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August 30, 1966 - Image 41

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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New Book of the Year:
Ensian Is a Sellout
By SUSAN SCHNEPP atre productions, from comedy to
drama to tragedy, diverse in every
Tired of thick, heavy, small- respect, and the year's Hill Aud.
print, pictureless, gray-brown text- concerts, including music ranging
books that usually cost $5 more from May Festival concertos to
than anyone wants to pay for the Men's Glee Club to the King-
them? ston Trio.
So is everyone else. But in the Then there are pictures of Big
spring when the dirty snow dis- Ten teams in action. Football,
appears to reveal the long-hidden' basketball, hockey, baseball, golf
grass and the sun begins to peekI -champions in every sport to
through the rein clouds for at arouse the pride and school spirit
least a few hours a day, a new of all who call themselves Uni-
book suddenly appears clutched in versity students.
students' hands as they hurry Turning a few more pages, one
across the Diag. of the biggest interests of the Uni-
It is a bright-colored, happy, versity-research-springs to life.
memorable book that tells its story The mysteries of test tubes, com-
with hundreds of pictures and a puters and atomic reactors don't
minimum of words. remain mysteries for long as Uni-
The Michiganensian is one book versity researchers constantly re-
that's never thrown on the pile to veal to the world their discoveries
be hauled back to the bookstore in fields ranging from medicine to
with a sigh of relief and the hope the social sciences.
it will never be seen again. There are pages of pictures of
Why not? Because the Ensian the University itself - the wide-
is unique. If all the word "year- open beauty of North Campus,
book" brings to mind is your 50 the nationally known University
page high school annual filled Hospital, the football stadium and
with pictures of best forgotten tradition-filled Central Campus,
teachers, class prophesies and lists with the Fishbowl and Burton
of activities, then you've obviously Tower familiar to every student.
never seen the Ensian. But most important are the stu-
It's like no other yearbook you've dents themselves. They are seen
ever seen before. The Ensian's 300 in every aspect of University life-
picture-filled pages spread before in the classroom and library, at
you a panoramic view of the Uni- football games, parties, in the
versity as quickly or as slowly as dorm, sororities and fraternities,
you turn the pages. and with a smile of satisfaction
The theme of last year's book, after four successful years.
"diversity," would be appropriate What makes the Ensian unique
for every Ensian. For one of its is the students themselves. Men,
main purposes is present the many and women from every state' in
diverse aspects of the University the union and many countries of
to each student, who could never the world, from 5000 or 5 miles
be acquainted with them all in- they come to be a part of the
dividually. University. They are what make
There are student organizations the University an exciting, living
-men's and women's honoraries, place and the Ensian an alive and
S t u d e n t Government Council, moving book.
Cinema Guild, campus-wide clubs And the Michiganensian shows
like the Ski and Sailing clubs, them all. It is the book of all the
and the International Center for students and it is each one's in-
foreign students. dividual book because for everyone
There are the year's activities it brings back special memories of
in review - Homecoming, floats a year at the University that are
and concert, Winter Weekend uniquely his own.
booths and the sellout Soph Show. That's why the Ensian is never
Next there are the many the- resold.
Board Synthesizes Control
With Publication Freedom

Directory Censors
Nothing Except Zones

The assertion that every student
is a number is no myth; in fact,
over two hundred pages of pub-
lication have been devoted ex-
posing each student in the Uni-:
versity down to his barest num-
The 1966-67 Student Directory,
published in October, bars noth-
ing except zip codes and zone,
numbers in its contents.
The directory is published
through the facilities of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
and prepared by the campus chap-
ter of Alpha Phi Omega, the na-
tional service fraternity.
The Student Directory has been
recognized for years as a func-
tional and meaningful publica-
tion. The true quality was cap-
tured by Richard Pollinger in his
review of the 1964 edition of the
"The Western World has waited
a long time for a work which
might truly, yet completely, cap-
ture the spirit of mankind; the
student directory is a dazzling
capstone to the literary arch whi
capstone to the literary arch which
sits astride the stream of humanity
passing through it and proclaim,
'This, then. is life.'
"It was, I suppose, inevitable
that the ultimate world should take
this forth. The greatness of any
literary work has always resided
in its ambiguity-a direct state-
ment of plot has always been
simple minded, historically perish-
able, and an impediment to uni-
"Until now, however, no author
has been able to suggest more
than a fraction of his story -by in-

direction. Faulkner, who rated his
favorites by the scope of their
favorite attempt, struggled against
an imperfect system.
"The Student Directory sweeps
across the complete scope of hu-
manity-a nearly random sampl-
ing of the world, achieving near-
ly complete ambiguity. Let there
be no doubt about it, the Direc-
tory is not an easy book to read,
but it is the book of life, and na-
ture does not easily yield up her
secrets to unto lazy students.
"Deceptively purporting simp-
ly to list its characters alphabetic-
ally. the Directory embodies the
most perfect symmetry of human
experience ever achieved.
And there is no dialogue, that
old distorter of experience-the
reader communicates directly with
the meaning.
There are a few subtle guide-
lines for the novice readers of our
generation, but with what elegance
and persuasion do they operate!
Notice, for instance, the change in
type size between Ronald Davis
and Samuel Davis; type size in-
deed! And the book is not without
its private jokes either: look at
the pace of Lowrie . . . Lu . . .
Lubin . .. Lucarelli or the charm-
ing turn-about in late registra-
tion: Averbach . . . Baar . . .
Ackes .. . Baehr.
The world is ready for the Stu-
dent Directory Though it might
spell the final worod in the writ-
er's craft, it will replace the craft."
Mr. Pollinger's review does not
end here; like the ad infinitum
text of his subject matter, the
numerical value and praise of The
Student Directory cannot be ter-

TO VOLUMES ABOVE-"And In Him, Too; In Us" by Konstantinos Lardas; "Living in America" by Anne Stevenson; "Hard Road
Nowhere" by R. S. Bronson-represent a project unique in American publishing: an attempt at professional publishing and distribu-
tion by a college literary magazine. The fourth volume of the Generation NEW POET SERIES "In His Country" by Nancy Willard, will
appear this September. The Series is still available as a series-$7.00--or individually-$3.00 per volume. Books are at the Centicore
Bookshop, S. University, or can be ordered by mail c/o New Poet Series, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.

Magazine Editors Show,
Technics Rule, Write Too

As a rule, engineers are thought
of as able to handle nothing but
rules and figures. Not so in the
case of Michigan Tech-nics! They
not only build and blueprint but
also have a hand in publications.
In their case it is a glossy paged
magazine emblazoned with the
title "Michigan Technic."
Published monthly by the Col-
lege of Engineering, the magazine
is designed to give students an
awareness of engineering from the
viewpoint of the individual engi-
neer on topics ranging from "In
the Technic of 50 and 25 Years
Ago" to "Transportation Tomor-
The articles, written by students
and faculty members, pertain to
what typical chemical, mechani-
cal and electrical engineers do.
Geared toward a college audience,
the articles also center about
career opportunities... "Why .. .
don't engineering college faculty
encourage their students to ex-
plore teaching as a career," and
other contemporary problems.
The magazine also provides sim-

plified diagrams of things like
"Gravitiy gradient rods," and
complex research projects. Under
the title of "The Editor's Pen,"
subjects such as "Anonymity and
the Draft" or "Advertising for
Educators" are featured.
The Technic enjoys the distinc-
tion of being one of the oldest en-
gineering college magazines as well
as the only student publication on
campus not responsible to the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
Originally Technic was a tech-
nical journal designed to appeal
to professors. It has gradually
evolved into a magazine which is
less technical and appeals more
to students. The goal of future
magazines is to expand coverage
to other colleges of scientific
study and to expnad readership
to the literary college.
Technic not only gives the stu-
dent a creative outlet which is not
provided for in the engineering
curriculum; but it also gives stu-
dents an opportunity to talk with
faculty members and deans in the
engineering school.

Bob Marshall's Book Shop
21 1 South State Street
(Across from Lane Hall)

STEPPING OUT of the streamlined stereotype which has become
attached to engineers, Technics create and write their own


Freedom of the press can be
For as long as there has been a
free press, men of all degrees of
honesty, dishonesty, capability
and inability have found the eag-
erness and persistence of news-
papers in seeking out and printing
the news can be irritating, frus-
trating, and even shocking.
There is an inevitable reaction
against freedom of the press, and
when, as in college, socially ap-
proved sanctions for controlling
the press exist, men often jump at
the chance to use them. Therefore
many college newspapers are little'
more than laboratory papers, per-
forming a fine job in providing
reporting experience, but allowing
,' 1ttle chance for freedom of ex-
The Daily, however, is uniquely
fortunate in being "controlled" by
fhe Board in Control of Student
Publications, which does not want
to curb The Daily's independent
spirit. The board was formed by
the University Regents as an in-
dependent corporation, with "au-
thority and control over all non-
technical newspapers, magazines,
periodicals, programs and other
publications edited, managed or
promoted by students or student
organizations of the University
. for local sale or circulation."
Yet the Board actually functions
with much less control than the
above charge indicates. It confines
its control to those publications
emanating from the Student Pub-
lications Building and has just two
f main functions.
The first, a relatively non-con-
troversial one, involves making
sure all publication sare solvent
and functioning.
The second function of the
Board involves two controversial
jobs which have served as outlets
for criticism of Daily writing, ad-
vocation of control-the appoint-
ment of the senior, staff, and es-
tablishment of editorial controls.
Petitioning, the traditional ac-
tivity of self-perpetuation begins
every winter, when senior publi-
cations staff members interview
petitioning juniors, who wish their
own turn at running the show.
The establishment of editorial
controls, a fairly broad area, is one
which has involved The Daily and
the Board in a number of heated
f In 1937, the Board, possibly
upset because of the pro-leftist
nature of The Daily at that time,
decided that all editorials must
be signed. The staff at the time

felt this was "contrary to all,
newspaper practice" and made the
editoral page read like."a collec-;
tion of personal essays." Strangely
enough, as the practice remained,
staff members began to accept
and prefer signing their editorials.
9 In 1940, the Regents added
two faculty members to the Board,
making its composition six faculty
members and three students. Daily
editors charged the Regents were
"packing" the Board, because
they were disturbed over "radical"
editorials..Despite a petition cir-
culated on campus by the Student
Rights Committee that received
over 4,350 signatures, the change
p In 1943, the Board refused
to appoint Leon Gordenker to a
senior editor's position. The jun-
iors felt he should have been. A
front page editorial criticized the
Board for "the haphazard manner
in which the Board investigated
the applicants." Senior editors also
accused the Board of religious pre-
judice, saying the Board did not
appoint Gordenker because he was
Jewish. The Board denied this in
an open letter.
. In 1962, the Board rejected
the recommendations of the senior
editors. The senior editors then
quit and seven of the eight juniors
the Board appointed quit. The
seniors charged the Board was
unjustified in overruling the rec-
ommendations. In a front page
editorial the seniors said that
what was at stake was the prin-
ciple "That students, given proper
training and guidance, can be
trusted to manage a great news-
paper with maturity, responsibil-
ity and good taste." Within a
month a compromise was worked
out and 'since then there have
been no major clashes.
Despite these incidents, the re-
lationship between the Board and
The Daily seems to be a workable
one. The students are in actual
day-to-day control of the editorial
and business operations. No ad-
ministrative or faculty "advisor"
sees any part of the paper before
it is printed. Administration and
faculty have learned that when
(as The Daily advertises) one
reads The Daily with morning
coffee-one drinks slowly. A free
newspaper makes life exciting.

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