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April 21, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-21

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Suit Classics Shown For Campus

Simple suits like those pictured are being seen left and right on
campus this spring. On the left is a light weight wool cut on fitted
lines. And on the right is a sheer wool with a classic car digan
front. Both suits are worn either with contrasting or dyed-to-match
wool blouses or a short sleeved sweater if preferred. They are shown
in all the new pastel shades which are so popular now.
Stables Will Open Indoor Rink
With Horse ShowWednesday
Proficient horsemanship will have to a mount. Tickets for the horse-
the chance to come into its own here show may also be secured at the
when the Golfside Riding Stables stables, as well as further informa-
holds its first annual Spring Horse tion as to entry classes.
Show for Juniors, 8 p.m. Wednesday The stables, which are located on
in the new indoor riding rink. Huron River Drive, have been de-
The competition, which has been veloping new bridle paths and con-
divided into 12 different classes rang- structing new buildings in prepara-
ing from grade school to college en- tion for these annual horseshows. Pri-
tries, is open to all University of vate instruction is offered for both
Michigan, Michigan State College beginners and advanced riders, and
and Ann Arbor High School students special group classes are being formed.
as well as those attending other Breakfast and supper rides are also
schools in nearby localities. being organized.
Cash prizes and four ribbons have
been offered by Golfside to the win- Wolverine To Hold
ners in each event, the events to be
judged by Mrs. John Alexander andl Social Hour Toda
a board as yet unannounced. J
The recently completed indoor rid-
ing rink, where all contests will be "Frankie and Johnnie," arranged
held, claims the distinction of being specially by Gordon Lon, '41, and
the largest in Michigan. Awards Don Counihan, '41, will be the spe-
will be given in horsemanship, jump- cial feature of the Wolverine social
ing and musical chairs divisions, and hour to be held from 6 p.m. to 10:30,
will be decided in a special children's p.m. Sunday in the Wolverine.
class, for those between 7 and 11 Bach's Brandenberg Concerto No.
years of age, as well as in more ad- 2 and 3, the second series of records
vanced classes. to be released by the Detroit Music
Students, men or women, who are Appreciation Society, will be played
interested in entering, may contact from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Following
the Golfside stables and make ar- this "the best records of the best
rangements. There will be a small swing bands" will be played, Dick
entry charge which will entitle them McClurg, '40, social chairman, of the
Wolverine Student Cooperative, an-
nounced yesterday. The familiar
ballad to be presented in pantomine
will be given at 9:30 p.m.

JGP PositionsI
To Be Filled
By Interview,
Conferences To Be Held
From 3 P.M. To 5 P.M.
Tuesday Through Friday
Interviewing for positions on the
central committee for the 1941 JGP
will take place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday as announced by Doris Mer-
ker, '41, chairman of Judiciary
No woman who has not turned in
a petition will be eligible for a posi-
ticn on this committee, Miss Merker
stated. She urgently requested that
women wishing to be interviewed
come early in the week to avoid the
last minute rush. Women will sign
up in line to be interviewed and
those coming late in the week may
not get the opportunity of being
Positions open include general
chairman, chairman of patrons tic-
kets, publicity, finance and pro-
grams. Others are chairman of the
makeup committee, bookholder, and
recorder whose duty it is to check
eligibility, attendance and health
service cards and whether each wo-
man participating has paid her class
The chairmanships of the follow-
ing committees will also be appoint-
ed by Judiciary Council following
this week's interviewing. They are
chairmen of properties, dance, mu-
sic, costumes, ushers and scenery
Four positions for the production
not on the central committee which
are available to eligible sophomores
are bookholder recorder, assistant
dance chairman, and assistant cos-
tume chairman.
Beauty Exercises
Taken With Music
Alleviate Boredom
Two by two they steal softly down
the stairs at 10:30 when house doors
are closed. What for? There are
symphony and swing records in the
living room to alleviate the boredom
of before-bed beauty exercises.
Yes, it seems to be the new mode
to combine the aesthetic qualities of
dance with the beautifying properties
of bending and twisting. Beethoven's
fifth is a good rhythm for "run run
run leap," while Tschaikowsky's
Sixth is apropos for "bend two, up
Breathing exercises go best to sym-
phony orchestras too, while mock bi-
cycling in the air is exhilerating when
done to the swing rhythm of "In the
Mood." Balanced exercises, such as
in sliding down the wall eight beats
for posture and back up again for
eight more beats of posture fit in
very well with most of Haydn's sym-
phonies. Rhumba rhythms add
"oomph" to leg and arm swinging
To the second movement of Bee-
thoven's seventh goes the following
athletic accomplishment: partners
sitting on the floor take turns pull-
ing each other up slowly so that one
is lying down and the other is stand-
ing on one foot. "The slower the
better" is the thesis of this exercise,
so that one variation of the main
theme to one "pull-up" is the proper

F ent
Spring, says the calendar; and we
send home for our roller skates and
last year's bathing suit. Spring, says
the newspaper; and we buy a pink
dress and a lace blouse. Spring, he
says: and a young man's fancy light-
ly . yes, spring!
Sprig, id cerdanly is sprig. Gul-
lible, thad's whad. How'd we know
id wasn'd dime to sedd our fur coad
to sdorage? And why didn't some-
boddy dell us aboud buying an um-
A real umbrella, too: not one of
Qhese Christmas-gift or what-to-give-
my-girl-for-her-birthday umbrellas.
About a foot long, it resembles an
overgrown, inflated sausage which
fell into a bottle of plaid or vari-
colored ink, and designed, we're sure,
as merely another gadget to fool the
Comes A Rain Storm


That is, you see a rain storm ap-
proaching, and it fools you. By the
time you have it.opened, it's stopped
raining, your dress has shrunk three
inches, your eyebrows have dissolved,
your hair has resigned itself to fate;
and now it's your turn to fool your
Pull the knob and you have the
handle with a very wrinkled Chinese
pagoda, or a spring hat which has
gone astray. attached to the other
end. "Shake gently," the directions
advise. You shake gently. Nothing
happens. You shake harder. And
vigorously. Then dispense with that
advice; nothing will probably happen
"Press button"; and if you can lo-
cate the button, and if it works-
press button. This action releases the
upper half of the spokes. In a stiff
wind, they fly up, and instead of a
reliable article for keeping the rain
off, you have a pancake of a parasol
with the bottom half of the spokes
waving grotesquely in defiance of all
laws of gravity.
'Fool The Public'
But assuming that the wind was
not blowing, you carefully flatten the
sections of the spokes, gently push the
button and press each spoke until it
clicks. But what you didn't realize
is that they have another plank in
their "fool the public" platform. As
you press down one spoke, the one
on the other side pops up. Quite a
successful platform, don't you think?
Eventually, by the third time
around the umbrella, you have what
your grandmother could have had by
just going to the stand in the hall. An
But after all, this wasn't necessary.
Why carry an umbrella? You all
know it doesn't rain in Ann Arbor

Off WE
6/FT I/NT?
LENTIIERIC comes to the rescue
of all those on the hunt for
masculine gifts. A spanking
new version of the popular
61HNT" bandbox presenta-
tion with its spirited scene of
huntsmen done in green on a
beige background, contain-
ing a grooming trio consist-
ing of men's eau de cologne,
after shave lotion, and after
shave powder or eau de
quinine. Just the gift quarry
hell appreciate l
Lentheric men's soap 75c a box
Lentheric shave cream 50c a tube

Triangle Holds Hard
Times Hitler Party
Triangle held a hard times party
last night ro celebrate the birthday
of Adolph Hitler. The house was be-
decked with paintings of Hitler and
swastikas, while the radio furnished
the music for the guests to dance. As
an added attraction, games were play-
ed. These were a combination of Kay
Kyser's "Kollege of Musical Knowl-
edge" and "Information Please."
Questions were asked concerning Hit-
ler's favorite songs and pastimes.
Chaperons for the dance were Profes-
sor and Mrs. E. L. Eriksen



Men's hair dressing


Men's deodorant tale......50c
Men's shave lotion.......$1.00

Men's eau de cologne.


5Ghe c2iuarry
On State
At Head Of North U.

qa amood



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The Time of Your Life
When you're in the public eye, you'll have the time of
your life if you know you are master of the situation.
We are showing many striking new designs in our
formal wear. The smart prints in cotton can be worn
from now through the summer.


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Just what you have been wanting - beautifully tailored
slack outfits -,in gabardine - Three-piece play outfits
in every color and material - gay seerscker,
plaid linens, soft broadcloth - Porie Twill, gabardine



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