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October 21, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


\ N

See Page 4


VOL. LX, No. 23



V i i

No Strike
Action Due
By Truman
President Awaits
Direct Settlement
Truman said yesterday he has no
present plan for intervening in
the coal-steel strikes or for seiz-
ing either industry.
The President told a news con-
ference he is depending on current
conciliation efforts to spur a di-
rect settlement among the disput-
But what if mediation efforts
are unsuccessful? He'll cross that
bridge when he comes to it, Mr.
Truman told a questioner at his
news conference.
* *
SO FAR, Conciliation Director
Cyrus S. Ching has concentrated
on trying to settle the steel strike.
He hasn't taken a direct hand yet
in the apparently deadlocked coal
This is the status of the two
big strikes:
Steel-Ching issued a statement
yesterday saying the steel strike
situation "is not hopeless" after
New York conferences with rep-
resentatives of the U.S. Steel Cor-
* * *
HE ADDED, "we do not want to
create the impression that there
is a basis for optimism. But the
situation certainly is not hopeless
and we are continuing our confer-
ences today."
Ching had said earlier in the
day that he would issue no
statement and there would be
no news conference. The talks
are being held at an undisclosed
spot in New York.
The office of Philip Murray, CIO
and Steel Workers chief, an-
nounced the signing of the first
contract ending a strike in the
steel dispute. It is with the Cop-
perweld Steel Company, Glassport,
Pa. The firm employs 1,100. A six-
cent non - contributory pension
' plan recommended by the Pres-
idential Fact Finding Board was
included, the union said.
* * *
operators held out some hope for
a settlement with John L. Lewis,
but Northern and Western opera-
tors said contract talks are getting
nowhere. Speaking for the North-
West segment of the industry,
George M. Love told newsmen
that continuation of the talks
about a new contract is "fooling
} the miners, the consumers and the
The pinch of shortages brought
new curtailments of industry. J. I.
Case announced it would put
through a shorter work week at its
farm equipment plants in Rock
Island, Ill., and Bettendorf, Ia.
Some 4,200 workers are affected.
Truinan To
Ask More
Taxes in '50
Truman, saying he is unhappy
about deficit spending, made it
plain yesterday he will ask Con-

gress for higher taxes next year.
He told his weekly news con-
ference that he will recommend
ways to prevent the government
operating in the red, and if there
is any other way to do it than by
increasing taxes he would like to
know it.
* * *
REPUBLICANS and some Dem-
ocrats immediately responded with
a call for a reduction in expendi-
tures rather than a tax raise.
Questioned about the prospec-
tive $5,000,000,000 deficit for the
year ending next June 30, the
President said it was not his
He added that the Republican
80th Congress passed a rich man's
tax cut bill and there are what
he called fixed charges of $35,-
000,000,000 in the budget which
must be met.
HE DID NOT elaborate on what
he included in the fixed charges.
Presumably he counted defense,
foreign aid and other appropria-

Acheson Terms
Russia Aggressor
'Imperialist' Soviets Seen Trying
To Extend Dominion, Spread Chaos
NEW YORK-(AP)-Secretary of State Dean Acheson tonight
branded Russia "the aggressively imperialist power of our times."
The Soviet Union, he said, is trying to "extend its dominion"
wherever it is able and to spread "confusion and disintegration" in
those parts of the world beyond its grasp.
ACHESON DISCUSSED foreign policy problems in a speech pre-
pared for the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner here. He
came to New York in late afternoon and returns to Washington to-
The foundation is a Philanthropic organization, incorporated
in 1946, designed to "perpetuate the ideals of Alfred E. Smith by
raising funds to aid the poor, the sick and the underprivileged."
Acheson appealed for popular understanding on great foreign
policy issues. He said it is the American citizens, "acting directly
through public opinion and through the Congress, who decide the
contours of our policies and whether those policies shall go forward
-hrwaver and stop."









\1 Soviet-West
,+" _ Rift Widened

French Pick
Rene Mayer
As Premier
PARIS - (.P) - Rene Mayer, a
moderate political leader with a
background of business experience,
was confirmed last night as the
new Premier of France.
(The National Assembly gave
Mayer, a member of the Radical
Socialist Party, 341 votes. This was
31 moretthan he needed to get the
nod from the Assembly for the
complex job of trying to solve*
France's pressing wage-price prob-
lems. There were 183 votes cast
against him.
* * *
IN 1932 MAYER was a vice!
president of a French Railway
Company. When the French rail-
roads were nationalized he became
a member of the directing com-
Mayer, 54, will now proceed to
form a cabinet to succeed that
of Henri Queuille, which re-
signed Oct. 6 unable to resolve
domestic wage and price issues.
France has been without an op-
erating political command since
that date.
During that period Socialist
Jules Moch was confirmed as
Premier but was unable to form
a cabinet because of political dif-
ferences among his supporters.
Mayer MaIy,
Form New
Governmen t
Rene Mayer, former finance
minister may succeed in forming
a French coalition cabinet, ac-
cording to Manfred Vernon, of the
political science department.
"The Assembly' should give
Radical Socialist Mayer a better
vote than it gave Socialist Jules
Moch who failed in a previous
attempt to establish a coalition
government,"Vernon said.
"Moch's failure resulted from
his inability to find men who'
would accept cabinet positions."
* * *
"THE French Moderates seem to
feel that they must succeed in
establishing a coalition in order
to prevent new elections," Vernon
"New elections might mean the
advance to power of the right-
wing supporters of General
Charles de Gaulle."
Historical fear in France of
"strong men" is responsible for
the opposition to de Gaulle, ac-
cording to Vernon.
"NEW ELECTIONS would prob-
ably mean a considerable loss to
the Communists because of the
recent general trend away from
Communism among Western Eu-
ropean Political Democracies,"
Vernon said.
"The major problem in France
today is economic," Vernon
"Workers need higher wages but
there is an element in the govern-
ment that feels that stabilization

THE STATE Department, he
said, must be close to the people,
giving them the facts they need to
form their judgments.
"It must not be afraid to tell
the truth when that is painful
and unpleasant, as it was in the
China white paper," Acheson
said. "It must not be afraid to
recommend and fight for courses
which are hard and long when
any other course would be a de-
ception and a fraud."
Acheson said that Al Smith's
conception of the conduct of gov-
ernment rested on two basic prin-
ciples-first, that any course of
action "must be deeply rooted in
popular understanding and popu-
lar support"; second, that the ad-
ministration for carrying out a
policy must be "simply designed so
that responsibility and authority
coincide and so that knowledge is
mobilized and brought to the
point of action."
Pep Parades
Union Schedules

'End Feud,'
Says Unified U.S.
Can 'Lick World'
of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower
told the nation's quarreling mili-
tary chiefs yesterday that a uni-
fied America "can lick the world"
-and he counselled them to stop
''name calling."~
Setbacks must be expected in
unification as in war, Eisenhower
said, but he declared with great
"I just believe that from this
moment on we can make unifica-
tion work."
* * *
accused the Army and Air Force of
"ganging up" under the unified
defense setup to deprive the Navy
of its offensive power. Generals in
turn have lashed back at the Navy
Testifying swith Eisenhower
before the House Armed Serv-
ices Committee yesterday, Gen.
Mark Clark urged the "ruthless
elimin tion" from the nation's
military establishment of those
who do not believe in unification
of the Armed Forces.
"We may lose the next war,"
Clark warned, "if we don't settle
this unified command business."
WITH TEMPERS growing ever
shorter in the House hearings,
chairman Vinson (Dem., Ga.)
turned his fire against Secretary
of Defense Johnson.
Vinson accused the civilian de-
fense chief of putting the cart be-
fore the horse in working out mili-
tary budget requirements in an
"arbitrary" manner dangerous to
national defense.
Petitions for
SL Elections
Swell to 64
Student candidacy petitions have
swelled to 64 with 16 applied for
yesterday, according to SL elec-
tions chairman Bill Clark.
J-Hop Committee claimed 12
petitioners, while four picked up
petitions for Student Legislature,
he said.
One petition has already been
turned in, he added.
in Control of Student Publications
and J-Hop petitions require 50
signatures and SL petitions 150.
Petitions will be handed out
from 3 to 4:30 p.m. daily through
Tuesday in theAdministration
Building lobby. They will be due
Wednesday at the same place, he
J-Hop committee petitioners
were: Bill Wells, Bart Grimes,
James Foster, Robert Halbrook,
Diane Faulk, Patrick Ross, Jean
Dickie, Renee Pregulman, Ellie
Van Waggoner, Jean Schutt, Rog-
er Garfink and Marion Maier.
NSA Radio Panel
Representatives of the National
Student Association will hold a
panel discussion at 8 p.m. today
over WUOM.
Dick Hooker will be chairman of
the discussion. Speakers will be

Dorainne Zipperstein, Wym Price
and Leonard Wilcox.

REBELLION FIZZLES-This sign-carrying group led a parade of several hundred striking students
at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, Tuesday, in protest of University regula-
tions about the sale of 3.2 beer, coeds riding in cars, and censure of the student publication. The
rebellion fizzled after, students and faculty settled their difficulties.
VetChallenoes U. S. Subversive Lists

"I am trying to challenge the cialist Workers
government's right to call arbi- list.
trarily my party or any other po- *

on the subversive

* *

litical party subversive," James

Kutcher told an American Veter-
ans Committee meeting yesterday
at the Union.
Kutcher, a veteran who lost his
legs during the war, pointed out
that he lost his job as a Veterans
Administration clerk when Attor-
ney General Clark placed the So-

"WE WERE treated as though
we were guilty even. though we
were not permitted a political
hearing. Police gathered rumors
as evidence for the loyalty board."
Kutcher's discharge was based
on a section of the Hatch Act
"which was designed originally



Judgment Day Near for
Homecoming Displays

"Beat Minnesota" will be the
cry of enthusiastic students at the
Homecoming pep rally at 7:30
p.m. today at south Ferry Field.
Recruiting students from the
distant ends of the campus, the
University marching band and the
East and West Quad bands will
lead students to the Union at 7:30
* * *
THE BANDS will then head the
torchlight parade of cheering stu-
dents down State Street to the
blazing bon fire at south Ferry
A "Come As You Are" Dance
will be held at the Union after
the pep rally instead of the tra-
ditional snake dance, which has
been discontinued because of
the disrupting turn it took fol-
lowing the Army rally.
During the intermission enter-
tainment of the informal sweater
and blue jean dance the Vaughan
House Trio will be featured.
mittee granted permission to hold
the Minnesota rally on the condi-
tion that student enthusiasm
would be confined to constructive
ends, Al Hartzmark of the Wol-
verine Club said.
The $AC threatened discon-
tinuation of future rallies should
students resort to the unwar-
ranted pranks of the Army rally,
referring to the snake dancing
through the women's dormito-
The pep rally is sponsored by the
Wolverine Club in conjunction
with the Varsity Committee of the
Student Legislature.

Two carloads of judges will tour
Ann Arbor tomorrow morning in
an attempt to determine which
of 90 student displays are worthy
of prizes.
This year, separate sets of
judges will be used for the wo-
men's and the men's competitions.
ASSOCIATE Dean of Women
Mary C. Bromage, Margaret Mor-
gan of the League and Marie
Hartwig of the physical educa-
tion department will view the en-
tries of the various women's
house groups.
Judges in the men's division
will be Prof. Donald Gooch of
the architecture college, Ivan W.
Seniors Get
Photo Proofs
Seniors who had sittings with
the 'Ensian photographers during
the first week of appointments
began to receive their proofs from
the New York photographers to-
All seniors should have their
proofs by the beginning of No-
* * *
UPON RECEIPT of their four
proofs, seniors are requested to
bring the proof they want print-
ed, along with the three others,
to the senior picture office in the
publications building as soon as
All proofs must be returned to
the 'Ensian before Nov. 4.

Parker, assistant to the Dean
of Students, and Paul Graffius,
assistant in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
"Displays will be judged on the
basis of originality, execution and
appropriateness," according to
Pris Ball, '51, of the SL display
* * *
HUGE CUPS will reward the
artistic efforts of first place win-
ners in both divisions.
Since these cups rotate an-
nually to the houses winning
first place, the Student Legisla-
ture this year is donating per-
manent plaques to winners so
that they may retain lasting
proof of their achievement.
Smaller permanent cups will
grace the mantelpieces of those
houses winning second and third
places in the competition, and
miniature cups called "cigareters"
will go to winners of honorable
* * *
ANNOUNCEMENT of the win-
ning displays will be made some
time during the course of the foot-
ball game on the stadium's public
address system.
All the trophies will be award-
ed at the huge Homecoming
Dance, to be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Intra-
mural building.
And huge cartoons satirizing the
whole display-building process will
help liven up the walls of the IM
building for the dance.
Tickets for the dance are on
sale daily in the Administration'
Building and on the diagonal.

to protect the worker, not to
take his job," he said.
"The government admits that I
had access to no confidential in-
formation. And I could not be a
foreign agent since the Socialist
Workers party is not of foreign
origin," he said..
* * *
take the case to the Federal Dis-
trict Court in Washington in a few
weeks. At that time the attorney
may ask for an injunction forcing
the Veterans Administration to re-
employ him, he declared.
The Kutcher case is based on
the first, fourth and fourteenth
amendments and is generally a
stand for civil liberties, the leg-
less veteran pointed out.
"This case even concerns aca-
demic freedom, for some universi-
ties question my right to speak.
This kind of questioning leads to
witch hunts in academic circles,"
he said.
Bus to Illinois
Offers Savinos
On Round Trip
Thrifty minded students aching
to save $10.50 should take the spe-.
cial chartered bus to next Satur-
day's Illinois game, according to
Al Hartzmark of the Wolverine
Round-trip bus tickets cost only
$12 and the trip takes six and a
half hours, which is at least two
hours shorter than by train, he
THE GREYHOUND buses will
leave from the League at 2:30 p.m.
next Friday and arrive in Cham-
paign at 8 p.m. Returning buses
will leave Champaign around
noon, Sunday.
Bus tickets will be on sale
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and
all next week at the'Student Ac-
tivities Window in the lobby of
the Administration building.
The Wolverine Club urged stu-
dents to buy their tickets early be-
fore the ticket supply is exhausted.

By Victory
Russia Forecasts
'Painful' Results
NEW YORK-(P) -The United
Nations overrode Russian protests
today and elected Yugoslavia to a
security council seat that the So-
viet Union coveted for satellite
Two-thirds of the U.N. nations
in effect gave a vote of confidence
to Marshal Tito's regime, and re-
buked the Cominform. The vote
was Yugoslavia 39, Czechoslovakia
IT DEEPENED the East-West
rift and left Russia to make good
on her prediction that "painful
consequences" to the U.N. would
follow election of Yugoslavia.
What those consequences may be
probably will' not be clear until
the reorganized Security Council
meets in January, with Yugoslavia
taking the seat now held by the
Soviet Ukraine. Three Security
Council seats are changed every
year by vote of all 59 nations in
the General Assembly.
U.S. Secretary of State Dean
Acheson said he sees little dan-
ger of a rift in the U.N. because
Czechoslovakia lost out.
In London, a spokesman for the
Czechoslovak Embassy said there
was no prospect of Pro-Soviet
Communist nations in the U.N.
walking out as a result of the
election. He added :(.No doubt this
is what many Western countries
would like us to do."
* * *
big factor in Yugoslavia's victory.
It was a calculated support-aimed
at strengthening Tito in his
struggle with Moscow. The vote
came less than a day after Yugo-
slavia declared that Russia had
moved troops into neighboring
Cominform countries, toward the
Yugoslav frontier.
The voting provoked a red-
faced outburst from Andrei Y.
Vishinsky, Soviet Foreign Min-
ister. Speaking in Russian, he
"The Soviet Union delegation
declares with full determination
that Yugoslavia shall not, cannot,
be considered as a representative
of the Eastern European countries,
and that the introduction of Yugo-
slavia to the Security Council shall
be considered by the Soviet Union
delegation as a new violation of
the (U.N.) charter, undermining
the very foundations of coopera-
tion in the United Nations."
Russia contended she and asso-
ciated nations have the right to
designate the eastern European
delegation to the council. Their
choice was Czechoslovakia.
Chinese Reds
D ear IKWeilin
Nationalist Air Corps"
Pulling Out of Capital
HONG KONG - (/P) - Chinese
Communist troops yesterday were
believed nearing Kweilin, head-
quarters for Nationalist Gen. Pal
Chung-Hsi's last ditch defense in
Southwest China.
The hint came from an an-
nouncement that the China Na-
tional Aviation Corp. was pulling
out of Kweilin, capital of. Kwangsi
Province: 250 miles northwest of
Canton. * * *

Origin of Homecoming Displays Is Unknown

A SECOND RED drive against
Pai's 200,000 man army rolled up
160 miles southeast of Kweilin
The CNAC also pulled out per.
sonnel from Wuchow, on the
Kwangsi border there.
Press dispatches from the Na-
tionalist island fortress of For-
mosa said the Nationalists in-
tended to back up their sea

Homecoming displays are such
an ancient tradition at Michigan
that no one knows just exactly

test but with the coming of the
"roaring twenties" the displays
blossomed forth on the mornings
of the Homecoming games in ever

grandstand of Michigan fans
cheering as the Minnesota Gophers
were trampled into the ground.
* * *

immediately above the protrud-
ing feet of the Quaker. A subtle
way of saying "Penn's Defeat."
Women were more or less for-

THE CONTEST was abandoned
in 1942 as part of the war effort,
with the money ordinarily spent

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