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August 30, 1966 - Image 65

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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in 2

It takes depth to win a Big Ten
tennis championship, and depth is
what the Wolverines had last
spring as they ran away with the
title-the second straight crown
and the ninth in twelve years for
Coach Bill Murphy.
The Big Ten tennis champion-
ship is determined by combining
results of a round robin dual meet
schedule with the results in - the
championship tourney. One point
is awarded for every match won in
the dual meets, one point for first
round tourney matches and three
points for all other tournament
Competition is conducted at six
singles and three doubles positions
so that the play of every man on
the team is equally important, and
a team must have strength all the
way down the lineup to win.
Strong at All Positions
The Michigan netters had this
strength in all positions as every
player had a winning record in
the dual meets for a combined
72-9 match record. In the cham-
pionship tournament at East
Lansing every Wolverine made it
to the semifinals and Michigan
had finalists at all but one posi-
tion, wrapping the team title up
before the final matches were
The season started with the net-
ters' annual spring irtp to Florida.
The trip gives the netters a
chance for outdoor play and gives
Coach Murphy an opportunity to
evaluate each member of the team.
Michigan lost two meets by
identical 7-2 scores to a tough

Miami team but Coach Murphy
felt that the netmen "did a good
job, especially in the second meet
where most of the scores were
'M' Trounces Two
The first conference action came
in a double dual meet with Min-
nesota and Michigan State in the
only home meet for the Wolver-
ines because of the installation of
new varsity courts.
The home meet was a success as
the Michigan netmen blasted both
visitors with twin 8-1 victories.
After a break for final exams,
the squad traveled to Champaign
where they faced Purdue and Il-
linois. Purdue was blasted off the
court 9-0, and the Illini were onI
the bottom end of a 4-1 score
when rain washed out the remain-
ing four matches. These matches
were made up just before the con-
ference meet with the Wolverines
and Illini splitting for a 6-3 total.
The team next traveled to
Bloomington where it took on
Iowa and Northwestern, and then
the Hoosiers of Indiana. Indiana
was the runner-up in the '65 race
and was expected to give Michi-
gan a battle for the '66 title also.
Three Big Wins
However, after smashing North-
western 8-1 and whitewashing
Iowa 9-0, the Wolverines came
through to down Indiana, 6-3.
On the final weekend of dual
meet play Michigan blanked two
more conference foes as neither
Ohio State nor Wisconsin could
pick up a match against the
powerful Wolverines.

After shutting out Western Mi-
chigan in non-conference play,
Michigan entered the Big Ten
tournament with a 10-point bulge
over surprising Michigan State.
In the first day of competition
every Wolverine advanced into the
semifinals. Michigan drew byes in
all but three single positions in
the first round and won them with
ease, then took all nine second
round matches to go 12 for 12 for
the day and pick up three more
points on State.
Only One Semifinal Loss
In the semis only Jim Swift in
third singles failed to pick up a
victory. He dropped a three-set
contest to Dave Holden of Illinois.
With the other victories however,
Michigan scored enough points to
clinch the title, even if everyone
lost in the finals.
One of the biggest upsets of the
day was the victory of Karl Hed-
rick, Michigan captain and num-
ber one singles player, over top-
seeded Dave Power of Indiana.
Hedrick completely changed his
style of game, playing cautiously
and using passing shots, to down
the cannonball-serving Hoosier,
6-4, 5-7, 7-5. Hedrick lost the final
match to Todd Ballinger of Wis-
Four Individual Titles
In the finals, Michigan picked
up titles at four positions. In
number four singles, Ed Waits
dumped Paul Bishop of Wisconsin,
6-2, 6-4; and at sixth singles Bill
Dixon took the crown with a 6-4,
6-3 walloping of Illinois' Rick
In doubles, the dynamic duo of
Hedrick and '67 captain Jerry
Stewart combined to whip Rich
Monan and Mickey Szilagyi of
Michigan State, 9-7, 9-5. In third
doubles, the Waits-Dixon pair out-
lasted Steve Levenson and Jerry
Johnson of Illinois, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2.
In the final standings Michigan

wound up with 138 points to 113
for Michigan State. Third-place
Indiana trailed far behind with
88 %.
Seventh in NCAA
The final action for the Wol-
verines was the NCAA tournament
in Miami where only one singles
and one doubles title are decided.
Hedrick and Waits advanced as
far as the third round in singles
and the Hedrick-Stewart doubles
combination also made it to the
third round but that was the fi-
nal step for the Michigan squad
which ended in a seventh-place
tie behind winnerkUCLA.
This year looks like another
strong year for the Wolverines. Al-
though Hedrick and Swift have
graduated, Stewart, Waits and
Dixon will be back as seniors, and
Bob Pritula and Ron Teeguarden,
Big Ten runner-up at fifth singles,
will return for their second sea-
son of action.
Top Sophs
Besides this strong nucleus,
Coach Murphy will have one of
the strongest sophomore groups he
has ever fielded. The first-year
varsity men are Dick Dell, Pete
Fishbach, Brian Marcus and Gil-
bert Ebotton. Dell, Fishbach and
Marcus are all ranked among the
top 20 juniors in the country.
According to Murphy, "This
year's squad won't be any worse
than last year's, and may even
be better. We expect stronger
competition in the Big Ten this
year, however. Wisconsin and
Michigan State will both be
Wrestlers Win
String Broken
(Continued from Page 6)
sophomore. Keen regards sopho-
mores Dale Kestle, Jeff Hansen,
Tom McCaslin, Charlie Riley, Don
Nichols, Tim Hird, and Pete Cor-
nell as the most likely to battle
for the open jobs.
Strong Freshman Team
"We had a fine freshman team
last year and have a strong group
of returning veterans," Keen em-
phasizes, "and next year, as al-
ways, we'll be looking for a cha-
pionship. But Michigan State
could be hard to beat. They only
lost one regular through gradua-
tion and had an outstanding
freshman team."
One certain prediction can be
made about this year's wrestling
team, however, and that is that
they will be instilled with the
Keen spirit to win, which seems
to manifest itself in a quiet confi-
dence and winning attitude among
all the wrestlers he coaches. Quoth
one grappler, exuding with the op-
timism that accompanies a win-
ning attitude, after the loss to
Minnesota: "Well, we didn't do
so badly. We came in second to-
night, while they came in second
to last."

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through on a backhand shot while warming up during the Big
Ten tournament last spring. Stewart placed second at the number
two singles spot and teamed with graduated captain Karl Hedrick
to win the number one doubles title.


jinx. Plagues

Wolverine Golfers

The Michigan golfers took a
page from Arnold Palmer's book
'this year as they watched the re-
sults of three good rounds and a
chance for victory disintegrate in
one nightmarish round in each
of the four turonaments they
Like Palmer's fading finishes in
the last three rounds of the U.S.
Open, the Wolverine linksmen
would keep pace with the best
in the field and then-because of
one bad round-watch the others
go by.
The first time the jinx struck

was on the golfers' southern trip in
the Miami Invitational Tourna-
Good First Round, But ...
After the first round of the
tourney the linksmen held fourth
place in the 26-team field with a
four-man total of 295. At this
time in the tourney Michigan
sophomores John Schroeder and
John Richart were tied for third
in the individual race with 71's.
The second round was even better
as Richart carded a 68 to trail
Florida's National Amateur cham-
pion Bob Murphy by four, and
the Michigan team leaped into
second behind Florida with a 585.
After a good third round which
saw the Wolverines slip into third,
disaster struck on the first hole
of the final round. The hole, a,
par 5 that doglegged to the right,
was "played unbelievably bad" in
the words of Coach Bert Katzen-
meyer. The Wolverines registered
a 6, a 7, two 8's and a 10 on the
hole to lose all chance of over-
taking the leaders and had to
settle for sixth place.
Schroeder paced the squad with
a 290 total.
Lead Lost Again
In the next tournament the
Wolverines entered, the Northern
Intercollegiate Invitational, the
bad round was not the last but the
second. After shooting a 373 total
to lead the field after the first
round, the golfers slipped to a 384
and a third place standing that
they could not improve on. Michi-
gan finished with a 1523, 15
strokes behind winner Ohio State.
Schroeder again paced the Wol-
verines and tied Ohio State's Alex

Antonio for medalist honors with:
a 296 total.
The second-round jinx hit
Michigan again in the Big Ten
championship meet at Blooming-
ton. Ofter taking the first round
lead, the linksmen slipped to third
in the rain-soaked second round.
This time, however, the Wolverines
came back to finish second and
win a berth in the NCAA tourney.
The team had a 72-hole total of
1502 strokes, 22 behind Ohio
State's winning 1480.
Newton Takes Third
Captain Bill Newton, the 1965
Big Ten medalist, placed third
in the individual competition with
a 292, trailing Northwestern's
John Seehausen by six strokes.
On the basis of their second-
place finish in the Big Ten meet,
the golfers received a bid to the
NCAA tournament at Stanford,
but the jinx hit again.
In the two round team com-
petition, Michigan finished 10th
after holding sixth at the end of
18 holes. A bad second round did it
again. Houston won the tourney
for the ninth time in 11 years
with a 582 total while Michigan
finished at 617. The top four
scores counted toward the team
totals rather than the, top five
as in the Big Ten tournament.
Newton, Schroeder Make Cut
The linksmen with scores of
152 or better after the second
round were eligible to play two
final rounds for the medalist
crown. Newton with a 145 and
Schroeder at 152 were the only
Wolverines to make the cut.
Newton shot an excellent third
round 71 to come within two

strokes of the 54-hole leader,
Arte Dokke of Los Angeles State.
In Newton's fourth round the
Michigan plague hit again. While
Murphy of Florida was starting
his surge to the title, Newton fell
two strokes over par after the
first nine of the final round. He
bogeyed the 13th and 15.and then
disaster struck on the 17th..
After 70 holes of fine golf New-
ton shanked his drive on the par
three hole, found himself flank-
ed by the out of bounds fence and
a steep slope into a water hazard.
He had one shot out through the
trees in front of him but hit a
branch and the ball was lost. New-
ton had to settle for a seven on
the hole and a 15th place in the
final standings with a 295.
Schroeder finished at 305.
Newton graduated last year asl
did Chuck West, Bob Bond and
Jim Evashevski but the linksmen
have a strong returning nucleus
plus two sophomores. Returning
this year will be Schroeder, Ric-
hart, Chip Groves, Captain Bob
Barclay, and Dave Graff.
Coach Katzenmeyer feels that

the team may be weaker this year,
especially because of the loss of
Newton. Katzenmeyer feels that
Newton "has all the ingredients
necessary to become a touring pro
if he wanted to," but Newton has
decided to forego golf and enter
medical school.



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M' Splashes in Indiana's Wake

(Continued from Page 6)
Windle, another Olympian who
had been ineligible for the two
teams' first meeting of the year.
A week later, Michigan closed
out its dual meet schedule with a
disappointing 65-58 victory over
Ohio State. Carl Robie won three
events, but captain Rich Walls
called the team's general perform-
ance "lousy."
Then, on March 4-5-6, the Mi-
chiganders tangled with the Hoo-
siers again, this time in the con-
ference meet, and once more came
away with second-place standing
-the sixth consecutive year they
had done this.
Second Once More
Michigan kept pace with India-
na in the first-place department
4 during the meet, matching the
Bloomington boys' total of seven
wins in the 18 various events, but
bowed 471-4061/2 to the pressure
of Indiana's superior depth.
Three weeks later it was India-
na again-coupled with Roy Saari
and his supporting cast from Sou-
4 thern Cal-that posed a problem
for the Michigan tankers. The
meet was the NCAA champion-
ships, and the place was the 7,-
060-foot high citadel of the Air
Force Academy.
Saari Scores for USC
Indiana and Michigan pulled
4 into first and second place on the

composed of Kingery, Scheerer,
Wiebeck and Tom O'Malley took
first in the final event of the op-
ening day's competition, but the
Wolverines weren't able to finish
higher than second in any of Fri-
day or Saturday's races.
How About Next Year?
What do things look like for
this winter's tankers?
Well, for one thing, they'll be
doing without the services of Far-
ley, Hoag, Walls, Rees Orland and
diver Bruce Brown, all of whom
were seniors last year.
For another thing, they will
have the services of Groft, King-
ery, O'Malley, Scheerer, Tom
Schwarten, John Vry, Tom Wil-

liams and Robie, all of them jun-
iors last year and all lettermen.
They will have Wiebeck, John
Salassa, Alan McDaid, and diver
Fred Brown (no relation to Bruce),
four sophs that scored consistent-
ly for the Wolverines last winter,
Wiebeck and Brown especially.
And they will have Gus Stager
and Dick Kimball, both former
coaches of U.S. Olympic squads
(Kimball is the diving coach),
both Michigan alumni, and both
men who have shown they know
how to use good, hard work to
get the most out of their team.
You could do worse ... and it's
a cinch that not many will do

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Hockey Team Features
Excitement, Experience

(Continued from Page 7)
beating them 1-0 in overtime the
last game of the year, and then
leading most of the way in the
playoff game. Like I said, it's in-
dicative of this league."
While the new Wolverines are,
expected to improve on last year's
mark, they will be hard pressed
to improve on last year's excite-
ment. Already mentioned was the
sweep of the first-place Huskies

boards, picked up a loose stick,
and cracked it over his head.
In another contest against the
Gophers of Minnesota, another fan
thought he would go souvenir-
hunting and picked up an errant
Gohper stick. This caused some
disturbance when the Minnesota
player tried to climb over the
boards and get it.
-But it's just another night at
the hockey rink where tough kids

never need ironing
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