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May 06, 1927 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-06

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j11NW YORKi. - Martinetti, former
) D Former St. LouisPitcher anu erresisi1l~ll am teur worldS C'hampion bikle srit
of Babe Ruth Comes Back w. ih PhliIlE is -er, recently turnien pro, defeated Ce
-_ - -- --- -d a in two races.
oleriwork Sent Leftander pro minors, then Jie ~l iI i
After 1Metoic Start W'lih the sxh twsi hscnet o NEW IHAVENi.-Yale's baseball teamn
Lee Fol's Brown.s says, that he first feit the tw.,i i ' of defeated the Dartmouth nine in the
5£ ~~pailn inhis elbow tha.t augured' first game of the season between tie T
! (Py tAssociated Presso) -tro11ble, eas,11-10.
NEW FORK, May Ayonme-
{ I cal student weho fired a few 'ing ugiii
baseball shots,,flyyears ago, 'chiefly
at the Ex}pQflSe of Plabe Rut, then 1 5
SGa passed out of the'big leagutes, is baci. 5? RO ND TH E W ORLD
.. 3He is Hub Pruett, left-hander, whose ys
¢, comne-haick so far with the Y i 'cveted vsecond R S Yea
Phillies holds pr-oniise of providing CLEE CUS
4 one of the year's inot dramatc bas'e- 'S yD
ball episodes. Edr'ERTMA
Hle went to the St. Louis Brown s dmccus h dte&
from the Uniiver sity of Mssouri st~,
campus at the age of 19, perfec~tedSgj
a screw-ball and, 'three yearVs lat(
southpawed himself to fame by trip- Iscesinig ih em
ing out the mighty Babe Ruth ifi 11o o nuiortes
ou f1' ~atbt A University Afloat for man
But Pruett's meteoric flight was
!brief. The experts Sa.id he ruined ai .Itino ouss apo tn
arm tith the p~eculiar miotion usemd for1o;ta, wie
his screw ball. He nowsays 'it was dl5EISIY scAd
because' h.e was w~ormed too hard, flip-TRVL
bushed uring in 3g ames that year; 1922.
of~ 60.6 He recalls one stretch 'in 'which hie
did ireliet work iii five straight games,lk

AT 3 P.M.


If You are a telephone subscriber call Jinuine IYPllTIO,
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This cohimn closes at 3 P. M. date preced- . '-
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mpiete in the Iowa-
rack m'eet Satuirday
final entries in each
e Wolverines will see
ye of them will con-
Soneo event.
'rop 'and Jack Loy-
;tinction of being the
11 three Events while
nl Lase will comn-
Northrop, although
lightly sore arm, is
n~ his~,-j3clty, the
m to the broad jump


ion to Cooper, who will run
le races, Coach F'arrell has
nes and Tarijll in the 220
and,.McDonald and Kinney
ghs. This will be the first,
:ompetition. for all of these
At Cooper and their showings
he strong Iowa contingent
watched with interest as
tt Wolverine huirdling squad
red the strongest at Michi-

a necw

Ca pta ill-elect Darnaill
W edniesday night estal
intercollegiate marko


ick Hester and Harold Lasser,
igan's star sprint pair will run in
tie 100 .and 220 yard dashes, ac-
in.g to the announcement, and are
acted, to make a great bid to finish
two. THrbaugh is the third Wol-
ne entry in the century and Hough
s a corresponding place in the
)Dg race.
e three entries in the 440 yard]
are Mueller, Ohlheiser, and Mun-
ith Lomont, Beals and Pfluke; en-
d, the 880 seems to be well taken
of. The mile run will find Is ken-
an, Monroe and 'Hunt as the Mich-
ichigan's entries in the two mile
be H{orniberger, Wuerfel, aid ba-
.t. Hornberger finished second to
of Penn State in the special two
jrace at the Penn Relays and
vises to give Hunn, Iowa's dis-
:e star, a great race from start to
Ii. Hunni snatched a win from the
verine athlete at the Conference
tr meet at Evanston last March.
esides Northrop, CoachJ. Farrell has
cted Prout and E~rickson to coin-'
in the pole vault. While b~rick-
has yet to show ay particularly
Alent vaulting th~e other two men
nise to be in the fight with the
.Hawk trio all the way.
ithe broad jump Dahlem and
ndt will enter along,<with N orthrop.
le the Michigani captain 'annexed
in this event at 'Abe Ohio Relays
second at Penn, neither of the
r two has competed for the Maize
Blue this year.
miy two men have been, named to
z. jump for the Wolverines, Waldo
Lane. Both, men got their only
r taste of meet competition this
r in the indoor dual' meet with
nell wheni Waldo tied for first at
et, 10 iinches.
ilford Ketz, soplhoxnore hammer
)wer, will make his !Ferry field de-
Saturday and will be supported by
nphell and MacOafree. Campbell
also a promising man and has con-
ently done better than 144 feet.
ac~k Lovette has been entered in
discus, shot put, and javelin throw
will compete in all three. In the
, Norton and Weber are the other
Wolverines named.
'lre discus throw will see Schrave-
di and Sanderson the' entries in ad-
on to Lovette. Neither Sanderson
Lovette has comp~eted ih ' this
it yet this spring. The same holds
o f the two shot putters besides
orthrop will be assisted in the
Iin throw by' one other xman be-
s Lovette but it has not been deli-
ly decided whether Beaman or
epp will be the third Wovlerinte

c~'~ r d .
a a *
- w
_ r
T Faturingm1Ik
Atthe next party a flan- yp~ l
Snel trouser; with this om.AoD
Sblack anul white brogue
Swould give you that corr-
Sectly "turned out" ap-°P
- ' a
medium weight inqprted hose
with a teni dollar pattern at ,
M a. w
A beautiful hose for a light =
color linen knicker.
. w, A 7A
- -
p _
.. whf 5I U l a
Ani exclusive number that is so
good looking you will wear it
-everyday.' The right weight of_
a slip-on with a low crew neck.

LOST--A brown leather punrse in'
.11ll Auditorium, Mray 4. Person is.
kno10- n and ill order' to avoid trou-
ble return to School of Mlusic or°
call 7669. 155-1-06-157
LOST-A green gold Wahl fountain
pen, Frida'y morning on campus..
Call J. E. Wendel. 3193. Reward.
LOST-Fr~day, April 22, silver van-
ity-case on a chain, with two blackz
enameled figures on front. Rlewardl.{
F~OR SALE-1924 Ford touring,, motor
A-i condition. Tires ;very good.'
$50.00 cash. R. H. ALBER, 514
East Washington. Phone 3115.
FOR SALE-Barber shop anid beauty
parlor. Four chairs, two booths,
five-year lease. iAll nlew, up-to-date
fuiniture. 107 W . Washington ;
Ypsilanti, Mich. 155-156-157
FOR: SALE-Most desirable large
rooming house, furnished or unfur-
nished. Best location. Easy' terms.
May. rent. Dial 7733. (or 4454
FOR, SALE--The exclusive right to
'sell my specialty lines on the Cam-
puts'next year. $1,500 guaranteed
to, a live wire. Call 6217 ,and ask
for Jerry. 154-155-156
FOR SALE-Old Town 'canoe, 16-foot,
newly painted. $30.00. Inquire 1.16
North State, Apt. 4. 154-155-15G
FOR SALE-1821 Ford Touring. $40.
:Call 3283 tf
TYPE~WRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. 0. D. M ORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith ,& Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. t
FOR SALE--Chevrolet 1923 touring.
$40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon
or evening and ask for McKee or

\(eWs Itr ai 1'1;llege I'rintlng.
P'rices and service right.
Datvis &OlDinger, Prompt PLinters
109-111 E. Wash. St. Dial 8132
NOTICE-Melt Gillespie, teacher man-
dolin, banjos, guitar, chord con-
struction. Dial 4757.
W~ed., Fri., Sun., tf
Trojanowskcl's Barber Shop has sat-
isfied Students for 40 years.
onable prices, tailored or ready-
made. We hiave a wonderful vari
ety of patterns. Repairing a~o a
specia Ity. )beautiful fabrics for' your
winter overcoat.
109 E. Washingtoni
Phone 5069
c Wed-Fri-Sa
The new Victor Portable Victrola
is here. Come in and see it. Porn
able phonographis as low as $11
Easy terms. university Musi
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phont
6513. 1 daily-i
TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drol
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
'6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t
TYPE~WRITIG and Kliheugrapi
ing promptly and. neatly~ dons
by experienced operators atmodt
erate rates. Thiesis 'and colleg,
work a specialty for '19 years,.'0
)1. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
T ypwriter and Stationery Store.,
Our rapid turnover insures . *ra
stock and you secure th~e best q~ua]
Sity at a mo~derate price. 0. D. MO
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phon
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & oro
W ypewriters, Inc.

NOTICE-The new Royal Portable's
ar'e now on display at Rider's Peni
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
machine. ' You will be interested.
Call and see them.

FOR' SALE--Ford_ roadster 1924;
fie 'tires, starter,; demountable,
good condition. 1617 Washtenaw.
Phone 91.17. Boyer or Farquhar.
FOR RENT -Two large, pleasant
rooms, nicely furnished for light1
housekeeping, first floor, private
entrance. 114 North Ingalls. Phone
7'437, Summer rates. 153-155
WANTED-Position as cook in a fra-
ternity house, now or next fall.
Write Box 184.'15
WANTED 2Musicians to organize or-
chestra. 'Only men thatt will stick
wanted. Call 21140 from 3:00 to
4:00. 155-156
. WANTEDS-We ca~n employ, ten U. of
M. men, freshmen, sophomores and
juniors this summer who need
funds for next year's term. Salary
and tuition. .Communicate. at once
with Mr. Croen, 514 Lafayette Bldg.,
Detroit, Alich. 153-154-155-156
WANTED-Theses to' type.. Reason-
able prices. Dial 9387. M. V.
Iliartsuff. ~153-157-159
Sam pays from $5 toy 26 for 'old
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIAL ,4306



Our entire stock of used cars t
been put Into first class running cc
dition and the prices asked are
many cases much lower than1
value given. A car for every Pui
and every car worth the moneyr. Co
In, pick out your car and ,drive
Ihome. We have roadsters, tourl
coupes, Tudors, four ;doors, $35
I 346,
The'very. one you' want is 'hi
Talk to Mr.' Gauss. ;Phone 4229.




310-320 E. Huiron St.

e are only a fewin the
States like this high
works, and none other


lw mr,


Me 1YI





A; ' J.-


The Nw Sping irogus an

Fine Custom


Lightweights are reatdy for
I your inspection at


{ - .

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