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May 08, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-08

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sDAY, MY S 1927


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffic. at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General..
Subscription by carrier, $375; by snail,
Offices: Ana'Arbor Press Building, May-
pard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Biusiness 212=4.
Telephone 4925
Editor.......... W Calvin Patterson
City Editor...............Irwin A. Olias
News Editors...........B Frederick Shillito
'Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor...........Marion Kubik
Sports Editor........ .... Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor......... .Morris Zwerdling
Musio and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe StnfordrN. Phelps
J o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
*amehHerald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Bruns wick

taking part of the profit that belongs,
to the producer.
It seems wise and necessary that
the farmer have some organization
for the protection of his interests as
an investor. The place that farm pro-
ducts and the industry of farmning
have played and are destined yet toI
play in the history of the advance of
our country demands that we aid the
farmer in all the steps that he may
take to protect himself and his indus-
With the announcement made yes-
terday by General Jo Moncada, com-
mander of the Liberal forces in Nica-
ragua, that his group is willing to lay
down its arms if the United States sol
desires, the settlement of the trouble!
in the Central American republic
comes nearer to consummation than,
at any time since the rebellion burst
forth last winter.
Though in the opinion of some ob-
servers, the United States has not
played a particularly creditable part
in the whole proceedings, the final
settlement has come about largely
through the efforts of the mediator
appointed by President Coolidge.
General Moncada, with his decision to
suspend hostilities has declared that
he will enter actively into the cam-
paign to defeat the conservative Diaz
government at the polls in 1928. The
action on his part is creditable andl
fair; and it gives promise that some
day even Central American republics
may decide their issues on a rational
The Washington government, how-
ever, still has a very real and definite
responsibility in alowing the issue
of the 1928 election to stand without
interference. American marines will
patrol the polling places, and the
voters wil be counted by American
citizens. If, under these eircum-
stances, the Liberal forces are suc-
cessful, it will be both a duty and an
obligation for the United States to
recognize them and extend them most
sincere and hearty cooperation.

~ '.11II~I fit llui11llil llilflllislilllllll111IIIIIII ilillul11lIII 1111 iIllllllillllillfllillillltllftitlil 11111il lli '1111itlltllltl
PROF. HOSMusic and Drama GRAHA S
OMORROW NIGHT: A recital by -iRnnP IEFTET -_
Supports Critics of Present 8 o'clock in the School of Music aFdR-ARI E
Economic Order 1 torium. -
EVERYTHING IS WRONG ford Players present the second per- _
formance of "Pigs," by Anne Morri- 2!Both Ends of the Diagonal
Having discovered that the Univer- son and Patterson McNutt, at 8:15 -
sity of Michigan has on its payroll ! o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.'
sit afM c ian h s ris p y ol (= I~I mIII l11111I N11ill ill Hill i IIIIIIIIIIII)IIIliIf11illilil il lHill i 11111 11111111111[illillillllfll11ill lli lil llllIIIII:
professors who attack the very founda-
tions of our modern civilized society, "THE INTIMATE STRANGERS" PenmakerS
Professor Hobbs, geology expert, is A reiew, by Paul J. Kern
threatening to resign from his position, Booth Tarkington is a clever gen-
acording to rumors last night. tleman, there is no doubt about that.o wantoneof
* * * In books and stories he is entertain-
"I cannot contribute my time and ing, but in dramatic dialogue he is
energy to an institution which appears superb; and when that dialogue is
to exist chiefly for the purpose of un- incorporated into a play, acted by a
dermining the foundation of the na- company with the ability that the
tion through attacks upon the present Rockford Players obviously have, the for exams. Why not get the use of it now?
economnie and politieal order by which result is an evening spent for the
Its continued existence is assured," benefit of tie Women's league that
Professor Hobbs is reported to have! one does not begrudge in the least. I several pens of any other make.
said. It matters very little that the plot

warion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
Jessie Church
c b er L. .:lark
Fward C. rummings
Margaret Clarke
biwc Eard W. leland
Clarence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E- inch
} . Martin Frissel
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
ColemanJ Glencer
[tarvey J.Gunderson
'-"wart Honker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum
PavI Kern
Sally Knox
Richard Kurvink.
U. 1'aomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Mvturris Quinnu
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus WasirlewSki
Sherwood Winslow
Herbert E. Vedder
Milford Vanik



* * * is poor, and trite besides; and it like-,
Professor Reed was named as one wise matters little that the speeches
critic of the existing order who, al- are at times a slight bit "out of
though actually on the payroll of the character" (as a critic would say).
University, dares to complain about The feature of the Tarkington play is
the present political system. the things they say and how, and the
* * * things were said, and were hilarious-
And then the whole economic and ly funny, and so the ply was a suc-
sociology department were hit by the cess.

Rider's Pen Shop
315 State Street



Telephone 21214
Contracts......... ...William C. Pusch
Copywriting.........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ... . George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ....Laurence' Van Tuyl
Circulation...........T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ..............John Hi. Bobrink
Accounts ...............Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greetiberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
Aarion 1.. Reeding A. M. Hinklev
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
JohnRusswinkle $. Harold Utley
ouglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze

expert in geology. "They are always Johnnie White is "Seventeen" clear
finding fault with the way things are through, and: our own Robert Hen-
run," he said. "I hate people who are dersen did himself nobly as usual. The
always criticising things." advertised conflict between the elder
* * * generation and the youngsters did not
"It is assumed," continued the geo- materialize in any sensational man-
logy authority, "that President Little ner, though I may have missed it by
is not fully advised concerning the { being asleep during the second act.
policies and practices of the Univer- (One knows at the outset how the1
sity, or he would not be asking the leg- whole thing will come out, and there
islature for money, The public ought is no cause for alarm.)
to know." Coarse and delectable Camille Mas-
* * * line played as the opposite sex of
"Seventeen" and was entirely success-
DOWN THE DIAGONAL ful. Reynolds Evans and Amy Loomis
were the representatives pf the "elder
"No more geology for me," re- generation" and were naturally excel-
marked the Jolly Junior yester- lent-but why bother with praise, for
day. "They once mentioned a these are professionals and we have
theory with which I disagreed in been watching amateurs all year. If
a final word of commendation need be



Anoymuscommunications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.


SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1927
In his characteristic' mood, Profes-
sor Hobbs has written an open letter
to the Student Chirstian association
refusing to contribute to its fresh air
camp fund because of its alleged paci-
fistic tendencies Hazily referring to
some conference between the officials
o the organization and representa-
tives of an Army and Navy club, he
practically calls upon all those who
would not see the foundation of thel
nation undermined to refrain from as-
sisting some needy youngsters to a
pleasant vacation
It is very obvious, of course, that,
the head of the geology department
has merely taken this opportunity to
discuss a favorite subject and strike
at the S. C. A. again for bringing Mr.
Eddy to Ann, Arbor. The theories of
preparedness, if any, which are held
by the officials of the association,
should have nothing to do with their
commendable projcet at Patterson
lake. In fact, it is almost inconceiv-
able that the 'head of an organization-
of recognized learning should so con-
fuse these two ideas; it is more sur-
prising that anyone should keep a de-
serving boy from needed recreation
by dissuading response to the appeal
of the S. C. A.
Professor Hobbs, it seems, does not
completely understand the art of pub-
licity. If Mr. Eddy, for instance, had
been allowed to appear here with only
the usual press notices, he would prob-
ably have been heard by no more than
500 people. As it was, he spoke to
5,000 in just one gathering in HillI
It is sincerely hoped that the same
result will accompany the S. C. A.
appeal for contributions to its camp
fund next Tuesday on the campus.
Its fresh air camp, which will receive
all the funds raised, has already proved
to be a worthy. venture. Its continu-
ance needs and deserves the support
of all Michigan students.
iheat growers from all parts of
the world, headed by prominent men
from the United States, England and
Canada, are meeting in Kansas City
to discuss plans'relative to the forma-I
Lion of an international wheat pool for
the protection of farm interests. I
The pools, as they are planned, are

FANATICISM a course over there."
The closer we approach rationality
and common sense the farther we find *
ourselves from the dark stages of fan- BULLETIN
aticism. One would rather suspect Professor Hobbs leaves for Green-
that at an educational institution, the land today.
bulwark of reason, there would never * * *
be any trouble with fanatics, but it is MORE SPEED, LESS OFFICIALING{
disgusting, though true, that Michigan Speeding up the Spring Games would
can not avoid them and must conse- make them a lot more popular. Of
qu'ntly suffer the penalty. course it would mean that the officials
It seems that there is an organiza- wouldn't have as much time in thel
tion on this campus known as the Stu- limelight, but perhaps the larger au-
dent Christian association, whose chief dience would compensate them for
crime lies in the fact that it brought I that.
a speaker here at one time who did not **.
agree with Professor Hobbs on mili- There was about as much time be-
tarism. Anyone familiar with Pro- tween events yesterday morning as
fessor Hobbs' views could excuse this there is between acts of a Roquefort
readily, and most persons have done show. * * *
so-in fact practically all of them with If they would put some snap into
the exception of Professor Hobbs him- the program not only would there be
self. more spectators but the contestsr
The S. C. A. does a great number of would turn out better. The University
things besides bringing speakers here, should do something about this foolishI
and one of these things is the manage- waste of leisure time-perfect piracy,I
ment of a summer camp for boys, we say.
where underprivileged lads of about * * *
14 years of age are gathered from the Or maybe it might be arranged that
scorching pavements of the cities and each student bring his books along
given a ten days' vacation on the shady and study while waiting for the of-
shores of Patterson lake. Even the ficials to decide what the rules were.
most rabid militarist could find noth- * * *
ing wrong with the camp, and in fact "On Wisconsin" was one piece the
it approaches very closely the plans freshman band favored us with. We I
of our Citizens' Military Training couldn't figure it out unless their
Camps, except that it is supported by leader hails from that state.
voluntary gift instead of taxation. * * *
Hundreds of broad minded men and When the time came to rush the
women are glad to contribute their sophomores in the rope-tying contest,
share to this great work, and some the freshmen got as far as the middle
persons on the campus such as Dean of the field and waited in vain for the
Hugh Cabot, are big enough to sup- others to come out. Both sides showed
port the camp though they disagree as much indecision as the Student
with a certain speaker the S. C. A. council.
brought here this winter. Not so the * *
i fanatic, however. With him it is A LITTLE DELAY
military training or anarchy, war or This delay in getting a successor is
dispution, and anything that does not unfortunate, but unavoidable. It takes I
wave the bloody flag is weak and more time than the managing editor-
watery. ship appointments, but then, of course'
It is very easy to be a fanatic when it is much more important.
there is no personal interest.involved. * * *
When one has never lost a son or a For a day or so you will have to-
brother in a war it is not so hard have some more hay feed, and then
to advocate shooting other men's sons, we hope that the whole thing will be1
and it is even possible to become so over with and we can take a rest cure
perverted that one would suggest pre- and pay that diploma fee- and maybe
paring them to get shot, in order that graduate.
if we can start a war we will have l* * *
someone to get killed in it. THE country has a big list of prom-
One step from this reasoning is the I inent men who were expelled from col-
uselessness of aiding underprivileged lege in their school days, according to
children. If we are going to place a story in The Daily yesterday.
them in the army and plan to prevent There's still a chance for us to .be
war by letting 'them shoot everyone great, although we will have to get
I who tries to fight, we may as well busy before we pay this diploma fee.
save our money and allow them the The line forms at the Dean's office,
rigorous training of the city streets. boys. Here's how to be famous.
To some who are not fanatics, how- * * *
ever, there is a larger vision and a THAT AIRPLANE that was flyingI

said, let it be mentioned that seeing
"The Intimate Strangers" is a much
less painful way of supporting the
League fund than eating Hershey bars
or roller skating.
A review, by Philip C. Brooks
A charming air of assurance-neat-
ly adapted to the clever lines of Fred-
erick Lonsdale's play-make Amy
Loomis' performance in "The Last of
Mrs. Cheney" attractive and admir-
able. Her work, as well as that of
Reynolds Evans, gives the impression
of a professional finish which is rarely
seen in that of campus actors. Able
as the latter may be, they never seem
quite as little worried by fear of their
audience, quite as at home on the
stage, as Miss Loomis and Evans. The
attitude is a general one among the
Rockford Players, but is especially
noticeable in these two. It makes it
much easier to enjoy the play.
The name part here is not as at-
tractive a character as Miss Loomis'
role as the Duchess in "The Fire -
brand," but, like the whole play, it is
more pleasant. The whole tone of
Lonsdale's work is quite congenial.j
The play is not hard to appreciate.
The setting and types are common tol
everyday social life. But that involves
in itself a difficulty for the author-
the liffculty of avoiding having the
play become common. That has been
very niely handled here, with an
agreeable sophistication r u n n i n g
Reynolds Evans is a decidedly con-
vincing character. A certain bril-
liance, in interpretation makes him,
quite impresive, as a Florentine Duke,!
and English gentleman, if you wish to
call him that, or presumably in almost
any part.
'The Last of Mrs. Cheney" offers
splendid examples of the artful bluffer
-,a delightful person wherever you
meet him. It demonstrates beautifully
the thesis that while we know most
society is in a measure deceitful, self-
ish, and insincere, it is nevertheless
enjoyable and we excuse what we de
not know.
* * *
The following program of piano
music wil be given tomorrow night
at 8 o'clock in the School of Music
auditorium by the pupils of Guy and
Lois Maier, of the piano faculty:
Rhapsody ................... Brahms
Fern Schott
Papillons ................Schumann
Dorothy Simmons
The White Peacock...........Griffes'
Polonaise in A flat ............Chopin!

A T Granger's one finds-
PE A S .
A congenial students who
ON THall are out for a good time.
They throw thoughts of
studies to the four winds and
enter wholeheartedly into the
spirit of good fellowship and
good times that has always
MAKE T',J ELL chaacterized Grangr's.
MAN N'S Jack Scott and his Wolver-
ines furnish the music. Their
FELT HAT SALE rhythm and harmony contrib-
We are closing out all Spring Hats = ute much to the enjoyment of
at special prices. Light shades,2enom t
snappy shapes. Quality equal to the the evening.
We Clean and Block Hats
No Odor-No Gloss Dancing.-
Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats
Wednesdays, Fridays,
Factory H at Store
617 Packard St. Phone 7415 nd Saturdays.' _-
And Y
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It .


The Honor Tent Staged the "rag
*Summer school.

Day" During

wecks of

the help of alumni and other friends, 335 Loys had two
profitable camping under student leadership.

Similar service to needy boys is contemplated June 21-August O.

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