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May 25, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-25

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r At £r~ioiun BUlII
Published every morning except Monday
iurwg the University year by the Board in
ConWeI of ,Student Publications.
Members of Westera Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication .o all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this-paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postofic. at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $5.75; by snail,
Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4932
Zditor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor...............Irwin A. Olias
News ditos ....,..«« Frederick Shillito
News Editors...........E Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor...........Wilton A. Simpson
graph Editor..........Morris Zwerdling
Mi.and Drama....... Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champ. Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Andersotn Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Pai Kern
)east Campbell Sally Knox
Jessie Church Richard Kurvisk.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Edward C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick
Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris Quinn
Clarence Edelson, James Sheehan
William EmerySylvia Stone
Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor
1.Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert Gessuer William Thurnau
Margaret Gross Marian Welles
ne Gruber Thaddeus Wasielewski
Leman j. Glencer Sherwood Winslow
Harvey Gunderson Herbert E. Vedder
Stewart Hooker Milford Vanik
Idorton B. Icove
Telephone 21214
Contracts.................William C. Pusch
Copywriting .........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advert:sing...George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ... .......John H. Bobrink
Accounts.............. Francis A. Norquist

George B. An
W. H. Allman
F. P. Babcock
Freda Bolotin
Esther A. Booze
G. S. Bradley
J. 0. Brown
Florence Cooper
C. K. Correll
E. V. Egelang
B. Fishman
Alice L. Fouch
P.HJ. Fuller
L. Goldberg
L.. H. Goodman.
Beatrice Greenberg
C. W. H-ammner
A. M. Hinkley
M. R. Hubhard
E. L. Hulse
H. A. Jaehn

Selma Jensen
] ames Jordan
Marion Kerr
T. N. Lennington
Elizabeth Macauley
W. A. Mahaffy
R. A. Meyer
R. L. Miller
G. W. Perrett
R. W. Preston
M. L. Reading
J. E. Robertson
John Russinkle
A: K. Scherer
W. L. Schloss
N'ance Solomon
Hlarve yfalcott
Fred 'roepel
G. T. Tremble
Harold Utley
Herbert Varnum
Ray Wachter

are naturally disappointed to learn
that the good work of the revolt is to
be entirely undone and a dull elec-
tion held. It would undoubtedly be
prudent for them to submit, but Lib-
erals are seldom guilty of prudence,
and from the present outlook the
United States may be far from fin-
ished with establishing a stable gov-
enment in Nicaragua which will re-
ceive the support of its citizens.
Prices in college towns are notably
high, and it does not require any
acute knowledge of economics to ex-
plain why. A large transient popula-
tion, much of which is poor credit,
forces merchants to make up their
losses by levying higher prices on the
remainder of the students.
In about three weeks the school
year end again, and a large number
of bills will be left unpaid. Part of
this, probably the larger part, is due
to sheer carelessness, but even this
fact fails to excuse it, and the mer-
chan.ts suffer in either case.
The situation is regrettable, and
out of justice to their fellow students
and the system of education they rep-
resent, the individuals who have cred-
it accounts at the local business
houses should pay, them up before
they leave.
While sentiment is alive to the con-
sequences of the present flood disaster
in the lower Mississippi, and before
the nation subsides to the lethargy
that will inevitably follow, it is im-
perative that some permanent meth-
od of preventing floods in the future
be undertaken. Already a govern-
ment commission is at work, and
since 1879 data has been collected.
When the new Congress meets in
' December the time will be ripe to
act, and act permanently.
Several facts have come out recent-
ly that the Federal government should
not overlook. The first of these is that
due to false economy in preserving
farm lands the levees have been too
close together, confining the spring
torrents within narrow boundaries.
The second point is that they have
been too low; and third, and most
shameful, that the national govern-
ment has forced the property holders
to pay large portions of the cost of
the levees themselves, andstheresult-
ing mortgages and bonds will lead
many of them to bankruptcy.
The concern of the farmers of the
Mississippi valley is a concern of the
nation, for in our closely knit organ-
ization of society it is inevitable that
a disaster to one section is a disaster
to all. If the nation is awake to this
responsibility, as it seems to be
awake, it should certainly show it
through legislative action. The cost
may mount to a billion dollars, and
some of the projects, such as refores-
tation, may take years; but where a
thousand is spent a million will
eventually be saved; and where a mil-
lion in oney is saved an incalculable
amount of suffering and hardship will
be saved with it.
The solution of the problem is en-
tirely within the scope of Congress
when the flood commission reports
next December. It is to be hoped that
the resources of the nation will not
be spared in avoiding in the future
the perennial Mississippi flood.
Withdrawing her minister and for-
warding a note reviewing their mu-
tual relations, England has cut off

its relations with the government of
the Cantonese located at Hankow and
chiefly represented by Eugene Chen,
its foreign minister.
A few months ago, this regime was
the most powerful in China and of-
fered the greatest promise of national
unity for the country. Shortly after
its capture of Hankow, the British,
though still recognizing the Pekin
government, favored the former with
a representative. At thet time of the
fall of Shanghai, though disruption
had already set in, foreign powers
were beginning to see the Hankow
government as the future one for all
the Chinese.
It was not long, however, before
the efforts of Gen Chiang Kai-shek,
to clear the Cantonese ranks of the
radical advisers lead a fraction of the
Cantonese to set up a separate gov-
ernment at Nanking. Inasmuch as
Chiang controlled practically all the
Southern troops, this move left the
Cantonese at Hankow with their rad-
ical beliefs but with little power as
a government.
In the case of the foreign demands
for reparations after the Nanking out-
rages, this inability of the Hankow
government and the astute neglect of
Chiang to act lead the United States
and England to wait further develop-
ments. England's decision, however,

become superfluous, and England
deems it wiser to get into a position
allowing future freedom of action
than to maintain present relations.
Examinations are less than two
weeks away. This seems to mean that
the numbers of students in the Univer-
sity will shortly be doubled.j

TO'NIGH'T: The Students'
at 8:15 o'clock in the School
sic :auditoriuml.

of Mui-

Music N Drama

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. h e names of commum-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.


A letter appears in the June num-
ber, of The Forum magazine, written
by one John Carter, journalist and
Yale graduate, following the nature
of the communication to Governor
Alfred Smith which questioned him
concerning his religious viewpoints.
Carter asks President Coolidge to ex-
plain his position in regard to the
third term as Governor Smith replied
to the other letter.
The letter is almost a direct in-
dictment; it accuses the President of
keping his own views secret so as to
continue the doubt which the Ameri-
can public is now and to slow up
the campaign which other candidates,
both of his own party and of others,
might make.
The charges are not without an
element of truth. Yet, there is no
real necessity as yet for the Presi-
dent to explain his position for the
1928 election. Such a reply might
ppen him up to an unfair attack and
would undoubtedly give his opponents
great opportunity to attack him on
this issue.
The electorate is, on the whole, cap-
able of judging the qualities of the
men who are possible nominees. The
factor of the third term which enters
into the candidacy of President Cool-
idge is a serious one, but not one
which should alter his selection if the
people of the country believe that his
past administration justify it. The
belief which Mr. Carter expresses in
ais letter thatthe public doestnot
realize this issue of the third term
and will not until the President
makes his reply seems unjustifiable.
Intelligent people, at least, already
appreciate the fact and the reply
would only lead to over-emphasis.
Mr. Stimson has left Nicaragua,.
and it is alleged that the controversy
there was settled. One never can de-
pend on Central American republics,

To The Editor:
The Americans are a nation of
idolizers. We must worship some-
body or something, be it Calvin Cool-
idge, Babe Ruth, Gillette razor blades,
or God. Barrymore interests us more
than Shakespear, Paderewski more
than Chopin; we crowd into Hill Audi-
torium to admire the "wet red lips"
of Rosa Ponselle, and to applaud
Schumann-Heink because she is the
mother of six sons. Whether a soloist
sing "Solo Mio" or aWagnerian aria,
is a matter of total indifference to
the most of us.
Since this is so, I am not surprised
that very little "pure music" was
heard in the Ann Arbor May Festival.
Only two symphonies, and these very
popular ones, were played. Brahms,
Mozart, Haydn, Richard Strauss,
Francke, Schumann, and Rimsky-Kor-
sakoff were conspicious by their ab-
sence. We heard only snatches from
. Wagner, Tschaikovsky, Handel, and
Bach. Instead, we listened to Wolf-
Ferrari, Borowski, Bizet, and Glazon-
noff. Why do violinists always play
Bruch's G minor or Tschaikovsky's
D major concerto? And has Beethoven
written any symphonies beside the
fifth and the seventh?
Although I prefer "pure music" to
the composition of the modern real-
ists, I find the work of some of the
latter fascinating. But they have too
many imitators, and for every Sibelius
there are numerous Hansons; every
Ravel has his Schelling. "The Victory
Bell" is strangely suggestive of "La
Valse," and the "Heroic Elegy" evokes
Finland and gloomy forests. Deems
Taylor, too, is not ignorant of Ravel,
nor of Strauss and Wagner. But
native talent, I suppose, must be en-
couraged, though I had rather hear
some of Honegger, Hindemith, Mah-
ler, Stravinsky, Respighi, von Web-
ern, Pfitzner Bartok, and de Falla.
There is, perhaps, no excuse for
my dissatisfaction, for no one asked
me to go. The trouble is, I am too
optimistic, I expect too much, and
forget that this is not Salzburg,
Munich, Dresden, or Bayreath.
Musically yours,
G. A. G., '30.
To The Editor:
The criticism of the "Carmen" writ-
ten by Mr. Vincent Wall impressed
me as being written before the per-
formance, not that it might have
made any difference otherwise. If
Mr. Vincent Wall, however, is given
the responsibility of representing the
artists to the student body he should
have more respect for art before he
dares critize it and his criticisms
should not be for the sake of using
certain terms that he might have
picked up in classes or elsewhere
but by an understanding of it. Sen-
sational, bold remarks may sound ef-
fective and yet when such efforts are
made by the University in giving the
students such wonderful programs as
those of the May'Festival, Mr. Vincent
Wall should be careful and make
criticisms which will be fair to the
students as well as to the artists.
A few days ago he referred to the
"sloppy contraltos and dago tenors"
in connection with his criticism of
Schumann-Heink. If Mr. Vincent Wall
is interested in art and he should be
if he attempts to criticizs, are these
the words he should use to describe
artists? Mr. Vincent Wall should real-
ize that he is not insulting the artists
as much as the student body when
he uses such slang.1
Mr. Wall criticised Mr. Armand:
Tokatyan, the Armenian tenor and It

shall not quote his criticism. Mr.
Tokatyan. is one of the two or three
leading stars of the Metropolitan Op-1
era Company and certainly ranksj
above any of the other artists of the
evening. He is very much loved and
appreciated by his audience and real
critics in New York and elsewhere. A
few years ago while I was in New
York he appeared in the leading role
at the first performance of the sea-
son, which might explain his stand-
ing to Mr. Wall if that gentlemtn'
needs any explanation. But Mr. To-
katyan had not yet visited the Mid-
dle West and Mr. Wall may not havet
had his records on his victrola, as I
presume that that is where he hast
formed his taste and knowledge of

Now that the intellectual season
has come to an end in Ann Arbor,
there remains little for the critic ex-
cept a fevered search for copy to
interest the ennuied patrons of the
drama. In fact all that can be done
in such an impudent and messy col-
umn is this, is to print a resume of
the past season, prophecy optimis-
tically concerning the next, or turn
to general reflection on the drama.
In contemplation of the local drama,
the files disclose a more ambitious
season than ever before-at least in
the number of plays given and a dis-
tinct achievement in certain of them.
The greatest single production is
without doubt Mimes' "Anna Christie'
which closed the season except for
the Rockford Players. Any attempted
analysis of its success would probably
end in an epic poem, with (Eugene
O'Neill the god from the machine. But
at any rate, "Anna Christie" played
for nine consecutive and sold-out per-
formances, and will be revived some
time next fall. "The Man of Destiny"
also by Mimes was probably the
best done play in consideration of act-
ing, direction, sets, lighting and
"Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress"
appearing on the same program was
the worst, although the audience ap-
plauded the awful horseplay of the
latter more than the sophisticated
travesty of the posings of the little
Corporal. "The Trumpet S h a 11
Sound," made known by Comedy Club,
was pretty bad in actual dramaturgy,
and at the same was a monument to
the direction of Paul Stephenson.
"Tea for Three," an earlier production
was brilliantly acted, but was given
ad lib to a devastating extent. "Sis-
ter Beatrice" is financially at the bot-
tom of the list, although Minna Mil-
ler in the role of Materlinck's unhap-
py and cryptic heroine contributed the
best bit of undergraduate acting -f
the season. Other than this Masques
did little except bask in the reflected
glory of collaboration with Mimes in
"Anna Christie." Play Production
and Direction established almost a
record for tha department by giving
two plays which were rather well
done: "The Trchbearers" and -"Hee
Who Gets Slapped." "R. U. R." (by
Mimes) was a good play and the cast
quite excellent; and as is usual in
such a perverse profession, drew al-
most nothing at the box-office; "To
the Ladies" followed it and like Com-
edy Club's "The Last Warning" is
best forgotten as an uncomfortable
blot on the 'scutcheon, although the
banquet scene was excellent.
This represents the season sum
total except for "Front Page Stuff"
and "Eight 'til Eight," and they are
in a class by themselves as musical
comedy. Otherwise this reduction of
the season to terms of comparison
represents one thing: the gratuitous
continuation of "the dramatic rennais-
sance" of last year, and at least the
justification of a prayer for next.
* * *
Veterans in the profession often
turn to the hectic vssitudes of stock,
as relief from the tyranny of the long
run play. The Rockford Players for
their winter season in Rockford se-
cured the services of Mrs. Richard
Mansfield as leading woman, and for
the summer in Ann Arbor have an-
nounced Elsie Herndon Kearns as fea-
tured player.

Miss Kearns appeared first under!
the management of Winthrop Ames
away back at the time of the original
production of Maeterlink's "The Blue-
bird" at the Century theatre. After
some time in stock and vaudeville she
became leading woman with the Ben
Greet Players and later in her own
company. For the last five years she
has been ingenue leading lady for Wal-
ter Hampden.
* * *
Odina Olson, soprano, assisted by
Pauline Kaiser and Mary Alice Case,
violinists, will present the following
program tonight at 8:15 o'clock in the
School of Music auditorium:
Pace, Pace, Mio Dio...........Verdi
Miss Olson
Le Miroir ...................Ferrari
Chansen Revee................Pesse
Chere Nuit................Bachelet
Miss Olson
Concerto for two Violins......Bach
Miss Kaiser and Miss Case

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A dollar and a quarter sent to the Weekly office will buy one
yearly subscription to the -MICHIGAN WEEKLY. This
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exclusively in mind.
You will find it to your advantage to send in your subscription
before the end of the semester so that there will be no chance
for your parents not getting the first issue next fall.

7# .



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