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May 15, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-15

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PRICE FIVE11111111111- CENT.

VOL. XXXVII. No. 163





_. r

Had Conducted University Near East
Research Work in Egypt For
Last Three Winters
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the
Latin department and Director of the
Near East Recearch work conducted*
by the University, died suddenly in
Cowie hospital yesterday noon. Death
was caused by the formation of a
clot of blood cutting off the flow to
the heart. Professor Kelsey was 68.
Professor Kelsey returned from
England early in April, having caught
a severe cold on his journey from
Egypt to Paris and wishing to be in
Ann Arbor to attend the Michigan
Schoolmasters' convtntion of which
he was president. He was confined to
Cowie hospital on April 14 but has
not been in serious condition, fre-
quently taking afternoon walks dur-
ing the last few weeks. Lately rhe-
matic pains set in in his chest and led
up to his sudden death yesterday.
None of his family were with him
when he died. Professor Kelsey is
survived by his wife who is visiting
in California, a daughter in Califor-
' nia, a daughter in New York, and a
nia, Easton T. Kelsey, '29L, in the
Wsit rn in New York State
Professor Kelsey was born in Og-
den, N. Y., in 1860. He received his
degree of Bachelor of Arts in the
University of Rochester and ,later
studied in Europe. In 1885 he was
married to Isabelle Badger of Niles,
Mich. TIe was appointed Professor of
Latin Lake Forest university in 1882,
coming to the University of Michigan
in 1889 where he was Professor of
Latin and Literature.
For the last several years, he has
directed the University of Michigan
expeditions to the Near East. Pro-
fessor Kelsey was a member of the
American Philanthropical Associa-
tion, of which he was president during
1906-07; the American Historical As-
sociation; the Archaeological Insti-
tute of America, of which he was
president from 1907 to 1912; the
American Academy of Arts and
Science; the Classical Association of
Great Britain; the Deutsches Arch-
aeologisehes Institute in Berlin; andt
the Academie des Inscriptions et
Beles-Lettres in Paris.
Made Many Translations
Professor Kelsey also was the edi-
tor of many translations among them
the American edition of Cicero's Cato
Major De Senectute and Lalius De
Amicitia; Latin and Greek in. Amer-
ican Education, 1911; Handbooks of
Archaeology and Antiquities, in col-
Iaboration with Prof. Percy Gardner
of the University of Oxford, since
71904. Since 1904, together with Prof.
H. A. Sanders, he has prepared the
University of Michigan Studies, Hu-
tmanistic series.
Professor Kelsey has spent the
lp t three winters in Egypt, leaving
(airo ahout the middle of March this
Cear. Arriving in Paris he was to
have presented a paper before the
French academy, but owing to the
cold contracted on his trip from
Egypt he was forced to give it up.
From London he came immediately to
Ann Arbor, where he has been con-
valescing in Cowie hospital. As his
condition was not considered serious
his wife was not called home befoke.

Professor Kelsey was a member of
the Author's club in London, and the
Cosmos club in Washington.
Hundreds of friends and students
paid tribute at the funeral services for
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of the Grad-
uate school, yesterday afternoon. The
altar and apse of St. Andrews Epis-
copai church, where. the services were
bell were banked with flowers. Rev
Henry Lewis, pastor, and Rev. Henry
Tatlock, pastor emeritus, officiated.
There was no eulogy and no sermon
The service was the Episcopal funera
service. Members of the immediate
family acted as pallbearers.
COLORADO.- Bachelor degrees in


(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, May 14-Mississip-
pi flood waters with all the reinforce-
ments of the Yazoo, the Black, the Red
and other southern tributaries were
assaulting five south central Louisiana
parishes tonight pouring throughI
earthen enbankments which crumbled
before their onslaught.
Hope of saving the Bayou Des Glai-
ses section. a part of the "sugarbowl";
and the "Evangeline country disap-
peared with the falling of the Klein
Wood plaxntation levee before the at-
tack of the waters. Other breaks at
Moreauxville, Bordelonville, and Cot-
ton Fork still had left levee board of-
ficials with the hope that they might
be able to save a part of the rich dis-
With the breach at Klein Wood, in
the middle of Big Bend, along Bayou
Des Glaises, work was abandoned

along the 30 mile stretch from Cotton
Fork to the southernmost of the Bend.
Four crevasses occurred today in Ba-
you Des Glaises and another levee
went out at Cotton Port along Bayou
E Rouge. Three other breaks had occur-
ed previously, one at Cotton Fork and
two at Moreauxville.
The affected district is approximate-
ly 160 miles northwest of New Or-
leans and on the opposite side of the
In addition to the five major breaks
along Byou Des Glaises, aviators
flying over the district reported at
least 15 minor crevasses through
which the water was tearing.
The airplane observation also re-
vealed serious threats along the east
bank of the Atchafalaya and weak
spots at Morganza, 30 miles above Ba-
ton Rouge on the west side of theI
river. All appeared to be under con-
trol, the report said.

American Aviators Ready To Start
Trans-Atlantic Flight When
Weather Permits
At a late hour last night, the
announcement oade .yesterday
afternoon at the track meet on
Ferry field that the trans-Atlantic
French fliers had been found re-
mained unconfirmed by press dis-



Plan Submitted By Dougall And Wall
Is Accepted By Committee
For 1927 Production

' i

Selection of a book written jointly
by Vincent C. Wall, Jr., '28, and
Thomas J. Dougall, '28, for the 1927
Union Opera was made yesterday by
the Opera Book committee.) Prof. 0.
J. Campbell, of the English depart-
ment, chairman of the book committee,'
madle the announcement; Many sce-
narios were considered by the coin-
mittee before the final choice was
Two books were submitted by1
Dougall and Wall, and the generalI
plan of the comnittee is to utilize theI
plot of one and the dialogue of the.
(ther although the greater part of
the. dtails are yet to be worked out.
Both of the writers were mebers of
the cast of last year's Opera, and Wall
is music and drama editor of The
There are two acts in the plot se-
lected, and two scenes. One is laid
inthe garden of the Long Island
home of a wealthy theatrical produc-
er, and the other at a 'prominent
night club. The general plan calls
for a more even distribution of the
leading parts, instead of the usual
plan of having but two leads. Selec-
tion of the music for the Opera has
not been done as yet.

r r(By Associated Press)
INFLUENCE Or F PATI. ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, May 14.1
-A telegram received tonight from
St. Lawrence on the south coast of
Newfoundland said that a plane was
{ heard passing over that place in the
direction of Nova Scotia about 10
President Little And Whitworth, '94o'clock Monday morning. St. Law-.
Speak Before Father And Son rence is 20 miles from the island of
Gathering At Union St. Pierre Miquelen.
that an airplane, painted white, was
Speaking before more than 350 fa- i seen passing over Havre Grace and
tean sogathere ystay in- the nearby tiny fishing village of.
thers and sons gathered yesterday in Bear Cove last Monday morning re-i
the assembly hall of the Union, J. vived the faint hope aroused by earl-
Arthur Whitworth, '94, spoke of the in- ier reports that some trace might be
fluence which the father has on his found in Newfoundland of the miss-
ing French trans-Atlantic fliers, Capts.
son as ani immortal quality of a man.NnesradCo.Thewsn
Nuingesser and Coli. There was no
It is the developm-ent of this influence confirmation of the report beyond the
which is part of the problem which word of three residents of this section,
any university faces. Mr. Whitworth on the shores of Conception Bay onj
said. President Clarence Cook Little the east coast of Newfoundland. I
and Lester F. Johnson,'27L, were also
on the program of which Prof. Arthur P League Plans Memorial
1W. Cross, of the history lepartinent, PARIS, May 14.-With the hope of
wa oasts te. finding taptain Charles Nungesser
s and his companion, Major Francois
MColi, growing fainter, the National
Mr. Whitworth saw in lave, laugh-Ara eau iscsdrngte
ter, and life those attributes whichP Aerial league is considering the
contributed to this influence and made founding of amemorial to them which
a man 's life worth-while. "A univer- wou lcommemorate their gallant
sity has to contribute to the character Itrans-Atlante . attempt, whether or
of an individual vision and self-con- - not they are found.
trol which will add to the influence E4
which the father has over his son," NEW YORK, May 14.There was
Mr. Whitworth stated. no longer any obstacle tonight to the
President Little also emphasized the first American flight from New
development and chairacter and the York to Paris being a three-corner-
importance of the university in this ed race, but it was not likely that
development in the second talk of the race would Start until Monday any-
program. In this connection, the way and more probably Tuesday.s
president snoke of the university as a Unfavorable weather, which for sev-
m fffurtherin the connection ral days has prevented the mono-

It is, of course, needless for
me to say that I am very
much pleased by the action of
the Legislature on the Univer-
sity bills. The four Committees
(Finance, Ways and Means, and
1 the two University committees)
and the legislature as a whole,
have all studied the situation
carefully and exhaustively and
have been most broad-mindedj
and cooperative in their ap-
proach to the problem. Their
action coming after the bills
have been before them for more
than three months represents
their combined mature judgment
-not a hastily conceived and
thoughtless move. It is tre-
mendously heartening to real-I
C ize that the state will continue
the gradual fulfillment of Pres-
I ident Burton's building program
I and that it will give to the Uni-
versity the proceeds of the mill 1
I tax already allowed it by law,
without imposing upon this any
artificial limit which would re-
duce the amount available un-
der the fraction which was spec- {
ified for the last two years and
which is now continued.
We have been fortunate inE
having a governor, the keynote,
of whose inaugurai address was
education and whose advice and
support on the University pro- j
I gram I have constantly sought
and most readily obtained. Gov-
ernor Green has encouraged me
I again and again during the
legislative session and it has
I been a great success of strength
1 to have his constant and enthu-
I siastic approval of the program i
as finally passed.
The action of the Legislature
I and attitude of the Governor E
I have been a confirmation of the I
belief that the State of Michi-
I gan today has the clearest con- I
-ception of its educational op- I
I portunities of any State in the I
I Union. It is now our duty at
I the University to work to our
I utmost to justify the support I
I and confidence which Governor
Green and Legislature as repre-I
I sentatives of the people have 1
shown. I
President Clarence Cook Little. I
1 r
Well-Known Author and Lecturer
Will Talk This Afternoon on 'This
Believing World'

. .

Michigan Scores In Fourth And Eighth Lyons Sets New Ferry Field And
Innings; Kubicek Makes Triple DIuul Meet Record In Shot Put;
And Home -Run Is High Point Man
By Lathrop Mack, By Herbert Vedder
Daily Illini Sports Editor For"the third successive year I-
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 14-Michigan linois and Michigan battled to the
evened its score with Illinois and last event of their dual track meet
exacted retributionfr itrecentydo-'before defiintely settling the question
feat at Ann Arbor by decisively whip- of supremacy between the two teams,
ping the league leading Illini, 6 to ano for the third successive timethe
0, this afternoon. It was Illinois' first Wolverines- scored a victory by a
beating of the season in seven Big small margin, yesterday's final score
Ten games. Don Miller, ace of the being 72-63.
Wolverine staff, pitched splendid ball When all but three events had been
for Michigan although he almost ruin- run off, the score stood tied at 54
ed his own game in the first inning. points for each team. With a first
He walked three men and struck out and second in the hammer and a first
only one, but the real story of his in- in the broad jump, the Wolverines
vincibility is related by the fact that needed only one point in the javelin
Illnois lett 11 men on bases. to assure themselves a victory, but
Two big inings rolled up Mic- Jack Lovette made the margin se-
igan s victory. Corriden led off in the cure with his throw of 194 feet.
fourth with a single to right. Puckel- Weather conditions on Ferry field
wartz hit to center and Sweeney's yesterday were anything but favor-
throw to Greene caught Corriden, off able for a track meet with a chilling
second base. Kubicek next up, tripled rain falling steadily throughout the
over Dorn's head in left field, scoring afternoon until the last three field
Puckelwartz. Oosterbaan singled to events. By this time a cold wind was
right and Kubicek came home. An-Isweeping across the field from the
drews went in for Stewart at this west In spite of wind, rain and
point and walked Davis. Oosterbaan cod, however, the times and dis-
scored on Miller's grounder which tances were extremely good in most
forced Davis at second and Neblung instances.
rolled out. Ilester Wins First Eyent
The fun began again in the eighth. Mico
Puckelwartz was safe when Finn fail- when Iestersand Lasser flashed to
ed to throw hin out after handling a the tape first and second in the 100
sharp grounder. Kubicek hit far over yard dash in :10Aat, with Harbaugh
Sweeney's head in center field and barely missing third place. But the
beat the throw home, scoring Puckel- humor f the situation soon vanished
wartz ahead of him. Oosterbaan walk- for the drenched Wolverine support-
ed and Davis singled, Benny scoring ers whed Illinois men finished first,
on Miller's infield roller which forced second, and third in the next track
Davis at second. event, the mile run. Stine won with
Illinois went out to win the game in a time of 4:26.6 and was trailed by
the first inning, it's only real threat Hall and McElwee. Monroe of Nichi-
of the game. Finn led off and walked, gan who , finished fourth made the
j born beat out a bunt, and Miller istance in 4:294.
kicked Gundlach's sacrifice, leaving iester and Lasser repeated in the
the bases full with none down. Finn furlong, with I-lester slowing up to
walked off third base when he thought allow his team mate towin, thus
Gribble had been hit and Davis tag- ealning his "M." - Even so, the time,
ged him out. Gribble then flied out and :22 fiat was very good considering
Sweeney rolled out. conditions. The 120 yard high hur-
Box score: des saw Cooper of Michigan again
Illinois defeated, with Royer winning out by
ABnnR H PO A Fa foot. Cooper made a great sprint
Finn, ss.......... 3 0 1 1 5 ] to nose out McKeever after topping
Dorn,lf.,. .....50 210 0 the last barrier in third place.
Gundlach, 11)... 4 0 1 10 1 0 I The turning point of the meet
Gribble, rf....... 4 0 01 0 0 icame in the 440 ward run when
Sweeney cf.........3 0 .1 3 1 0 Harold O lheiser won by a foot in a
Paul 3b........... 4 0 0=.0 2.+0 driving finish to beat out Orlovitch,
Greene 2b......... 2 0 0 5 3 0 star Illinissophomore, Sittig was
Kusinski, c .........3 0 0 4 1 1 third. Mueller, Orlovich, and-' Sittig
Radford, c......... 1 0 1 1 0 0 rounded into the stretch abreast with
Stewartt, P..........1 0 1 0 0 0 Ohlheiser coming around the outside
Andrews, p........2 0 0 1 0 0 with a great burst of speed which
xDahlbeck.........1 0 0 0 0 0 carried him to the lead in the last
xxHoffma . . . .....1 0 0 0 0 0 few yards of the race.
--° - - - - Ted Hornberger disposed of Fair-
Totals.............34 0 7 27 13 21field, another of his foremost rivals
for Conference honors, in the two
Michigan mile race yesterday when he led the f
AB .R H PO A El Illinois man to the tape by five yards
Neblung, rf ....... 4 0 1 0 0 0 I with a strong sprint. Ten yards back
Weintraub, 3b .... 5 0 1 1 1 1 Wuerfel and Novak duelled for third
Morse, ss.......... 5 0 0 4 1 0 place with the latter winning the
Carriden, rf .......4 0 1 4 0 0 place.

There will be
college atmosp
though it will
Ann Arbon1 in]
to E. Mortimer
perience has sh
restriction to io
jdoes not prove

road tour.
as yet for


j the twenty-seco
Iductions of Mini
J i.Elliot Sta
chairman of ne
James H. Yant
ger. Rehearsal
work are alre
in the Mimes t
the picking of,
among the tryo
year's cast are
It is not kn
Roy Hoyer, da
Stone in all o
I tions, will be
ranging the nov
bers this spring
yet closed'buti
Hoyer has assis
of choruses fo
years past.
the banquet f
members to Mi
Sunday at t
Campbell will
Tickets forf
were not called
. sold Monday a
in the main lo
ure to call for
. to be due to th
l during the Sw
e ' preference will
siring tickets.7
from 1 to 5:30
Favors for th
tvibted Iomorr

a certain amount of plane, Spirit of St. LIuisLane (o
Peelnahepltal which must exist for the best interests pn, Spirit of St. ous, and Colom - # , t
here rn the plot, al- fhoh father an h s bia, from hopping off, has continued 'SPEAKER IS ENGLISHMAN
not be restricted t Johnson, the first speaker on tie so long that today factory tests were I(-
parprogramAccrding rcompleted on thme monoplane "Amer- I
Shuter, directorcxi program, extended a welcome to the A Dr. Lewis Browne, well-known au-
, fathers who had come to Aun Arbor i ca" and she was turned over to the thor and lecturer, will speakvhere this
own that a too close II.Ito n etrr ilsek eeti
owal figures and scenes in behalf of the students and in behalf I pilots'. _afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in Natural1
cesfuur ng te of the Union. He paid a tribute to the ,Science auditorium. The subject ofI
title has been chosen fathers as the recipients of the 'sons' Finish Preparatio sI his talk will be "This Believing
Operah which will be ighest faith, respect, and their ideal- World."
nd of the annual pro- ization of the fathers. For Annual Festiva Dr. Browne, although not yet thirty
es. I W. Roger Green, '28, chairman of1years of age, numbers among his writ-
rett '28E is general Ithe committee incharge opened the trt W ednesday ings two of the best sellers of present,
ext year's Opera, and program by introducing Professor day non-fiction, namely, "Stranger
t. '28, is stage mana- Cross as toastmaster. The yegular Eg -s day no-Fiction, amd y Slieving
Ls o rotinechou nion dance orchestra entertained -Everything is in readinless for the Than Fiction," n Ti eivn
ady bein hd s dailthroughout the dinner. epening of the 34th annual May Fes- World." The first of tehese two books
ady being held dailyh tival next Wednesday, according to is the story of the history of the
heater preparatory to The banquet was the opening event tEal next Wedn, cording to Jews, while the latter book is the
of the Fathers' and Sons' week-end EalV ordretro h e-
0the final groups from - tival. Hill auditorium has been com-i tale of how man's religions have de-
)uts. Members of last program. Many of the fathers and y renovated for the occasion. veloped through the ages. The Bnai-
assisting in the di- sons attended the track meet between interior has been redecorated and the Brith Hillel foundation is sponsoring
Michigan and Illinois, held yesterday special facilities for the handling of his appearance here.
nown as yet whether afternoon at Ferry field. seilfclte o h adigo
Tickets f on tetion. picture the Festival crowds provided by work- ! Born in England, Dr. Browne re-
ning partner of Fred ime rcade t lnit men. There are no events scheduled E ceived practically all of his early edu-
af the latter's produc-tsi n a t thitAitd talaterast to take place in. the auditorium be- I cation there, managing, at the same
able to assist in ar-h fore the first concert on Wednesday. time, to travel as much as possible.
velties and other num- their tickets to the banquet. No pro-foeteirtcnrtnWdnda.
g, asis s s h aers nothgr has beenharrange fo to - Daily rehearsals have been held for When he came to America with his
payis caacit Green announced. Iythe Children's chorus and the Choralf parents, he aimed to come into con-
is playing to capacity. n n Union. The former organization, com-I tact with the working classes as much
ste in the preparationI prising children drawn from the pub- as possible, living and working with
r the Opera for many ONE KILLED WHEN flic schools of Ann Arbor, will appear them for long periods in order to gain
t was also made that STALL APS at the third concert on Friday after- first hand information. He worked
noon, presenting the cantata, "Voyag . his way across th~e country, reesiding
or the newly elected IN PHILLIES'PARKI of Aron," written by Earl V .Moore. with his parents for a while in Cali-
mes ion Prehed next Lea Luboshutz, Russian violinist, will fornia when he reached the Western
ac as toastmaster. (By Associated Press) also appear at this concert, and the: coast. After being there for some
ac_______a__ ma__ er IPHILADELPHIA, May 14. - One Chicago Symphony orchestra under time, he decided to return to his stud-
athe direction of Frederick Stock, will ies, and enrolled in the University of
4L TICK jS T than half a hundred were injured to- accompany both Miss Luboshutz and Cincinnati and the Hebrew Union col-
LAr T ICK hn lf aurt of thed oreinonuedthecorun bh ssL slege there determined to make theol-
rNIOR BALL day en pt of the oog the thechors Union, with a ogy the work of his life. He spent
first base side of the lower grand- The University Choral several years in the pulpit and at-
stand of the Philadelphia National membership of over 300 voices will! tained national fame as a result of
the senior ball which league baseball park collapsed. sing at the second, fourth, and sixth ternation fames a rel
Sfomr last week will be The accident occurred in the first concerts. On Thursday night, the oc- is the andsti.r
afternoon at the booth half of the seventh iming while St. casion of the centennial celebration in ism in the ministry.
bby of the Union. Fail- Louis was at bat. The collapse threw honor of Ludwig Van Beethoven, the Whit aoati.rowny aser
the tickets is beeved the crowd into a pamic and it swaimed group viii present among other num- can periodicals. Of late, Dr. Browne
me closing of the booth on the field, necessitating the umpires hers, the "Missa Solemnis, written ian perioi g O a Dr o
wing-out exercises. No to end the game with the score 12 to by Beethoven. At this program also has been working on a biography o
I be shown to those de- 3 in favor of Philadelphia. will appear the quartet made up of Heinrich Heine, also doing a great
The booth will be open The collapse threw 300 persons Betsy Lane Sherlherd, Elsie Baker, Ar- deal of platform speaking upon th
o'clock. from their seats into a huddle of thur Hackett and William Simmons, all subjects covered in his writings.
he ball will also be dis- struggling humanity. The floor did from the Metropolitan Grand Operaj F
row and Tuesday after-n n fal to the rnund. ten to 15 feet company. n nn- n,


I ,


Puckelwartz, of . . .. 42 2 2 0 0 - oober Wills Low Hurdles
Kubicek, 2b....... 4 2 2 0 4 0 The Wolverines scored a slam in.
Oosterbaan, lb1.... 3 2 2 13 0 0 the low hurdles with Cooper flash-
Davis, c ...........3 0 1 2 0 0 ing to a new duel meet record of :24.4
Miller, p...........4 0 1 1 7 1 with Tarbill, second, a foot behind
- - - - - - him. Jones was third, nearly a yard
I Totals............. 36 6 11 27 13 2 ahead of Royer.
tx-Batted for Greene in ninth. At this point the Wolverines seem-
xx-Batted for Andrews in ninth. - ed sure winners of the meet, but with
Score by innings: Lyon scoring an unexpected victory
Michigan .............000 300 030--1 over Schravesand in the discus and
Illinois ........ .......000 000 000-0 Sittig winning the half mile run 'from.
Summary-Three base hit-Kubicek. Lomont by nearly five yards, while
f Home run-Kubicek. Sacrifice hits- the Illini scored seven of the nine
Neblung. Stolen bases -Gundlach, ! points in the high jump, Coach Gill's
- Weintraub, Oosterbaan. Struck out by I men drew up on even terms with the
-Stewart, 3; Andrews, 2; Miller, 1. Wolverines.
-.Bases on balls-off Andrews, 2; Miller' Simon made a leap of 23 feet, 1
f 3. Hits-off Stewart 6 in 3 1-3 innings; inch on his first effort in the broad
- off Andrews 5 in 5 2-3 innig's. Passed jump, but Northrop followed him
balls-Kusinski, 2. Wild pitch, Miller.j with ihe winning jump, two and one-
Hit by pitcher-by Stewart (Corri-I half inches further. Sibbitt of Illi-
- den)--by Miller, (Greene). nois was third.
e Michigan's sophomore hammer
f throw star, Wilford Ketz, won his
t i CAP NIGH T PLAN' favorite event with a great throw of
eI STAY UNCHANGED 153 feet, 7 inches, while his team
_ I i mate, Campbell, took second by toss-
No changes have been made in the ing the iron ball more than 150 feet
arrangements for Cap night, to be for the second consecutive Saturday.

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