IN STA LLA TIO N 5D PP ER P lay F o r P lay 's S ake W ill B e K ey n o te D airy T ells G low ing he boti C1w icnethre y s ho ithC
Of New W. A. A. Activity For Next Year ALEgWhd Of ntudent " en;T
n gineer" who made the task look so
WILL ,i- sd e In uro easythat one young lady decided to
. MPlay for play's sake and sport for and members of W. A. A. and other FIJAL ROVN J Episodes In Euro pole. The sad result was that The
sport'ssake will be the keynote of a representative women on campus are ;___pole stuck in the mud, and she stayedthe
Am Offhr, Of Campus Organization! new activity probably to be inaugurat- hostesses to the visiting girls. They With the third round of the elimi- Editor's note: This is the second of 1With it as we gracefully sailed awayWh
;Pill Officially Take Charge "by . A. A. next year. The name Itro royally entertained with lunc-dary gaes of the Intramural base- a series of extracts from a diary from her. We had to fish her out of con
Of StudentAffairs of this new event is a play day or eons and dinners, after the games ball tournament getting into play to- which was kept by one of the mem- the river (slightly damper for her ex- $2.1
sports lay to take place in the spring! which take place in the afternoon or ete ia t bers of the Western Europe Tour perience).
WILLf ATTEND IN GROUPS o" year, the object bein to have iIn some schools sport's day is con- oarer" eparmin forthfiaenteurna- which was conducted by the National ean
WEYod time. fined to the college members of W. A. ren Muchaimgpo t as bn- Student Federation of America last NT CEpstdau
The Mrcaigandelegates to the A. C. A. or delegates from different col- oent. Much improvement has been summer. The tour was the same as 1OI Cea
Reservainscr places may now be A C. W. conference found that play leges, the object still being to play shown in the past week over the pre that which is now being organized ag
madehortthwannul insallatonebangIorgndniort'
made for the annual installation ban days and sport's days were a pertinent in a spirit of fun and friendliness, and vious weeks and it is hoped that byunder the Women's league under the Senior women who have not yet o1-s
quet for the new officers of the o~event in many ofthewest l the western colleges, not in competition. Play days offera the time the final tournament gets into nti
£ men League, which will be held from especially in Washington and Calif- splendid opportunity for social play the teams will have more skill o o gowns may ator
5:30 to 7 o'clock, Thursday, May 19 ornia. tact and An exchange of fine sports-t has ever before been evidenced.
in Barbour gymnasium. The day is in charge of W. A. A manship and offers an excellent trai- The preliminary 'games in each July third: Arrived in Oxford and Candy booth. The price is 35 cents. and
The League hwlds two open meet- and high school girls from all high ing to those who have charge of them, league have gone through two rounds were met at the station by a dle- They are sold for the benefit of the!oft
ings during the school year, one ?n schools within a r'adius of about fifty the aim being the non-commerciali- and the schedule for this week's games gation of Oxford men who were ex- Women's league. ea
the Fall and other at the installa- miles participate in the playing of zation of women's athletics. For play are as follows: Monday 4 o'clock, cellent conversationalists, very pleas-
tinomfiesi h pig tt is priiaepaigo aino oe' tltc.Frpa
tion of officers in the Spring. At this games of all kinds. After preliminary days with intramural and interclass Martha Cook vs. Betsy Barbour, Couz ant and jolly. They showed us many 'JiIIIfIHlIsI"IIlIsII9t1 IIIIIIEIIiII1iiIIIIItill!iji
time the women who are to lead in contests held in the various schools, competition take the place of inter- ens hall vs. Kappa Delta, Pi Beta Phi of the buildings at Oxford-usually
campus activities for the following twelve representative girls from each collegiate athletics, and encourage vs. Delta Gamma, 5 o'clock, Alpha their particular college. There are 22
year are initroduced to the University school are chosen to come to the col- everyone to take part instead of a se- Omicron Pi vs. Alpha Phi, Zone 3 vs. colleges and each constitutes a sep-
women, and the old officers formally ege or university to play with girls lect few. It instills into the players Zones 10, 11, 16, combined. Wednes- arate institution in a way. The boys
resign their positions, from the neighboring schools. Relay the spirit of play for play's sake and day, 4 o'clock, Delta Zeta xs. Alpha go to the same "college" that their
At the banquet there will be a short races, folk (lances, and all games from not always the desire to win. Xi Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi vs. Delta father, or some relative, attended.
cermony, during which Mrs. W. D. marbles to hop scotch are played, with Members of W. A. A. at Michigan Delta Delta, Zone 6 vs. Zeta Tau Al- They live, dine, and study in the same You'll like our kind of
Henderson, executive secretary of the a posture parade as a special feature. are hoping to carry out this plan pha; 5 o'clock, Alpha Epsilon Iota vs. college. Some of the dining halls
alumnae council, will speak, and the Blue ribbons are awarded to the next year, and it is being looked for- Phi Sigma Sigma, Kappa Kappa Gam- were most luxurious with their beau- -=developin
annual treasurer's report will be giv- squads which take first place, and ward to with a great deal of inter- ma vs. Kappa Alpha Theta; Friday, tiful draperies, tapestries, and life-
en. red ribbons for second place. Other- est. 4 o'clock, Helen Newberry vs. Sigma sized portraits of famous men who=Briniyour favO
It has ben the custom for league wise no prizes are given; for they Kappa, Phi Gamma Mu vs. Adelia formerly attended that particular col-
houses, dormitories, and sororities to do not play against the other schoolsACheever, Zone 15 vs. Alpha Ci Omega. -
attend the banquet in groups. Invita- but with them. Posters And LyricsCh The atmosphere of centuries ofha-
tion cards have been sent to each or- The games are organized and under tradition and culture of astangibe f CPA
anized house with directions for or- the direction of the college women ChosaeniF r Pageant S the beautiful buildings whic Gy
dering the number of tickets desired. who also act as judges of the events,; DO__s PERCEIVE imply amaze one. An earlSaxon
\ Reservations will be accepted untilsGERMAN PROGRESSg
GER AN pROGRESS'tower dating from the year 425 A. - 10.Souh :HSnTSt
TusaMy1.Winners of the Freshman Pageanti E I" E.C AD.
ALUMNAE COUNCIL contests have beendecided as follows: still stands in one of the squares. 1.-}. SEG
"Americans are mistaken in believ- After lunch the men took us punt--E
Seniors Find Dignity RECEIVES GROUP Posters, first prize, Virginia McGoni- rng that German girls are buxom, rosy- ing on the river. A "punt" is a flat iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlIIlllltIlllllllllIllilItiII
I PlPLEDGE AND BOND gal; second, Katherine Abbott, and cheeked, and generously curved." This bottomed boat which is guided
f lay Of Ancients the lyric which was chosen as the statement is made by Baroness Edith through the winding river by a 1on
story of pageant was written by Jean von Moltzen, wife of the German am-
As a fitting culmination for their Yesterday's mail at the alumnae Gilman. bassador to the United States, who =1111d ill:IIIIIIIIIIIIf11lliIlliillIlIIIIIIII jGoing Out of
four years of activity, the Seniors of council office brought the announce- The winning poster was chosen has been visiting in Milwaukee and
Occidental College, Los Angeles, stage ment that the Toledo alumnae group from 12 entries and wil be used as the other cities. The FORSALE-Theet toko
their annual Greek play about this have taken another pledge of $5,000 " cover to the lantern night programs "We German women must protest," 14-foot soda fountain aitd bacs bar;t0
time of year. which makes their total pledge on the and is a brilliantly colored affair said the baroness. "German girls are viily tto 8-ft. candy show cases, solid pla
Theislitntly aotypidalffreek thea- lastlmilion, $10,000.anut acquiringsa slatd-plat
The settinA, a typical Greek thea- last half million, $10,000. featuring conventional trees and a just as interested in acquiring a flat, tobacco wall case; one set of electri
tre,Jis built along the rounding slope The third stadium bond to be re- bevy of balloons and lanterns. It will boyish slenderness as are the Anme- Tea Shoppe counter, oak, gray finish; one awning
of a hill 'and has groves of eucalyp- ceived by the Women's league to count be displayed for the first time at the rican girls. Indeed, many of them are
tus trees in tie background. The play, on their building fund also came in Installation banquet, May 19. very thin." These fixtures are almost new a
presented is usually a Greek tragedy yesterday from Mr. J. A. Lamont of The general theme of the lyric for "Neithier are German women so = 225 S. Thayer ) must sell at once, as other business re
written by one of the famous triad of Chicago. the pageant has been outlined before; much behind the times as many Ame-T E
Greek writers of tragedy. At the suggestion of Fielding H. it centers around the ancient Greek ricans believe. Women go about alone iTHE CHOCOL
Unle i h or, e playts ost and William Comstock who is legend of the race of Atlantis, in which r nw mu ore r, ey did be nd Dinnr 107 North Main St.
prsne tngt ooe ihsaeheading the special gifts drive in De=+ the three fair contestants are disturb- foeteaatTe wrte mk 1 O'dC1O '2 1
used which make the effect doubly toit, letters have been sent from ed in their contest by the golden ap- cigarettes and bob their hair." Ac-2
beautiful. The chorus of the Greek thi letsae be s cording to the baroness, there are
mai ensisof oure, he aintay ofthe alumnae council office urging all pies. This theme gives an oppob bb d ea s n -1
maidens is, of course, the mainstay of stadium bond holders to turn over ty for an elaborate procession of femi- ore bobbed heads in Germany than Mnke Reservations Early
tic pery.dH re rkad ongsra-etheir bonds to the league fund In nine athletes and a series of poses ihe United States. for SUndy )iier.
tice peros are required to master the e peritted to retain denoting the various Greek games The Baroness von Moltzen has aa Mawa
chants and figurative dances that lendd thi tey pgermite toen d eshe vassos G ree gaes slim, girlish figure that supports her [ D ( WywUU--V-i nuMW E
somuch to the 'lsuting spectacle, their ticket privileges until the bonds Freshmen classes in natural dances Dil391- ;7frrraeo earsar .aa te
s0 0h esing mature have been working on forms and statements. Her bobbed hair andDil34'
One phase that probably was notmoihgwsfreracimersy
found in the original Greek plays, is Every effort is being made by the dances which will be included in the modish gowns further acclaim her as
that of the lowering of the fkg. This alumnae cauncil to tap all available pageant so that the present condition progressive. -
natural phenomena sometimes occurs resources in order to raise the re- of the choruses indicates an unusual-
during the play and the colored lights maining amount necessary to complete ly finished production. It will be as
durig te pay nd te clord lghtstheleaue undit has been in previous years.
playing through the fog lend a novelty the league fund.
o the affair. BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOPPE I-
Margaret Berry will tepresent Co.
lumbia at Apple Blossom Festival. iti W
Afternoonn 01 Are you confident of niproving your appearance, or C O ..E D D
3 fll o 5:3f does the condition of your hair necessitate a flood of
excuses? Work lone in our shop requires no apologies. C or the f ewse
te r,75rohnb $1
5:311 to 7:311
Consulting ' Dial 9616 5 Nickels Arcade
Spring-the gala social season Iau.I.fI p
on every campus-is new in full__
s w in g . W h e th e r th e o c c a s io n is 2. ta t #D _a la n c ydr e s s ,_fo r m alor s p o il ,
fancy dress, formal or sport,
with our service you may be
IA n T
Then plcase give them this," said
8mall daugiter of Mrs. Lee A.
ite, as she gave her mother the
tents of her bank consisting of
1 to be given to the Women's
ue building fund. Mrs. White's
ghter is nine years old and was
y much overjoyed to find that the
ue building could be financed by
ll gifts as well as large ones,
he child's gift with an explan-
y letter from Mrs. White reached
alumnae council office last week
has been quoted as illustrative
the spirit that is putting the
gue building across.
fil-ms -
enlargments and
rite negatives
)rug Co.
1112 South University
1111 siLt111 1 611111111Hia l111
f Business
' fixtures, consisting of one
hree National cash registers;
te and marble base; one 6-ft.
c lighting fixtures; one 18-ft.
and frame.
nd up-to-date in design. We
quires our immediate attention.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
n J...odds.of
appropriately and inexpensively Two Of a Color Save
Many a Dollar
Most women are harder on
ockw one stocking than the other
and eventually they have an
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Buy two pairs of a color and
rTo Sm artness finally the two odd ones will
give you a third pair. You
save at least two dollars in the
$19.75 to $29.75 case of "Ruby Rings," be- CO-ED
cause who doesn't know how
much longer they wear than
. Quaintly old-fashioned motifs
.,:any other stocking?
-or the newer dazzling geo-
metric designs. In frocks for "RUBY RING" o-m
afternoon wear. Flare skirts,
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bright spring tones. The Most Compl imented Stocking in AmericaI ity of Co-ED Dre
parent to the smart made
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charm of line-chic and Parisia
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features, Only
La Parent-