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August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 27

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEE TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Religion Is Not Dead QUADRANGLE GOVERNMENT: On U of M Campus Ill Tries To M ake Dorms le, Enjoyable STUDENT RELIGIOUS CENTERS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD 9rbor. nnoaoi Full Gospel Student Fellowship; Programs of worship, Bible study, recreation, and fellowship provid- ed by the Evangel Temple of Ann Arbor. BAHA'I Baha'i World Faith Studen...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…PAGE FOUR fHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 utors Educate, Recreate ii; ':.- * By BETSY TURNER Kids and University students can be seen reading, writing, working on the child's academic problems, visiting museums, draw- ing, laughing and talking-toge- ther. These are just a few of the diversified activities of tutors and tutees participating in the Tuitor- ial and Cultural Relations Project. Tutoring is done on a one tutor to o...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAnr. v. TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 ~A#~U' wvuvw I £ V 1; UAC Plans Activities UAC means University Activities Center. University Activities Cen- * ter means an active, autonomous campus student organization run by students, for the benefit of students. UAC benefits range from spon- soring such traditional University events as Homecoming and the Creative Arts Festival to concoct- ing new activiti...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DA TIM TUESDAY, AU16UST 96. logo PAGE SIX TUE MICHIGIN DULY TJ1E~DAY. ATJC~TT~T 2fl 1E3IIf~ K - 4 / 11 }V .iVu -.UV Public A*: Relations LARRY KESSLER Public Relations prom ises'to keep you abreast of all UAC activities this year. You will be hearing fro UAC throughout the year. ROSEMARIE LANDAU UAC MIXER-August 27-Union Bal 9-2 p m.--Five Bucks playing UAC MADNESS-August 31--Union 8:30-11 :30 p.m.-Cartoons. gan...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 31

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN RATILV 'PAMM XV.Vvv TUESDAY, AUGUST ~O, 1966 TUE MICHIGAN DAILY PAr±tr 'vm's~ ~. I~~.ALA i~,5~i V i.i~ II sfiu, nr VEI i.: 00 0 I eo kLCC * S aF K i i ? f t Fi K F K K F F aF af Wf F i i i 1 *Each year the sophomores select and present a Broad- way musical to the University, community. This year, the 1 1th annual production promises to be as successful as .ever. -K 'K -K 4t is 4K 41 -K 4( ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY T[TESDAV. ATTCYTTST 311. 1499 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTF'gflAV ATT(ITTQT ~1A 1fl~e A- ~ LA ,' UU * V, I u ti University Musical Society Denotes Major Keynotes of Campus Culture By GLENN LITTON i Fifteen, years after its formation, the Musical Society initiated a "I'd like the students to know "Choral Union Series" of 10 con- that the Musical Society is here certs. This series and an "Extra for t...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 33

…TUESDAY,' AUGUST 30,196$ THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE NINE IJ TUESAYAUGST 3, 166 UE MCIHAN AI1 A CAU fJ IN All G YYYYYMYYMYYIYI IYII I IIYI W X11 MYYI YIYYIYbIYYYI YYYYY J Cinema Guild Shows Old, Classic Movies By ROBERT MOORE involve budgets in the tens of thousands of dollars. Marion Brando. Buster Keaton, B Mr arloBrandoBty ujtr ea toW n Cinema Guild is run by a board Boris Karloff, Satyajit Rayy.Wal- of 12 students, and employs a paid lac...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…PEE THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'T'ITESDAY, AUGUST 30, x.966 j PAGE TEN' THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST an. mc~ s. vm s a a aay Ww {,iy;.{/v" 1VVV u III i F - -a i , +,I i' i . I, i I it I i i I I( ' i i' {I ii ( ' I li ''i4 is immaterial W e have New and Previously Owned books for all people Soph Show, Gilbert & Sullivan, Musket; Campus Theatricals D.> A r ",T "XT" TT' By PTill U JJINUHE year. Last year it presented "Rud- duction and...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 35

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 3d, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN TU2ESPAY, AUGUST 30, 196S TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY " a vu a/ul/ Ll F TRADITION: Honorary Societies; From Mortar to Martyr .. . . . ....:. .... . . : ... .... ...... .a ... . Each year, less than one-hun- dred male campus heroes crawl through the mud half undressed, then strut through campus ad then strut through campus adorned in multi-colored paint and brick dust. No, they are not pra...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 36


August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 38

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 30.1986 _. F SPORTSWRITING: Daily Business Staff Operates Athletic Fanatics Gather To Untangle Sticky Red Tape BySSA ERSAD heyarad hn ewilbeal To Cv By BUD WILKINSON Would you like to talk to and write about some of the best ath- letes in the country and travel with them and their coaches all over the Midwest? Would you like to compete with the top sportswri...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 39

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAAN DAILI PAGE THREE TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE The Daily Pipes News and Views to University By CLARENCE FANTO Managing Editor The Michigan Daily, the Uni- versity's morning paper which has been publishing for 76 years with more editorial freedom than is granted to most college news- papers, means many things to its readers, to its staff. For some, the Daily's home at ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…PAGE FOUR HE MICHIGAN DA1LI T'tTRqnAV- AirmimgrV qtl Inan PAGE FOUR IIIE IYlICIIIIiAN DAILI TT~',~flA~r AT1F!rtc5~u nfl 1l UfIY, flUl ullill, 3U, 1966 I, Gargoyle, Humor Magazine, Shows Signs of Improvement CULINARY CRITIQUE: THE "GARGOYLE" meets and creates the stranges people; not to mention the folks it attracts. By SHIRLEY ROSICK The Gargoyle, campus humorl mag, will soon be publishing, but summer students were forced to exist for...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1$66 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PV TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FiVE New Book of the Year: Ensian Is a Sellout By SUSAN SCHNEPP atre productions, from comedy to drama to tragedy, diverse in every Tired of thick, heavy, small- respect, and the year's Hill Aud. print, pictureless, gray-brown text- concerts, including music ranging books that usually cost $5 more from May Festival concertos to than anyon...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 3O~ i~ea I ^ o/ "rwe~w*+w + f a+ V v v U 1 / I NC go~O ko s b°-t '6 t 4 <s ss9 \%$ oi o rc ~s 0 ,wi4oo A ~044 sve S 0*4 441~6 a o04(, t 1e * I 4 4 I 04 For Every Course on the Michigan Campus I BOOK RACK rhis beautiful piece is roomy enough to keep your favorite books easily acces- sible. Holds up to 35 books. 27"H x 20"W x 12"D $ 07 ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTPQlnAV AIrTjrirT42PV %A Ifit2a PICK A PROFESSOR: ~#'4The Facultv's RcutetP ... . AUE.L,-)J1,UXU~aT 30, J1866 rcesses I MI By PAT O'DONOHUE The professor strides into the room, a few students settle back for a 50-minute snooze, a few read the paper, and some take out note- books. Studies have shown where these students come from and have gone so far as to pinpoint them to a particular socio-eco- nomic group...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 45

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, PAGE THREE TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREF *r " r 1 i X11 s " " r s A A +-4 ILL t--- APA R 4000, s III , w R f'rr i - .. : e > :. 7 _., , 5y 4 FT- 5.: 3 K.L . i 4,'S r .,1 ,. a fF :. 3. i= } k rfi. E ya". 'S : ... .* :. y :, v . !.y' , ,'4: : ; ":&+' S 4%'N vo 1. Congratulations, and welcome to Ann Aror, U-M Freshman! You will be attending one of the finest ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTIFI.qnAV. ATTt*4TTRTqa. 14119 . . . .....I... . .L A~fITQP A on i V JA.7 A.) .* = t* A. tV, .li7tJ a University Museums Go Thru All Stages *0 There are many things on cam- shown on the fourth floor dis- oped, will be put on display in Ann pus that should be on display: plays. There are also displays on Arbor. about one fourth of them are, at anthropology, geology and astron- During the past two years, an one of...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 3Q, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGE FIVE TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Honors College: In-Depth Study By MEREDITH EIKER Somewhere in Angell Hall a class will meet to contrast Machia- velli and St. Francis in a course entitled The Renaissance. Else- where at the University students will trace the evolution of stars, the solar system, the earth, and the life upon earth for a course called Revolutionary ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…THE MICHIGAN DAILV TTI'FRDAV- ATTY. T4ZT '2A 109A _.l..I1I,_I4.. ._.YA, ._J ._. ,_ .~U nnI.P I, ALAYl,"51 JU, lUbtU i Seventeen Colleges: A Multi-University SUBSCRIBE NOW! Yes, I would like to be a subscriber to THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be billed later. Mail To: 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 $4.50 per semester ($5.00 if by mail) $8.00 two semesters ($9.00 if by mail) (Please Print) Last Name First Name Street No. Cit...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 49

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE S '' Gatholepistemiad he esiential olle e Idea By MICHAEL HEFFER Founders of the "Catholepis- temad of Michigania" were rath- er shocked in 1818 when they discovered their first building would cost over $3,000. Financial expectations were somewhat shaky at the time, and they could not turn to the legislature for help- there wasn't any. Almost 150 years later, the "Catholepistemiad," now th...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN D,% 1 Ll TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 PAGE EGHT T~E MIC~GAN DA. .TUEDAY..AGUST.3..... , I Animated University Professors O Counteract Machine-like Standard Freshmen will soon-if they for students and their disgust with and offering only a rehashing of Prof. Michael Benamou of the haven't already-become familiar the Viet Nam war and foreign textbook material. French department, although he with one of the most sali...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 51

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE The University 'sResearch: Continuous 6 growth By ROBERT JOHNSTON The University of Michigan's involvement in research dates back to the 1930's, but the broad, complex research program that is now such an integral part of this institution, $42 million worth last year, really got underway during and immediately after World War II. The teams of scientists and en- gineers that had been p...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 52

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. ATTC.TTl.'9T :Qi1. 1g9st _AETE HEMCHG NDAL TT -A TT _g flia i Goy hl ul. 71 5V, l;fOb RE SEARCH (Continued from Page 9) worth it in the end, but certainly the disciplined old departmental system will never be the same. Interdisciplinary appointments, centers and institutes and study programs have proliferated, and may have the most tenuous of relationships to any of the de- partments connected with th...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 53

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN Faculty Activism, National Leaders by MARTHA WOLFGANG on the new activism growing Libraries Accommodate Multitudes of Stories II'LLN I t ' g The University has become a center for the new activism whicha is now present on the college cam-t puses across the nation. It has re-s mained a place of discussion, inj which important political and...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 54

…PAGE TWELVE THE IYiICII16AN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 0, 19$6 PAETEV I: I ~A ~iIYTEDY UUTa.1C .. v .. w~ v s ~ } s. i V ! # v ~ V p l U . UU I " momobb.- FALL 1966 SCHEDULE THURSDAY and FRIDAY... SATURDAY and SUNDAY ... At 7 and 9:05 P.M. (except where nf Plus THREE (to be Announced) Special Wednesday Night FREE Showings of Motion Picture Cla oted) ssics r SEPT. 1, 2 THE PILGRIM (dir. Charlie Chaplin-1923) Starring Charlie Chaplin, with...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 56

…PAGE. TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY rrTtlhIQ Av ATTI"±Trcrn !FA Ifido PAOvTW T E TC IEaN Jal TV ltsrca A?* .qas n- '1 ULSDAY, AUGUST 3Q, 1966 6 Gridders Turn Out Paper Tigers in '65: By HOWARD KOHN Football history at Michigan is a storied panorama of unforget- table moments and a workaday diary of the whims of Lady Luck. nician and the philosophy of the historian. There are no pat mat When the Michigan team walks onto the field this fal...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 57

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Wolverines Hope To Turn Tail (Continued from Page 2) vied the ball 17 times before his knee gave out for good. He hasn't handled the ball since then in any contact work, having limited himself to running and calisthenics during the spring. But the doctors and coaches remain optimistically certain that he'll be ready to play wh...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 58

…PAGE TOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 38. 1969 PAGE SOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTF~nAV ATrE~T1gT ~A 1o~a i ai : parrs c nVVrV 0.4 JV 100 0 Russell Era Ends; Cagers To Rebound with o hs By RICK STERN The question is, what will hap- pen to the Wolverines without Cazzie? Not to mention Oliver Darden, John Clawson, Jim Myers and John Thompson. In other words, faced with the loss of his entire starting unit, Michigan basketball coach ...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 59

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY ~'AGE FIVE Michigan Gymnasts Pursue Seventh Straight Title By BILL LEVIS title meet. The dual meets count- ed one-third, one point for eache Back in 1961, everyone in the victory, while the conference meety Big Ten was wondering if any counted two-thirds, 16 points for other school besides Illinois was first, 14 for second and so on1 ever...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 60

…PAGESIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 186! Swimmers, Wrestlers Place Second in Big Ten Tankers Take Third in NCAA Mat Win Streak Broken at 34 * By STEVE FICK They played in their own sha-1 Like a diamond in a garbage dows, too: the shadows of a re- dump, a good team at a school cord of continued excellence un-1 unused to winning ways will catch der the guidance of Coach Gus the eye of even a casual observer. Stager. Dur...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 61

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN TIJESPAY, AJIGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE~V ~VVIr?'.T cx"L 17G v El lIq I Exciting By GRAYLE HOWLETT cier, Bob Boys Dan Walter and In case you're from somewhat Getting to t warmer climates and are still op- hockey and th erating under the assumption that must spend mo hockey is a sport where beefy, skating backwi young men bundle up in warm to drop back t clothing, balance th...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 62

…PAGE EIGUT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 34, 1966 PAGE EIGHT TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30. 1966 V Thinclads Miss itles, But ophs Lift Hopes for '67 By BOB McFARLAND Success, like time, is relative. Even though Albert Einstein never explicitly stated just such a relationship, veteran observers of Big Ten track will recognize the truth of this statement which was amply proven by the Wolver- ine cindermen's performance dur-...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 63

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ' NE ...._. TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY insights and insults_______ CHUCK VETZNER A Primer an What's Prime at Michigan This column is dedicated to the class of 1970, new transfers, vet- eran academia clan members who tend to forget, and dear old alums who drink fast, early, and often. The subject is a reverent one and should not be treated with the same frivolity as orient...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 64

…P"AGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,1966 PAG TN ~l MCHGA DIL TESAY AGUT k.19 = s. VLiiiai a " .cARf y{;I V i aiv 1VVV {p Sophs Buoy '67 Traci (Continued from Page 8) to place was Dave Cooper, who managed a fifth in the 100-yard dash. Darkest Before Dawn? Even with a track tradition like that of the Wolverines, things weren't bad in 1966. After all, a Willie Mays or a Jim Brown can have an off night . . . or an off year. Memo...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 65

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 34, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE IMEVEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1986 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN 'F a " may ulv f 4J E etmen Take Ninth Title in 2 By BUD WILKINSON It takes depth to win a Big Ten tennis championship, and depth is what the Wolverines had last spring as they ran away with the title-the second straight crown and the ninth in twelve years for Coach Bill Murphy. The Big Ten tennis champion- ship is determi...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 66

…PAGE TWELV'E THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 30,1966 PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY .s v+w .-".-+.a a c,+yvtvl+,Ta vv auvv V 9, IL. 4' arriving on campus is more than just getting there @ . . 4 -v I Incidentally, you'll meet the nicest people at HHS . . and all these famous names in men's and women's clothing, as well. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX GGG H. FREEMAN AUSTIN LEEDS JOHN MILFORD EXCLUSIVES EAGLE HAMMONTON PARK PETROCELLI HA...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 67

…121 YEARS OF FRATERNITY TRADITION SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE: The basic purpose of college is to obtain an education. Sororities and fraternities seek not merely minimum scholastic re- quirements, but achievements above average. The chapter makes perhaps its most vital contribution to the individual member by maintaining an environment that encourages diligent study and by providing special incentives for superior scholarship. EXPERIENCES IN EDUCA...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 68

…PAGE TWO TIKE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1966 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 I M i ERFRATERNITY COUNCIL SING---A Utiif:ed Effort ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT- The Primary Goal of the Greek War, 4 1 V 4r COMMUNMAY SERVICE- An Integral Part of the Greek System 4 i2fris;F: {....a>:#:i<; ;:'::: ::: ;; f:.:Yti'.i2s: :Si i' .. W- …

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 69

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAnV rrttDirV Ti ESDAY, AUtiIJST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U A nv ' 1 tjrn 1; MORTARBOARD, MI CH IGAMUA-Highest Senior Honoraries- Draw a Majority of their Members from the Greek System PANHELLENIC ASSOCATIQN & INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL- Opportunity for Leadership Sorority Rush Begins September. 1 "~Success in mrany fields of human ci dea vor, particularly business and governm/ent, depend...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 70

…= PAGE FOUR THE MIC1111GAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 PAGE FOUR TUE MJCHI(~AN DAILY A 4 WINTER WEEKEND-An Enhancement of Greek Creativity SOCIAL LIFE-A Means of Personality Development 4 RUSH MICHIGAN FRATERNITIES Push B3egins September1Y8 * '#, …

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 72

…PAGE -TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTIESDA*. ATTCfTiT M-10414 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTW~fl&V AT1(iT~?3 'fll IflflA iUG3"t+It1U"U,3 1 3V, 1:30b , Nine By MICHAEL HEFFER The history of the University is very much the story of the nine presidents who have guided it' since 1852. It took some time for the Uni- versity to realize it needed strong, full-time administrators. The first nan to be called president of the University, although not co...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 73

…- -- THE MICNICAN DAILY TUESDAY, -AUGUST $0,1 ( ------ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30. 1966 ['rX '" E 'S S STUU E TS' ,1 U '1 L OSTS These first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of men. To many of you your whole life will change..-. the strong may become weak, the weak may become strong. Only time will tell where and how you fit into this new spectrum of life. But no matter t...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 74

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 E. F kU T E M C H G A .I L The University and the State: An Adolescent Relationship By JOHN MEREDITH Associate Managing Editor Althotugh a truly national in- stitution in academic standing and the scope of its research activity, the University remains dependent on the state for a substantial por- tion of its financial support. Two decades ago it was the un- challenged kingpin of...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 75

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVP~ Flint Expansion, Cause of Conflict UNIVERSITY LEADER: Harlan Hatcher: The Tenth President Fifteen Years of Executive Powers By SUSAN SCHNEPP The dust and noise of construc- tion workers have been virtually the only occupants of the Uni- versity's Flint College this sum- mer. The $2.4 million expansion pro- gram to extend classro...…

August 30, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 1) • Page Image 76

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY . TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1966 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 30. 1966 ti _.._ _ , ._ . , ._. . _ .,.., _., .... DR. RICHARD CUTLER WILBUR K. PIERPONT DR. NIEHUSS ALLAN SMITH GILBERT L. LEE, JR. MICHAEL RADDOCK GEOFFREY NORMAN Seven Ui By MARTHA WOLFGANG In an organization as massive and diverse as the University of Michigan, administrative tasks must be departmentalized. While the University Pre...…

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