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November 21, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-21

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ILillt' le Chiln





Sc a

Conf esses





First Conference

Title Since


Bucks Fall
Before Fast
Ground Attack
Wiese, Dryer, Lund,
Lead Michigan Victory
As Ohio Bows, 45-7
Coach Fritz Crisler's tenth edition
of the Michigan grid machine ended
a 10-year title drought yesterday af-
ternoon with a pulverizing 45-7 tri-
umph over Ohio State, tying Purdue
for the 1943 Conference champion-
It was the eighth victory in nine
games for the Wolverines and the se-
cond largest point total in the series
with the Buckeyes since 1897. The
Crisler machine completely routed
the hapless Buckeye civilian eleven by
piling up 426 yards and 23 first downs
to 68 yards and two first downs for
the losers.
Wiese Scores Twice
In writing a grand finals to the
1943 season the Maize and Blue grid-
ders were sparked by hard-driving
Bob Wiese, pony back Wally Dreyer,
stocky Earl Maves and reserve back
Don Lund.
Wiese whose spinner plays bewil-
dered the Buckeye line constantly, led
the seven-touchdown parade by scor-
ing twice on short plunges. Five oth-


President Ruthven
Back From England
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Pres-
ident of the University, returned to
campus yesterday after a five-
week trip in England.
President Ruthven left campus
Sept. 30 at the request of the Brit-
ish government to view first hand
the British educational system in
wartime and to discuss post-war
education plans.
Members of his family said 'last
night that he was "too exhausted"
to make any comment on his trip.
Russian Troops
Smash -Back
German Attack
Nazi Tanks, Infantry
Repulsed, Gains Made
In Drive for Nikopol
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, Nov. 21.-Red
Army troops crumpled a massed
German tank and infantry attack in
bitter fighting east of Zhitomir yes-
terday, slaughtering 1,000 Nazis, ov-
erran German defense positions to
widen their newly-won bridgehead
at Cherkasi, and gained in their drive
toward the manganese center of Ni-
kopol, Moscow announced early to-
4,000 Nazis Killed
The Russian midnight bulletin
said a total of 4,000 Germans were
killed in fighting which saw Soviet
troops beat back German counter-
attacks at two other main points and
gain ground in the lower Pripet Riv-
er area west of Chernigov, and to the
north inthe Rechitsa region west of
almost-encircled Gomel. In the
Rechitsa area alone 1,200 Germans
were killed -as the Russians went
over to the attack after blasting nine
consecutive Nazi counter-attacks.
Hoping to capitalize to the fullest
on the German capture Friday of the
strategic rail and highway junction
of Zhitomir, Marshal Fritz Von
Mannstein launched an assault in
the area of Korostyshev, 15 miles to
the east.
Soviets Meet Nazi Thrust
Soviet forces, fighting near the
scene of the greatest Russian set-
back of the 1943 campaign, met a
thrust of 6,000 German infantrymen
and 60 tanks in one sector, the war
bulletin, recorded here by the Soviet
Monitor, said.
In the "fierce engagement" that
followed the Russians burned out 32
enemy tanks, killed 800 Germans
and "forced the Hitlerites to retreat,"
the communique said, indicating that
the initiative in the area had passed
again to the Red Army troops.
Menuhin Will
Play Tuesday
Selections To Range
From Bach to Bartok
Music ranging from the stately
classical works of Bach to the mod-
ern harmonies of Bela Bartok will
be featured by Yehudi Menuhin in
his Choral Union recital at 8:30 p. m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Highlighting the program will be
the performances of the Sonata No. 1
in D major, Op. 12 by Beethoven, the
Sonata No. 3 in C major for unac-
companied violin by J. S. Bach, and
the Priemiere Sonata by Bartok.
Among the lighter works to be
performed on the second half of the
recital are "Voiles" by Debussy, "A

Lenda De Baboclo" of Villa Lobos,
and "Molly on the Shore" by Percy
Grainger as arranged by Kreisler for
A concert artist since the age of
seven when he made his first ap-
pearance as soloist with the San
Francisco Orchestra under Alfred
Hertz, Menuhin made his Carnegie
Hall debut as a child of eleven play-
ing the Beethoven concerto with the
New York Symphony Orchestra und-
er Fritz Busch. In 1929 when Menu-
I,; - - hiofirs- nnrr n K rln

Aerial hiew of

:; (!1

A ircraft Carrier

U. S. S. Card, Back From Atlantic Duty

"Baby Aircraft Carrier-an aerial view of the U. S. S. Card, an es cort aircraft carrier which performed sensational exploits in the
Atlantic in the war against Nazi U-Boats. The Card was converted f rom a merchant hull.

Allied Troops
Move Ahead
In New Guinea
Australians Attack Jai
Positions at Sattelberg
On Huon Peninsula
By The Associated Press
HEADQUARTERS, Sunday. Nov. 21.
-Tank-paced Australian soldiers are
continuing to move slowly ahead
against Japanese entrenched in hilly


Lv a


Cota bo-rationist

Bloc May Collapse Soon

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 20.-Belief grew in
London tonight that collaborationist
Pierre Laval's bloc might collapse in
the face of reported defiant deter-
mination of the Vichy Chief of State
Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, to
lead conquered France back to demo-


country around Sattelberg on the cratic government.
counry aoundSatelbeg onthe Lifting a week-long blackout of
Huon Peninsula of northeastern New aLiftin of eklng hlacyut of
all mention of Petain, the Vichy Ra-
Guinea, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's dio went to elaborate lengths today
spokesman said today. -apparently to quiet mounting
(Tokyo had broadcast claims that French home front unrest-to create
the tank attack was repelled). the impression that the 87-year-old
Prevousl, te Ausie in ~enMarshall still was functioning.
Previously, the Aussies in their .
jungle drive northwest of Finsch- Petain Resigns-Rumor Says
hafen to Sattelberg, which overlooks A Berlin Foreign Office spokesman
the Allies' positions because the Jap- vs quoted in a Swiss dispatch as
anese are on a plateau, had been shaving given guarded confirmation
reported within a mile of their objec- of reports of a crisis at Vichy. The
tive. The amounts of the latest gains spokesman added, that "rumors"
were not specified. that Petain had resigned, "so far as is
In addition to the light tanks, the known at the Wilhelmstrasse, are
Australians drew support for the sec- Inonsensical."
ond straight day from bombing and Out of the conflicting welter of
strafing planes. rumors from unhappy Vichy, the re-
Mitchells and Marauders ranged port of an open break between Pe-
north of Sattelberg along the coast, tain and Laval, his German-support-
concentrating bombs and machine- ed Shief of Government, appeared
gun fire on enemy supply dumps. On to be substantiated.
Friday morning, attack planes swept Petain Must Be Under Arrest
the same sector as well as Japanese Swiss reports, without confirma-
camp areas slightly southwest of Sat- tion, persisted that Petain was und-
telberg village. er house arrest. French politicians in

... scores twice for Varsity.
er Wolverines, Bob Nussbaumer,
Dreyer, Maves, Lund and Vince Mroz,
scored one touchdown apiece.
Dreyer Is Dynamo
Dreyer, the 185-pound halfback
who didn't even make a letter at Wis-
consin last fall, was a dynamo on the
offense with repeated gains off tac-
kle and around the ends. He plunged
over from the two for the second
Maves, another ex-Badger, went
across from the eight in the big final
period. Mroz, former Michigan State
end, took a Jack Wink pass in the end
zone. Lund sprinted 20 yards through
the Buckeye team in an exhibition
reminiscent of Bob Westfall and
Nussbaumer swept right end for 31
yards with a terrific burst of speed
for the other two tallies.
Hirsch Converts Once
Rex Wells, reserve guard from Ida-
ho State, booted two conversions q.nd
Elroy Hirsch, injured halfback, kick-
ed one to wind up the season as
Michigan's top scorer with 68 points.
The game was played under ideal
weather conditions before a crowd of
45,000 fans who were drawn by the
anticipation of a close duel and by
the advance publicity given to Coach
WPB Plan for
Detroit Issuted
DETROIT, Nov. 20.--(')-A new
employment stabilization plan for the
S p.iaia ,mhh incluea ,evseam

In the northern Solomons. the fur-
ious onslaught to blast beyond all use,
the enemy air bases on Buka con-I
tinued with Liberators dropping 721
tons of bombs and rendering the run-
ways unserviceable.
Within the past few days, Ameri-
can warships have blasted those bases
with 101 tons of shells and bombers
have pounded them with upwards of
200 tons.

Switzerland said they were uncertain
Petain had not yet actually put his
resignation into force but hoped by
threatening it to bring about a show-
down. Information leaking across
the Swiss frontier said last night that
a number of the Marshal's closest
friends, including three generals, had
been arrested.
The Marshal's reported plan to
draft a democratic constitution,

which the Nazis prevented him from
promulgating, was viewed in Swit-
zerland as an attempt to make way
for a regime that would be acceptable
to the Allies when France is freed.
The resignation of Hubert La
Gardelle, Vichy Minister of Labor,
was viewed in Switzerland as the
first concrete evidence of a swerve
of cabinet ministers away from Lay-
al. Although he was brought into the
government by Laval, La Gardelle
always has been regarded as faithful
to the Marshal.
World News
In Brief ....
LONDON, Nov. 20.-(P)-British
heavy bombers, striking for the third
time in three nights at the sources of
vast quantities of Germany's war
chemicals and poison gases, last
night pounded Luverkusen, an in-
dustrial suburb of Cologne, and today
lighter Allied planes followed up with
a daylight foray against other tar-
Flare-Up Settled ...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-(P)-
Spanish-American relations rolled
back to an even keel today as both.
Washington and Madrid let it be
known that the incident of the
Spanish note of congratulation to
the Japanese puppet regime in Ma-
nila is considered closed.
Nazis Have Food Reserve
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Nov. 20.-
( )-Great reserve stocks of food and
supplies known still to be in Germany
were being considered today by the
United Nations Relief and Rehabili-
tation Administration for use in re-
lief of Axis-plundered nations.
U.S. Transport Crashes
-A large U.S. Naval transport
plane crashed into a moutainside
about 30 miles east of here late Fri-
day, it was announced tonight, kil-
ling all of its 18 occupants, 17 of
whom were Americans.
Slavs Fight for Islands ...
LONDON, Nov. 20.-(.P)-Yugoslav
partisans under Gen. Josip Broz (Ti-
to) grappled desperately with the
Germans tonight for the islands
which command the approaches to
Fiume through which Hitler has been
pouring reinforcements in the long,
costly effort to beat down the ever-

Eighth Army
Takes Perano
From Nazis
Montgomery's Troops
Threaten Important
Sector Near Sangro
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 20.-Breaking through
German forward positions in the first
heavy fighting on the Italian front in
recent days, the British Eighth Army
lunged forward five miles to capture
Perano, it was announced today,
thereby threatening an important in-
land sector of the Nazi's heavily for-
tified line behind the Sangro river.
Against heavy artillery fire, wret:
ched weather and difficult terrain,
the Fifth army also made some gains
above Venafro along the northern
sector of its front.
Montgomery's Troops near Bridge
The capture of the village of Per-
ano put the troops of General Ber-
nard L. Montgomery within less than
a mile of the only bridge crossing the
Sangro river between the coastal road
and a point ten miles from the Adri-
From their vantage points in and
near the village Eighth Army units
could look across the river at a short
section of an extremely important la-
teral road upon which the Germans
are dependenthfor supplying large
forces entrenched in the hills over-
looking the Sangro.
Allies Strongly Opposed
This road extends from Sanvito
Chietno on the Adriatic coast along a
winding course inland through Cas-
telfrentano, Casolini and Palena to
Roccaraso. Along most of its distance
it is well behind the river and screen-
ed from the British, but opposite Per-
and it loops down into a valley to
within less than half a mile from the
stream itself.
All gains were made against sharp
opposition. Big guns on both sides
kept the Fifth Army front ablaze.
Heavy rains, deep mud and swirling
floods impeded all operations.
Japanese Seize
Town of Tzel
CHUNGKING, Sunday, Nov. 21.-
(/P)-The Chinese High Command
announced today the Japanese lost
more than 4,000 killed out of a force
of 18,000 men in a continuing battle
in which the Japanese seized Tzeli, a
highway town 90 miles south of the
Yangtze river port of Ichang.
Describing the action there as one
of the bitterest fights for any point
in China since the fall of Hankow
and Canton in October, 1938, the
High Command announcemtns said
the Japanese opened the offensive
Wednesday with 6,000 infantry and
cavalry troops and subsequently
brought up reinforcements of 3,000
and 9,000 men and sent wave after
%vai - ofnamna to a nam n f, n . aari1..

Youth Shoots
Wounds Fatal
After Long Grilling
Jackie Wall Admits
Hiding Body of Chum
Jackie Wall, 11 years old, confessed
last night to the accidental shooting
of 12-year-old Barry Rothstein 9
hours after the boy's bloody body
was discovered in a neighbor's back
Tearful and hysterical, Jackie ad-
mitted that his friend was killed by
the discharge of a .32 calibre German
Mauser pistol in the Wall kitchen at
4:30 p.m. Friday.
Gun Goes Off Accidentally
Jackie's 'account of the killing is
that Barry had come to his home at
952 Greenwood about 4 p.m. Friday
to see a gun owned by his father,
Albert R. Wall. The two boys were
playing with the gun, cocked it, and
laid it on the drainboard, which was
the same height as Barry's chest. It
suddenly discharged, and the bullet
struck Barry, going through his lungs
and spine and lodging in the cellar
door behind him. The boys were
alone in the house at the time.
Chief of Police Sherman Morten-
sen and Prosecuting Attorney Fran..
cis W. Kamman accept Jackie's story
that the shooting was an accident.
It was first believed that the bo ha
been murdered. Wall had warned is
son about the gun, telling him that
it had a weak spring, and would go
off if cocked. Wall's gun is not regis-
Parents Miss Son Friday
Barry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Rothstein, 939 Greenwood, missed
their son when he did not return
from school Friday afternoon. After
searching for him all eveningr, they
called the police at 2 air. Saturday
and again at 7 a.m.
Crying hysterically, Jackie inco-
herently related how he dragged the
boy's body into the back yard im-
mediately after the shooting and par-
tially concealed it under the porch
steps. He then attempted to wipe the
blood from the kitcheni floor, and
carried the rags to the basement to
See YOUTH, p. 3
Absentee Voting
Bill Discussed
GOP Senators Favor
Change in Proposal
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.--P)-A-
ware that the outcome of next year's
presidential election might hinge on
the balloting of 10,000,000 soldiers,
sailors and niarines, Republican sen-
ators tentatively decided today to
campaign on the Senate floor for
fundamental changes in the service-
men's absentee voting bill.
Revisions of the bill as approved by
the elections committee were dis-
cussed by a group which met in the
office of Senator Vandenberg (R-
Mic'h) today and the proposed
amendments will be considered at a
Republican caucus Monday before
the Senate acts on the measure.
One of the suggested changes
would revise the method of appoint-
ment of a war ballot commission to
work with the War and Navy depart-
ment in administering the act. The
committee bill provides for appoint-
ment by the President of two com-
cissioners from each of the major
parties. The Republicans want the

President to select the commissioners
from nominations made by the par-
ties' central committees.
Arms Production
Peak in October
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-(P)---
Arms production in October scored
its biggest gain since April, Donald
M. Nelson reported today, with air-
craft output reaching a record-


House Balks at Tax Rise;
Threatens Price Control
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20-(AP)-The WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. - (P) -
Administration's price control mach- The powerful House Ways and
inery collided with another challenge MC. .r
today-a threat to remove coal and chors clare. tn bicacan
oil from OPA jurisdiction-as Presi- chorus, declared today the public can
dent Roosevelt's stalwarts waged an , stand no more taxes and told the
apparently losing battle to save the administration to cut down spending
consumer subsidy program. if it wants to block inflation.
With the subsidy showdown due The committee said its second war-
Monday in the House. a bloc of law-
makers from coal and oil producing time revenue measure, calling for
states announced that 209 signatures 1$2,140,000,000 in new taxes-is all
-just nine short of the required 218 I that "can reasonably be borne by the
-had been collected on a petition to taxpayers at this time." The total
force action on their proposal. was only a splash in the bucket to
"We'll collect the rest of them the $10,500,000,000 the administra-
Monday," asserted Representative Lion asked to fight the war and in-
f'f Ix~in Tnhrn n P T1 p,, -, _ifniv

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