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July 21, 1944 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-21

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YRID)AY, JULY 21, 1944



Some ImproveAment in Squad's Play

Ninety-Yard Run by BillWenzlau
Is Longest in Season's Practice
Chubb and Wiese Succeed in Line Plunges;
Derricotte To Return to Practice Next Week

Duilyj Sports Editor


FALL-ward bound
con, uoi ~~emm r ea~uuitlt~
tail oreul by sz~ ~k
~ t~.

A return .to cool weather provided
an excellent stimulus for yesterday's
scrimmage and Coach "Fritz" Crisler
noted a general all-around improve-
ment in Michigan's play.
Crisler said, "There is still plenty
of work to be done," and when asked
whether he thought this year's squad
has progressed as far as other teams
have for the same length of time,
Crisler remarked that the present
team was lagging behind his other
Yesterday's workout was featured
by the longest run of the summer
Coach Bill Barclay announced yes-
terday that the 23-man squad of
naval and marine trainees making
up Michigan's first summer basket-
ball practice would be reduced to 15
players by the middle of August.
Barclay is continuing to .instruct
the players in the fundamentals of
pivoting, shooting and dribbling. He
stated that the men would continue
to drill in the basic principles for the
rest of this week. Next week the try-
outs will be under the supervision of
Tommy King, veteran player of last
will replace Barclay while th late
is on a ten-day vacation, will con-
tinue to, stress the basic elements of
Barclay also made it known that
the long awaited call for civilian can-
didates would be issued shortly after
his return in August. The incoming
civilian players will be matched
rine trainees for psitions on a final
ist of 15 players to be selected by the
coaching staff. This final squad,
composed of the best of both groups.
will be coached for the remainder of
the practice session in the finer
points of cage strategy.
The Old Story-
Dodgers Lose
BROOKLYN, July 20-(AP)-The
Cincinnati Reds found Calvin Mc-
Lish no puzzle today as they con-
nected with timely hits to whip
the Brooklyn Dodgers 6 to 0 behind
the steady eight-hit hurling veteran
M cLish yielded seven hits, five of
them extra base wallops including
a four-inning homer by Ray Mueller.
Gumbert never allowed more than
one hit an inning until the eighth
when the Dodgers got to him for
successive singles by Augie Galan and
Dixie Walker with two out.
Cincinnati . . . .003 100 200- 6 '7 1
Brooklyn......00 000 000- 0 8~s 0
King, Branca and Owen, Mueller.
Cardinwls Win Two More
To Widen Lead over Reds
NEW YORK, July 20.-(IP)-The
league-leading St. Louis Cardlinals
increased their lead over the second
place Cincinnati Reds to 13 games,
their highest of the season, by tak-
ing both ends of a doubleheader from
the New York Giants, 10-2 and 62
today, before 18,824 paid admissions.
The Redbirds collected an even
dozen hits off Jack Brewer, Ewald
Pyle and Andy Hansen in the opener
to make it easy for Mort Cooper.

practice, a brilliant 90-yard effort by
Bill Wenzlau. Wenzlau shows great
promise as an open-field runner.
Wiese Stars
Captain-elect Bob Wiese alsci gath-
ered plenty of yardage in yesterday's
workout. Wiese hit the line with a
lot of gusto, and time and time again
his power enabled him to shake off
enemy tacklers.
Ralph Chubb, operating at the
fullback slot along with Wiese, was
also successful with his drives into
the ]ine. Chubb broke through the
defense with great speed and very
seldom was halted before collecting
several preciosyards
Culligan and Nussbaumer Pass
In the passing department, Bob
Nussbaumer and Bill Culligan did
al th e w o r C u ll ia n co n n ected fo r
Coach "Biggie" Munn's forward
wall was charging much harder than
it has been in previous workouts. Two
freshmen, Quentin Sickels and
George Burg, broke up many enemy
End coach Benny Oosterbaan was
quite pleased with the performances
of his wingmen. Oosterbaan said,
"They are all making steady pro-
Five ends George Abbott, Bruce
Hilkene, Sheldon Kavieff, Art Renner
and Rifenburg were singled out by
Oosterbaan as the hest prospects
thus far. Fred Matthaei, another
wingman, is on the injured list.
Eugene Derricotte, a smooth-run-
ning, all-state back from Defiance,
Ohio, has been out of action the past
week with a sprained ankle. Derri-
cotte is expected to be ready for duty
the early part of next week.
York, akefield Star
As Beck Is Batted Out
DETROIT, July 20-(AP)--The
Detroit Tigers ran their winning
streak to four games today by de-
feating the Washington Senators, 7
runs and Dick Wakefieldebelted hi
third homer. The victory was De-.
troit's third of the series and tenth
in 13 games with Washington this
The Tigers won in spite of a
noble experiment, the elevation of
bullpen artist Walter (Boom Boom)
Beck to a starting pitcher, that was
eminently unsuccessful. It wasn't
all Boom Boom's fault, the Tigers
making two of their four errors be-
hind him, but he left in the third
after failing to protect a three run
Rookie Rufe Gentry, who was
dropped back to bullpen duty, stayed1
on the scene long enough toend a
five game losing streak with his fifth
victory of the season. Southpaw Hal
Newhouser helped him out of trouble
in the ninth.
Detroit's 11-hit attack was cen-
tered largely on Milo Candini, who
left under a rain of basehits in the
second. Roger Wolff. second of three
Washington pitchers, did much bet-
ter, but he was charged with the de-
feat, his sixth.
The Tigers, with seven victories in
nine games in the current home
stand, will send Paul Trouit after
his 13th victory tomorrow. He will
be opposed by Mickey Raefner.
Washington . . .203 000 001- 6 11 0
Detroit .......230 011 O0x- 7 11 4
Candini, Wolff, Lefebvre and Fer-
rell;Bek, Gentry, Newhouser and
Major League

S tandings

AFEW DAYS AGO Arne Andersson, Swedish tracy sensation, catapulted
to the sports headlines when it was announced that he had set a new
world record for the mile in the spectacular time of 4:01.6. This time was
three full seconds under the recognized mark of 4:04.6 set in 1942 by
Gunder Haegg, and it again brought up the oft-prophesied possibility of
a four-minute mile in the very near future.
,Some time ago most of the sports critics scoffed at the mere mention
of that sacred four-minute mile, stating peremptorily that it would never
be accomplished in this generation. However, Anderson dispelled even
this overall pessimism several weeks ago when he blazed through three
-quarters of a mile in 2:56.6. This feat
was enough to convince the most
skeptical track addicts that the four -
minute mile was slowly approaching
the state of reality.
Ofall of the men aiming at this
r ecord, Andersson ran closest to
the required pace last summer
.~~ burnng up the American cines
This, coupled with the fact that
he has improved sufficiently
enough to erase a second off the
above record, as witnessed by his
* latest 4:01.6 mark, is evidence in
itself to show that Arne only needs
a slight improvement of his pres-
ent pace to achieve the four-mi-
~ ~ ,~- In a recent comparison of their
quarter times with other great mile
....w...'.runner's marks, it was learned that
Andersson and Haegg set too fast a
ARNE ANDER.SSON pace at the start of their best races.
-A. P. wirephoto This meant that their quarter times
~~~ ~~ ~~were not run at a uniform pace
which would spread the runner's energy evenly over the route, and that
undoubtedly played a large part in their failure to attain their long-
sought-for goal.
When this four-minute mile is accomplished, it is highly incon-
ceivable that , it will be established anywhere but in Sweden. For
not only does that country have the two greatest distance men in
the world, but the weather conditions there are more ideal for running
than anywhere.
ANDERSSON had been shaded by Haegg previously, but now he has come
into his own, mustering the required confidence in his ability. Now
that Haegg is also in top form, and only a short time ago broke his own
two-mile record, the so-called unattainable four -minute mile may mater-i
ialize when these two speed demons meet.
And I'll venture to say that if Andersson were the one to attain this
mark, he would still shake his head and say that it couldn't be done. as
he did last summer when consulted on this topic.
The amazing thing about some of the world track records that
have been shattered in recent years ihi the fact that the men perform-
ing these astonishing feats have been schoolteachers. This is attested
by Cornelius Warmerdam's antics in his specialty, -the nole vault, and
Andersson's own winning wvays in the distance runs.

Rtight: Fea therlight d ia go n a
wool tweed mixture in brown
with natural or blue. The suit,
69.50. The three-quarter coat,
59 50.



This may be that the teaching profession serves as an incentive, or
may be an admonition to future track greats that a teashing certificate
a prerequisite to their aims of breaking records.

* * * *
Achilles Pulakos, former Wolverine breaststroker on last year's Big
Ten championship squad, has convinced Chief Specialist Stanley Bryda,
Great Lakes swimming coach, of his ability. The 18 year old Pulakos,
who hails from Erie. Pa., won three individual championships and took
high score honors in a recent A. A. U. meet in Chicago. This was his first
competitive effort as a sailor.

WV AUIIROBE TIREASURES for you wino dote on superb line,
careful workmnanship, beautiful fabric . . . this new
series of Heatherton-tailored suits in silky-soft gabardine,
doeskin flannel. shetlands, tweed mixtures. Handled with
subtle softiness, dipped iin ripe autumun colorings,
lhey're proof that even casuals can partake of the exciting
eleganwe that mnarks 'the new Fall season. iMisses' sizeĀ§.

Hinders I-M Sports
Applications for the summer intra-
mural sports program, which includes
softball and tennis, are on the mea-
ger side, Howard Leibee, acting direc-
tor of the summer intra-mural sports
Only about half a dozen teams
have entered thus far. Leibee stated
that all those potential candidates
for either softball or tenns, and all
in the competition, should have their
applications in by Tuesday of next

from 1 P.M.


- Today and Saturday-

""4 , ...
~ 1

St. Louis . . .. ...57
Cincinnati .. .. . .45
Pittsburgh. . .. . .42
New York. .. .. . .40
Philadelphia . . .. 36
Brookilyn .. .. .. . .35
Boston . .. .. ... ..35
Chicago. . . . .. ..32

L ret.
23 .713
37 .549
36 .538
43 .482
44 .450
47 .427
47 .427
45 .416


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1TthattiO S /a
",.. ..6
tions us've Ea
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Pittsburgh 4-2, Philadelphia 1-3
St Louis 10-6; N ew Yorkc 2-2.

Jeani HeatherI
Tom Powers
Byron Barr
Richard janes


Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 0.
Boston 5-5, Chicago 4-4
game 14 innngs...




A~I .1

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