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May 18, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-18

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EDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1927


w i .





MARTIN TO IC Position Of B Te
Leaders Menaced By y n
Coteh Reid Ilas Bt firoou liaders ev ralclhangs in the positions oc-
cpied rby thecvarious teams in tbe ..... ..
ito Powerful Aggregation IConference s and.ng.s are noticeable as.
LosIng Rut Two (hume' a result of the contests played Sat-:
urday and yesterday. With six contests };
BOAST THREE SLUGGERS schedled for Friday and Saturday of
this week, it is probable th-at there will'
he still further alterations in the
Already- poss'essing a pereentaw
against non-Conference opponen Big Ten icentage column.
Illnis.although still leading the
great enough to place them far ahead 1 Big Ten schools in the standings, sus-
of th-eir Big Ten rivals on the basis tained two losses in Saturday's con-
of total games played, Coach Ray L. test with Michrigan and Monday's game
Fisher's vastly improved Wolverine with Iowa. h -e
By virtue of their 8-7 defeat of the
nine, recently returned from a road Indiana team on Saturday the Hawk-t
trip in ewlich they blanked the two eyes remain in a tie for second posi- For the second time within a
Western Conference leaders, Illinois tion, in spite of the 6-0 shutout they niual turf classic when Whiskery ca
and Iowa, will attempt to drub the suffered at the hands of Miller and Louisville, Ky. Whiskery, with Jo
undefeated Colgate Maroons today at the Michigan nine on Monday at Iowa. in the, annual Preakness on April 2
Wisconsin climbed from eighth po- place, is shown running in that po
Ferry field. sition to fifth by winning from thel----
Every ,home game with members of Purple on Saturday and the Confer- LE
the Big Ten has ended disastrously ence leading Illini on Monday. Mich- LEAGUE LEADERS I
for Michigan, while both Michigan I igan was the only other Big Ten team, DISCUSS JOHNSON I
State and West Virginia have bowed to improve its position, moving up a IS U S JON
before the Wolverine attack in the notch in the standings by defeating
only other tilts on the Ferry field dia- Illinois and Iowa, the Conference HICAGO, May 7 Assertions
mond. leaders in week-end contests.I here that merican league
Coach William Reid has moulded - ersinwee _en ___on _s-club owners had been holding sec-_
the Maroons into almost as powerful lF ret meetings to discuss the activities
a group as the Colgate team of two BIG 'E N STAN IDINCS of their president, Ban Johnson, were
seasons back which created a sensation confirmed today in part by one of
in inter-collegiate circles of the East .5 2 1 the club owners who said that one
by piling up 19 consecutive victories. Illinois ..........5 2 .714 meeting was held in New York at the
Save Been Defeated nly Twic Iowa......~.....4 2--- .66 time reports were current that Mayor
e Minnesota........2 1 .667 Jimmy Walker had been mentioned
Two recent defeats by Boston col-xr Northwestern .... 5 3 .625 for the presidency at $100,000.
lege and Hamiltion college in extreme- Wisconsin......:..3 2 .0 oifrainwsdvle o-
-scons2n.---0--..!-No information was divulged con-
ly well-played contests, 5 to 3 and Michigan ........4 3 .571 I cerning details of the gathering nor
2 to 1, marred the otherwise perfect I Ohio State .......4 4 .500 1 was there anything forthcoming con-
record of the Colgate squad. Purdue ...,.......4 4 .500 cerning the reputed offer to Mayor
In the game with' Boston college Indiana .... . ...1 6 .143 Walker that the Johnson status, since
Capt. Paul Hopkins, pitcher, met hi Chicago ..........1 6 .143 E jewsgatdlevIfasnet
only reverse this year despite the fact a ----- he was granted leave of absence to
that his work in the pinches caused This Week's Games Ir ihclub owners, has furnished the theme
nine of the antowners to be strand-I for many columns of sports page com-I
ed on base and a like number to be FRID)AY ment since the American league sea-I
struck out. Only an outfield error j Michigan at Northwestern son began.
caused the pilot's downfall, and he is Ohio State at Illinois. I;Iis conductance of the affairs of
extremely anxious to add to his pres- the league, escaped general notice un-
tige by trouncing the Wolverines. SATURDAY til he suspended Ty Cobb and Al.
Coach Fisher has nominated Gilmar- ! Michigan at Wisconsin. 1 Simmons of the Philadelphia Ath-
tin for the hurling duties today, but Chicago at Purdue. letics for their row with Umpire Red
it is not improbable that both Gawne Ohio State at Illinois. Ormsby.
and Lowe will see action if "Long Iova at Indiana.
John" is beset with difficulties. Patronize Daily Advertisers
Davis Will Not Catch Today

try Takes Second Turf


Varsity, Freshman*ITIAIA
Tankmen To Appearl
In Exhibition Meet MRK OUTDOOR MEET

____ e

Whiskery Winning Kentucky rerbyr
period of less than two weeks a Whitney entry placed first in an an-
a ptured the 53rd annual Kentucky D erby Saturday at Churchill Downs,
c-key L. McAtee up, repeated the tri uph of lBostonian, his stable mate,
9, by placing first ahead of Os-cand by a nose. .Jock, winner of third
Better Marks Made VETERANS COACH
In Dual Meet Here, NEW TEAMMATES
NEW YORK, May 17--Three cases
Marks in 11 of the events of the in which a promising youngester in
Michigan-llnois track meet SaturdaytIthe major leagues is being carried
were better than those made in the along at a remarkable batting clip
annual quadrangular meet that was through the inspiration and example
held on the same day at Evanston be- of a veteran team mate were present-
s ed today by the figures showing per-
tween Wisconsin, Ohio State, North-fo'aestdt.
fermances to date.
western, and Chicago. Weather con- Rogers Hornsby and the University
ditions under which the meets were of Pennsylvania product, Farrell, in-
held.compare favorably as both tracks field mates on the Giants were head-
were soaked by the rain which fell all ing the National league in batting,
afternoon. each with an average of .396.
Hermanson of Northwestern turned Ty Cobb and Simmons, old and
in the exceptionally fast time of 9.9 young outfielders of the Athletics
in the 100 yard dash which was one- !were tied for second in the American
tenth of a second faster than Buck league with a mark of .416' The pair
Hester's time in winning the same are such friends that'when one was
event at Ferry field. The other track sispended recently for referee-baiting
event in which better time was turn- the other was suspended too.
ed in at the quadrangular meet was I The third case involves Babe Ruth
the two mile, which was won by Zola I and Lou Gehrig. The latter who was
of Wisconsin who covered the dis- a student at Columbia not so long ago
1tance in !9.. while ldolnberger's is even with his illustrious team mate
time was 9:57.7. in home run hitting with eight apiece,
Quadrangular- marks were also bet- I a mark which leads both leagues.
ter than those 'of the Illinois Mich-
igan meet in two of the field events. Patronize Daily. Advertisers

Members of the Michigan 'Varsity
and fredhrman swimming teams will go
to Battle Creek on May 25 to give an
exhibition for the students of Battle
Creek college. Coach ,Matt Mann,.
whose proteges have captured the Big
Ten and National Collegiate chain-
pionships this year will accompany
the swimmers.
The Battle Creek exhibition will
mark the last appearance of five
members of the Varsity team, eN-cap-
tain Paul Samson, John 1-alsted, Mau-
rice Shorr, Paul Starrett, and Al
Mayer are the Wolverine tankien
who have completed three years of
competition. Samson's loss will be felt
the most as he won the 220 and 440
yard freeN style national intercolle-
giate titles this season.
Halsted was a back stroker cn this
year's team. He placed second in the
conference championships in 1926,
but Spindle andm ubbell, sophomore
stars, were the regular back strok-
ers this season. Shorr swam in the
breast stroke, taki wg fourth in the'
Big Ten meet at Urbana. Starrett
competed in the fancy diving, being
the most consistent performer in that
event on the Wolverine squad. Mayer
was a member of the water polo
Patronize Daily Advertisers

Ai unusually strong field of two
milers will mnatch their ability in the
annual Western Conference out(loor
champidnship track meet which is
scheduled to be held in the Camip
Randall stadium on May 27 and 28
at Madison.
Included among the star two mile
candidates who will repre ent. the
various Conference schools are Horn-
Serger of Michigan, Hunn of Iowa,
Fairfield of Illinois, Zola of Wiscon-
sin, Witcoff of Ohiio State, and.lIlub-
bard of Minnesota. In alditioii to this
brilliant field there may be added
Dougan of Chicago, Kennedy of Ohio,
K :iss of Ohio, Orchard of Northwes-
tern, and several others.
Hornberger, Michigan's two nilo
ace, seems to hold a slight advant-
age oven) the field as a result of his
victories over Hunn of Iowa, and
Fairfield of Illinois, in recent dual
meets. The Wolverine defeated bothIL
of his opponents, by coming from be-
hind on) the home stretch.
Hunn of Iowa winner of tie two
mile in the Conference indoor meet.
ill probably be Hornberger's strong-
est competitor, although Zola, who
placed third in the same race, has
been turning in excellent tiirkes in
recent meets. Witcoff of Ohio and
Fairfield of Illinois, have likewise
been showing to advantage in out-
door meets.


is every'.

s '
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ply , a o, ' § ,C "° U}
' S7 ,



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Automobile plants equip production
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Great steel mills are Bowser-equipped.
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This, too, in addition: to our leader-
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ET it all. Don't miss
any of it, the dizzy
lights and party. colotred
frocks; stepping to the
frenzied blare of saxo-
phones; senses tingling
with, being alive and in
the midst of it all. And
next day-instructors who
are likable but exacting.


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