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May 08, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-08

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SUNDA.. Y 8: , 192

Fun i -'\

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.. ti er

1n ~ ff~Swim Meet Draws! DUAL ErET OF "12, UTDOOR SEASONiAT FERRY


More Than 125 Stars'
Swimmefs from nine states and one'
province of Canada competed in the
preliminaries of the third annual
national invitation Y. M. C. A.
junior swimming Imeet held F11-
Clay evening in the Unaion pool. T r
teen eventms I~ JI (Ah over 125 entries
connieed wei e run o-if to determnine
the candidates for thii nale which
were held yesterday. The junior
events were for swimmers betweenj
the ages of sixteen and eighteen, while
the prep races were for t~hose under,
The big thrill of the day camne in
the 100 yard backstroke for juniors,
Iwhen Valentine, Erie, and Kelly, Lima,
sw~ning nock and neck easily out-
distanced the field, and in the final
few yards Valentine, by a pretty spurt,
managedl to heat Kelly by a touch.
, ht11 tnc1 ies :
100 yard backstroke junior: Heat
one-Won b~y Valentine, Erie; Kelly,
Lima, second; Ewing, Detroit, third.
T 'ime: 1 :13.4. Second he'at-Won by
Strandl, Erie; Lansing, Nigara Falb,,
second ; Allen, Buffalo, third. Time:c
1 :21.I
50 yard b~reast stroke prep: Heatt
one-Won by Oliver, Detroit; Carri-s
gall, Niagara Falls, second; Cass, I
Lima, third. Time: :37.6. Second
heat-Won by King, Lima; Verplankd
Gary, second; Irvin, Erie, third. -
Time : :2G.4. Third heat- Won by!6
Williamson, Niagara Falls; Pierce, 1
Detroit, second; no third. Time:
:29.4.* Fourth heat-Won by Ladd,1
Niagara Falls; Waterworth, Windsor,
second; Singer, D~etroit, third. Time:
50 yard free style prep. The follow-14
ing five men quialified: D. Faurot,a
Limna; Oliver, D~etroit; 3. Schmehier,1
Pittsburgh; Chatfin, Knoxville; ands
SRice, Lima.
22 a d f e t l u i r i s.ha - o y K n , L m ; P a n Cleveland, second; ~logdon, Jackson, 1
third. Time: 2:36. Touchette, Niaga-
ra Falls, also qualified with a time of c
100 yard free style prep. The fol-4
lowing five men qualified for the
.finals: Chaffin, Knyxville; Rice,V
Lima; McM\gnus, Oak: Parks; and J.1
Schmelier, Pittsburghe
In the junior diving Strand, Erie;1
Schmelier, Pittsburgh; Fisher, Buf-f
falo; Ewing, Detroit; Stockdale, Pitts--
burgh; and Crowthers, Gary, qualified
for the finals. The preps to qualify
were Renner, Linma; Stockdale, Pitts-
burgh;, McCarthy, Lorraine; Blyden-
burg, Detroit; . Wilson, Detroit, and
Wright of Detroit.
You can Duplicate the
Elsewhere, but not

#' rI,1

ST Injuries Force Cobb'SRN RDPATC
FIELDTo Remain On Bench
TI CHICAGO, May 7.-Ty Cobb, who__
will1 be out of baseball for several da.ys Spring football will b~e brought to
because of an injury suffered i in a close this week wn four squads
exhibition game at Buffalo 'yesterday,i of players will meet ins a series of
,. ny hae hd a hortvaction1I gamnes for the sprinig training. chant-
may oae ~ ~i~ ~aciioii ~pionship. The first game to be pae
store anyway-the result of his clash 'Tuesday will btring togetherr thlue1
with an umpire at Philadelphia, emcahdb le 'hr nE
Tursday. I the Green team tra ied by Clifford
American league headquarters hiere Keen, Varsity wrestling coach. The
said that action on Cobb's altercation Rd a~ rw em ilme
with Umpire Emmet (Red) Ormsby at 'VWedlnesday, the formner led by Bob
Philadelphia after the arbiter had Bonadth atrbEBset h
ruled foul a hit that Cobb and 8,000loesithetw a swllm t
fans decided was a home run, would'Tusa n h wnes rdy
M be withheld until Ormsby's report was Followving are th'e lineups of th1e
P received.
LBlue and Green teams. Blue:Taylor,
Presidlent Ban Johnson was out of,Morsn ad Mriens;Po
town, but his secretary said that the!* man, Walden and Scheerrer, tackles:
f report would be forwarded to him at 'Poe, Flajole, and Bialdwvin, yguards,;
once Bovard and Nolting, centers; Geist-
IKenesaw AM. Landis, commissionei rt, qatr~c;Aey ezl v
of baseball, said he knew nothing of-,"Bride, and Pelton, half backs; Long-
filyof the Piaepiaicdn;suorougn, fuill. Greens: Foster, C r-
and that the American league press- r ter, Kendall, and Linmler, ends;,,'Hain-
dent would handle the case., niand,' and Moyer, tackles; Gitm.ant,
Cobb strained a tendon in a slide Scheyer, Wolfe, and Jackson, guards;
to second at Buffalo and may be kept:'rw~adKraycnes isn
tion~of four thsielnsaweto1dy. quarter; Steref, Weinstein, Straub,
His co-outfielder and roommate, Al ; lielbasa and Sikis, halves; Ions, full-
)oth hurdles, Simmons, who was chased from the! back.,
the 880 and! Athletics' park in Cobb's wake, also is'
440 and 220 subject to league..~ discipline, thus . temporary loss of two of its strongest
tar, did not thrieaiten~ing the Mack team with the "puip.ch" players.
vinga ~ ofIr E1NNIS -RACKETS i


The ihw a7Mile Tea
Above are shown the foiar men who; team, allfou men were on Coach Iwent the grueling compei
compose the 1927 Hawkeye one mile iPresnahan's team. 13ai 'd; perhaps theI events, placing second in7l
relay. quar tet. This team, true= to l Best 440 man of the four, won yester- {tog aln ocuti
tradition, is a championship outfit, as! (lay's quarter mile race in the fast
so many of those from the University1 time of :49,,o. Beatty, (lashnan and l lo yard races. Phelps,
oIowa. 1hut'dler , fl to win aplc in the yr runiier and hurdle
Although not competing in yester- I meet. 'win a place yesterday, ha
day's dual meet on Ferry field as alI The versatile "Babe" Cuhel under- kdcay.

URBANA, May 7.--Doran T. "Spike"!I Of the four, however, Rue is un-
Rue, captain of the University of It- I doubt edly the fastest, as shown by hiss
lincis track team, yesterday wasI recent performa ne in the anchor (ual
awarded the Conference medal for with Cox, of Penn Stae, in the Penn,
proficiency in at-hletics and scholar-( Relays. Cx, an Olympic runne4
s pn to a inesh l si mie e a l Sittig, McElwee, andl Fairfield, with pion, former junior A. A. U. cios
Rue as anchor man, form what W01- ounry champion, conqueror of hon-
[er Eckersall has termed "an absolute- )I hrgr, Nii2ciigai's t wo mile a:',by
ly unlbeatable four mile r(lay team.'' at last ihOl1.a P 4, a d ie inolycrditeda
Early this spring~ in a rexas meet the whamako418iteme, facel
quartet was timed in the exceedingly lRe at the .tart of the last mile at
fast time of 17:50, averaginlg about lenn, Illinois leading by 4bot. 20
4:27 for each mile. Iyrd.E
When it is consideredl that the Cox overhauled Rue wiit inIIthe first
world's record for the four mile re- quarter nube and maintained his ad-
lay inade by the I. A. C. crack team' vantage until well into the last guar-1I
of Krogh, Dodge, Buker, and Ray at,1 ter. , Rue drew up with Cx in the
17:21 2-5, an average of about 4:211 home stretch and defeated hm by a
for the mile. i10 yard margin.
.sgns '25 t
Notmor, prhpsthaPte isoh op e-
on'dydoeiv.Buitismuh surely:
Whantaita ealyecp
Not gre perhastahanhoranyoo wthp-
tional watch - a Gruen! The cost is
less, in fact, when the graduate's
pride in owning a genuine Guild
watch is considered. And there are so
tablexuistedsin to choose from'
Parties, dinners too, are on the
way in the graduate's honor. Is your
t tblefuly euipedBeautiful new
pattrnsin tblesilver in complete
sets or individual pieces are here for
{ your selection.
Gruen Cartouche, $.5. Other designs, $40 to $250

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