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May 04, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-04

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ODAND DAPIDS BRVPBasic Differences Exist Between The '
'Student Nurses and University Women
GY $ 7,000 TO F UND' "Between the student nurse and the t must at all tUms measure Gp. I
-- University woman certain fnae_ Aiiyt aesca dn net
Amount Is Raised In Special (rifts' tal diff, ren.es exist," said Miss S iately pesseial to te s re-
Frt;ni AIine; Mrs. J. W. Ily Titus, director of nursing at the }nikd isTtu."oIcnhv
Bl1odget1s Principal Donor University Hospital, wh'en questioned an anti-social literary student, but an j
recently regarding the life of the: anti-social nurse is an lininossibility.
OTHER CLUBS CONTRIBUTE nurses; 1here. "In the first place," , tat- cT nurse must have poise and self-!
ed Bliss Titus, "the nurse knows what !cnrol, and must learn to hide her I
Gran Raidsalumae avemoreshewans todo nd hereoretaks afeelings. She must really like people
GrandRapid alumae hae mo e e wainters t(0indhereforet ares aand h'ave a deer interest in human-;_
than gone "over the top" in their Icl neeti e ok ag
work on the finance drive for the new pNupsrngniofrthetwoeniwhohettendds ity.
I tk . university are taking a general Nusn isroe'nth nedo.
Women's leatgue building. On the new' course and are not training for anyI humanity and is founded on the idea I4
allocation of pledges from the variousI particular profession,.fsric.Ti delo;ievc o
grup through o t.the country, Grand! "Nurising," says Miss Titus, "rapidlyhmnto h sii fnrig
Rpdwaasetoveaadiinlevlpgrlitowm hod tcs as it is called, is as important an at-!
;Rapds ws aked o gie a addtionl 1tribute of the nurse as is skill or p
$5,00.T'h enireamont lus$2,00upon them as a greenhouse acts upon
$5,00. he ntie amuntplu $2000flowers. The nurse deals w itli actual knowledge, for without it the ,iurse I i
was raised before the group meeting I life situations, whereas the Univer-I would become a callous, hardened,a
through special gifts. Isity woman has, so to speak, a vaca- inifrntwre.
Mrs. John W. Blodgett, Michigan t -- e:lie.
honorary, '25, ,was one of the principal I Because her actions not only affect CONTESTS CLOSE 2
donors. Shy ande$1,000 latweothers but also rh.flect upon her pro- FOR POSTERS AND 1o
$1,000 earliy yin the year ad$,0 fession, the nurse n St be mre care- Ic
during the in~tensive campaign, mak-1 ful about observin gthe conventional- PA4GEANT STORIESI
ing a total gift of $5,000. Mrs. Blod- ities than the university wcnman. who ! i
gett has recently been delegated by'is more or less a free-lance Her (code With khe approacni of the Freshm'an t
President Little as representative of of ethics must prohibit such things pageant, closing dates for the 'various, f
Michigan at the Association. to Aid as smuoking, because the pulli:; has ;1 contests will occur within the next E I

1 '.

Scientific Research by Women at the
Rockefeller Institute of Medical Re-
sc.Other gifts were received from B. F.
1H-all of Belding wh'o gave $1,000 in
memory of 'his wife, Florence Wiison
.Ball; $500 from (iHamilton Holt; $250
from NouleAey and $600 from Mrs.
Frederick W. Stevens. Mrs. Stevens
gift was an addition to a previous
amount and made a total of $1,00+1
which was accompanied by $50 from
her sister, Mrs. 'Adele Mitchell.
There are still~ others in Grand
Rapids who mayI be expected to pledge
additional 'amounts to the 'Women's
league and it i quite safe°"to say that
the total bledge from that city on
the last half- million dollars will
amount to $30!000..
Battle Creek Alumnae l~edge
Battle Creek women have increased
their pledge so 'that their total will
be $5,000 before June. A new pledge;
of $10,000 was taken out by the De-+
troit group at their annual luncheon
Saturday held at the Statler hotel.
The Detroit pledge is entirely sep-
arate from 'the $150,000 which the
Chamber of Commerce have agreed to.
The groups, thus far, have respond-;
od well- to"tlve new assessments but
the sacces'oftthe .campaign rests
"with the_.remaixning .groupa :,,will they,
pledge the additional am~ount?

concept of the nurse to which shes
Something new in activities will be
presented on the Michigan campus
this spring, when Pegasus, women's
ridhng club will sponsor a iorsc
show, to be given by the women of the
university, the last of May. The loca-
tion for the show has not yet been de-1
Wied, but it is hoped to have it near
the campus.,
Among the events is a drill of
twelve woman making attractiveI
formations, a musical chair race will
resemble the game "going to JIeru-
salem" with the aid of horses. There
will be an egg and spoon race, which
is r~ost interesting as the participants
will endeavor to carry an egg in a
spoon while riding the walk trot and1
canter. A form exhibit in c.:'cct pos-
ture, paces, mounting and dismzount-I
ing will be an added feature. As a.
special event, two circus Alorses will
be put through intricate tricks by,
Ann Saylor, '28, and Gretchen Mulli-
son, '27. , Irene Lincoln will also give
an exhibition in hurdling.
The horses are being donated by
Guy L. Mullison, and Agnes Hoff-
mnan,,'29, president of Pegasus, is act-
ing as general chairmna of the show.

'week. All manuscripts for the lyric;
of the pageant must be turned in by!
7:30 o'clock Thursday night to Eloise
Avery at Betsy Barbour House.
Thursday is also the last day on
which posters may be entered in the j
competition and as previously an-I
nounced Mrs. Blackburn at Barbourj
gymnasium will give entrants direc-
tions as to where to place their pos-
ters. The best posters will be display-'s
ed at the League installation banquet
to be held May 19 and during the re-
mainder of that week they will be
fexhibited in. the various store win-
dows. Mr. Jean P. Slusser, instructor
in drawing and painting in the col -
lege of architecture, will act as judgej
for the poster contest.j
Women who desire to tryout for thej
pianist of the pageant orchestra are'
requested to leave their names at theJ
g;ymnapium not later than Friday,
May 6.l
As a result of the financial camn-f
paign last week $125 Jhas been col-
lected, leaving the sum of $50 which
has not yet been received. First year l
women who have not paid, the fee of
$1 will greatly assist the committee
by immediately paying this amount,

I.All members of Orchesis are asked'B oys
Besides his performances to- } to watch the W. A. A. bulletin board = os
night for members of the ion in Barbour gymnasium for the cast s.'1Learnto
in which he will attempt to shat- !of the Dance (drama which is to be =+
teri three world records, Johnny put on by this organization. A partial!- p PLay the=
Wcissmuller, undoubtedly the 'ls of rehearsals will also be an-
greatest sprinlt swiminier the pounced.-
wol a vrsewl ie~Intramural baseball games (0 be - c
sp~ecial ehibition for women --~pL1L
only this morning at 11 o'clocli, !I(played today are: 4 o'clock, Delta-
admission ieing free. Zeta vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi; Zone f> Be
Vs. Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Xi Delta'
Ivs. Zeta Tau Alpha. 5 o'clock, Alpha l I¢ a ,Pp~P
IEpsilon Iota vs. Phi Sigma Sigma. Poua
YK W,' C, A. TO HOLD Hostesses at League bridge parties
~ENEV 4 ME TING both April 23 and 10 are asked to turn
____in their reports as soon as possible. Y
Affrde anopprtuity to e~i 1Practice for all track events will !
rominent leaders in the studentI be held every Mondlay and Wednes-1=-
niovement and to share ldea - wih day at 4 o'clock at Palmer field.I
epeettvs o aiu olgsThere will bp an interclass meet in !4
nd universities, the Geneva Confer- i tw ees J TTIS BI G VALUE ~
nee for the Y. W. C. A. will be held -'inlru \i
his year between the dates of JulyI Ten out of the 14 "all A" students .+
19 and August 8 at Lake Geneva. one ;at Idaho university last semester i
if the most attractive spots in Wis-; were women. SJaophoneJ1I
_______________Wolverine______-flatAlto' Model
The beautiful scenery surrrounding 29 OUT OF 30 CO-EDS -ny
[e locality made it a popular vrca-
= < $ 0 Silver-plated, gold bell, 'with pearl
ional resort as well as an ideal place CO FE SE' 1 * lngering. Ilas all the latest features. C.
or the conference. The University ( T a Daily Reporter that they I ..-I. ('ase, shoulder strap and reeds in-
if Michigan has been accustomed to preferred going hatless. -lld.
,end fifteen or more women to thins "But ever'ybody wears them," '- YR fjf RAGD
leeting* andl those who are at all in- they sighed.-
rested are requested to call Edwina If everybody had a pretty = ,'- =1eloy ode, Same Finsh, Etc., Only $115
ogadone, '28, Dial 7717. marcel or a finger wave under- E=
- ~neath, we venture that hatless -
co -eds would become as popular For Band ard Orchesra Needs Canec to
o Laurabelle Chipman, chairman, a Roller Skates. -
r an ofthemembers of the finance ;o-ob als n oe
mmittth- Rine, Hue1lere, Wolverine, Etc.,
Alpha Chii Omega at Missouri Uni- BERTINE Stx oldirones
'ersity will have a new $40,0001BAUYPHlPEionP ;31211 6 South Main St. Everything lMsical
____________ Phone 3839
Washington university will have a ! South University rg',r uui - Ft
Velvetis Tlhunider Clonids
~025 State St. 7 o J i G a
Our Ora.nge, Lelnoii and ILime-c-
ades, are madU4e front
F resh lFiiiit
{ 1
Lovely -,



I1~ ..







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A NAIR of distinction is
frnished the tall



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Our Co'rsetieres 'will fit you in a Red fern
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