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May 01, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-01

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_._ R

Southwestern Arka sas Submerged
By lWaters As Levees Give Way;
New Orleans Threatened
(fly Associated Press) .
NEW ORLEANS,. April 30.-The
nation's most disastrous #flood was
spreading tonight with increasing
rapidity and federal and state of-
ficials made no effort to conceal their
apprehensions of the dangers yet to
Driven madly by the slowly moving
flooderaft,athe Mississippi river
swelled ever a part of the levee at
Vicksburg, Miss., flooded the lowerl
section of the city and sloughed off
100 feet of the main levee at Glass-
cock, La., 25 miles south of Natchez,
Miss., threatening inundation of
Concordia and parts of bordering par-'
Increasing volumes of water flow-
ing through the three gaps in the'
Arkansas giver embankm ent, rapidly
were making complete* the flooding ofS


Modern Scientific Re
In Solving Content

(By Associated Press)
LONDON, AprikI 30.-Noctovision,'
television and other most powerful
visions will be brought into play tol
penetrate the inner secrets 'of
Joanna Southcott's famous mystery
box if X-ray tests next week fail to
reveal its contents.
The mahogany box of the prophet-
ess who had a large following on her
death in 1814, is in the possession of
Harry Price, secretary of the Na-
tional Laboratory of Psychical Re-
search, and it will be opened if all
other tests fail.
Mr. Price has invited 20 leading
mediums, Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver
Lodge and others interested in a psy-
chical research to aid in solving the(
long standing puzzle of the contentsI
of the box which has attracted much
attention at intervals for more than
100 years.F
Tradition has it that when Joanna,
who was a domestic servant and later
became a religious fanatic, died, she
turned a mysterious box over to Re-
becca Pengant, her sole' companion,
who solemnly promised it never
would be opened except in a national
crisis and in the presence of 24 bish-

sources To Be Used EA IIStearns Wwi Speak
ts Of Mysterious Box At Second Student
Rebecca married John Morgan ,id l 1Aain ~ dR
JohnMor 11 J1T LK T1 SPOKESMAN~ Convocation 'T'oday
bequeathed the box to her son, John,1 r lrdEns tanha-i
; whoJohn, nardner firarDevnnhirer Dr Alfr?d Ernest Stearns, head-
iwho was a gardener for a Devonshire master of Phillips Andover academy,
{ gardener. On his death bed, John Andover. Mass., will give the address
turned the box over to his employer, at the second student service of the
asking him to follow out his mother's PRES1I)ENTIAU CLAIMANT A third convocation series at 11 o'clock
wishes. His last words were: "Don't COOLIDGE iNVESTIGA'TOR today in Hill auditorium. "The Price
forget the bishops." HOLD CONFERENCE of Happiness" is the topic which the
The Devonshire man now has gone speaker has chosen.
to Africa and has turned the box During his 24 years at Phillips An-
over to Mr. Price. MAKE PEACE EFFORTS (over, Dr. Stearns has spoken widely
Prior to the X-ray test, the box throughout the East. He has had much
will be subjected to seances and me- Meeting Is Marked By Cordiality And experience with students, particularly'
diums will "psychometrize" around Friendly ainner; Will Ill the intermediate school type. It will be
it and then write their impressions of Cointinued Today his first appearance in Ann Arbor.
what is inside. After this the box Dr. Stearns was graduated from the
will be X-rayed and placed under (By Associated Press) institution of which he is now presi-
other rays such as the recently an- MANAGUA, April 30- Henry L. dent in 1890. He holds degrees from
nounced "noctovision" by which ob- Stimson, personal representative of four colleges. He attended Amherst
jects can be seen through fog. If the mrand received his A. B. degree in 1894,
various agencies fail to reveal all the President Coolidge, today held a three and A. M. in 1902. Three years later
contents of the box, Mr. Price says hour conference with delegates sent he was awarded another master's de-
I that it will be opened publicly by Dr. Juan. Sacasa, president of the gree by, Yale university. In 1912 Dr.
"I dare say some bishops will ac- liberal government set up at Puerto Stearns received a Litt. D. degree from
cept our invitation to attend the . .. Dartmouth, and was later awarded
opening," Mr. Price said, "as I know Cabeza which is at war with the con- D. dg s ter Am-
several who are interested in. psychi- servative government of President hrst in 1915, and he e first by Win-
cal research." Adolfo Diaz located at Managua. hams in 1921.
ark of the covenant, is 12 by 9 1-2 The peace efforts were made be- ; Following his graduation Dr.
arkothes coenant, is, by9 ktween the American representatives Stearns taught at hill school, Potts-
inches and weighs 11 pounds.


southeastern Arkansas, inundating
the town of Gould and adding to the
flood deaths in half a dozen other$
towns which may be destroyed.
Flood waters around Yazoo City
and further northward in Mississippi
continued 'their spread, devastating'
new fields and causing half a million
dollars worth of damage to cotton
stored in a compress in that city.
While news of these major events4
in hte flood area were trickling in,
forebodings came of still more dange-
rous floods yet to come. The weath-
er bureau announced that "the
greatest flood on record" was in
prospect next week for the Ouachita
and Black rivers, adding that "a
serious situation exists in northeast-


Dramatic Unit To Give 15 Perform.
ances For Benefit Of Women's
League Building Fund
After 30 consecutive weeks in
Rockford, Ill., the Rockford players,
under ,the direction of Robert Hen-
derson, '26, closed their season last
night in the Rockford theater. They'
Deave for this city this morning, and
will open Tuesday mlight in Sarahl
Caswell Angell hall with the first ofl
their repertory series of five different;
nl whi h he will P'iv thi inr1 1I

Jack Crawford's Orchestra Is Selected
By Committee To Furnish Music
For Annual Class Dance
Applications for tickets to the Sen-
for ball, which will be held May 201
in the ballroom of the Union, will be
ready for distribution from 1 to 5:30,
1 o'clock tomorrow and Tuesday at the1
side desk in the lobby of the Un-
No applications are being mailed,
according to Richard Westnedge, '27,
chairman of the invitations conunit-1
tee, and all applications must be made j
1 i hnRer ihr ~brnVn in

an ie eraism rin iy dIaU UVand ow, I c-a., For tre years, becoming
cordial manner and will be continued an instructor at Phillips Andover six
at a conference tomorrow. years later. In 1902 lie was made vice-
The Sacasa representatives who met principal of the latter institution, and
Mr. Stimson at the American legation, finally became headmaster in 1903,
presented their contentions which Dr. which position he has since held.
Sacasa holds are necessary for "hon-
orable peace."
In turn theyheard Mr. Stimson
explain the resit of his investiga- GLEE[ CLUBlTo MAKE
tion here with his suggestions for a
just peace. Mr. Stimson, it is under-
stood, did not interrogate them on the ANNVALAPPE ANCE
question . of the resignation of Pres-
ident Diaz and Informed them that
the United States did not care to dis- 6fith Annual Program Will Be Given
cuss either the constitutionality of Thursday In. :1111 Auditorium
Dr. Sacasa's claim to the presidency At 8:15 O'Clock
or the matter of the United States,
supporting President Diaz. MRS. HULL IS SOLOIST
The delegates heard Mr. Stimson
.tress the question of guarantees for
free elections in 1928 as a guarantee Giving its 68th annual home con-
of justice for both parties and the cert, the Varsity Glee club will appearI
remedy for the evil of civil war. Prop- torium for a student program which
er election supervision removes the will be featured by the appearance of
previous virtual certainty that thelMrs. Frederick Hull, the soloist of the
ruling party can dictate its successor. ----,-


Victors Open Wit Four Ituns In First
Inning And 3Iakloe Other Scores
In Later Frames
SYRACUSE, April 30.-Syracuse's
baseball team retaliated for its defeat
at the hands of Michigan yesterday
when it defeated the western nine yes-
terday 10 to 2 at Archbald Field.
Nebelung and Asbeck, the visiting
pitchers, displayed none of the stuff
shown by Don Miller in the first con-
test and were hit hard and frequent.
The Orange team started with a to-
tal of four runs in the first inning,
scored by virtue of three hits and an
error b Morse. Nebelung, the Michi-
igan hurler, was replaced in this in-
i ing by Asbeck after pitching to six
Eisemaun Hits Ioner
Syracuse's other six tallies were
made in the third, fifth, sixth and
seventh innings. In the latter round,
Eisemann, the Orange backstop
knocked a home run with one on
Michigan's two counters came in the
sixth frame. Morse beat out a hit to
shortstop. Weintraub flied out. Corri-
den singled to lef and advanced
Morse to third. Capt. Puckelwartz
tripled to center field, scoring Morse
and Corriden but was caught at home
base. Kubicek then grounded out.
On several other occasions the
visitors had a chance to score, but
were kept in check] by the fine pitch-
ing of George Miner, the home teams
hurling ace.
Rally Falls Short
In the seventh, after two walks and
a hit by Morse, Michigan had the
bases full. The side was retired, how-
ever, when Miner struck Weintraub
The western ball tossers were han-
dicapped by the loss of Davis, the
midget catcher, who was injured in
Friday's game.
The score:

emn Louisiana." piays w y w A1t gyi ll, give tUhs spring at the (tesk- eItlerg sey proxy or n ,oderebyl First Presbyterian church of Detroit,
for the benefit of the Women's League person. The price - of the ticket isithe delegates were told, and th b
As a result of the break at Glass- building fund $5, to be paid after receipt of an a assured the liberals of an "even who will sing Omnipotence" with the
cock,' Charles H. West, a member of" ttenxbeeto.geecurhrsewl logv
the Mississippi river commission an- "The Firebrand," a costume farce ceptance notice, which will be mailed break" at the next election, glee club chorus, and will also give
I ,ivrcmmsina-The conference, which began at 10ia solo. The appearance Of Mrs. Mull
nounced that "every possible effort by Justin Mayer, will be presented the latter part of the week.,s
should be made to raise and strength- Tuesday, and the other four plays in I In accordance with the new plan oclock this morning, ended at 1 on the program will be unique as one
en the levees from the mouth of the the repertoire include "The Last of formulated by the Student council, o'clock when the liberal representa- w
Red river to New Orleans." Mrs. Cheyney," by Frederick Lons. the ticket sale, which has been limit- tives had lunch with Mr. Stimson sof the few times a out l town singer
The commissioner said the waters dale, which will be given for the first ed to 325, will be apportioned among and American minister Eberhardt. ta
plunging through the Glasscock time on Wednesday, "Pigs," hy John the different schools and colleges oin Mrs. Hull sangin Ann Arbor re-
crevasse would join with the Arkan- i Golden, which will open Thursday, ithe basis of enrollment. CLASS OF '27 TO Icently as soloist in "Creation," pr-
sas flood waters which are sweeping "The Intimate Stranges," which will This year's Senior ball will mark OBSERVE ANNUAL L 'sented by students of the School of
into Louisiana and for the present he initially presented Saturday, and the initial appearance on this campus Music in Hill auditorium. She is a
slould lower the river stage from! "The Green Goddess," by William i of Jack Crawford and his orchestra CANE D Y TODA Yregular soloist on the ra progras
Natchez where the highest gauge in Archer, which will be given for the of Chicago, who have been selected of WWJ of Detroit, and this winter
history is recorded, to the mouth of tirst time on Wednesday, lay 11. to furnish the music and entertain- Nearly 1,000 members of the class sang with the Orpheus club of Detroit
the Red River. "The Firebrand" is a costume play ment for the affair. The orchestra, a of '27 will appear on the campus to- in its annual concert. She has an un-
"If the levees along the south of the de Medici period in Italy, tak- ten piece organization first gained day carrying their walking sticks for I usually dramatic voice, according to
branch of the Black and on the up- ing as its central characted the noted popularity in various Chicago niglt the first time to celebrate Cane day, Theodore Harrison director of the
per branches of the Atchafalaya rivers philanderer and artist Benvenuto clubs, an has furnished the (lance th first of the many traditional asclub
give way," ie added, "this also will Cellini. The scenes are laid in Flor - music for the junior class proms of events occurring in the final months More classical numbers than have
act as lowering the Mississippi river once, Italy, and the play is in' three !Wisconsin, Illinois, and Notre Dame preceding Commencement. This year been used in the past have been se-
for the time being. There seems no acts. universities as well as being featured marks the 38th annual observance of lected for the concert, and a number
hope that these levees will hold and , Robert Henderson will take the part over the radio. Cane day, which commemorates the of Michigan songs which have been
any disaster there will bring greater of Benvenuto Celhini, the artist, and passing of the wooden picket fence forgotten on the campus will be re-
strain on the Mississippi levees Amy Loomis, '22, will play the lead INVITATIONS FOR which formerly surrounded the enitre vived. Among thm specialty numbers
separating this flood from the main Ing female role, that of the Duchess.c
river south of the mouth of the Red i Angela, Cellini's model, will be play- PAR TY AVAILABLE campus.traditios dates back to the i1"Midnghtrogr"nqurtetherya
river to New Orleans." ; ed by Frances Horine, and other mem- spring of that en the -
sprig o tha yer, wen he p- ht o theUnin oera, vocal solos b
There was one bright spot in the bers of the Rockford company in- Invitations for the Architects' May proa'h of Commencement caused the Royden Susumago, special student, a
dark picture, the ga uge at N th Of luded in the cast include Franli- party are now ready and available for mysterious disappearance of a greater hawaiian tenor, and Otto Koch, bari-
distribution. Holders of tickets for portion of the fence during the night. tone, as well as xylophone solos by{
a foot in five hours as a result of the line, amd Reynolds Evans. Several the annual Architects' May party A few lays later the seniors appearedl Kenneth Midgley, '28L, soloist on the
crevasse deliberately opened at Caer- students will also take part in theG should call with their tickets at room on the campus carrying the individual spring tour of the Varsity band. {
narzon, 15 miles below the city. minor roles of the production, among i206 of the Engineering building be- wooden pickets as canes. Following-
them being Charles Livingstone, 28l t ween 2 and 5 o'clock tomorrow or the removal of the fence by the Unii- TEXAS.--Dean I. P. hlildebrand of
MEMPHIIS, April 3.-Ever widen-Rcad1o}lax27 n i~an,
e Af .pertin a Tuesday, May . Upon presentation versity, senior men of succeeding the law school has been elected to
ing scope then Bishop, 28. of the ticket s t1 the party the invita- graduatihig classes have yearly pur- life membership in the American
the 'Mississippi flood waters poured l Tickets for all of the performances tion folders will be given out. chased canes. Law institute. -
seaward, relief agencies, coordinated ere on sale now at the State street
in the American Red Cross, in oved . bookstores, and large advance sales
apacetonight to avert death and sui-;{lave been made for all of the plays. REGENT RALPH STONE ADVISES STUDENTS CONCERNING
1ering in new areas as well as toReserved seats for any of the per- PROSPECTS IN FIELDS OF INVEST ME NTS AND BANKING
minister to' the wants of the vast' fofmamnces are pricedl at 75- cemnts -___________________
army of refugees already homeless. while course tickets for the whole
A gigantic mobilization of mBell, series of five plays are priced at $3.09. 1Idtors Note: This is the fourh of a seis and Ip
$3;f V('Ad iti r g~ i~ d l ' I~ s (f~i s a trag ed y to lo o k u p o n thm t is to o pron e to lo o k u p n th1um m
boats and supplies was taking placeO Each of the plays will be repeated usresiousad -p I work only as a means of living for who have acquiredl great riches as
in the lower 'delta, especially in Loui- three times, making a total of 15 Per- to he faced by the graduate in different eds orself and those d lniing uponhe sccssfulmment thoe men
n eal rtk sr o ete i a i n o t l oe1ne ' f c d e a v o r . k cR c g T.~im dh S to l , u s e f a d h s ( e e i dnr enss- s c e s f l m m i b t t h s e
siana, where new breaks wre formances, which will close May 17. dnt of the Dtewit 'rust comp yyuis a iheaeel, especially if it is even in the will the firt ones to say to you that
threatened in the protective dikes, All of the proceeds over expenses will tionally kowu iakiug executive. For m east distasteful. This is true no mat- such a view is a false one. Of course,
while fleets of boats sped t ~e~g to the Woe'rLaue-mlii years head of the ci )troit Trust t ' t~myan\he.
ose o he go to the. Women's League building rhel contact with maur radoat of ter how profitable it is when imeas-- I do not umean by this that those who
lief of thousands whose hones havefund. the University and other institutions and is
nelaluftertic ular ly iterested in their pro ?emlS as ued in financial standards. You have riches necessarily are unhappy
been engulfed by the new wal of wel as thoe ft ideraduates. s gn should be able to look forward to the or are unsuccessful. Very many of
water advancing over southeasternm E W L
Aransar adancuing e dontoate FR 5Hrn'L eral suhject is "After College -What?" Ibeginning of yourm day's work and find them have become wealthy in voca-
Arkansas and pouring down into the aEa it difficult to tear yourself away fromnj tins which they selected, or in which
northern aouasia lra parishes. SELECT CAP TAIN By Regent Ralph -""iie it at the end of the day. If th'is is your I Fate placed them, and in which they
To augment craft already gathered The editor of The Michigan Daily frame of mi(d, everything else that worked with the joy of accomplish-
waters orders have gone forths 01 I1 Frehm et a asked me to write an article oni is good in life follows naturally. You ment and with the satisfaction which
more than 230 additional vessels for the annual spring games at a gen- the subject, "After College-What?. will make a success of your work. comes from honest endeavor and fair-
which will be drawn from eastern and eral meeting of first year men of all with especial reference to investment Yo will be a good citizen. Your fan-. treatment of their fellownen.
southern seaboards and from the Great; colleges at 4 o'clock Tuesday after- and general banking. will discuss it ly life will be a happy one, even If after a fair trial your experimeia j
Lakes. These will assemble at New (noon in-the Union assembly hall.. as though I were talking to an upper trying problems becatse you will (for such it may be in tl'e early years
Orleans and Natchez whe'e already A Student council representative arof your life) does not prove success-
many boats are engaged in evacuat- will explain the rules of the tradi- classmam from the University who have acquired a, phiilos-ophy of life ul, you should have no hesitation
ing low lands threatened or now i- tional contest at that time and general had called upon ine at my office to ask whatever in trying something else. I
undated by the roaring waters. preparations will be made. The Union. my advice. I do not profess to be par_ difficulties and handle vexing situa- know many men preach a different
underclass department, which is spon- ticularly competent to give advice tions in a way that will create an at- doctrine. They say we should stick,
OREGON.-Phi Kappa Phi, national soring the meeting, has also arranged upon such a subject, but I suppose mosphere of contentment not only through discouragement and disap-
honorary society, will initiate fresh- to have the freshman band furnish that those of us whose business or among your business associates but pointment, to the vocation we have
men who received an average of 91. entertainment for the meeting, Wil- professional lives have extended over' ewise your family and friends. selected until we have conquered it.
- _ _ _ _ _ - i s . 7 . . I X 2 2 o e n n , . .o { n n. - . < o o r c o n o i o . n I R S V .ort- c - t 's m Pii .t . A . 'f A a fI O - . . . _, . . 1 l . a

Ketz And Schravesand Miss Scoring
In Hammer And Discus Throw;
M. S. C. Wins Firsts
(Special to The Daily)
PHILADELPHIA, April 30.-Capt.
Phil Northrop of the University of
Michigan was the only athlete to take
three places in the thirty-third annual
Pennsylvania relays held here today
over a soggy turf, winning the javelin,
placing second in the broad Jump, and
tying for third in the pole vault.
Hester, dash star, won the 100 yard
dash for Michigan's other place in
today's games.
Michigan's captain only made one
throw with the javelin because of a
sore arm, but this was enough to win
for him. The distance was 181 feet
71-4 inches. In the broad jump,
Northrop took second to Hamm of
Georgia Tech who won the event with
a leap of 23 feet 7 1-2 inches. Nor-
throp's best jump was 22 feet 8 1-2
The pole vault field was one of the
best ever assembled at one meet, list-
ing at least three men who have done
better than 13 feet. Pickard of Pitts-
burgh, Canadian titleholder who
scored in the last Olympic games,
tied for first place with Bradley of
Princeton, another 13 foot man, at 12
feet 101-2 inches. Nortrop, Sabin
Carr of Yale, and McAtee of Michigan
State tied for third at 12 feet 6 ilAphes
"Buck" Hester repeated his 1926
victory in the 100 yard dash, beating
out Kriss of Ohio State :in the last
five yards. It was his second win
over the Buckeye in eight days, and
the time :10.2 was especially. good
over the heavy track.
The other two Michigan men in to-
day's games, Ketz and Schravesand,
failed to place. Ketz fouled twice
in the hammer throw which was won
by Ide of Penn State. Schravesand
barely missed taking third in the
discus throw, his throw being seven
inches less than that of the third
place winner. No Michigan realy
teams were entered.
Michigan State college's relay teams
enjoyed a most successful afternoon,
winmning both the class B mile and
university half mile relay. An hour
after winning the half mile relay from
Penn State, Pennsylvania and Mary-
land in 1:28.4, three of the victorious
team, including - Alderman, returned
to. capture the college mile relay in
The summaries follow:
Half mile relay, universities-Won
by Michigan State; Penn State, se-
scond; tie between Pennsylvania and
Maryland for third. Time-1 :28.4.
Class B one mile relay-Won by
Michigan State; Massachusetts Tech,
second; Fordham, Third. Time-3:36.
480-yard college shuttle hurdle re-
lay-Won by Cambridge, England;
Yale, second; Pennsylvania, third.
One mile relay, universities-Won
by Syracuse; ,Holy Cross, second;
Georgetown, third. Time-3:23.6.
Shot put--Won by Anderson, Cornell;
Addleman, Georgetown, second; Mc-
Clean, Pennsylvania, third. Distance
--46 feet 4 inches.
Broad jump-Won by Hamm, Geor-
gia Tech; Northrop, Michigan, sec-
ond~; White, H-avard, third; 'Bates,
Penn State, fourth. Distance-23 feet
7 1-2 inches.
Special 220 yard dash--Won by
Locke, Nebraska; Scholz, N. Y. A. C.,
second; Russell, Penn A. C., third.
Special 100 yard dash-Won by
Scholz, N. Y. A. C.; Russell, Penn A.
C., second; Locke, Nebraska, third.
I Pole vault-Pickard, Pittsburgh, and
Bradley, Princeton, tied for first;
Carr, Yale; McAtee, Michigan State;
Northrop, Michigan; tied for third.

Height-12 feet 10 1-2 inches.
100 yard dash, open-Won by Hes-
ter, Michigan; Kriss, Ohio State, sec-
ond; Jones, Gettysburg, third; Les-
ser, Notre Dame, fourth. Time-
Javelin throw-Won by Northrop,
Michigan; Hines, Georgetown, second;
Healey, Princeton, third. Distance-
181 feet 7 1-4 inches.
Four mile relay-Won by Illinois;
Penn State, second; Ohio State third.

R. H. E.
Callahan, 3b................1 2 0
Carr, cf ....................0 0 0
Hanson, 2b.................2 2 0
Goldman, ss ................2 3 0 '
IBenzin, lb ..................2 1 0
Peck If ....................0 2 1
Sibus, rf...................1 1 0
Eisemnann c ................ . 0
Miner, p ....................1 0 0
Total ........................10 12 0
- 3iicliigamiI
R. H. E.
Morse, ss...................1 1 1
Weintraub, 3)...............0 0 0
Corriden, If .................1 2 0'
Puckelwartz, cif............0 1 0
Kubicek, 21) .................0 1 0
Oosterbaan, lb...............0 0
Gilbert, rf..................0 0 0
Reichman, c ................0 0 0
,Neblung, 1.)....... .....0 0 01
SAsbe lk, p ...................0 0 0
Total; . ...l ... . . .........2 5 I
(By Associated Press)
DES MOINES, Ia., April 30.-Three
additional records went into the dis-
card and another was equalled as
2,800 athletes completed their per-
formances in the finals of the Drake
relay carnival today.
Today's record-making involved
two prep school marks and one for
The University of Iowa and Iowa
State college, generally known as
Ames, carried off the major share of
the relays. Iowa defeated Kansas in
the university quarter-mile by a ;
scant yard, with Missouri in third I
place. Iowa covered the distance in
41.8 seconds which tied the relay
record established by Kansas in yes-
terday's trial.
The Hawk-eyes also won the mile
event while Ames took the two mile.
Kansas was winner of the half and
- Oregon State captured the four mile.
Gwynn, of the University of Pitts-1

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