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August 30, 1966 - Image 53

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-08-30

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Faculty Activism,
National Leaders
by MARTHA WOLFGANG on the new activism growing

Libraries Accommodate Multitudes of Stories

t '


The University has become a
center for the new activism whicha
is now present on the college cam-t
puses across the nation. It has re-s
mained a place of discussion, inj
which important political and so-
cial questions were raised and dis-L
cussed. The new activism begant
when some University facultyE
members started a trend across thet
country by staging a teach-in,
where professors and experts'
would deliver addresses, answer
4 questions, and discuss a pertinent
problem, such as the current As-
Ian situation. It is fitting that the
campus has remained a source of
enlightened protest and criticism.
In 1965, the year of the teach-in,
the faculty seemed to awaken to a
new role. Instead of being content
to sit back and produce intellectu-
als from a cloistered academicl
community, they began to take an
interest in political affairs. Cam-
pus attention turned to weighty
and pressing problems from out-R
side the sphere of reference of col-
leges and universities, to civilj
rights and poverty, unfair employ-
ment practices, government poli-
cies in Viet Nam, Santo Domingo,
and relations with Red China.
Along with the intterest came the
realization: that the University
campus was a logical area for ef-
fective protest.
As the problems of our society
become increasingly sophisticated
and complex, experts within the
University, rather than politicians
have the capability of searching
for the right answers.
The public and the news media
have recognized the University's
role in national affairs, and has
concentrated its coverage of fa-
culty and student protest.
Faculty Participation
Faculty participation in the pro-
test movements has above all given
the whole protest movement an
aura of respectability that it had
been previously lacking. The image
moved from one of the bearded re-
bel, to the professor in the tweed
suit testifying before theh Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
The government now finances 70
per cent of the research contracts
given to our Universities. Research
in weaponry, militiary strategy,
and political warfare has had high
priority. This associates the aca-
demic communitly with important
aspects of American foreign policy.
The University's second teach-in
occurred in April. It was organized
by a group of University teachers
in an attempt to educate the stu-
dent body on Red China, noting
China as one of the major ques-
tions of the current political scene.
The committtee gathered noted
authorities on the country. The
teach-in featured Owen Lattimore,
former State Department author-
ity on China, who resigned from
the State Department during the
antagonisms of the McCarthy era.
Other experts included Felix
Greene, producer of a documen-
tary film, 'China,' Prof. Alexander
Eckstein (Econ.), a leading auth-
ority on the Chinese economy,
Prof. A. F. K. Organski, (Political
Science), and Prof. Anatol Rappo-
port (Mental Health Research).
Formal speeches were given be-
fore hundreds of interested stu-
dents inn Hill Auditorium in the
afternoon. That evening students
met with professors and speakers
in smaller discussion seminars.
By organizing the China teach-
in, the University's faculty com-
mittee continued the trend which
made them nationally famous, and
which was repeated by many Uni-
versities. This faculty leadership
of pertinent political and sociail
protest has had a profound impact

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throughout the nation.1
The ideas of participation and
action spread to the University'si
teaching fellows. This time the is-t
sue was an internal problem of the
University: Economics. Our teach-
ing fellows remain underpaid, and
united in protest. Claiming thatt
their incomes were lower than pov-
erty level, and poor working con-
ditions including the size of class-
es, they joined at first for discus-l
sion to clarify the most common
problems. They chose to join col-t
lectively, in order to improve theirt
bargaining rights, but not in an
organization as formally structur-
ed as a union.
Faculty members began t o1
spread their influence and ideas toj
places outside the University cam-
pus this year. Some faculty mem-
bers joined students in picketing
the Ann Arbor draft board, pro-
testing the re-classification of ten
Ann Arbor students following a
sit-in at the same draft board.
Some took their ideas to Washing-
bon, D.C. Prof. Alexander Eckstein
testified before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee on the Chi-
nese economy.
Another faculty member, Prof.
Robert Weeks (Engin.-Eng.), was
elected to the Ann Arbor City
council. Thus, a faculty member
was put in the direct position to
influence the city government and
to try and solve many student
problems stemming from condi-
tions within the city, such as high
costs, and student housing.
Not all of Ann Arbor's faculty
has taken part directly in the new
activist movement that has estab-
lished itself on campus. The really
active are in a definite minority.
But, many professors with many
different convictions have given
their support .to the principle of
faculty protest.
A trend has been started, and
it has continued with no sign of
i possible loss of momentum.
From the first teach-in, to teach-
ing fellows organization drives, the
professors are part of the chang-
ing American educational scene.
The University's students will
ultimately benefit. They remain
the most influenced, through their
direct contacts with their profes-
sors. True teaching involves this
n e c e s s a r y interrelationship of
minds and personalities, as well as
a certain amount of information
exchange. A teacher who is alive
and questioning can create stu-
dents who in turn will stop and
question and think. Students emu-
late their professor's concern with
real life problems.
As Socrates, one of the greatest
teachers said of himself, "My ob-
ject is that of a midwife, to bring
other men's thoughts to birth, to
stimulate them to think and to
criticize themselves, not to instruct
them." The student is encouraged
to go on searching for himself.

Many students find visits to the
General Library (often called the
Grad Library, or the Regular Li-
brary) an important part of study
and research. Others frequent the
UGLI exclusively, which common-
ly supplies all the necessary texts
and sources for introductory and!
intermediate level courses. Besides
these two main libraries, located
conveniently on Central Campus'
Diag, the University maintains ov-
er 20 specialized and departmen-
tal libraries, including the Clem-
ents Library and theh Law Li-
The traffic of UGLI patrons
brought the entrance count to
2,070,269 last year, and some 1,-
320,064 books were used, either in
the library building or through
book circulation. According to Miss
Faucher, last year's addition of
370 seats to the UGLI has brought
the capacity to around 2,315
Instructors may place booksI

and magazine articles on Closed
Reserve, under which system the
books are held at the circulation
desk in the lobby. Closed reserve
books are due back at the desk
periodically during the day, and
circulate on an overnight basis.
Last year, over 9,000 volumes
were added to the UGLI shelves,
which represented an increase of;
2,835 titles - allowing, of course,
for several copies of widely used
volumes to be acquired. It is ex-
pected that eventually, the Edu-
cation and Engineering libraries,
currently housed in the second
and third floors of the UGLI, will
be moved out of the building, so
that no problems of adequate
space are anticipated for the fu-
ture of the lovely UGLI.
The audio room, equipped with 72
turntables which accommodate
two listeners apiece, and with over
3,400 records which may be used
only in the audio room. Last year,
about 62,000 listeners took ad-
vantage of these facilities.

Accommodations for blind stu-
dents at the University include1
rooms in the basement where they
may have assignments read to
them by volunteers (largely mem-
bers of service sororities), or may
listen to recordings of the read-
ings. The UGLL also has a Braille
The UGLI has two duplicating
machines: a coin-operated Docu-
stat machine which is located in
the basement, and a Xerox Dupli-
cator, which is also to be equipped
with a coin-operation device, and
will be placed in the UGLI base-
ment this year. The machines are
ideal for duplicating a classmate's
notes, or passages from books, at
10 cents a sheet.
History of Art students use the
Picture Gallery on the fourth
Before the construction of the
UGLI in 1958, the General Library
served as the primary library for
Undergraduates as well as Gradu-
ate students, which makes its rel-
ative enormity and complexity
understandable. The traditional
booby-trap of the Undergraduate
game is the area at the rear of
the General Library, the stacks.
There are 10 floors of stacks, and
only 5 regular stories to the build-

way in the stacks are the painted
lines on the floors which lead to
the elevator and exits and Stack
Directories posted on the walls,
which indicate the locations of the
books by call numbers.
All other services and facilities
for students at the General Lib-
rary, however, are available to un-
dergraduates as well as grads.
These include access to the exten-
sive microfilm collection of news-
papers and other source materials
(located on the second floor),
the Reference Room, the Rare
Book Room, the Periodical Room,
and the Graduate Reserve Room.
The Graduate Reserve Room con-
tains books which professors have
requested be available to students.
Like the UGLI, the General Li-
brary will lend most books for a
period of three weeks. Plans are
now in process for the addition of
an annex to the General Li-
brary. The overflow of books and
other materials has necessitated
the transfer of portions of the li-
brary to North Campus. This ad-
dition will be a very important
provision for continued Library
growth. The exact time of con-
struction of this addition is not
designated as yet.

Xeroxing is an important library industry. The machines are ideal
for duplicating notes, books and diagrams.

mU nll

The Graduate Library is a maize of literature run around a
course of ten stories. The stacks are located in the back of the
library and have provided a challenge for many heroic researchers.

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