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May 07, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-07

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A u d en c

IN , III I I I "I I . 1 11 1 Im

Im 01"', ""Irmomm



l[INS ILDEN, HUNTER Coach Yost Addr ess , dra


and Francis TI. Hunt er, :Am ericen zen -

Xli a 191 fd711."i1' rer !in Twor~-M i s V5sctr';, tcdt' aoed".their Nwall
Him i" xj iecl fo t%; (,o'i't,.lIriil thrtngli (H:r.ui '5bs 1>'' i(i
for T?"li k l!Iitll at~ts i21nt :lt jn r I erri 'll ! i 2 j I(i ' m i'_?t
at lime Red a:'(W1 c(u, ~e 1~
(Continu~d from 7Page Onej emnIev!;fl
The quarter nmileis the stronrgest ' dt Ie'(#r : i t t'I he v. ea :i 1"'
event for the Hlawkces who are cx- tdm {;:,;2U1. ( '!Vi
pected to take first without question. !e 6-1 ( ID. ia a-mii.(i2
Baird, Cuhel, Phelps and Beatty are 1 It a ouil li'ttleiasr pri se tht l
all entered for thlsis ace, but Baird is fillden i itn1?Ai UV C10t l (1olltstari'-d l
the only man pure to start. Ohihciser 1 Fro'tcr(Thv.n )11 bu ti l ..rrnrfl-
Meuiller and AMungcr are the Michigan , >t rT cC o1rr n r' i 1 c, K Land-t
entries and should gain a t*mim'd Ilace 111afti hIn -; aestM 1iri #1t t"(-a s adlo
between them, mitt((' a 'pe t a)
Lomonrt, Beals andi Pflulkc will maket.tain' eeatwar i-
their second a~ppearance togetheor 111 LB U t~lil I' O('k I (]C lme U en tlllrsrit
the hralf-mile in dual meet comlpti- A{P0'11 '1iUi(dVir(Clr) t ichhards:
tion. In the indoor test against sand iHowa:-dKis. both o1fvwilonl
Cornell the three Wolverines scored Y 4 rked high("r I1151 uniter on the l
a slam. While scarcely expecting to Amneric an scale last .s:LSOnr. "
repeat this performance, the Wolver-
ines should at least take first and ;A NCI JINCF IWTAII i

I e~m I i, t 'i 15'-' ii O: t 1-1 j l le ': if you are a telephone subscr iber call Jinmie
!; eIi arV,11'd 7:.. I: I O7?it)F1Vi'OW! the Ad-"raker, UDial 21214, and your want ad
cv ae (a 't. ( I aaget y iner-will be charged.
P-I S id t''The i\I ~chigan D)aily reserves the right to
a '1?r '?t <311 _.l'la ilzk al ho trngs and to revise or Njilth~lOid obectiornbile
°Ilnihe b rd nd ,1ion i h inl thill t This column closes at 3 P. AT. date preced-
''al'i U l'e' #'OlS 11 'i t'V sN ° l -z 'ulication. Notice of anu error mast be
4en in time for the second insertion.
Y,IP ' 1 tt1" to bt tel' Ihis OW Iit' 'Teni cent: per reading lime (on tihe basis of
111~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~v a1I ''fi mifn'S - ievea age wor ds to the line) for one jr two
;eeoids. aS 1 .w Sell (, theinoor mlark of N ine . cnts per readintg );ne for three or more
-5 C.itaJl'S1181 b f'aVO til'l*iIinsertions.
uS -aC~tcibS~h~l iy 'aao ~Cash classifieds received at the l)aily office
II - xl~l, at New York inl 1925. In The P'ress Bnildiniz on Miaynard Street.
ia ';' YORK.-- Jack Dempsey will +aSpecial standardized rates given on applica-



his; attept to regain his heavy-
m : cIov; -wihhut the aid of a
ana ge Ir.
With opportunity of getting
sound business and sales exIOe-
rience, is available with reliable
anational mianuifacturinig concern.
Lib~eral conmpensation. *Write the
Fuller Brush Co., 411 Wood-
brook Bldg., 5050 Joy Road, Dc.-


.rrnarv rr: a.

"81'. Asa for

N 0'!' CE
-. 1 t'i; t i115(5 e*1 1 I)CX :' i'ite '
4 2 . l. N .t il Inf'tr + 1'a l~ . r
Wtier~tliA re°ad . t'n'= -ilb u r :-L1-t
;t'1l( '--Stoddtard *hair Shop. Try
,ljl eOf our po'immmiot waves, which
give a depili and softness to the
hair. 707 N. Utnivorsity.
All kinds of slio- v ivauied. (dJ 'd a n d
repaired. Sati-~I4;i tnlxi rVt.
PAPERHANGING -35c single roll
andltip, Painiting also. C. W.
1lolnies, 418 N. State. Dial 3784
<t ft,. -4 .- to-th-sat
E? z iC.-ll--Sunmnier ewipl oymet tfor
! iv"e men. Salary and tuition bonus.
As% for Skinner. Dial 6981.
XOTI~~ -'155-156-157
\OTC~t --Thenaxv Victor Orth o-
piioni Po(rtable machines are h'ere.
Camne in and 'hear thein. Schae-
herio & Son Music House. tf


probably more as the hawks are weak
in the 880. Fisher is possibly the
best of those entered Rltoug M-
Cammon may be shifted from the~ mile.
IHornergr-lltni to Feature
Ted Hornberger and Leonard Hunn
are slated to stage the feature duel
of the meet in the long two-mile grind.
Munn won in the Conference indoor
meet while Hornberger finished sec-
ond. Since then the Michigan ath-
lote has raced to a tie with Benson
of Cornell, eastern intercollegiate
champion and is rated on an even i
footing with Hunn. Wuerfel is a fav-
orite for third.,
The mile race appears to be aim open
event with Monroe and Iskenderian
of the Wolverines and Elliot and M-;
Cammon of the Hawks probable to
race it out for first honors. If Mon-
roe is at his best he should win as he
has turned in several practice miles
in better than 4:27.
High 'jump and pole vault honors
are quite apt to go to the Iowa in-
vaders with Man and Thomas both
having records eler than six feet
in the former and Boyles credited
with a leap of 12 feet 9 inches last
week. The two Iowa high jumpers
have been very errtic but should win
over the Wolverines whose best re-
ords are less than six feet.
Northrop should give Boyles good
competition jin the -vault while Prout
is -expected Q) attle with Canby and
Mullen for third place honors.
Everingham's brad jump mark last
Saturday at Drake was below 2 feet
which is considerably less than that
made by Northrop at Penn whichE
gives the latter a decided edge. il
Whether or not Nrthrop throws the
javelin today will' depend on how,
the meet is going, -as no cance will
be taken of prolonging the soreness in
hi's arm if~ the 'S oVeines have a suf-
ficient lead whent time comes for
this event.
ketz Faivoed In Hmer
Ketz will undoubtedly take the
**ammer throw as he is capable of
doing bettr than 150 feet consistently.
Campbell, another Wolverine, is giveni
an even chance of taking second place
although Nelson and Lapp must be
Of the shot putters, Lovette has the
best mark in competition this year.
Although Nelson made better than 451
feet last season he has failed to ap-1
proach this mark so far this yearI
With three good men in the Hakeye
entry the chances are about even for
a Hawk win.
chravesand is favored to take the
discus for the Wolverines and Lov-
ette is considered an even bet for a
place although the Iowans may take
two places wita Mau and Nelson ent-
The meet has been designated as an
"M" meet and etters will be awarded
to all Wolverines winning first places.
Hagen And Sarazen
To Play Englishmen
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 6-Gene Sarazen
and Walter Hagen will meet Abe Mit-
chell and George Duncan, crack Brit-
ish professional golfers, in a 36-iole
match at the Fresh Meadow Country
Club here Memorial Day, Benjamin C
Ribnans, president of the club, an-I
noltncd today.
Mitchell and Duncan arc expectet
to reach this country May 27, with
ther members of the British .eam foi
the Ryder Cu natches with Amer-
ica's best professionals at Worcester.i
Mass., June 3 and 4.
Under tentative plans the Britons
are to go to Detroit soon after their
arrival for a mnatch at the ;Tam 0'
Shaanter Club, and to play in Chicago,
May 29, Cevelanq ,May 30, and Ro-
chester May 31. If this schedule is fol-
lowed it is expectedi'Mitchell and Dun-
(an will leave their team to come herer
for the Memorial Dy match.
Efforts are being made also to bring
the British team to the Salisbury

Couintry' Club here, June 5, and to
lave them appear at Boston June 7
and 8. After the National Open at Oak-
niont the visitors are to play several
exhibitions in Canada, before sailing
for -England, June 21.


LOST' A brown l s 1' orlilllse in
ill Audit o -iiio, M y 4. Personi is
kn lownilSl iniii 0 Ht'toavxoid trou-
ble return 11to Schoo0'l, 01 ~i\Ule or01
call 7669. 155-156-157
LOST--A green >old W li founmtain
pen, Friday mnornin g on ('aiipu;.
Call J. E. Weindel, 3.193. Rjwardl.

NEW YORK, May 6.--The sixth an- l; trolt, or' phone st11( enis I.,r'an
n-ial "Bi1g Ten" banquet for metr'o Ioli-w
Ku~ .e ,3 'o a h u ,,tan alumni of the W estern Conference 8565s. 63,or M x Sati-
universities at the Hotel Roosevelt i Fielding :II. Yost_________________________________________________
next Tuesday, May 10, will be address-
ed by Charles D. kittering, vic pr iretro-tleis drss wa ... ~~lI IIIiIIt~hIIuIimlWlIl
dent of the general mnotor's corpora- mneeting of the Adrian rotary club 0111-
tion and Fred WV. Sargent, priesidenit i Thursday, at a b~oys week observance.
of the Chicago and~ Northwestern rail-,ocYottldfth zivhais!=
road. Mr. littering 'is a graduate beinig invested in athletic equipment ;- Special M other's Day Brick El
of Ohio State - #nd' Mi'. Sargent of Iat. Michigan. He dleclar'ed that gatei=w. reipseeofecnaymotne
Nearly 1,000 alumni and guests are'e to the development of manhood and!= OF
expected to. attend, Raymond Hill ofc char'acter'.
Wisconsin, Airesident of the Metropoli-' --I
tan association announced today, in-I- -A,-
cluding P. E. Crowley, president of! -- I RT Mi, - GT"RAYVBE
the New York Central, raili'oad, and' . W O S I-
Vilhjalmnnr Stefanson, explorer. /o ~IVA IL
Three women plan to hunt pimye J'T ~il'xtit itI
elephants in African jungles. pgySTI R AX BE RIRY
----pOrder your fancy ices and "
E d ge W Oi A-h ice cream. -j
-DIAL 4101=t
-~_is apat. 'A BO-CA1~X
r rof college s=
education I "The Home of Pure 71ilk" -
c vvce

LOST-Friday, Ariil 22, silv'er'vin-
ity case oin a c'hail, withiitwvo-black
enameled figures on frnt. Rteward.

FOR SALE--1924 Ford tourinig, motor
A-1I condititn.'Tir'es v'ery good.'
$5o00 cash. R. It. ALDEiR, 514
East VWaslii-ngton. Phone 3115.
FOR SALE-B~arber shop and beauty
p~arlor. Four chairs, two booths,I
five-year lease. All new, up-to-date
furniture. 107 W. 'Washington,
Ypsilanti, Mich. 155-156-157
FOR SALE - Most dlesirable large .
lrooming house, furnished or unfur-
nished. Best location. Easy terms.
May rent. Dial. 7733 (or 4454
FOR SALE-The exclusiv-e ight toi'
sell my specialty lines on the Cam-
pits next year. $1,500 guaranteed
to a live wir'e. Call 6217 anmd ask
for J:°'ry. 1v~4-155-156
FOR SALE--Old Town canoe, 16-foot,7
newly painted. $30.00). Inqutire 116j
Nomth State, .Apt. -4. 154-155-1-56
FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40.
Call 3283. tf
TYPtEWRlIERS--Allt makes, sold,
rented, excjianged, cleaped, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRIIILL,
17 Nickels Amrcade. Authorized deal-

DANCING Every Saturday nigm, Dix-
bor'a. 5 miles out Broadway on
newcx Plymiouthb paved road. fri-sat-tf
SUITS AND 0 VERC(JA'IS- V ry reas-
onable prices, tailored or ready-
made. We have a wonderful vari-
ety of patterns. 11(gyairing also
specialty. Leautiful fabrics for your
winter overcoat.
109~ E. Washington
'I Phone 5069
' ~c Wedl-Fri-Sat
The new Victor Portable Victrola
is here. Comte in and see it. Port-
able phonogr'aphs as low as $15.
Easy terms. University Music
-Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. daily-tt
TO SEE~ bests of 50 lines clothing drop
card to ' 1103 E. Wasthigtou. Phone
I6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t
'YPFIYITI-N6 and MImeograph.
ig promptly and Neatly done
by experienced operators at mod-
erate rates.' Thesis and college
work a specialty for 19. years. 0.
D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typwriter, and Stationery Store. 'tt



er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-Ou'apdtroe
-..A. lTo Our 'rapid turnover

Insures a tresh

ona 't' ype~writersi, In. . L
FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touring.I
$40.00. Phone 9023 ainy afternoon
or evening and ask for McKee or

stock andi you secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. ##


Corner State and Wash. Sts.
Arthur W. Stalker, I). 1)., Minister
Parley C. Bing'ham, Associate
Minister andI Student Direct or.
Miss Margaret Stair,
Student Director.
10:30 A. M.-Sermon, " dotier'"
Dr. A. W. Stalker.
12: 00- Student Bible Class led by
Dr. Stalker.-
6:00 P. M.-Installation of officers
and devotional meeting led
by Miss Ellen Moore, former
- student director.
7:30 1?. M.-Eveinig chi'ch ser-
vice. -Sermion: "Vat her's
Business" by'IRev. P. C. Bing-
ham. Cello solo lby Miss
Louise Walborn.

R. Edward Sayles, Minister
IHowatrd ItI. thapman, Minister for
10 :45- Morning worship. Dr. Con-
i'adl I. Moehlman will prieac'h.
12: 00-Church Bible School. Time
studen~ft gioup 1'will meet at
Guild Hlouse, closing priomipt-
ly at 12:45.
I5 : ,0)--1+ riendship H our.
Gi:"0)---Discussion imleelting. rl'opi c
'Dloes (Clhisti"1u1 Living' Pay
al- College?~" 149 iss BethI Note-
w raie and(1Marvin Mlat eil,
1)sp ees.

(ornmer lluron wafd iviion Sts.
I erle IH. Andersonm, Minister
Lewtis (C. Reinmin
Mrs. iNellie llB.Ldwell
--Secret aries fir Students.
x. ) --Church school.
11) 45~ti~h. aiiih of Our .Mothe-
ers'. j The Vmitiersity (Girls'
Glee Club xx'ill sing. Five
mlinutte sermuqnz to boys and
5:0 11 'ip.lh'ickem' talks to In-
I erineieal e C. E. Society of
"The $' t iinlE, W here and
How iHe iles."
lt:30---Social lhoun aud Supper.
ti :0-Young People's Meueting.

Herbert A. Jump, MInister
Helen Ramnsay, Student Director
10: 45--Mother's Day sermon:
"MIary Standing W ithout."
6:00-Student hour with question
box by Mr. Jump. Election
of officers.
8:0--Motion picture service.
"'The 'TrI4Irenjt," from Ibanez'
novel. Mr. Junip will preach.
"31 otlherISm.1"

FOR SALE-Ford road ste-r 1:124;
five tires, starter, demoluntable,
!good- condition. 1617 Waslhtenaw.l
1Phone 9117. Dover or Farquhar,.
FOR RENT - Furnished apartment.
Four large rooms and plrivate bath.
H eat and water furnished. Newly
decorated. Dial 7339. 156-157
FOR IRENtT-Five room apartmenmt,
furnished or unfurnishmed. Excep-
tionally (jquip)1ed apartment house.
Phone 3403. 156
NOTI 1CE'--IUniversity instructor wants,
furnished house for academic year!
j1927-28. Would care for large home
-during o~nvir s absence or sabbati-
cal leave if rent is nominal. Harry
L. Samuel, 3120 East Washington St.
WANTED---Students who like good
ho t BARBECUJES to' know we de-

NOTICE-The new Royale Portables.
are; now on display at~ Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
machine. You will be interested.
Cali and see them.


State and Huron Sits.
JduI~cy S. INIblins, Minister
May S, 11P2 <.
10: 45 A. '\.
The sermon toi)ic will he :
"ltli-io ul infthe )I i-Iing.
A review of the book of this title
by Alfred North Whitehead.
6:00 P. Axi
Infornial Supper and Annual
Reports from Or'ganizations.
Vehave had i'eligion fattened
OLut of us."--W . X. Femn.
B'nai B'rith
613 E.. University Dial 3779

409 Sout1 h Iislbn St.
10:.30 A. M.-Regular morning sxr-
11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow-'
ing the morning service.
7:45 --Wednesday evening testi-
/nonijad meeting.
The Reading room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank building, is
open daily from. 12 to 5 o'clock,
except Sundays and legal holidays.

ForhA. NeuarnP'la1ar t
9):00X A.,2--Sunday schlooil.
10i:010 A. 21- 1tx'giilar i' ioi'lifing i-em'-
1t:0 0)A. "M.---erlan seriice.

j~ i-is ion and Catlierine Streets
It ,,v. Ihenry Lewis, Rector
Itei-. 1T. L. liarris, Assistant
"imlld Sunda(hy After Easter.
Holly Comuunion, 8 A. Mx. (the
C'hurch); 9:30 I'Iarris IBali.
11 :00 A. M-1d.-orning; prayer andi
serno:7 by Rev. Lewis.
C:00X-- -student suipper,

Our entire stock of used cars 'haa
been put into first class runnlig con-
dition and the prices 'asked ,are in
many cases much lower than the

liver between 9:30) and 11:30'.P. i value given. A car for every purse
BARtBECUJE INN, Dial 4481.
c-Wues.-Thurs.-Sat. and every car worth the money. Come
I ANTED-Musicians to organize 0o'- in, pick out your car, and drive it
chestra. Oinly men that will stick home. We have roadsters, touring,
'wanted. Call 21140 from 3:00 to
i 4:00. 155_156 (coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 tv~
WANTEI)--We can employ, ten U. of 1 $345.
24. imn, freshmen, sophomores and !
juniors tis summer who need
funds for next year's term. Salary i
and tuition. Communicate at once I The very one you want is here.
with Mr. Croen, 514 Lafayette Bldg.,
Detroit, M.ich. 153-134-155-156 1Tnlz t Ar . afa.r. ~ o 99



Wasinmgton St. and Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellimorn, Pastor
.:00 A. M.-Bible study.
10:30 A, :=I-Alorninog service xxit.1i

Corner Ilil and Tappan
Kenneth B3. Bowen, Pastor
10 :30--Morning worship.


("Missouri Synod)
Third and West Huron Streets
C. A. BRAUER, Minister.
9 :00 A. M.-Germnan service.
10:00 A. M.-Bible Study.

WANTED-Theses to type. Reason-
able prices. Dial 9387. M. V.
H~artsuff. 153-157-159
WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sam pays from $Z to $2 for old
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL 4806


' ti 10-320 E. Huron $L.
1 ~ i

suuily, liey S.


I 1 !



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