Fair today and clear and
cooler tomnorr-ow.
sfir igau
N.A Helps Out
Crippled Children,,,
Russian Propeller
Sleds Are Repelled
On LadogaFront
Red Army Reports Capture Of Koivisto
Town, Fort On Mannerheim Front
HELSINKI, Feb. 20.-(P)-The F
nerheim Line were reported tonight
strange, bug-like "air motor sleds" n
Ladoga in an attempt to skirt stubbor
At least 200 Russians were killed
the Finns said after the Russians, "
Taipale are in a fleet of bobsleds powe
Between the Gulf of Finland and
Red Army drive on the half-ruined ci
munique said with military terse-
ness: "Enemy attacks continued ...
the attacks were repulsed."
On the ice of Lake Suvanto inland
from Lake Ladoga near Taipale, Red
Army infantry pressure also was de-
clared beaten back.
Taipale, Lake Ladoga and Lake
Suvanto are on the eastern terminus
of the Mannerheim line; besieged
Viipuri, with the conflict licking al-
most at its edges, stands behind the
western end of the line, on the Gulf
of Finland.
The undramatic language of the
Finnish communique gave only a
hint of the intensity and gravity of
the struggle on the Isthmus south
of Viipuri - (which Soviet sources
have predicted would be captured by
Fighting drew so near to Viipuri,
with artillery shells screaming amidst
ruined buildings, that Finns classed
the city as a sector of the fighting
front, although not necessarily in
immediate danger of capture.
Most of Viipuri's 74,000 inhabi-
tants were removed before the Rus-
sian invasion started
Russians. Report Successes
MOSCOW, Feb. 21. (Wednesday).
-(P)-The Russian Army today re-
ported its troops had occupied both
the town and fortress of Koivisto,
western anchor citadel of the Man-
nerheim Line, and had "cleared" them
of the enemy.
The communique issued by the
Leningrad military headquarters said
large "trophies were captured in the
mopping up of Koivisto.
The Russians also claimed 47 en-
emy airplanes were brought down in
air battles.
Neutrality Controversy
Rages In Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 20. -(A)-
Swedes banded together in a move-
ment for active aid for Finland
heightened tonight the political up-
heaval which has drawn even aged
and esteemed King Gustaf into a
controversy over his government's re-
fusal to intervene with troops against
Soviet Russia.
In general politicians insisted an
acute political crisis had been avert-
ed, largely by the King's own declara-
tion in support of non-intervention
in Finland. But, although some of
the leaders of the so-called Finnish-
aid "activists" said they could not
proceed againstthe monarch's wishes,
it was questionable whether the activ-
ists as a whole would abandon their
drive for direct military help.
Opens Tonight
Play Production's fourth presen-
tation of the current school year,
Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," opens
a four-day run today at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The curtain
will rise at 8:30 p.m. each perform-
ance, except a Saturday matinee be-
ginning at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets may be secured at the the-
atre box office in the League.
The play will be presented in its
original Elizabethan style, instead of
with the usual Roman or modern
techniques. A conventionalized Ro-
man stage, however, will be used in
place of the regular Elizabethan
stage. No scenery changes will be
necessary during the play.
Special musical accompaniment on
trumpets and drums has been com-
posed and arranged for the play by
Alfred S. Burt. '42SM.
innish defenders of the battered Man-
to have scattered a Soviet swarm of
;hich swarmed across the ice of Lake
n land fortifications in a surprise coup.
and the entire detachment dispersed,
in great force" had set out from the
red by propellers.
i Lake Muola spearhead of the 20-day
ty of Viipuri, an official Finnish com-
,JGP Castings
In Hi-Falutin'
Are Announced
VanWinkle Is Given Lead
In Victorian Romance
By RichardMcKelvey
The students of Temple Grove
Seminary came to life yesterday
when the cast of the Junior Girls
Play, "Hi-Falutin'!" was announced
by Jane Grove, general chairman.
Written by Richard McKelvey, di-
rector of the Children's Theatre, "Hi-
Falutin!" is set in a small, staid Eas-
tern town. The time is 1910; the
conventions Victorian. And the plot
gains its theme from the attempts of
romance to gain a foothold among
members of a girl's boarding school.
The feminine lead, Kathy Jones,
who is supposed to be as sweet as
Melanie in "Gone With the Wind,"
has been given to Annabel Van
Winkle. A member of Wyvern, hon-
orary sorority, Miss Van Winkle is
also serving as patrons chairman of
JGP and was chairman of the Pan.
hellenic Ball.
Pursuing male of the play is shy,
backward Robert MacIntyre, who has
to be pushed into his romantics with
Kathy. Betty Keppler, a member of
Wyvern and the Theatre Arts Com-
mittee, has the part.
Another love affair in the play de-
pends upon the old maxim that "Op-
posite attract opposites." The boy,
dubbed simply Phi Bete, represents a
know-it-all whose aim is to raise the
class average, and the girl, Ann, is
just dumb. Phi Bete will be played
by Mary Ellen Wheeler, chairman of
the dance committee and a member
of the Theatre Arts Committee, and
(Continued on Page 5)
House Debates
Trade Pacts
Senate Control Of Future
Treaties Is Proposed
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. --p)-
A Democrat, Representative Coffee
(Neb.), took a leading position in the
movement to alter the Hull Trade
Agreements Bill today with the sub-
mission of an amendment which
would make all future reciprocal tar-
iff treaties subject to Senate ratifica-
Delivering the first Democratic
speech criticizing the program, Coffee
asserted that his amendment would
"assure American agriculture, labor
and industry an adequate opportun-
ity to be heard" on all future trade
pacts. The House quit for the day
before voting on amendments.
Despite Coffee's move, Democratic
leaders looked forward with confi-
dence to the stage of voting on the
bill, to be reached on Thursday. After
a poll they reported that a maximum
of 25 Democrats would desert them,
leaving a comfortable majority for
the bill in its present form.
Christian To Give
Organ Program
Prof. Palmer Christian of the
School of Music will initiate the sea-
son's second series of organ recitals
at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
by playing Handel's Allegro (Organ
Concerto No. 4, First Set).
He will continue his program by
playing "Air Tendre" by Lully and
Pachebel's Chorale and Fugue: "Von
Turkey Will
Aid Balkans,
Press Warns
Allies To Sit With Turkish
War Council To Plan
Military Coordination
Black Sea Naval
Base To Be Built
ANKARA, Feb. 20.--()-In the
midst of new military preparations
by the government, the Turkish press
declared flatly tonight that any at-
tacks against the Balkans would bring
Turkey into the European war.
"Turkey will enter the war the day
a foreign power marches into the
Balkans," the newspaper Yeni Sabah
of Istanbul warned.
The Supreme War Council opened
a week's emergency session to study
plans for coordinating Turkey's armed
forces with the huge reservoir of
manpower being assembled in the
Near East by her French and British
Significantly, it was announced
that President Ismet Inoni soon
would tour Thrace, frontier region in
which Turkey is rushing new fortifi-
cations to oppose a possible thrust at
the vital Dardanelles.
Plans were announced also for
spending $15,000,000 of the recently
granted British-French loan for rapid
construction of a port at Eregli, on the
Black Sea. At present Turkey is with-
out a Black Sea harbor adequate as
a base for naval operations.
It was understood that British and
French military missions charged
with coordinating British-French-
Turkish forces would participate in
the War Council meetings, which
find Turkey already on a virtual war
The Turkish army has been in a
state of gradual mobilization for the
past month and has arrayed 300,000
men along the Russian frontier, three
times the normal border garrison,
competent sources reported.
Finnish Relief
Concert Plans
Are Announced
Orchestra, Band, Glee Club
To Perform For Benefit
Program In Auditorium
As its contribution to the Finnish
benefit program to be presented
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, the Uni-
versity Band under the direction of
Prof. William Revelli will offer a
group of compositions by Finnish and
American composers.
"Finlandia," Sibelius' masterpiece
expressing the spirit of the Finnish
people, will be given a prominent
place on the program together with
the same composer's "Valse Triste."
Hedman's "Sven Dufea" will also be
Cornet soloist for the Band's por-
tion of the program will be Alvin
Johnson, one time member of the
United States Army Band. He will
play one of his own compositions,
"Castle of Dreams."
Other University musical organi-
zations, among them the Mn's Glee
Club and the University Orchestra,
will contribute to the program.
State, 70-_4
In difference
Wins All I
Seconds To
Mark In Scor
In Preserving Neutrality
Medley Relay Team
Breaks Pool Record
EAST LANSING, Feb. 20.-Michi-
gan State's badly outclassed natators
looked like a bunch of interning chir-
opodists here tonight as they spent
an hour and a half chasing Wolverine
feet around the pool in a meet that
ended with a 70-14 Michigan victory.
It was a typical Michigan State-
Michigan encounter with the Matt
Mann squad scoring firsts and sec-
Strother "T - Bone" Martin,
Michigan's sophomore diver who
won the event at the Iowa meet
here Saturday, will be unable to
compete with the team for at
least two weeks, it was learned
yesterday. Martin injured his
foot Sunday and will be on
crutches for at least another
onds in every individual event on the
program and capturing both relays
for a new scoring record. Never be-
fore has a Mann coached outfit com-
pletely whitewashed its opponent as
the 1940 edition of the Wolverines
did tonight.
Fourteen Michigan swimmers en-
tered the Water and not one of them
finished behind their Spartan foes
as Coach Mann slammed the "gates
of mercy" tight shut on the Michigan
State team.
Tonight's meet added another year
to Mann's impressive showing over
the Spartan mermen. As it now
stands, Russell "Jake" Daubert's team
has captured one event in the past
15 years of Michigan rivalry. That
win came back in 1935 when Spartan
Bill Bell defeated Mark McCarthy
in the-100-yard free style tet.
Tonight it was good entertainment
and nothing more. There wasn't a
close race in the carload and the
times were far from sensational. Even
with Jim Welsh, Bill Beebe and Stro-
ther "T-Bone" Martin remaining at
home, the Wolverine swimmers were
never in trouble.
Francis Heydt, the Iowa transfer,
captured the 150-yard backstroke
event in 1:39.4 for a new pool record.
The bespectacled dorsal star, swim-
ming in his first race since the Na-
tional AAUs last March, broke fast
and set the pace throughout the race.
Dick Riedl, Michigan's sophomore ace,
staying close behind in second place,
finished fast but failed by six feet
to whip his teammate.
One more pool mark went down
tonight and that was the medley re-
lay record. With Riedl, Johnny
Haigh and Tommy Williams swim-
ming in that order, the Wolverines
(Continued on Page 3)
Daily Calls For Tryouts
Second semester freshmen in-
terested in work on The Daily edi-
torial, sports and women's staffs
will meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb.
26, in The Daily Staff Room in
the Student Publications Building
at 420 Maynard Street.
Aitmark Incident Is Considered
Violation Of Norway's Neutrality
Legal Status Of Ship, N
Make Big Difference I
Great Britain undoubtedly com-
mitted a technical violation of Nor-
wegian neutrality by invading Nor-
way's territorial waters and rescuing
some 300 British seamen on the Ger-
man prison ship Altmark. This was
the opinion of a faculty authority on
international law in a statement made
At present, however, this authority
added, there is no agreement on the
facts of the matter, three different
and conflicting communiques having
been issued by Great Britain, Ger-
many and Norway.
One issue not yet determined, he
asserted, is the exact status of the
Altmark, thatis, whether the ship
was a naval auxiliary or merely a'
merchant vessel. He pointed out that
the legal status of the Altmark would
make a big difference in the settle-
ment of the Vresent controversy.
The statement also pointed to the
question of "innocent passage" as
one of greatest importance in the
matter. (The right of innocent pass-
age concerns the right of a vessel of
one country to pass through the ter-
ritorial waters of another, that is,
within the usual three-mile limit.)
'he right of innocent passage is
different in peacetime from what it
is in time of war, the authority de-
SRA Lecture
Will Feature
Catholic View
Paul Furfey Will Speak
At Second Assembly
Of Series On Religion
Second in the Student Religious
Association's lecture series on "The
Existence and Nature of Religion,"
The Rev. Paul H. Furfey, professor
of sociology at Catholic University,
Washington, D.C., will present the
Catholic viewpoint on religion at 8
p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Rev. Furfey, a Fellow of the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement
of Science and associate editor of
several scientific magazines, will dis-
cuss the problems of religion as seen
by the man who is both orthodox
Catholic and scientist. His view of
religion is one of four being present-
ed in the SRA series. Prof. Anton J.
Carlson of the University ofChicago
has presented already the non-relig-
ious scientit's position and Rev. Fur-
fey will be followedron successive
Saturdays by speakers giving the
viewpoints of the Protestan theolog-
ian and the Jewish rabbi.
Chamberlain Denounces
3t Yet Determined, Might
.n Dispute's Settlement
lared, and it differs in war as be-
between naval vessels and merchant
marine. Some opinions hold, he add-
ed, that no real right of innocent
passage exists in wartime for a war
vessel of a belligerent nation; how-
ever, this right is ordinarily recog-
Use of territorial waters for belliger-
ent action renders passage no longer
innocent, the statement 'explained.
The Altmark's alleged use of wireless
constitutes such belligerent action, it
added thus destroying its right of
innocent passage.
Another issue in the controversy,
(Continued on Page 6)
All0A' Records
Of 56 Students
Are Announced
Architecture And Literary
Colleges And Education
School Publish Lists
Fifty-one students in the literary
college received "A" grades in all sub-
jects during the first semester, Uni-
versity officials announced yesterday.
Three students received perfect
records in the education school. They
were Marcia Berk, '41Ed, Virginia P.
Cass, '42Ed, and Virginia C. Dilts,
In the architecture college John
N. Maxon, '41Arch. and Beth L.
O'Roke, '4OArch. received all A's.
There were no perfect records in
the forestry or music schools. Records
of grades in other schools and col-
leges have not yet been announced.
Those receiving "A" records in the
literary college are:
Barbara Alcorn, '43, Robert I. Al-
pern, '42, David C. Appelt, '40, Mar-
garet A. Avery, '43, Allan A. Axelrod,
'43, Joseph Bernstein, 'Spec., Robert
L. Chapman, '43, Zelda Davis, '40,
Edwin M. Deal, '41, Peter Dehlinger,
'40, Gladys L. Engel, '40, Roslyn H.
Fellman, '40, James H. Follette, '41,
Helen L. Foster, '41, Margaret M. Gar-
ritsen, '43.
Albert A. Grau, '40, William J. Hal-
(Continued on Page 6)
Flight Movie
To Be Shown
IAES To Present Air Trip
In Technicolor Tonight
A trans-Pacific air tour through the
medium of technicolor films is sched-
uled to start at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing under the sponsorship of the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Sciences.
Featuring an Odessey of the atolls
of the Pacific, the motion picture
cruise will simulate the travel ex-
periences of a voyager on one of the
regularily scheduled trans-Pacific
air liners.
After the take-off from Treasure
Island in San Francisco Bay, the
itinerary of the large Pan American
Boeing Clipper will include Hawaii,
Wake, Midway, Guam, the Philip-
pines and Waco Islands, concluding
the travelogue at Hong Kong, China.
Generous stop-over privileges will be
allowed at each of these islands, ac-
cording to the travel folders, and no
gate fee or cover charge are includ-
Sturgis TO Discuss
Anemia Research
Discussing the more important inves-
tigations of the Simpson Memorial
Institute for the last 12 years in re-
gard to the cause and cure of perni-
Prime Minister's Defense
Of Firm Stand Cheered
By House Of Commons.
Four Submarines
Sunk, British Say
LONDON, Feb. 20.-R')- Great
Britain today accused worried Nor-
way of "complete indifference" to her
obligations as a neutral in her failure
to free 299 British prisoners from the
German vessel Altmark.
Using a cheering House of Com-
mons for a sounding board, Prime
Minister Chamberlain said that Brit-
ain could "in no circumstances ac-
cept" the Norwegian view that the
Altmark had a right to transport
prisoners through Norwegian terri-
torial waters. He defended the Brit-
ish navy's raid into Norwegian wa-
ters, in which the destroyer Cossack,
rescued the prisoners, terming the
action "a very gallant affair."
French In Agreement
Shortly after Chamberlain spoke
a Grench government spokesman
said in Paris that the French and
British navies would take "all meas-
ures" to make sure that Norwegian
waters are not used for belligerent
"The Altmark incident justifies the
French and British Admiralties in
any acts of reprisals they consider
necessary to re-establish in the North
Sea and Arctic Ocean the equilibrium
which has been destroyed to the det-
riment of their interests," said an of-
ficial French statement.
Germany was accused by the Paris
spokesman of carrying on "acts of
war" in Norwegian waters, using
them as a base for operations in the
North Sea.
Four Submarines Sunk
In the matter of losses at sea al-
though the British said they sank
at least four German submarines
and perhaps two others within six
days of last week, they listed a total
of 86,077 tons of British and neutral
shipping lost and asserted that the
submarine torpedo had replaced the
mine as the leading weapon of naval
The previous high weekly tonnage
loss was 78,198 in the second week of
the war.
Chamberlain used today's Com-
mons session for a quick attack on
the Norwegian view of the Altmark
incident without waiting for an offi-
cial report of the statement which
Norwegian Foreign Minister Halvdan
Koht made before the Oslo Parlia-
ment yesterday.
He recited what he termed Nor-
way's failure to "carry out a proper
investigation" of the Altmark and
"I find it difficult in these circum-
stances to resist the conclusion that
Norwegian authorities have displayed
complete indifference as to the use
which might be made of their terri-
torial waters by the German fleet."
Nazi Bombers Renew
Attacks On Ship Lanes
LONDON, Feb. 20.- (P) -Ger-
many's big black bombers blasted
again today at the ship lanes up and
down the British east coast, bring-
ing the banshee wail of air raid si-
rens and the metallic cough of anti-
aircraft fire to London itself.
(DNB, the official German news
agency, reported in Berlin that two
British mine-layers and one armed
merchant ship were sunk by the
raiders, who returned home safely).
Great Britain did not immediately
announce the result of the raids. At
least one vessel sent an SOS, how-
ever, and a British coastal lifeboat
put out to sea upon receipt of word
of an attack about 80 miles offshore.
Talks On Activities
A re Heard By 300
At Annual Smoker
Three hundred eager freshmen
thronged the Union last night in
search of information about the extra
curricular activities of the Michigan
campus at the fourth annual Union
Activities Smoker.
Magic And Science, Egyptain Gods
Head Lecture Topics Here Today
'Art Of Deception' Will Be
Discussed By Benedict
In Rackham Auditorium
Correlating a discussion of magic
and science in what has been called
the only lecture of its kind in the
world, Dr. Francis G. Benedict, for-
mer director of the Nutrition Labora-
tory of the Carnegie Institution in
Boston, will address an expected
capacity audience on "Science and the
Art of Deception" at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Dr. Benedict, who is 70 years old,
has just completed a great circle trip
around America lecturing to collegiate
audiences in Stanford, Colorado and
Princeton Universities. His lecture
cian, Dr. Benedict is expected to elim-
inate all paraphernalia designed to
confuse the audience, relying rather
on the dexterity of his hands.
Dr. Benedict is known as the scien-
tist responsible for the building of
the first respiration calorimeter in
America. He has written more than 30
books and pamphlets, either by him-
self or in collaboration, on such sub-
jects as the physiology of the ele-
Canadian Soldier Wants
'Sea-Spanning' Wedding
LONDON, Feb. 20.-(R)-Wanted:
A sea-spanning Cupid to arrange the
marriage of a Canadian soldier in
Egyptologist, Former Head
Of German Museum,
To Talk At 4:15 P.M.
"From Fetishes to Gods in Egypt"
will be the subject of a talk to be
given at 4:15 p.m. today in the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing by Dr. Georg Steindorff, noted
Dr. Steindorff, formerly Professor
of Egyptology in the University of
Leipzig and director of the Egyptian
collection in that city's museum, has
been editor of the German Journal
of the Oriental Society and the Ger-
man Journal of the Egyptian Lan-
Renowned as one of the founders