gil 84400
Tanntage. Camipibell, NN ho placed p much difficulty* in taking first place.I
:second against lowa ivith 1512 feet He woni th'e javelin throw at the Ohio
6 Inchle", iwill bie 3a rnag pwtsioil. andl Penn relays, in spite of the fact
ity for second place. that he was competing with a sore;
---- arm. He is na tionial collegiate and
Coach Farrell is as yet undecided W"estern Conference champion and
about entering Northrop in the jave hlas thrown the sp~ear 208$ feet 10)
lin--throw. The Mlichigan captain has li1=nches.
been suffering from a sore arm, but ,
if he enters, should not experience - READ THEk WANT ADS
AT 3 PM.
(Continued From P'age S Michigan will glean the most points
thle shot Hit. L~yons th~e Cofer rkce 'in the discus throw with Schiravesand,
indloor and outdoor lham pion ha Lovette and Sanderson competing
l ~against Lyons, Illinoils' strongest'
rs~or~c- a veve f 7 fct S -2threat. Schravesand looks like: an
inches as is, best mark. Shively of ieasy first place winner by virtue of
illlinois" canl be counled~ on for 44 feet. lIhis record toss of 142 feet 2 inches
--- made on Ferry field last week. 'Lyons,
T1he pulp vaullt event wSIIIlel me~ I :o has as his best competitive mark
reasolve into a1 duae l etw"een 1id4hl~ a throw of .130 feet 3 1-2 inches, will
of Iliois, and Nortlirco f ielt. ( gave strong compretitio n ' rom Lo-
;tern high school
ipt to capture its
erscholastic track:
lay and tomorrowN
eliminaries in all
off beginning at 2
the inception of these meets
four schools~, Detroit Uiniver-
h, Detroit eCntral, Chicago
y high, and Northwestern
h captured three ineets apiece.
s have a strong team entered
and flhefr chances of repeat-
1925 victory are good. De-
tral is the only other of the
lers that will be represented.
,he receipt of three more en-
[erday, the number of schools
compete In the meet has been
35. Detroit Eastern, Grand
Sout, 4d.' Senn 'high of
are the,. late entrants. Sen
Illnois state interscholastic
igazi. The Illinois star vaunltei hl.s
a brillianit indoor and early out-
(Imr season record, making 'its
benst showing at thle Texas relays
where h e qenred the bar at 13
ieul 1-4 inchzes to establisha
m-,v (anival record, lbnt failed to
c4'w'r 12 f(41toat otr-e Dame hlust
weecfk. trout of Michigan has re-
cov ered from lhis leg hinry and
w1ill figurile 5strongly in til ofmf
peftion. is best mark wans made
°again Lt Iowa last year .wizen he
clc-red 1'2 feet 14(' 1-4 inches, lout
his lest reword this year i out-
imi, or Cn~jett'ioi is 12 feet.,
W~.e and Sanderson for second place
honors. '
; .
illegan il~l also garner the
largest share of the poits iii the
hammer throw. Retz's throw of
1a3 feet against Iowvagives "the
Wolverines a first pldaee by z11
small mitrgi. Shively, the strong
est man on the Illinois team 11in
this event, is capable of dlong bet-
ter than 150 feet and -cannot be
definitely conted out of 1141st
place. However, Retz's consistenit
work during the paste meon l gibes
the Wolverines i Osllt ad-
4Second Yea~r
'rSa. S. bR.Y M
Conin~ue' you regular aca-
r deriqo urse aboard theS .S.
Ryndm, wilevisiting 25 coon-
K ~Area collge with2a tacui!;
of experenced educators.
'Ea al Is ashi 3. henss
saie, swimnming, with tteams
of foreign' universities.
'A Uiversity Alot ormen
ony nroljment lmtd to
}v ~ 375-17 years or mnore of, age.
Fo 1tated boo 60klets, do.
Sscr inof courses, map ofItuin.
t 4} erry ad cost of a school ye ar
of tavlwrite
r, 4£ t~tTRAVEL,
ASS'N., 11N0.-
285 Madison Ave.G
New York City 4t0TS °
If you are a telephone subscdi er call Jimmie
the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad!
Will be charged.
The Michigan Daily reserves the right to
classify all wants ads under appropriate head-
ings and to revise ,or withhold objectionable
This column closes at 3 P.,lM. date Dreced-
ing publication. Notice of any~ error must be
given in time for the second-isrin
Ten cents per reading line (on 'the basis of
fAve average words to the line) for one or two'
Nine cents per reading line for three or more,
Cash classifieds received at the Daily office
in The Press Building on Maynard Street
Special standardizedraeginonplca
tion. ae ie napia
LOST-Will the person whxlo picked
"up) Topaz ring in the ladies wash,
roomi in the mlain, library Saturday
ight call Swann at 21115. Reward.
WVant it because it was a. gift.
LOST-Small white gold octagon-
shapedj wrist WNatch with silver
bracelet. Lost between R. & S.1
Lunch and Library, Monday, aboutl
8 A. M. Call 8817. 160-161-162
LOST--Black patent Leather purse in
Library, Tuesday night. Call 3562.
M. Kelley. 16Q-161-162
LOST-Cameo with greyish back-
ground, bound with silver. Reward
five dollars. Return to Sarah Cas-
well Hall. 159-160-161
WANTED-Theses to type.
able prices. Dvial 9387.
Hartsuff. 1!
WANTED-A number of 1
men for pleasant outdc
Ithis summer in Detroit.
opportunity. Call Knise'
for appointment. 158-1!
WANTED-Two students tc
table and four 'sturdents t4
kitchen for house party
18, 19. Mead and pay.
nt 5618, Fridaiv noon. 1!
Only thee of ast'ear's individual
'w!Ines will be byci~to defend .their
tils.Eddie Tlolaiik Cass Tech will
"ide'vo to'repeat his doble victory
of X26 in 'the 100 and 220 yard
he. Undergamd"weather ,condi-
terms it is rpossible ,hat-he .may tie
me~eet record of :0 seconds 1# the
shrtr event. Dill, yight man from
'; inttA aw atqr 11~ try to dupli-
ct Is performance of last year in
inng the shoE 4.'The other win-
uVer Ito return will be Bator of Detroit
Southestern,. who will try to retain"
;tlrsthonors In the javelin throw.
Many SMa19 enterd
Qther scholastlc stars who will corn-
'tehere today ninclude Crger, Pon-
~tiac nr, Etzel of Arnu Ator, a half
" ler, golf, weight man from Flint,
'eier;'Xalamazoo sprinter, and Chap-
AutMt. Clements broad jumper.
lxader, versatile Ciago athlete,
wilrepresent Senn high In the high
hurdles, pl evalt,and- broad jump.
Detroit will send a strong' contin-
geant of high :school trackmen to thej
meet. A 'trio of negro stars, Lewis
~And, Snowd, en, sprinters, and Beatty,
,0uarter miler, will compete for North-
eastern. Northweste.rn will have Dant
4n the dashes, Dennis In the high jump,
~Cavanaugh in. the mile, Langs 'in the
4,440, and Erskine .1n thehurdles. eau~
'*vis will run for Western in the lur-
dies and dashies. Estern has entr-
tol Watson, pofle vaulter, and Lewis,
hlgh jumper.
Only one r ord;, jVAs broken I
~year, that rin the hl~mie relay, hen
Tlld6ens quartet ,rangy the distance in
1;329 eseonds4 T1e Chicago school
will, not defendIt relay title this
'* Coach Steve 1 arrell of the Varsity'
track team wll f eree the meet.
rRecords for qt terscholastic fol-
100 yard "da~ enson, Lewis In-
~sttute~ Chica);Coke, Chilli-
cothe, ,Ohio (19 an Thorn, Oak
Hrbor, Ohio (191).4 Time: :10 sec-
220 yard dash-Carter, nversty
,,high, Chicago (1914) ; Grim, Columbus
South (1924). Time: :21.4 'seconds.
,Also a national ,interscholastic rec-
z :440 yard,dash-Buter Sh~rtridge
high, Indianapolis (1916). Time:
.2 aeconds,
SSG yard run-Spink, University
,:..Chago (1914). Time: 3 mn.,
50 aseconds.
Mile run-=Helmae, Lafayette high,
Puffalo (19., Time: 4 mn, 33.2 sec.
Half, mile relay- Tilden, Chicago
(1926. Time: 1 mlai. 32.9 sec.
t2 .120 yard high * hurdles-Zoelin,
Lewis Institute, Chcago (1915) :15.8
-,220 yard low hurdles-Cory, Uni-
versity high, Chicago (191). :24.4 sec.
({Also a national interscholastic rec-
Running broad 'jump-Cooke, Chi-'
licothe, Ohio (IM~),. Distance, 23 feet
5 Inches.
'Pole vault-Foss, Uiversity high,
Chicago (1913). Height, .12 feet, 5-8
,12' pound sht DtHorner, Grand
" Rapds (190). Distance, 50 %feet 4
Running high jumfp-atterson, Ui-
" versity high, Detroit (19M). Height,
' feet 1. 1-4 inches;)
Dscu~ throw-Allman, Urbana, I-
linois (1916). Distance, 130 feet.
Javelin throw-Whitl~ck, Danville,
Illonis (1925). Distance, 161 feet
4 1.2 inches,
, Hammer "throw-oIter, 3Laning
t19tt9), Distano®e,,1 i3..feet 3 inches.'
. ' We have t. All
Furnishings -p
IIl1i1I1 ~l11 1I~11111t1111[11i11} tlll111111111111111~1 E11111113Il Il116111ii'Ii6~1111111a 111Nl (1
" c
w w
?. i .. *.. . .. .Y.
' ar
- Showing an imported Swiss Straw-
with, a contrasting band that has_.
a particularly lo w crown and'
w wide brim.
_ i
::' il- ..a.
P w
w - w
_ w
w ,
w A hat of genuine Panama
Y which has a wide brim that
can be snapped down or
-,E LL~R
. r- ,
a Rai"- / ~~AF" :A"it:.O!.
LOST-A "pair of shell rim glasses in
brown leather envelope case with
name and address printed inside.
Please- call 8367. Reward.
LOST-Ladies Parker Duofold, left
in 1018 Angell Hall, Thursday.
Call 4628. Ask for Margaret Huey.
LOST-A green Schaefer fountain pen,
marked LeVerne Taylor. Phone
LOST-,A green gold WahlI fountain
Den, Friday morning on campus.
Call. J. E. Wendel, 3193. Reward.
LOST-Friday, April 22,. silver van-
ity case on a chain, with two black
enameled figures on, front. Reward.
FOR_ RENT-Nlear hospital and cam-
pus Five room house, two 2-room'
apartments, first and second floor,
available. June 12.E Phone 21815.
,' 160-162-163
FQR RENT-Washtenaw Apts. Fur-,
'nishied apartment from June, for
summer. Dial 22219. 159-160-161.
FOR SALE-Ford roadster. Demount-
'able rins, ~ self starter, five good:
tires.' Excellent condition. A bar-
gain for $35.00. Call Roberts, phone
4418. 161-162-163-164-165-166
FOR SALE-1926 Ford °Coupe. Looks
like new. H~as seat covers, heater,
tires almiost new. Price is right.
1922 Dodge touring, motor A-i con-
dition.. Don't pay railroad fare.,
Drive this'home.
514 E Washington Phone 3115
FOR SALE-7Late 1924 Ford roadster'
with disc wheels. Excellent condi-
tion. A bargain. Dial 6978.
FOR SALE-Conn B-flat tenor Saxo-
phon~e.'Newly refinished ttnd pad-
ded at-'factoryt Phone 4435.
160-161-1 62
IFOR SALE-Large house, suitable'"for
1fraternity,, sorority or rooming
house.. Blgck from campus. Rea-
sonab'le terms. Phone 6367. Miss
"ilbert. 159-.160-161
SFOR SALE-Diamond neck~lace, im-
ported silver bag, diamond ring,
seven piece Japanese tea set (cloi-
B onne), and fur coat. Very reason-
able. Call 9267. 159-160-161
FOR SALE-Harmonicas. We 'have
a fine stock of these very popular
instruments, from 25c up. Univer-,
sity Music House. F
FOR SALE -Most desirable large
rooming house, furnished or unfur-
nished. Best location.. Easy terms.
May rent. Dial 7733 (or 4454
evenings) . '
DANCING Every Saturday uigl,
bpra. 5 miles out l:roadway
new Plymouth paved road,. fri-s
WNe have ~a limited territory a
able. For that reason we can
only select persons. If you feel
you can, qualify for a salary
commission position, call L. W. Si
3079, evenings, 15'9-16:
News Letters and College Prim
Prices and service' right:
Davis & O~hlinger, Prompt Prij
1094111 E. Wash. St. Dial
NOTICE-Mwell Gillespie, teacher
dolin, banjos, guitar, chord
struction. Dial 47~57.
Wed., Fri., Sui
Trojanowskl's Barber Shop has
isfied Students for 40 years.
onable prices, tailored or i
made. We have a wonderful
~ety of patterns. Rtepairing al
-specialty. Beautiful fabrics for
winter overcoat.
109,,E. Washington
+ Phone 5069
c wed-n
NOTICE - The new Victor 0
phonic Portable machines are
Come in and hear them. S
berle & Sonr Music House.
SThe new Victor Portable Vic
is here. Come in and see it.
able phonographs as low as
easy terms. University Z
Works. Rugs Shampooed. F
6513. da
TO SED best of 50 lines clothing
card to 1103 E. Washington.1
6365 evenings. $22 to $30.
N'OTICE-The new 'Royal-Port
are now on display at Rider's
Shop, 315 State St. A4WFon
machine. You will be inters
Call and see them.
SOur entire stock of used cars
been put Into first class running
dition and. the prices asked are
many cases much lower than
value given. A. car for every pi
and every car worth the money. C
in, pick out. your car and driv,
home. We have roadsters, tout
coupes, Tudors, four doors, $3
The very one
ou want
Talk to Mr. Gauss.
$10-320 E. H
tFOR SALE--1921 Ford TFouring. $40.
,Call 3283. Vi
FOR SALE.-Chevrolet 1923 touring.
$40.00.. Phone 9023 any afternoon
\or evening 'and ask for McKee or
FOR S ALE-Ford roadster 1924;
fivP, ,tires, starter, demountab~le,
I'good condition. 1617 Washtenaw.
Phone_ 9117. Boyer or Farquhar.
WANTED--College women with ex-
perience to operate and manage
high class summer inn and tea,
room on finest resort lake in north-
ern ichianJune 27 to Sept. 1.1
k drrPa ox19_h1 legan, nraiv.
;n Pius six ana
plus four.
Drown., white
and black.
ectrical I
or every tone
of grey and
brow n.
, t4 i
- is l
Mali 1!1'IT ill'i
r3A[IuuurrilifIIil llillIthiliflliIirllurflrltI il