri- day night when lie leads a team ofk recent Wolverine cage stars againstE the famed…

July 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

… Congressional action" was reported at 600. Students at Michigan State College in East Lansing are enjoying mixed swimming this summer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The "Wolverine," MSC's yearbook, is…

March 21, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…). will swing upward whmen you try CONTACT LENS "the invisible eye glass" Phone 6019 410 Wolverine Building t CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each…

July 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

… future track greats that a teashing certificate a prerequisite to their aims of breaking records. * * * * Achilles Pulakos, former Wolverine breaststroker on last year's Big Ten championship squad, has…

October 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

… one team in the nation according to its latest poll of sportswriters. Both Notre Dame and the Wolverines have an excellent chance of finishing their second straight season deadlocked for the mythical…

… settle this argu- ment. Let the two schools meet Notre Dame has expressed a strong desire to schedule the Wolverines anytime and anywhere the latter might wish to choose. Michigan has stated that such a…

July 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 189) • Page Image 1

… administration in the position of appearing to sup- port a candidate, it could hardly approve of Presidential nominee Thomas E. Dewey's use of the Wolverine marching song in con- nection with his current cam…

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