Educators To Attend Fifteenth
Annual Summer Conference
Yale Professor To Deliver Opening Lecture
Entitled 'Future of Progressive Education'
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1944
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"Several hundred teachers
school administrators from Michigan
and neighboring states will attend
the Fifteenth Annual Summer Edu-
cation Conference next week at the
University elementary and high
schools," predicted Dean J. B. Ed-
monson, of the School of Education,
director of the conference, in an
interview yesterday.
A series of round tables and lec-
tures by distinguished educators will
comprise the program of the confer-
ence on "What Is Ahead in Educa-
tion," which will be open to the pub-
lic without charge Monday through
Friday of next week.
School Materials Shown
Sixty-four exhibitors have space
for their textbooks, maps and pic-
tures in the corridors of Ann Arbor
elementary and high schools.
Prof. John S. Brubacher of Yale
University will deliver the opening
lecture of the week on "The Future
of Progressive Education" at 11 a.m.
Monday in the auditorium of Univer-
sity high school.
Dean Russell A. Stevenson of the
School of Business Administration
and Harold Mayfield, office person-
nel director of the Owens-Illinois
Glass Co., Toledo, will deliver an
a dress entitled "What Is Ahead in
Education" at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday.
State Superintendent Will Lecture
Eugene B. Elliott, state superinten-
dent of public instruction, will lec-
ture on "Education Planning" at
11 a.m. Wednesday in the University
High School auditorium. Mr. Elliott
will also be chairman in a panel on
Michigan public education study.
Mr. A. J. Phillips, executive secre-
tary of the Michigan Education Asso-
are designed to your individual
tastes and need. New students are
welcomed. Try our services.
Liberty off State
ciation, will talk on "Our Schools in
the Year Ahead," 2 p.m. Tuesday.
Round tables on elementary educa-
tion will be conducted from 9:15 to
11 a.m. every morning from Monday
through Friday. At a conference on
elementary discussion Monday, Prof.
Willard C. Olson, of the School of
Education, will speak about "The
Recent, Trends in Child Develop-
ment." Prof. Albert J. Harris, of the
education college of the College of
the City of New York, and Prof.
Byron O. Hughs, of child develop-
ment, will head other round tables.
Series of Talks Planned
General lectures of the conference
will be given at 11' a.m. and 2 p.m. in
University High School auditorium.
Prof. Harlan C. Koch, of the educa-
tion school, will deliver the 2 p.m.,
Monday lecture.
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the
School of Education; Mr. Chester
Miller, superintendent of schools,
Saginaw; Prof. Howard Y. McClusky
of educational psychology, mental
measurements and statistics; Prof.
S. M. Brownell of Yale University,
and Prof. Lee M. Thornton of educa-
tional administration at the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, will deliver
lectures throughout the week.
Employment To Be Discussed
"Post-War Employment Outlook"
will be the topic of a program spon-
sored by the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation at 7:30 p.m., Thursday.
Programs for the series may be
obtained in University High and Ele-
mentary Schools.
Guild Plans Picnic
Reservations may be made up to
tomorrow noon for the Sunday picnic
of the Congregational-Disciples Guild
by calling the Guild house at 5838.
The group will leave for Riverside
park at 4 p. m. and will return by
7 p. m. Games, supper and an eve-
ning service will be held.
SILK SOUVENIRS ON SAIPAN-Mementos of the Saipan campaign
in the Pacific are plentiful as shown by this U. S. Coast Guardsman,
well equipped with a silk kimono and parasol. -(AP Photo)
(Continued from Page 2)
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture and Design:
"Look at your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
planning. South end of downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building.
Student work continued on dis-
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Open daily, 9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public
is invited.
Clements Library: Association
Rackham Galleries: "Labor and
Industry in the U.S.S.R." and "Col-
lective Farms in the U.S.S.R.," pho-
tographic exhibits circulated by the
National Council of American-Soviet
Friendship, New York. Open daily
except- Sunday, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the University of Michigan in Pic-
Legal Research Library: Fine buil-
dings by William C. Hollands. Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
Events Today
Russian Film: "General Suvarov"
is being given this evening and Sat-
urday evening at 8:15 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall. Admission free.
"The Learned Ladies," brilliant
satire by Moliere, is being presented
by the Michigan Repertory Players of
the Department of Speech this eve-
ning and Saturday evening in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
on sale for the balance of the week
in the Theatre box office. Box office
hours are from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sketches: If you want your sketch
drawn, sign up now. Mrs. Bradfield
will be here Friday. Julys21, from 1
o'clock until 5 to do those colored
crayon drawings. Make your ap-
pointment early-and if you make
an appointment be sure to keep it. or
let us know.
Dancing Class: Come one, come all.
to the Dancing Class at the USO
Club. The lessons are in a series of
six and when you are through you
will certainly know how to "Cut a
Rug." These lessons are held every
Friday from 7 to 8 in the Ballroom
of the USO Club.
Friday Night Dance: Start the
week-end off with a bang and a
Dance at the Club. Our weekly Fri-
day Night Dance starts at 8 o'clock
and dancing continues until Mid-
Latin-Greek Coffee Hour today at
4:10 in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League. Anyone interested in the
Classics is invited.
The second open clinic of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp
will be held this evening at 8:30 p.m.
at the Main Lodge, Patterson Lake.
The consulting specialist will be
Dr. Leo Kanner, visiting child psy-
chologist, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore,
Conservative religious services will
be held at the Hillel Foundation at
7:45 p.m. today. A.S. Harvey Weis-
berg and Melvin Rackoff, '47E, will
conduct the services. The sermon will
be delivered by Rabbi Jehudah M.
.Cohen on "America and the New
World Order." A social hour and
refreshments will follow the service.
'Coming Events
Michigan Sailing Club: Members
please attend a meeting to be held in
the Union on Saturday at one o'clock.
Summer Campus Sing: Conducted
by Professor David Mattern, School
of Music. Besides group singing, spe-
cial features will include songs by
the University Men's Glee Club with
Oswald Lampkin, baritone from De-
troit, as soloist, and several renditions
on the Carillon by Professor Percival
Price. The Sing will be held on the
Library steps, Friday, July 28, from
7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited to par-
Services To Be Held
Religious services will be held at
7:45 p. m., today, at the Hillel
They will be conducted by Harvey
Weisberg, A-S, and Melvin Rackoff,
'46E, and will be followed by a ser-
mon delivered by Rabbi Jehudah. M.
Cohen entitled "America and the
New World Order."
Chu Discusses
Culture's Place
In World Unity
Continuous Exchange
Promotes GoodI Will
"China, along with the United
States, has not been aware of the
importance of knowing the culture
of other nations, particularly Japan,"
said Shih Chia Chu in his second
lecture on "Chinese Civilization"' yes-
"Peace among nations can only be
made by understanding." he stated
and added that "only by continuous
exchange of culture can we hope to
attain that understanding."
Early History Related
Relating the history of cultural
relations between China and Japan,
Chu began. with the first contact
between the two countries around the
second and third centuries. A.D.
Many Japanese students visited Chi-
na and returned to their own country
with coins, books, and other cultural
tokens from China.
The borrowing between China and
Japan reached its highest point from
630 to 894 A.D., said Chu. The
Japanese borrowed the language of
China in the early Christian era and
officially adopted it in 400 A.D.
Tells of Cultural Borrowing
This Japanese borrowing continued
until early in the 19th century, when
Western powers began to influence
that country's development. How-
ever, all during the last century,
China continued to send many of its
students to Japan to study law, medi-
cine and military history.
Sketches To Be
Drawn at USO
Mrs. Bradfield will be at the USO
from 1 to 5 p.m. today to make
colored crayon sketches' of any ser-
vicemen who desire them, Miss Bar-
bara Starr,. assistant USO director,
announced yesterday.
Those desiring sketches should
make an appointment at the USO as
soon as possible, and Miss Starr re-
quested that anyone who could not
keep their appointment phone the
To start off the week-end, the USO
is sponsoring its weekly dance from
8 p.m. to midnight today with host-
esses on hand to entertain. Refresh-
ments will also be served. Preceding
the dance, from 7 to 8 p.m., there
will be a dancing class to teach all
who are interested how to "Cut a
rug," Miss Starr added.
Hillel To Sponsor
Supper, Concert
Today at 5 p. m. marks the dead-
line for reservations to the Hillel
cost-supper, the first of the summer
term, to be held Sunday at the Hillel
The meal will be served at cost to
students and free to servicemen, Miss
Netta Siegel, student director in
charge announced today.
An informal record concert, to
which everyone is invited, will be
held in the Hillel lounge following
the 5:30 p. m. supper.
Price to Feature
Russian Selections
Old and new Russian music will
be featured on the carillon program
which will be played by Percival Price
at 7 p.m. today.
The older airs which will be heard
first include "Dark Eyes," "Svelt
Night," "Field, My Field," "Kalinka,"
and "Happy Heart." Three selections
for piano will follow: "At the Con-
vent" by Borodin, "Song of the Lark"
by Tchaikovsky and "Prelude" by
A group of Red Army songs that
will conclude the program are "Parti-
sans," "Tachanka," "Moscow" and
"Remember Me.
Elzateth f lon o4
'round the corner on State
Continued from Page 1)
to feel at ease and at home," he said,
"and will do everything in our power
to see that that is carried out."
Production Cut 5 Per Cent
Productionhas been off more than
35 per cent at the plant, McHattie
explained, and the whole problem
arose when we attempted to obtain
additional manpower to bring pro-
duction up to schedule.
War Manpower Officials WMC and
the War Relocation Authority com-
bined their efforts to recruit more
than 100 Nisei Japanese to fill the gap
and this announcement brought vig-
orous opposition from the rank and
file of the union.
On the heels of this proposal which
(Continued from Page 1)
"Adequate compensation" was
pledged for workers during the de-
mobilization period.
Other declarations pledged the
party to:
Favor the opening of Palestine to'
unrestricted Jewish immigration and
colonization coupled with a policy
resulting in the establishment there
of "a free and democratic Jewish
Support federal aid to education
"administered by the states without
interference by the federal govern-
Negro Worker Arrves...
was shelved a week ago, a prograi,1
initiated by WMC to obtain Negro
workers for the klant, brought heated
opposition from this village of 1,100
This employee--the first Negro to
ever live in South Lyon-is a native
of Ypsilanti and an honorably dis-
charged World War II veteran.
McHattie emphasized that "our
only interest is in getting our pro-
duction up to full scale and that we
shall continue to employ all qualified
workers, regardless of color or na-
tional origin, referred to us."
Judiciary Council Names
Soph Project Committee
New judiciary aides and members
of the Soph Project central commit-
tee were yesterday announced by Peg
Morgan, '44, president of Women's
Judiciary Council.
Sally Goldstein, '47, and Barbara
Marshall, '47,are the judiciary aides.
and Lee Landy, '47, and Betty Anin
Larsen, '47, will serve on the Soph
Project committee.
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