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May 24, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 170) • Page Image 6

… were shutouts and the opponents only gain- ed one run in each of the others. Furthermore, against teams of the cal- ibre ,of: Illinois,. Iowa, Wisconsin, Northwestern and Ohio, Wolverine pit- chers have…

… Evan- ston and Madison, besides giving tire Wolverines a clean slate for the six; Big Ten contests played away fromI home this season, were marked by the best playing that the team has turned in this…

… credited he has ever seen. Wisconsin, accord- ing to the Wolverine coach, looked like th'e best ball team that Michigan has encountered this year. Sensational Gaine The game was marked by sensa- tional…

… possible 15 first places from the Ohio State track squad Saturday at Columbus, Coach Stephen J. Farrell's Wolverines extended the Buckeyes~to the utmost' in the other four events. Michigan was forced to…

… rush obviously with the intention ofI wearing the Wolverine down i order to prevent him from opening with his terrific sprint which has carried him to victory in all of his Conferencej races. At the end…

… TENNIS IN THE BIG TEN By Herbert Vedder1 Competition among Wolverine teams for I he honor of annexing the fifth Big Ten championship of the year for Michigan is almvost as keen as that be- tween the Maize…

May 29, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

… of .714.- By winning the game with the Badg- ers tomorrow afternobn and defeating Ohio State in the final game of the season Saturday, the Wolverines can finish the season in a tie with Iowa with a…

… percentage of .666. Wisconsin May Tie Iowa Wisconsin also has a chance to tie with the Hawkeyes by defeating the Wolverines and taking its final game fron Chicago on Saturday. The Badg- ers have won four and…

… the Michigan victory at' Madison. Stoll is considered the best left hander in the Conference and will. face a Wolverine team for the sec- ond time on Ferry field. Last season the Badger star pitched his…

… teapi to a 6-4 victory over the Wolverines in a (Continued on page Seven) ' George (Buck) Hester Who scored nine of Michigan's 44 1-4 points in the Conference track meet yesterday at Madison, winning the…

… Conference cham- pionship by defeating Wisconsin yes- terday afternoon over the Ann Arbor course, taking every match to win by their largest score of the season, 23-. 1. This is the Wolverines' fourth con-1…

…, while Michigan has lost only one match, that to Purdue by a nar- row margin. Addison Connor repeated his per- formances of last week to stand out 'as} the low man on the Wolverine team' for, the day. He…

May 14, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 162) • Page Image 6


… PITCH AGAIN LOUsynsl May 14-America's ~foremost turf classic, the annual Ken- By 'Clarence Edelsoni Mucy Derby,wilbruatCneil( When the tired and seventh place ukD1y 1)0 run at Churchill Wolverines meet…

… for Wolverine The downs itself is ready for the superiority were Crawford's three gong which announces that the horses hits, Rich's "brilliant catch of a hot are it post. Groundskeeners have beens liner…

… plant is a color- defeated by the greatly improved ful scene with its infield dotted with Wolverines, who gained a complete flower beds and shrubbery in full triumph behind the good pitching of bloom…

… that it is little short of impossible for any collegian to con- trol. Moreover, Michigan has hit him hard in the very early innings of both games in which he has hurled against Wi the Wolverines Opinions…

Wolverine hopes vanish. A hit at this opportune moment might have sent Stewart back to the showers as be- fore. Instead, he was granted the j corner on called strikes and the weak j hitting Wolverines

…- deavor to continue its unbroken string of victories at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon when the Indiana netmen invade Ferry field for the first home Conference match of the 1927 season. The Wolverines with a 6…

May 06, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 155) • Page Image 8

…, and Moore Compose olverlne SquadE .H IN EVERY SET htate's tennis tears prov- hi for the Wolverine net- anlnr LLNI lGRINNELL4'S ,STAR DISCUSn HURLER lN INE TO M ( R R 0W PL CE S FIR ST ,A T K A N SA S…

…. Horns-, hie Wolverines, experlenc- by knocked out a, home run in this ulty in disposing of Cap- game. The Cardinals retained first hott of the Spartan out- place in2 the senior circuit by dlown- sets, 6…

… third e day by d4owning I arle- *Stephlens captured the from Clovin of the StateE ght sets, 6-1, 6-3. Alyger M swreep of the singles the Wolverines by down- partan number five man, miatch, 6-i, 6-3. tles…

… matches Barton and Wolverine team defeatedl der'shott and Farleman, per onie doubles combina- set match, 6-0, 6-3. TheI bir had! no difficulty in first set, but their op-{ layed much better tennis A frame…

… Mathier. Th~e Wolverines -woi thle , estern Coniference chami~onship Yrithi a total of ten victor'ies and two dle- feats. In thieir game~s outside the Confer- ence they m~et.'defeat only once, los- ing to…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

… t k Take Three Singles And Two Doubles a Matches To Win From Strong h Minnesota Outfit Y BARTON STILL UNBEATENt r Wolverine netmen gaiigd their sec- e ond Conference victory of the season le and…

Wolverines St. I captured two of the three doubles Bost matches to defeat the invaders by a Chic single point margin. Vas Barton Beats Shay-6-4 Horace Barton, in number one position, and Shay, Minnesoa ace, St…

…'s deadly net play proved to be his most effective weapon. Algyer gained another point for the Wolverine team when he downed Armstrong, Minnesota nunber two man, in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3. The third singles…

…-3, 6-4, whiik Captain Olian was defeat- ed by Cornell, 6-4, 8-6. Michigan Wins Two Doubles Going ito the first doubles match i with the score tied at three matches all, the Wolverine combination of…

… Algyer and Goldsmith captured a three set match from Tatham and SFlannigan. -After winning the first BTE:: set, 6-4, the Michigan team faltered 'and the Gopher pair won the pt, 6-1.1 The Wolverines braced…

May 28, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 174) • Page Image 6

… at 2:30 o'clock this . afternoon at Ferry field to determine which of the two teams will be elim- : inat from championship considera- tion. Th-e Wolverines hold second place, i";: half a game behind…

… baseman, Paul, Indiana's pitching ace, in Sat- whose consistent playing and batting ' urday's game, 9-4 has aided in the rise of the Wolverine On Monday the Iowa team staged a comeback and handed…

… latter team 21-3, the same score by which Mich- igan won from the Purple. Capt. Clendennon will lead the Wis- consin golfers . today in their match' against theWolverines, probably play- ing in number two…

… Harry the Wolverine team today. Capt. Glo- HBartz, Cliff Durant, and Ralph De ver, Bergelin and Connor are certain Palm a. to play in the individual 'matches, the It would be no surprise for the fol…

… over- Illinois, Northwestern, with a heavy foot, Harry Hartz, win- and Ohio State. The Wolverines' last ner of two years ago, Cliff Durant, match will be against Chicago on Pete de Paolo and a host of…

… appears to be the logical. choice of the Hawkeye coach to op- pose the Wolverines in this after- noon's contest in the attempt to avenge the 6-0 shutout at Iowa City. He has had a week's rest since the…

… games re- maining on the Varsity schedule "Ku- bie" must keep up his present pace, as, indeed, must the whole team, for the loss of one game will definitely, eliminate the -Wolverines as conten- der…

May 20, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

… rauied at 10:30 last night on a two-ay tr-ip) which in-1 cludles= a game this aufternoonagis Northwesternx at Evanusi n and another! contest tomorrow with Wisconsin at Ma disons. The Wolverine

… in his first Big Ten sta~rt 641, against the Purple and Miller against the Badgers tomorrow., Losers Efi inated This afternoon's contest will entire- ly eliminate either the Wolverines or Northwestern…

… exhibition of error- iiil gedo i1~ II wih aa . i eI l t',ao less ball that the Wolverines bad dis- fplayed on their homne diamond since _ .. the opening Conference game with si. ! Pudue. KrETZ MAY BREAK F…

…-,utterly opposed to theIj )n of the dribble". 149 feet .1 Fnches set by WISCONSIN NET TA iWILL COMlPE'TE. HER !Wolverines IWill Fde. 1r To hloI< ? First Place II ig rTen Tennis StandingY MICHIIGAN IS UNBEATEN…

Wolverine netinen, the only unude- feated tennis team in the Conference°, 1will endeavor to strengthecn their holdi on first position at 3 'clock t 1 h ntodWs on i g~ a y vades Ferry field for the second home…

…" lo-t b)y a o 6l-on mcheAanthattMinnesotah 6-3Corne Ag aSeinoa)h Michigan. IIY~ t(Continue l el PrageSven) i Purdue., I Things were rifhiei Mulct for the Wolverines until the fourih in- niing…

May 18, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 165) • Page Image 6

…, sus- of th-eir Big Ten rivals on the basis tained two losses in Saturday's con- of total games played, Coach Ray L. test with Michrigan and Monday's game Fisher's vastly improved Wolverine with Iowa. h…

Wolverine attack in the notch in the standings by defeating only other tilts on the Ferry field dia- Illinois and Iowa, the Conference HICAGO, May 7 Assertions mond. leaders in week-end contests.I here that…

…'s downfall, and he is Ohio State at Illinois. I;Iis conductance of the affairs of extremely anxious to add to his pres- the league, escaped general notice un- tige by trouncing the Wolverines. SATURDAY til he…

…, and Al Mayer are the Wolverine tankien who have completed three years of competition. Samson's loss will be felt the most as he won the 220 and 440 yard freeN style national intercolle- giate titles…

… season. Shorr swam in the breast stroke, taki wg fourth in the' Big Ten meet at Urbana. Starrett competed in the fancy diving, being the most consistent performer in that event on the Wolverine squad…

…, and Fairfield of Illinois, in recent dual meets. The Wolverine defeated bothIL of his opponents, by coming from be- hind on) the home stretch. Hunn of Iowa winner of tie two mile in the Conference…

May 21, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

… finals of the Michigan Intersc'io- Badger Match --- game enabled the physical education P i l RTO MEET KRi Mastic tennis tournament yesterday on wolverine nemen wll uiay their nine to win the traditional…

… Ell; -____they meet the invading Chicago team yesterday afternoon at Ferry field. track comptition, Coach Farrell's hrWolverine netmen advanced within at 2 o'locl this afternoon at Ferry Taking…

… veteran, Cap- way for the freshmen to score a single1 Wolverines are expected to turn the rallying power, taking the next three sin's first doubles team, conilposed of lain Hudlin, who returned to 1"epre…

…Iwt event. (In his third roundere match iIrwinhal oftheinnng The 100 yard dash should be one of downed Clark of Pontiac, 6-2, 6-4. The 17-5. Thle Wolverines rallied after |teamii, however, and has suffered…

May 20, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

… EXPECTED ''p1~u , Daie jmpebradNor Knapp, javelin thrower, al Undefeated thus far this seasonbe newe Wolverines, all Coach Stephen J. Farrell'sWovin :ig their first trip. Dah track team entrained last night…

… play two gamesI during Commencement week. The . University of Cincinnati team has been engaged to meet the Wolverines on June 17 and 18. c -1AS. T The Michigan team was supposed to play Cincinnati on the…

… as goodl OVERCOATS as the average 'team among the lead- ein the Big Ten. Highest Prices Paid for. Between now and the ti~e for the! games in June the Wolverine ball DIAINM ONDS club may take on an…

… the highs and Tarbill and Jones in the lows. Ohio will present in Irwin the only serious obstacle for the Wolverines to hurdle. Hester Favored '.o Wini [ I-ester and Lasser fprm the Mich- igan sprint…

May 27, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 173) • Page Image 6

… for the tittle. Th a i Wolverines are ranked as sure to I , IMN score heavily in the field events. On The Badgers won the indoor meet! I he track, they will secure their fair ly a scant margin, but it…

… he did against Ohio, he should get that place. Ketz, Campbell and McCaffree are all going to compete in the hammer -the Wolverines are praying fort three places, one of them a first.J Northrop has not…

May 07, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

… where they boarded a train for Columbus, arr iv - ing in the Ohio city early this me(rn -. 1-ng.f year the )Ohio t earn was~ sla(l ed to meet the Wolverines at Ferry lielU,' but the matches were…

… called off' on account of rain. The Biuckeyes comn - pleted their 1926 schedule in an im- pressive manner, tieing for second wih the Wolverines. Comparatively leis known regarding, the strength3 of the…

May 04, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

… A IER 'CARTV 4. Wolverines Must Will TO(aY'S 4Cime is capable of catching there is "plentyi To Have Otside Clianee For of reason to be satisfied,. Bligpren 'title Coach Fisher. shifted his batting I…

… that; ners of the inter-fraternity baseball. speaks well for the Wolverine team. leagues will start Monday, as all ~While in the East the Michigan a e league games must be played off by3 held the…

… hits, and a victory. The team play of the Wolverines has improved immensely since, the opening of the season, and if Davis] 4 10CHISTO uT M ST.LOUIS INFIELDER COACES O CU ME ~'MAKES CIRCUIT DRIVEI 'FROM…

May 26, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 172) • Page Image 6

… DRIVE! YEARLING NETMEN TO PLAY RESERVE TENNIS TEAM TODAY AT FERRY FIELD Farrell Names 23 Wolverine Athletes ! To Compete It Conference C1ia9i'ionship Meet BIGGEST MICHIGAN SQUAD I In an effort~to take…

Wolverine pilot is the only Big Ten competitor who has registered 24 feet, and he has beaten his formidable rivals, Si-1 mon and Sibbitt, Illinois; Crook, Ohid; and Everingham, Iowa. For that mat- ter, so do…

May 06, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 155) • Page Image 9

… CADVERIIING mpiete in the Iowa- rack m'eet Satuirday final entries in each e Wolverines will see ye of them will con- Soneo event. 'rop 'and Jack Loy- ;tinction of being the 11 three Events while nl Lase will…

…. This will be the first, :ompetition. for all of these At Cooper and their showings he strong Iowa contingent watched with interest as tt Wolverine huirdling squad red the strongest at Michi- Who a necw…

… captain 'annexed in this event at 'Abe Ohio Relays second at Penn, neither of the r two has competed for the Maize Blue this year. miy two men have been, named to z. jump for the Wolverines, Waldo Lane…

… throw will compete in all three. In the , Norton and Weber are the other Wolverines named. 'lre discus throw will see Schrave- di and Sanderson the' entries in ad- on to Lovette. Neither Sanderson Lovette…

May 07, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 156) • Page Image 7

… against sand iHowa:-dKis. both o1fvwilonl Cornell the three Wolverines scored Y 4 rked high("r I1151 uniter on the l a slam. While scarcely expecting to Amneric an scale last .s:LSOnr. " repeat this…

… intercollegiate champion and is rated on an even i footing with Hunn. Wuerfel is a fav- orite for third., The mile race appears to be aim open event with Monroe and Iskenderian of the Wolverines and Elliot and M…

… lead whent time comes for this event. ketz Faivoed In Hmer Ketz will undoubtedly take the **ammer throw as he is capable of doing bettr than 150 feet consistently. Campbell, another Wolverine, is giveni…

Wolverines and Lov- ette is considered an even bet for a place although the Iowans may take two places wita Mau and Nelson ent- ered. The meet has been designated as an "M" meet and etters will be awarded to…

… all Wolverines winning first places. Hagen And Sarazen To Play Englishmen (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 6-Gene Sarazen and Walter Hagen will meet Abe Mit- chell and George Duncan, crack Brit- ish…

May 15, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… supremacy between the two teams, ping the league leading Illini, 6 to ano for the third successive timethe 0, this afternoon. It was Illinois' first Wolverines- scored a victory by a beating of the season in…

… seven Big small margin, yesterday's final score Ten games. Don Miller, ace of the being 72-63. Wolverine staff, pitched splendid ball When all but three events had been for Michigan although he almost…

… real story of his in- in the broad jump, the Wolverines vincibility is related by the fact that needed only one point in the javelin Illnois lett 11 men on bases. to assure themselves a victory, but Two…

… third place. But the beat the throw home, scoring Puckel- humor f the situation soon vanished wartz ahead of him. Oosterbaan walk- for the drenched Wolverine support- ed and Davis singled, Benny scoring…

… Puckelwartz, of . . .. 42 2 2 0 0 - oober Wills Low Hurdles Kubicek, 2b....... 4 2 2 0 4 0 The Wolverines scored a slam in. Oosterbaan, lb1.... 3 2 2 13 0 0 the low hurdles with Cooper flash- Davis, c…

… 13 2 ahead of Royer. tx-Batted for Greene in ninth. At this point the Wolverines seem- xx-Batted for Andrews in ninth. - ed sure winners of the meet, but with Score by innings: Lyon scoring an…

…. Struck out by I men drew up on even terms with the -Stewart, 3; Andrews, 2; Miller, 1. Wolverines. -.Bases on balls-off Andrews, 2; Miller' Simon made a leap of 23 feet, 1 f 3. Hits-off Stewart 6 in 3 1…

May 15, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

… gusty winds at times swirled away at straw hats. WOLVERINE TRACKMEN I DEFEAT ILLINOIS TEA.' (Continged from Page One) 100 yard dcash-Won by 1{ester, SMichigan; Lasser,Michigan; second; Peters, Illinois…

… will start Asbeck on. the mound and if he can repeat his - performance of a weel ago when he let down Ohio State with six hits, Hrold Lasser diffict win without a great deal of Wolverine sprint star, who…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…aat1 ; iid in thle 4discus with at* tlb ow f lss fthram n132 feet only -a riek a; ter the Wolverine's Fer- r y 0;e!(drecord throw o 142 fet4 14 IiIV'"e s. Upsel s uSo a Ily ha! pie Jm';wer, er, for…

… that you are a post graduate. Ydur One of the peculiar turns taken in the Michigan-Illinois meet was that the Wolverines, hitherto rated excep- tionally strong 'in the weights and )field events, scored…

… one point less here than did the Illini and took 'oily three firsts to four for Gill's men. In the eight track events, however, lay the margin of victory for the Wolverines who piled up 10 more points…

May 01, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

… thrree sets before the Wolverine par won, 6-1, 9-11, 7-5. Algyer' played a fide gamge for Michigan, b)ut Steph 7ns was not up to the form he displayed in his singles match earlier i the afternoon. In the…

… through Stephens' service and ran out the set 9-11. The third set was close, andI with the score 3-2 the Wolverines broke through Hartwell's service only to have the Pontiac men even Pi set at 5 all before…

… the Wolverines took the match. T'he feature singles match found Barton, numbr one on the Michigan team, facing Edward Hammer, former junior state cham~pion. Despite H1am- mner's fine (driving, Barton…

May 13, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 161) • Page Image 8

…Nod the Wolverines a. comrsfortabl1e ma:rgin over the1.12 iliirin the fielId event" to b. heldl in the ua l rrlcOtt tomuorrow onl Ferry field. - i. , 1 escorig~ opened a"t the enld ok frst period wi en…

Wolverines during the past two years.I lt l Wachowski of Illinois is an, erratic T WENT V=TWO FRESHMEN jumper, but has turned in groodl REPORT FOR NETi SQUAD enough marks to qualify him for first ;____ place…

May 06, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 155) • Page Image 10

… this week end, bring her down to the Wolverine Cafe and treat her to the best meals in Ann, Arbor. She will recognize the true goodniss of our food and marvel, like cheapness of our prices. many others…

… the island by the United ncuding, Mr. St. Hill stated ety percent of the people of e not in favor of the American of the island. WOLVERINE CAFE 529 South Main St. Across from the Wuerth Theatre You…

May 29, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… the javelin 1hers of the calbinet and several am- Fouir second places were secu bassador. y the Wolverines, by Ketz in ti l verywhere he went through the mer throw, Lovette in the streets the populace…

…. The Wolverine star was barely beat out at the tape by the Hawkeye sprinter. Kriss of Ohio was beaten out of third place by Rea of Minnesota. Rasmus of Ohio State captured the discus throw with a toss…

…. lornberger Fails To Place The two mile run brought Michi- gan's greatest set-back 'of the day, when Ted Hornberger finished in sev- enth place. The Wolverines' great two miler just could not make the grade. I…

… the day to 12 points by winning the jave- lin throw with a toss of 181 feet and 1 inch. The Wolverines took the lead when Northrop placed third in this event. Rinehart of Indiana captured second place…

… full of thrills, errors, and arguments, Michigan was definitely eliminated fom the Conference base. ball race yesterday when Iowa scored one run in the eighth to win by a score of 4-3. The Wolverines

May 19, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…- cation about 1500 miles in an air line from New York in time to signal the American fliers after they take off. PARIS, May 18.-The gallant at- COLGATE SCORES 1 2 WIN OVERl WOLVERINE TEAM IN DULL GAME…

… offering of three Wolverine pitchers while Hopkins, the Maroon hurling ace held Michigan helpless, granting only four hits during the entire of yesterday's uninteresting game on Ferry field. The final score…

… of the fray was 12-2 in favor of the Easterners. The' one outstanding performance of the day was turned in by Hopkins, Colgate pitcher. In addition to holding the Wolverines to four hits, none of which…

Wolverine victory. All such Ideas vanished, however, with a two run rally by Colgate in this inning. As if' this were not enough, the Maroons batted around in the ninth to add five more tallies. Michigan…

…-ruskowski, who substituted for Davis behind the bat, was responsible for one misplay and two other throws that were shady. Two well executed double-plays brigh- tened the work of the Wolverines con- siderably…

May 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… afternoon, in a game marred by the usual erratic fielding and poor hitting ability of the Wolverines. If Michigan was considered a con- tender for the title, Illinois can be easily named as the real…

…Mr ae.cisio>V. "Lighthouse," the Port Huron high ee) choo paer, as lectd t theof- After the feeble Wolverine threat ree) school paper, was elected to the of-i the sixth, Illinois increased its 3 to fice…

… bs ie N ( Central, Central Student; class B, Wo r s e. i Y Holland High school, Maroon and;M Wolverines Score- in Eighth E' JUNIOR REI; ESEN TATIVE [Orange; weeklies: class A, Highland.k Park…

…. The Wolverines trailed the Hawk- eyes through the greater part of the meet, never having the lead from the second event -to the twelfth when SMaizeand Blue runners took all three places in the half mile…

…, being defeated by Dahem, a comparatively unknown Wolverine who took second. Northrop won with a lean of 22 feet 10 1-2 inches. The captains' duel in the pole vault resulted in a victory for Boyles of…

May 27, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 173) • Page Image 7

… Buckeyes, while Tes- day's gamc with Purdue was called off because of rain The- Illinois lead is threatened) by te Wolverines who occupy second place, half a game e-1 hind after winnin~ fiv-, consecutive…

… Monday. The Hawkeyes are now in third place, half a contest behind the Wolverines.f Wisconsin also partially atoned forI y its 4-1 defeat at the hands of the Michigan team on Saturday by hand- ing the…

May 13, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 161) • Page Image 9

Wolverines a first pldaee by z11 small mitrgi. Shively, the strong est man on the Illinois team 11in this event, is capable of dlong bet- ter than 150 feet and -cannot be definitely conted out of 1141st place…

…. However, Retz's consistenit work during the paste meon l gibes the Wolverines i Osllt ad- 4Second Yea~r 'rSa. S. bR.Y M SEPTFMB98R To MAY Conin~ue' you regular aca- r deriqo urse aboard theS .S. Ryndm…

May 05, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

… given only a fair chance to down ttl;: ar*,n ie of:152 itin h e pim- the Wolverines. ia : K a aron ,v.,lid( Ihak, buflt he! cc :lr n't Seem to leliver it the fainals. I And these same Wolverines Ilie…

May 04, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

…. SJaophoneJ1I _______________Wolverine______-flatAlto' Model The beautiful scenery surrrounding 29 OUT OF 30 CO-EDS -ny [e locality made it a popular vrca- = < $ 0 Silver-plated, gold bell, 'with pearl ional…

… become as popular For Band ard Orchesra Needs Canec to o Laurabelle Chipman, chairman, a Roller Skates. - r an ofthemembers of the finance ;o-ob als n oe mmittth- Rine, Hue1lere, Wolverine, Etc., Alpha…

May 01, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

… E trnanI.Fut tog giveahieeam ansvitory.d IA age''ssrmst fservice.d akes n h hingeahoweveriswastenoaginge U t U---a4 v 1 Two more (lays for prawtice for the Wolverine golf teaim leforec it leax…

…('. for Lafayette, Iniainma, vw-71,r.,it ill meet the ,Purdue golferrs iTlmu ra The Purdue contests will mnun th openimng of Wolverines play in the Conference for the present seasoni. The other ,golf ganmes…

May 14, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 162) • Page Image 1


… noon. by margins of four and seven points- respectively, seems imminent al- though the Wolverines will make a strong attempt to pile up a consider COULD015 MADE HEAD ably' largerscore than their 71…

May 05, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 154) • Page Image 1


…; Wolverines had already scored nine runs, did Miller ease up "and allow the home team to score. Maxton, ace of the Purdue hurling staff, was un- able to oppose Miller on the mound because of a sore arm, and…

… Star Wolverine twirler, who pitch- ed Michigan to her first Conferenc victory over Purdue, yesterday, 11-4. Miller allowed the Boilermakers only six hits, and himself drove out a three-bagger. 0f…

May 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…'(ro~ee match of the 1927 season byr winninig six of the sevenE matches from the Ohio State team yesterday adftevon at Columbus.I This succiss marks the fourth' con- secutive victory for the Wolverine team th…

… ineligible a few hour before the fea- ture match wti scheduled to begin. The Wolverine team's Victory over1 the Buckeyes break: the tie that has existed between the two teams since the close of the 1926 season…

… inelig- ible. The other Wolverines, with the exception of Captain Olian, won their individual matches, while both of the Michigan doubles teams Barton and Moore and Stephiens and Algyer, (de- feated the…

May 28, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

… last round by defeating Bard of Illinois 6-1, 9-7, 3-6, 6-4. Should Boldenweck give O'Con- nell a strenuous battle in the morning the Wolverine entrants will be a slight favorite if the Illini win the…

… exceptional in view o of conditions. Twelve Wolverines si gained a total of 16 places for the s Maize and Blue, while Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin followed with 10, 9 I and 8 positions for the finals to be l…

… better than 44 feetc 8 5-8 inches. The Wolverines suffered a severe setback in the high hurdles when Don Cooper, running in t he fast thirdI heat, trailed McGinnis of WisconsinC and McKeever of Illinois to…

May 07, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… sentative of the University of Michigan Press club meeting which will be hed thrilling drama of lifesaving was un- ing secretary of the Union the students are the factors which newps. for the Wolverines, will…

…- upon it livenr a i re c hne toft e irst , nthp~i~ ~revent any serfous loss of life'...__. or of intercollegiate athletics, was unions z Wolverines are conceded an excellenti Sophomores Win First Pull…

May 15, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

… firsts in the ham- j I g~ T N muer throw and javelin throw, and 'E WOLVERINES i j 1 r."- - """' fir/ E :+.,,,_ti ::i: '{..\," '- 5 j; ' Yom-- J Y - ° "ii: sac "?: tE' ' " j r}1A{ {= 1 t { ". :. :::: is…

May 03, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

… 100 0-5 13 2 the Wolverines at Ann Arbor. Chica-To -M nl - Philadelphia _ 104r000 000 1--6 9 '2 go and Northwestern will meet for the!I odyM a y = first time this season. onormeusm Nai~t onal Letgue…

May 26, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…I odd set from Phillips in a spectaculara come-back. Th accurate driving of the Northwestern star kept BartonI from .the .net in the second set and the Wolverine lost 6-2 after having won the first by the…

… Goldsmith had no trouble defeating, Collins in straight sets 6-3, 6-4. Moore's driving game was too severe for Ho*- ard and the Wolverine won 6-2, 7-5. , Schaefer playing his usual method-; ical game…

May 01, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… graduation Dr. arkothes coenant, is, by9 ktween the American representatives Stearns taught at hill school, Potts- inches and weighs 11 pounds. NORlTHOP, HESTER WIN EVENTS AT PENN RELAYS; WOLVERINES 'LOSE TO…

… its successor. ----,- s i I [NEELUNG AND ASBECK FAIL TO STOP HARD HITTING OF ORANGE TEA I WOLVERINES CHECKED Victors Open Wit Four Ituns In First Inning And 3Iakloe Other Scores In Later Frames…

May 28, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 174) • Page Image 7

… with two of the formances. Northrop ,lat year est existing javelin mark, 20 inches, and the Wolverine tet composed of Munger, NJ rnstein, and Feinsinger r in 3:19.9. In 1925, Hu.bba time set in 1922 by H…

May 25, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

… lllislillilllll~illlililillillllilH11111111111111111 GRANGER S DANCING TONIGHT 8 TO 10 Two hours of pleasant recreation. You always have a good time dancing to the tune' of Jack Scott and his Wolverines. Granger…

May 21, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 168) • Page Image 7

… the Big Ten standings with a per- track aind field championshlps hcrre ; centage of .600, while the iWolverines Saturday. With Indiana Uiversity, are just below themr in sixth place. Butler, DePauw and…

May 18, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

… You will harmony that Jack furnish at mid-week greatly enjoy the sweet and the entertainment Scott and his Wolverines each of our dances. Our parties are very pleasant. MANN'S Cc!~& HEADQUARTERS FOR…

May 13, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

… Scott's Wolverines. When riots disappear right under your nose, it's gettijqg serious. You see 'we coter all riots for Rolls, and sort of make that our profession. When we graduate in June we 'will try…

May 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…-No Burned Sweats Wednesdays, Fridays, Factory H at Store 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 nd Saturdays.' _- WOLVERINE Means EXCELL ENCE 1A cade And Y UNIFORMITY WHEN APPLIED TO GASOLINE A NI) MOTOR OILS 71 1111111…

May 20, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

… Spanish galleon E The Wolverines threatened again in to show cause why the injunction concert engagements throughout the book ends selected as favors for the the sixth when Nebelung beat out an should not…

May 06, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

… club course by the close'scre of 13-11 here today. The Wolverines carried the Purdue team to the last green, when Capt. Fridlin and Lehman won from Connor and Bergelin on the eighteenth hole of the…

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