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May 20, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-20

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 167





wn i

. .. ...

Green Says Funds Will Be Taken
Fronu State Coffers If Volunteer
Help Is Insuffieient
(By Associated Press)
BATTJ, May 19. The state of -Mich-
igan today tooksteps for the relief of
this stricken village, into whose
homes a maniac farmer sent death
and desolation by dynamiting and
blowing to death more than two score
persons. Of the 44'dead tonight, 37
were small children, pupils in the low-
er grades of the school.
Andrew Kehoe, 45 year old treasurer
of the school district-his mind de-
ranged by financial reverses-alone
conceived and executed the dynamit-
ing, in the opinion of investigating of-
ficers. They abandoned an earlier
theory that he had outside help in
planting dynamite in the building and
wiring it to set off the blast.
The little village of 300 persons, in
the heart of Michigan's agricultural
district, is virtually bankrupt as a re-
sult of yesterday's catastrophe. It
was this situation thatprompted Gov.
Fred W. Green today to issue a pro-
clamation calling for state-wide aid
in providing financial relief to Bath's
stricken citizens and make possible
the rebuilding of the school. The vil-
lage itself is unable to rebuild the
school. Governor Green announced
funds would be taken from the state
c ffers for the purpose, if voluntary
aid from Michigan's citizenry proved
"It is hardly possible," the governor
said, "to imagine a more terrible
catastrophe than yesterday's at Bath."
Governor Visits Bath -
He followed his proclamation with
the announcement that he personally
would defray the funeral expenses for
those of the victims whose families
were unable to do sc. The governor
was at the scene of the disaster yes-
terday and saw the blast in all its
Bath tonight remembered that to-
day was to have been the date of the
annual school picnic. Nightfall saw
unhappy groups of children returning
from a day of play, nearly a score of
homes observed the hush of death
with funeral wreaths on the doors.
Here and there on a street corner
stood groups of two or three dis-
cussing in low voices what might have
been and what is.
The recent illness of Mrs. Kehoe,
worries over financial reverses, brood-
ing over what is considered exces-
sive school taxes and two serious
accidents within' the last eight years,
were advanced today as contributing
causes of Kehoe's mental aberration.
)Iortgiage Deranges Mentality r
Foreclosure of a mortgage on his
farm is believed to have been the
incident that snapped his reason.
The townspeople tonight had
abandoned plans for a group funeral
for the victims of the blast. The de-
cision was made in the belief that
the scant comfort of individaul burial
ceremonies would serve in a measure
to ease the sorrow of'- parents and
relatives. Plans will be made for a
number of funeral services tomor-
row and Saturday. Each family will
bear its own dead to the grave. 1
The scene of the disaster was

thronged with astounded visitors to-
day. .They viewed the wreckage of
the schoolhouse and paced back and
forth through the peaceful unpaved
village streets, abashed in the pres-
ence of an almost unbelievable crime.
Behind the protecting walls of village
and farm hom'es sat the parents and
brothers and sisters of those who lost
their lives.
(By Associated Press)
IOWA CITY, May 19.-Iowa ham-
mered Besten from the mound to take
an 8 to 4 victory from Notre Dame
here today. Besten gave way to
Jahyn in the eighth inning when
Smith relieved Twogood for the
Iowans after Notre Dame started a
rally that brought in four runs. I
Notre Dame ....000 000 040-4 7 6I
Iowa ...........101 020 202-8 11 6
Jackson and Smith; Twogood,
Smith and Thompson.




Miss o Popowska, a seniorTH AR AS RE
awarded the $500 prize offered by 1
Harper's Magazine for the best man-A
uscript submitted by a college under-
graduate in phe Harper's literary con- 4 A l C I
test for 1927.
The prize winning manuscript was TOWN OF ST. MARTINSVILI2E
based on Miss Popowsla's recollec- WARNEID OF iANGER
tions of her life in Poland, which she UE NEXT WEEK
left, with her parents, to come to
the United States when she was ten. THREATENS RAiLROAD LINE
years old. It was entitled "The Liv-
ing Sand" and was originally written
as an exercise in the short-story class Overflow From Crevasses Causes
conducted by Professor H. S. Mal- Sweep Endangering New Par-
lory. ishes; Thousands V acate
Undergraduates of 110 colleges par-
ticipated in the contest. The judges, (By Associated Press)
Henry Seidel Canby, William McFee, NEW ORLEANS, May 19-The ex-
and Elinor Wylie, praised the work tent of the flood waters sweeping down
of Miss Popowska. .. .


Professor At Unversity Of Utreht
To Speak On Colloids Next
Week, May 23. 24, 25
"The Trend of Thought in Modern
Colloid Chemistry" will be the main
topic of a series of three lectures by
Dr. I. R. Kruyt, Professor of physical
chemistry at the University of Ut-
recht, H-olland, next week, Monday,I
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23, 24,
and 25. The lectures will be given
at 4:15 o'clock in the Chemical am-
phitheatre in the Chemistry building.
.The lecture Monday will deal withj
"The Special Character of Colloid
Problems." A comparison will be i
made between true and colloidal so-
lutions insofar as such factors as
stability, stoicheometry, inetics and
thermodynamics, are conprned. The'
importance of surface phenomena will
be emphasized and discussed.
Odi Tuesday, "Colloids and Electric
Phenomena" is the head under which
the topic will be discussed. It will
be pointed out that many of the prin-
ciples of classical electrochemistry
are not applicable to colloid systems.
A comparison will becmade between
galvanic and electrokinetic potentials.
The relationship of electrical charge
to the stability of colloid systems will
be discussed.
Wednesday, Dr. Kruyt will speak on
the phase of "Colloids and Hydra-
tion." At the present time the nature
of the reactions of protein solutions
is a controversial subject. Arguments
will be presented to a substantiate the
view that the reactions of these solu-
tions cannot be treated according to
stoicheiometry and the classical the-
ory, but that instead the behavior is
in accord with the electrokientic the-
ory and the theory of surface phe-
In this series of lectures, Professor
Kruyt will attempt to make clear the
autonomous character of colloid
He is to be the principal speaker
at the Fifth National symposium held
under the joint auspices of the col-
loid division of the American Chemi-
cal Society and the colloid committee
of the National Research council. The
symposium will meet in Ann Arbor
,June 22, 23, and 24. Last year the
!symposium was held at the Massa-
chusetts Intitute of Technology, in
Dr. Kruyt is spending the inter-
vening time lecturing at various)
I American universities such as John
Hopkins, Cornell, and the Massa-
f chusetts Institute of Technology. This)
week he is lecturing at Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Iowa.
(By Asocatd1Pres)
GENEVA, May 19- T hesleaders in
the International Economic conference
are seeking ways and means to satis-
fy the Soviet demands for recognition,
not of the worthiness of its regime,
btrecognition of the fact that the
Communistic system exists in Russia
and that a Soviet regime can work
along with a capitalistic system.
The Soviet delegates had served no- I
tice today that they would leave Ge-
neva unless their demands were met
by evening, but tonight they talked
less briskly of withdrawing. A gen-
uine problem. however,-remains to find,
a formula which will satisfy the fol-
lowers of Lenine.
One view is that the western lead-

ers might agree to the insertion of a
clause in some resolution that the Rus-
sian system does differ from the ec-

the Atchafalaya basin to the Gulf ofr
Mexico was deemed so great tonight
that the weather bureau at New Or-I
leans issued a warning to the inhab- I
itants of St. Martinsville that the lake
Iwould probably enter that town be-
tween May 25 and 30. St. Martinsville
previously had been regarded as safe
from the flood.I
The outflow from the crevasses
along the Bayou DesGlaises and at
Melvillex on the Atchafalaya was esti-
mated at 500,000 cubic feet of water
a second, which, the weather bureau
said, would carry an average depth of
eight feet above the rails of the South-
ern Pacific branch line between the
Lafayette highlands and the Atchafal-
aya river, and overflow the lowland be-
hind the Bayou Teches down to and
around St. Martinsville.j
Already the flood had spread far)
down the valley from the crevasses
which are between 130 and 170 miles
northeast of New Orleans and on the
opposite side of the Mississippi. The
spread has carried backwaters into
Iberville parish. Port Barre, Corta- -
bleau and a dozen smaller towns in)
Avoyales and St. Landry parishes al-
ready have disappeared and the sweep
was carying the flood southward in
St. Martin's parish.
Thousands Leave Home
Thousands already have evacuated
their homes, but many clung to their
little farms until water drove them
from their fields where they had been
working. Refugee camps at Lafayette
Marksville, Alexandria and Mansura
were crowded. So densely were some
of them packed that it became neces-
sary to open another at Eunice and a
thousand refugees have been taken
there today.
Motor boats, trucks, and special
trains continued their work of rescue.
boats being used in the upper Atcha-
falaya basin and trucks aiding in the
evacuation of the lower valley. Each
returning fleet of trucks, however,
told of residents who refused to de-
sert their homes in spite of the ur-
gent warning.
Hundreds have remained until the
waters rose above them, driving them
to the roofs from which they had to be
removed by boats. Many refused to
leave even after the waters had left
them located on levees or on high
spots, preparing to remain in the vi-
cinity of their homes rather than take
up quarters in refugee camps.
1) iscontht e Trai, Service
Two hundred persons remained on
the levee at Melville refusing to leave.
Arrangements were made by the Red
Cross to send them food regularly.
The Texas and Pacific railroad found
it necessary to discontinue all train
service across the flood-torn area
today, running only local trains from
New Orleans to Red Cross, Louisiana,'
on the edge of the lake. On the other
side of the flooded section, their trains
wil operate from Fort Worth to Bunke.
Along the main Mississippi a slight
Edecline was noted. The fights at La-
Crae and Belle Helene were 'continued
by hundreds of workers as the en-
bankments began to crumble. At most
points, however, the levees were re-
ported in better condition tonight.
(Oy Associated Press)
INDIANAPOLIS, May 19-Testing
the accounts of the havoc wrought by
Wednesday night's tornado, Indian-!

Lea Luboshutz, Russian Violinist, Will
Be Main Attraction Of .M1atinee;
Is Famous In Europe
Rosa Ponselle, soprano of the Met-
ropolitan Grand Opera company, will
be the feature attraction of the fourth
concert, tonight in Hill auditorium, of
the 34th annual May Festival. The
third concert, a matinee, will be given
this afternoon, with Lea Luboshutz.
Russian violinist, and the Children's
Chorus, presenting numbers.
Ponselle is designated by Earl V.
Moore, director of the Festival, and
the other officials as the other great at-
traction.of this year's program. Schu-
mann-Heink being the first. She 'is a
dramatic singer, who made h'er debut
as prima donna with Caruso, and who
has since ben chosen to create many
roles on the Metrololitan stage.
The program which the singer will
give includes aria: "Ernani Involami"
and "Pace, Pace, Mio Dio", both by
Verdi, in addition to a group of mis-
cellaneous songs. She will be support-
ed by the Chicago Symphony orches-
tra under the direction of Frederick
Another feature of the fourth con-
cert which has been heralded by crit-

his disciples. Part of the initiation
was held at the engineering arch,'
the final rites taking place at the
Union, where a banquet was held.
The men who became Vulcans are:
John L. Palmaroli, Everett II. Lane,
John L. Wotring, Leslie D. Weston,
Thomas R. King, James G. McKillen,
Jr., Robert L. Halstead, Francis A.
Norquist, Wayne G. Cowell, Marion S.
Hodgson, Charles E. Robinson, John
T. Snodgrass, Laurence J. Van Tuyl,

Bunched Hits In Fourth And Seventi
Innings Net Five Runs
For Fisher's Mel


Rosa Ponselle
Prima donna soprano of the Met-
ropolitan Opera company, who will!
fil? tlli' i n h inih inr- m ,

sn11 Lonrgt tin the ourth program of
the annual May Festival.
I'ly ers Complete Final Prepariations
But Poor Weather Coiditlons
Retard Take«Off
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 19-The bonds


John S. Congo, John C.
,ack Crawford's Orche
At The Last Form
Of Semest
With this engagement
first appearance at the
Michigan, Jack Crawfo
chestra of Chicago will
formal dance of the cl
9:30 o'clock tonight in
of the Union. Crawford
is said to be the "Cl
jazz," will preside over
musical organization w

Vulcain, god of ime, summoned by -3
aiiea n o C LGAT[ TEAM,
on mighty anvils, returned to the
earth from the infernal regions yes-
terday to aid in the initiation of new rNLICUNE
senior enzineers into the order of


. Benedict. By Herbert E. Vedder
' Backed by perfect support and a
team that bunched hits in two innings
Dick Gawne pitched splendidly to give
Michigan a 5-3 victory over Colgate
yesterday afternoon on Ferry field
giving Michigan an even break on the
two game series with the New York
GNCawne, pitching his first game of
stra Will Playi the year on Ferry field, displayed all
al Dance the coolness of a veteran, working
er deliberately and improving as the
game progressed. In addition to hold-
AD AFFAIR ing Colgate to six hits, he played a
big part in the Michigan attack, driv-
ing two runs across the plate in the
mt rking their fourth inning.
University of After failing to hit in the first in-
rd and his or- I ning Colgate secured a single in the
open the last second and scored two runs in the
ass of 1927 at third on three clean hits and a sac-
rifice. In the fourth inning Hopkins
the ballroom poled a home run with no one out,
A himself, who but from then on the easterners were
own prince of helpless, securing only one hit off
the ten piece Gawne in the last five innings.
hich comes di- Sholz Pitches Wel
Scholtz itched well for Colgate



that held to earth today three air- l(ics is the Holst symphony which will rectly from a winter season of en-, during the greater part of the con-
planes straining to be off on a flight receive its first presentation in Amer- tertainment in various Chicago night test allowing only nine hits and three
plne sranig o e ffona lihtica by the Chicago Symphony orches- clubs. bases on balls. Captain Puckelwartz
for France, were composed of paper tra. The "Ode on a Grecian Urn", also custarted the fourth obinlsyoi Py g ang out
and tenuous mist, yet they proved as by Gustave Ho st, and the Looking Stuart H. Sinclair, '27, chairman of at first unassisted Kbicek was
strong as if they had been iron Glass Suite of Deems Taylor, the com- the affair will be accompanied by Miss given a pass and took second on
chains. poser of "The King's Henchmen" will Virginia Tonnelier, of Benton Harbor, Oosterbaap's single down the third
The weather bureau reported late be the other larger numbers which will Mich. The grand march, to the strains G base line. Nebelung sent a sacrifice
be presented by the orchestra. of "The Victors," will begin promptly fiy to right advancing both runners,
today that dense fog existed all the Will Have Children's Chorus S at 10:30 o'clock, and dancing will con- I and Davis -was walked intentionally.
way to Newfoundland and, to the best The afternoon concert will bring tinue until 2:30 o'clock. I Gawne surprised the Maroons, how-
of available knowledge, extended well I forth more talent than any of the Both the smaller ballroom and the ever, and smashed a hot single
beyond the Grand Banks. others, aside from Luboshutz. The balcony porch have been added to the' through the pitcher's box and Into
One plane' was bound by paper cantata, "Voyage of Arion" will be facilities for the party, according to center field with Steinberg making a
sung by the Children's Festival Chor- the committee, which has combined desperate stab for the ball as it
chains as well as fog. That was the us, comprised of children drawn from novel indirect lighting effects and I passed second base. Kublicek and
Ballanca.. monoplane financed by a the public schools of Ann Arbor. j elaborate floral decorations in carry- ( Oosterbaan scored on "the hit, and
company headed by Charles A. Levine. f These have been trained and will be ing out the general scheme. ! Davis followed, them a moment later
The phper was a summons served on under the direction of Joseph E. Mad- Dance programs, which will be dis- on Loos' single just inside third
Levine by Lloyd Bertaud, appointed as dy, supervisor of school music. The tributed at the entrance are of blue base. Poor base running ended the
navigator of the plane, informing him tenor solos in connection with this leather, embossed with a gold Mich-, inning when.Gawne was tagged out
that the plane must not fly without presentation will be given by Barre igan seal, and will contain the name of /at third after Loos had run him off
l3ertaud for the present and calling Hill, '26, a graduate of the School of the number played for each of the second.
en him to appear in court tomorrov; Music, who has recently been filling 'twelve dances. Bronze Spanish galleon E The Wolverines threatened again in
to show cause why the injunction concert engagements throughout the book ends selected as favors for the the sixth when Nebelung beat out an
should not be made permanent. West and middle west. Hill also held annual dance, have already been dis- infield hit after Oosterbaan had flied
Since the weather man, however, leading roles in several of the Union tributed. out to Hopkins. He advanced to sec-
has said that atmosuheric conditions Operas. The cantata, itself was written Patrons and patronesses for the af- ond on Davis' hit to short right field.
would not be favorable by tomorrow. by Earl V. Moore. fair include President and Mrs. Gawne hit into a double play, how-
anyway, it was considered quite pos- Clarence Cook Little, President-Emer- ever, to end the inning.
sible for the Ballanca plane still to I itus and Mrs. Henry B. Hutchins, Dean Michigan Scores In Seventh
be in the race when the differences A review of last might s con- I and Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Dean and In the "lucky seventh," Michigan
between its sponsors and e cert will be found the Music Jseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. refused to be cheated and cinched the
itsi plrsrnnelp.and Drama column on page 4. I Hugh Cabot, Dean and Mrs. Mortimer game by scoring two more runs On
hav bencerdu. ,he -i f~rtomnwr u
The only one of the three planes to ! rE. Cooley, Dean and Mrs. Edmund E. three hits after two men wereout
thke the air today was the Fokker The finaleof the program will be in Day, Dean and Mrs. John R. Effinger, and none on base. Corriden beat out
three-en gined monoplane manned by the form of a grou1 of three .as Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean I a hit and Puckeilwartz sent him to
l-yrd, Noville and Acosta and that giving the "Siciliano and Finale from and Mrs. George W. Patterson, Dean tdk s oveteond. Kud
was only for two brief test flights, one Concerto in D minor" by Bach. The. and Mrs Fred B. Wahr, Dean andc errsaasseditetoslyan
byfor speed and instrnmments in time Ms acsL adDa n r. Oosterbaan singled to left to scoreorhsawilsitntiseecon
mornipg and one for load witha orchestra will assist i this selection. a sDeanr.Corriden and Puckelwartz.
morning and one for lad with a 'Tme players will be Elizabeth D~avies,I Allan S. Whitney, Dean WilburR Cogt'tw usnth thd
weight of about 12,000 pounds in the Ethel hauser, aid Dalies Frantz, who Humphreys, Secretary and Mrs. Shir- Colgate's two rims in the third
aftercon. The Bahlanca lay in its are pupils of Guy Maer in the School ey W. Smith, Treasurer and Mrs. with one out and scored on Bridges
hangar while the crew slept off aim al- of Music. o Robert A. Campbell, Registrar and ' i one t, and sed on Brides
most. all night conference. and Lind- E The other orchestral selections in Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Field- alo wed to go for a doble CBridges
b~erghl's Ranwas il ecuethere Iiallowedotogorforsaodouble.rBridges
Ryan idle because this third program will include the ing H. Yost, Professor and Mrs. Emil scored after a single by Richardson
was nothing more to be done to it be- suite "Children's Ga'es" by Bizet. Loreh, Professor and Mrs. Edward M. d
fore it hops off on the great adven- 'sg Bragg, Miss Grace Richards, and Miss x
foei osofo h ra de-Is Violtinist s First Engaigementlie-re I -andBaxsacorieb tineg
ture- Lea Luboshutz has made most of her Beatrice Johmnso. Bxsorigan
JIames Kimball, weather bureau me-IF in Euronean centers, ut will be distributed from 4:30 AB R H P0 A E
Sappearances i uFavorstr, u A RHPOA,
terologist, commenting late today on for almost the first time she is making to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Loos, ss.4 0 1 1 1 0
tie weather outlook: "This misty rain a number of engagements, of which lobby of the Union. Weintraub, 3h......3 0 0 2 5 0
here is symptomatic of a general con- the Festival concert is one. She has CorridenIf.4 1 1 4 0 0
dition extending back into te Ohio recently been engaged by Leopold Sto- NO REPORT GIVEN Puckeiwartz f.....4 1 2 5 0 0
valley and eastward out to sea. The kowski for four appearances with theNI Kubicek, 2b , .....2 1 0 3 2 0
w s are not bad but tey do not Philadelphia orchestra next springON STOLEN PAPERS Oosterbaan, b......4 1 2 9 0 0
dicate an immediate clearing. Of and has also signed contracts for I Nebelung, rf .......2 0 1 2 0 0
course, the fliers must make their own re-engagement with the Cincinnatior- ay eAssociatedtress)Davis, rc........3 1 1 1 3 0
decisions but we do not think a take-rengg etCicmmtor ''.scaetes)avs....... 11130
chestra. Her program will feature the LONDON, May 19.-The mystery of Gawne, p ...........4 0 1 0 0 0
off should be made tonight or tomor- G minor Concerto of Bruch. the disappearance of a secret state -- ---- - .
row". Another matinee concert will be document from the British war office Totals...........30 5 9 27 11 0
N IS FLOODED given on Saturday afternoon, with Er- I which led to Scotland Yard's sensa- Colgate
TOWN IS FL OD D nest Hutchmeson, pianist, as th'e prm-'ichnalseai' cotlaABRHardA
cipai artist, . tional search of Soviet house, became Welchcf..........3 1 1 2 0 0
BY BR AK IN DA 'even greater today with the announce-;.Bridges,3b.........3 1 1 2 4 0
PLAN CONVENTION ment by the home secretary, Sir Wil- Richardson, 2b.....4 0 1 4 3 0
i(y Associated Press) liam Johnson-Hicks, that he was still Steinberg, ss. . ., . ..3 0 1 1 1 1
IDAHO FALLS, Ida., May 18.- l FOR REGULATIONS unable to make a statement to the Hopkins, rf........:.3 1 1 2 0 0


apolis tonight had determined that one' Balkdd by jams of deb
life was lost, upward of 100 persons flood water released b
received injuries and property var- I of the Gros Ventre riN
iously estimated from $2,000,000 to $3,- spread out over the stc
000,000 was destroyed. lands today, and spent
In addition hundreds of families virtually wiping the 1
were homeless, forced to seek tem- Kelley, Wyoming; fror
porary shelter with neighbors. terday and causing
The only fatality occurred during Three ba des were rec
the afternoon when Earl Wolverton, silt and debris at Ke
17, died of internal injuries received trace had been found
when he was crushed in the collapse ers missing since the
of a furniture store in the center of water poured over th
of the area. miles below the dam.
The city council met tonight to de- Sweeping everything
termine the necessity for municipal waves of water piled

Iris, the wall of
y the breaking
ver "slide" dam
rate's river delta
t its force after
little hamlet of
m the map yes-
seven deaths.
overed from the
lley today. No
of the four oth-
20-foot wall of
e village three.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 19.-Plan's for
a convention to regulate air commerce
'between republics of the Western
Hemisphere, including among other
things a prohibition of war materials
by commercial planes, have been pre-
,pared for submission to Secretary
Frank B. Kellogg, 9s chairman of the
governing board of the Pan-American
The convention in its final form
will be draw'n up by the governing
board for submission to the various
governments in accordance with the

House of Commons regarding the raid.}
The crowded chamber was hushed
in an atmosphere of excited suspense
when the Home secretary arose, pre-
sumably to make a long statement on
the raid, the grave consequences of
which are admitted in all political
and diplomatic quarters. Instead of
making the expected statement, Sir'
W i11i am i declared. "Information
which has come into the possession of
the police through the Arcos search is
of such a nature that it has not beenF
possible for His Majesty's Government
to complete the examination or deter-
mine the consequences of it."

Bollerman, 1b .......3 0 0 11 0 0
*Beaumont .........1 0 0 0 0 0
Jones, o..........4 0 1 1 1 0
Latham,lif .........3 0 0 0 0 0
**Hirt ..............1 0 .0 0 0 0
Scholtz,p..........2 0 0 1 1 0
Totals ........... 30 3 6 24 10 1
*Batted for Bollerman in ninth.
**Batted for Latham in ninth.
Summaries: Two base hits, Brid-
ges; Home run, Hopkins. Bases on
balls-off Gawne, 5; off Scholtz, 3.
Hit by pitcher-Nebelung, Wein-
traub. Double play-Steinberg to
Richardson to Bollerman. Stolen


before it, the
up a raft of

,: ,

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