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May 28, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-28

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 174.






Dean Edinund E. Diay Is Appointed To
Office Of First Dean Of
Action on the question of student
operationof motor vehicles was defi-y
nitely deferred until a later date atx
tJe regular meeting of the Board of!
egents of the University, held lastr
night in the law building.
A new office of a Dean of Adminis-
tration was established, which Dean1
Edmund E. Day, of the School of Bus- ,
mess Administration, was appointed D Edmund E. Day
to fill! Other business consisted for
the most part of the acceptance of Who has been appointed by the Re- I
fellowships and donations, and the gents to the nwly created executive
reading of reports. position of Dean of Administration.
Postpone Action Until June I
The action of the Regents in regard ITR S E
to student-owned automobiles will be
taken at the June meeting of the
board, according to the announcement
given out last night. OW
Recommendation of Dean Day to fill
tthe newly-instituted position was I
made by President Clarence Cook Lit-
tle. The office has been under con- Hundreds Driven From Towns By
sideration for some titme, and is Breaks In Levee Near McCrae
meant to constitute a medium Along Atchafalaya River
through which the administrative du-
ties may be carried out, such ,as at- MANY CLING TO HOMES!
tention to and prevention of duplicat- -
ed courses in the various curricula, (By Associated Press)
recommendations f o r appointment, NEW ORLEANS May 27-New flood
and other tasks that have so far de- f
pended solely upon President Little. ravages appeared along both extrem-
The new Dean will supervise the car- ities of the Atchafalaya river today.'
rying-out of the educational program Waters sweeping through a crev-
of the Board of Regents, and the in- asse at McCrae drove hundreds from
htcorporating of recentovechangesdintoom
that program. of recent changes intotheir homes as backwater welled up
Day On Leave Of Absence into the northern tip of Pointe Coupee
Dean Day desires a leave of absence parish.
for next year that he may carry on Along Bayou Teche, near the south-
research work in the field of business ern extremity of the same river, tor-
administration. A'tentpotary Dean of rents ofe that stream were joining i
the School of Business Administration o
will be appointed at the next meeting backwaters to flood the streets of
of the Regents, to fill the vacancy New Iberia and threatened that town
until a regular appointment can be with isolation. While some residents
made next year. made themselves ready to withstand
The resignation of Prof. N. Scott, as the watery seige, other hundreds de-
head of the department of rhetoric serted their homes for refugee camps. I
and journalism, was accepted. Pro- The McCrae crevasse, on the east
fessor Scott has been absent for sev- j side of the Atchafalaya river is ap-
eral months because of illness. I proximately 130 miles northwest of
Dr. A. G. Ruthven, director of the New Orleans and on the opposite side
University museum, was named chair- of the Mississippi river. The break
man of the department of zoology, already has widened to more than
A fellowship, consisting of the sum 2000 feet and more than 230 square
of $500 a year for a period of three I miles of fertile farm lands have been
years, was established by the Detroit covered by the stream pouring into
Real Estate board. Pointe Coupee parish.
The detailed report of Mrs. W. D. The flood moving into New Iberia is
Henderson, executive secretary of the a part of the huge volume of water
alumnae council, regarding the crjn- which already has covered Avoyales,
paign for a Women's League building, St. Landry, St. Martins, and a good
was read before the Board.-! portion of Iberia parishes on its move
Bursley Recommendation Submitted toward the Gulf of Mexico down the'
The scope of the proposed School of west side of the Atchafalaya basin,
Forestry and Conservation was out- since tie break along Bayou Des
lin'e detail. -Glaises, more than 100 miles above
A recommendation submitted by J. I New Iberia, released the inland lake
A Bursley, Dean of Students, regard- which covered 13 northeastern Louis-
nthe regulation ofsrooming iana parishes.
A portion of the water swept over
Univerty asapproved. Tereco- ridges along the western boundary
endtion stated tht nos mlea stu- of the Atchafalaya basin to swell Bay-
'nt should, during his first year ofu Teche to such proportions it left
residence, live in any rooming hou its banks. Backwaters from Grand
thate wa nspotiovedbyrthecom-,Lake and other bodies of water of
t tee of linspection; gfurthermore New Iberia moved forward to meet
that no male student, regardless of his NwIei rvdfradt etI
ear of residence should live in an Teche and the town is being covered!
apartment or rooming'house that was by waters moving in from two direc-
no0t uinder the direct supervision of I tions.

a landlady.. This regulation is to take
effect with the beginning of the school STANFORD LEADS 1
year of 1927. The Dean of Students is
empowered to make exceptions to this IN MEE T A T PENN!
rule in particular cases submitted to e
him.(By Associated Press)
The Parke-Davis Co. submitted to FRANKLIN FIELD, PHILADEL-
the University through Dean Hugh Ca- PHIA, May 27-Stanford's brawny
hot of the Medical school, an offer of band of athletes got off to a flying
a gift of $600 a year for three years, start today in the opening skirmish of
to be utilized in clinical research. The their fight to win the Intercollegiate
offer calls for the employment of one, Four-A track and field champion-
trained worker, the remaining money 'ships.
in be spentunder the direction of they Inspite of the shock of having'
department. their crack quartir-miler, Emerson
clepartmt..__ _-Spencer, eliminated by eastern rivals,
the Cardinals asserted their might inI
Golf the field events and carried off 141
C At Columbus-Chicago 20, qualifying places, enough to lead the
! Ohio state 4. field by a substantial margin in trials
that paved the way for the final test
Baseball tiftomorrow.
Wisconsin - Minnesota game - Southern California's sturdy men,
postponed, rain. defending the championship they have
Iowa 3, Notre Dame 0 held for two successive years, finish-
Indiana 11, Purdue 0 (7 inn- ed second in the list with ten qual-
I ings. ifiers, thus strengthening the pros-
pects that the main battle tomorrow
will be fought out between the Tro-

Three Marines Given
Praise For Settling
Nicaragua Civil War
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 27.-To three
officers of the marine corps belongs
the special credit for ending the civil
war in Nicaragua, although the navy
and marine corps forces in general
deserve high praise for their co-
operation, in the opinion of Henry L.
Stinson, who was personal represen-
tative of President Coolidge -in Nica-
ragua, succeeded in arranging a truce.
The three marines are Major Ma-
rion E. Humphrey, of Wyoming, an
Lieut. E. J. Moran, and Julian N.
Frisbee, both of Illinois.
The work of these men "in pene-
trating the lines of the insurgent
army and persuading General Mon-
terra of that army to come with them
to uneet me in conference, was per-
formed under considerable difficulties
and against the opposition of General
Monterras subordinates with skill
and credit," said Mr. Stimson in a
letter to Secretary Wilbur, made pub-
lic today.
"It resulted in bringing about the
opportunity for ending the war."
Four other officers, Rear Admiral
Latimer, Brigadier General Logan C.
Felane, of the Marine Corps, and
Captains Weaver, of the destroyer
Preston, and Joseph Taussig, of the
cruiser Trenton were others singled
out by Mr. Stimson as deserving high
Admiral Latimer, he said, was a
valuable adviser in almost every de-
cision that had to be ucade. ie
praised General Filane for his "gene-
ral judgment and appraisal of the
entire situation" and for his tact in
disposing of his land forces during
the disarming of the contending ar-
mies to prevent clashes with the
'Lindbergh To Visit George Of England
And Albert Of Belgium;; Flys
Monoplane To Brussels.
(By Associated Press)
I DETROIT, May 27-Mrs. Evan-
geline Lindbergh announced to-
night that her son, Capt. Charles
Lindbergh, trans-Atlantic flier,
had accepted President Coolidge's
invitation to return home on a
warship and would sail for home
on or about June 16. He so in-
formed her by cable, she said.
PARIS, May 27 -Capt. Charles
Lindbergh, still scheduled for more
triumphs, tonight was closing the
greatest week of hero-worship that
any young man of his age ever has
Tomorrow the young American av-
iator who left New York last Friday
and arrived in Paris on Saturday
night, will leave the French capital,
after having received such adulation
as almost to defy comparison.
Heaped with all the honors that
the French government and people
could bestow on him, the son of the
Middle West will climb in his his-
toric monoplane to fly to Brussels
where another royal welcome has been
prepared by King Albert of Belgium
and his people.
Captain Lindbergh will leave the
soil of France a little after noon from
the field at Le Bourget on which he
brought the "Spirit of St. Louis" to
rest last Saturday night at the end
i of his triumphant non-stop flight
from New York.

LONDON, May 27-A reception by
King George, who is eager to learn
from the young airman the story of
the exploit which set the world ring-
ing is the outstanding item of a long
list of engagements covering almost
every minute of his few day's stay in
England that will greet Capt. Charles
Lindbergh next week.
Tuesday will be particularly crowd-
ed. The king will receive him in
Buckingham palace in the forenoon
and is likely to keep him talking quite
a long time, as he is most keenly in-
terested in the American's heroic ad-
venture, the progress of which he had
telephoned to Buckingham palace. It
is even hinted that a high honor may
b conferred on the captain.
From the alumni files of the Univer-
sity of Michigan comes word that
Mrs. Evangeline Lodge Lindbergh
mother of the flyer, was a graduate of
the University. She received a B. S
degree in 1899. She is now a teacher
of chemistry in Cass Technical High



-- I
"Frisco Sally L.evy" Chosen By Coun-A
cil For First Show Under New C
Theater Management
In accordance with the offer which
was made by the Butterfield theaterso
some time ago to provide a free I
movie following the winning of any
major sport championship by a Mich- v
igan team, arrangements have been Ih
made for a free show tonight in Hill a
auditorium, provided that Michigang
wins the Conference track champion-
ship this afternoon at Madison. The
doors will open at 8:30 o'clock. t
It was the wish of the theater man- I
agers that the Student council selects
the feature film to be shown in anyI
such case from the current pictures
1 showing in the three Butterfield thea-
ters of the city. "Frisco Sally Levy" isG
the film that has been selected byb
the council. The show will begin at
9:00 o'clock in the event of a Mich-
igan victory. A comedy film will alsot
I be on the program.J
The Varsity band has been secured
for the occasion and will play at the
show. The performance has been ar-
ranged for the late hour because of
the fact that the reports of the meet
1 may not be available until 7:30 or t
I8:00 o'clock, due to the difference inI
time between Madison and Ann Ar-
bor. The show has been arranged for
Hill auditorium due to the impossi- I
bility of seating the large number of
students in any of the local thea-
ters. In the event that the Michigan
team fails in its attempt all arrange-
ments for the performance will be
This movie, if presented, will be the
first to be given by the Butterfield in-
terests upon the winning of a Bigd
Ten championship. Under an agree-t
ment reached some time ago betweenr
the University, the city officials, andt
the representatives of the local But-g
terfield theaters, a movie will be pre-e
sented in Hill auditorium following
each championship which Michiganr
wins in a major sport. The agreementJ
came as a measure to prevent unfort-t
unate occurrances from the spirit oft
winning a championship.
Staff Appointments
! t
I Con trary to the custom of past years,.t
there will be an art staff of three
members and a literary staff of the
same number on the Gargoyle upper
staff for next year, according to an'
announcement by Frederick W. Ziv,,
'28L, managing editor. ie also an-
nounced the men who will compose
these staffs next year.
The art editors will be made up ofl
Elbert Vyse, '28, Maurice Lichten-
stein, and Robert Newton, '29. Ap
Spoinent to literary editors in-t
elude Lester P. Kauffman, '28, Phyi-
The associate editors who have
been appointed include: Ke'neth E.
Holmes '29, Louis A. Spalding '28,
Wolfgang Goetze, '28, Burton F. Lam-
from, '29, Theodore Rogzoy, '28A,
'Sara R. Haddock, '29, Edwin F.
t Forbes, '29, Richard Lutes, '28, James
R. Griess, '28, and Alexander K. Gage,
Last year the upper staff consisted
l of three assistant editors and ten
rfmembers of the art and editorial
staff. This number has been enlargedI
on the new staff from 13 to 16. An-

I other interesting change front last
year is the fact that this year there
are two women included in the ap-
pointments, one literary editor, and
one associate editor.{
' Dr. Hugh Cabot, Dean of the Col-
lege of Medicine, will be the guest of
[ the Detroit branch of the English-
t Speaking Union at lunch today at the
y Detroit Athletic club. Dr. Cabot will
speak of the future relations of the
English-speaking peoples. Governor
- Green is expected to return from
t Washington to be guest at the ban-
quet also.
f Dr. Cabot is a student of interna-
tional affairs and is considered an au-
r thority on relationships of countries
I to each other. Speaking of countries

120 Students Named
For Commencement
Honor Guard Squad
Appointments to the Honor Guard,
made annually by the various senior
class presidents of the University,
were announced yesterday by Prof.
Lewis M. Gram of the Engineering
ollege, who will be chief marshal of
hte Comm encer ent day ceremonies.S
lhe cr-nnecncement day ceremonies.
The students chosen, who number
120, 60 of which are from the Col-
leges of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, will march at the head of the
Commencement procession,' escorting
tie honor section of the parade to'
he ceremonies. The honor section is
made up of the faculties of the vari-
ous schools and colleges, regents of!
the University, University officials,
and candidates for honorary degrees.
Benjamin Friednan, '27, and Ed-
ward hambers, '27, will lead the pro-
cession as color bearers, both men -
having distinguished themselves on
athletic teams during their under-
graduate careers here. The entire list ,
of those who will participate follows: F
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Hugh Chalmers, '27, Williamv
Puckelwartz, '27, W. Calvin Patter- n
son, '27, Frederick Glover, Jr., '27, S. Ip
Tyler Watson, '27, William T. Kessel,
'27, B. Donald Wright, '27, Richard S. q
Dewey, '27, John Schravesande, '27,o
G. Gilbert Thorne, '27, Jack C. Dei-g
ble, '27, William E. Ullman, '27, Rob-A
ert E. Price, '27, Sanbron C. Hutch-a
ins, '27, Earl L. Blaser, '27, Smith H.a
Cady, Jr., '27, William A. Warrick,b
Jr., '27, John W. Hay, Jr., '27 John
(Continued on Page Three)
Barton and Moore Topple Herman and
Church Of Purdue In Straight .
Set 6.0, 6.1 and 9.7t
By Irwin A. Olian i
CHICAGO, May 27.-Michigan's un-
defeated doubles combination of Bar-c
ton and Moore advanced to the final e
round in the Western Conference I
tournament sweeping through Hermesr
and Church of Purdue in thre
straight sets 6-0, 6-1, 9-7.1
They are now slated to oppose theI
winners of the O'Connell-Bard versust
Johns-Armstrong rmpatch which was in-
terrupted by rain after the Illinois
team had won the first set 6-4.
Barton and Moore played impres-
sively during the first. two sets of1
their match but toyed with their op-
ponents in the third set until they
were on the short end of a 5-4 score,
with the possibility of rain forcing'
the match to be carried over an ex-
tra day, the Michigan players braced5
and broke through service twice to 1
O'Connell, of Illinois, present title
holder, defeated Shay of Minnesota
who had beaten him previously in
the deciding match of the Illinois-
Minnesota dual encounter when the
Gophers put the Illini out of the con-
ference race 4-3. The champion won
6-3, 9-7, 1-6, 8-6.
Wisconsin will be represented in
the singles finals by Lee Boldenweck
who won his way to the last round by
defeating Bard of Illinois 6-1, 9-7, 3-6,
6-4. Should Boldenweck give O'Con-
nell a strenuous battle in the morning
the Wolverine entrants will be a slight
favorite if the Illini win the remain-
ing two sets from Minnesota.

(By Associated Press>)
TRINIDAD, Coro., May 27-Five!
mnn were killed at the Delegua mine
twelve miles from here today when
an explosion occuring in number three
badly wrecked the opening of the
mine and broke windows out of near-
by buildings. 127 other miners at,
work escaped through an airshaft at
the other end of the line.
The explosion, believed to have been
caused by ignited coal dust occurred
at 12:40 o'clock.
Rescue crews of the Colorado Steel
and Iron company arrived shortly af-
terwards and started clearing the
shaft in which the explosion took
place. The bodies of the five men were
brought out late today.
The 127 miners who escaped
through an airshaft, were working in
another part of the mine and did not
hear the explosion. They knew noth-
ing of what happened until they were
told by their foremen to go out
through the shaft.,



owa With 10 Places, Illinois With
9, and Wisconsin With 8 e
Follow Closely d
By Herbert Vedder s
Sports Editor t
CAMP RANDALL, Madison, May 27. hi
-University of Michigan athletes dom- R
nated the preliminaries of the 27th a
annual Western Conference Track and,
Field championship b placing men t
in 10 of the 11 events in which trials L
were held today. A cold rain fellw
most of the afternoon making good b
performances seemingly impossible.
Some of the times and distances were y
quite good, and exceptional in view o
of conditions. Twelve Wolverines si
gained a total of 16 places for the s
Maize and Blue, while Iowa, Illinois
and Wisconsin followed with 10, 9 I
and 8 positions for the finals to be l
held tomorrow. w
The only real disappointment was i
Cooper's failure to qualify in the high o
hurdles, but the low hurdles more I
than made up for this deficiency when e
Cooper and Jones both placed. Hester s
secured his places in the sprints but o
Lasser could not come near the lead- w
ers today. Ohlheiser's failure to qual- o
ify in the 440 came as a surprise. p
Michigan did all that anyone could f
ask in the field events with three
qualifiers in the hammer, two in the w
discus and javelin, and one each in n
the broad jump and shot put. The half h
ihilers exceeded expectations by gain- 1
ing two of the eight places in the T
finals. c
Iowa's 10 places among the qual- f
ifiers were distributed through nine
events, the low hurdles being the only 1
event in which more than one Hawk- V
eye won his way to the finals. Illi- h
nois' nine, however, were in six S
events, three men qualifying in the L
broad jump. Wisconsin gained six g
places in the track event and only s
two In the field.
Ohio qualified 7, Minnesota and In-
diana 6, Northwestern 8, Chicago 2 s
and Purdue 1.c
Jack Lovett boosted Michigan hopesI
in the shot put by scoring the longest a
put of the qualifying round, a toss of h
46 feet 3 inches, on his second try,S
His third throw was also a 45 foot put.
Lewis of Northwestern made 45 feetv
10 inches on his second attempt ands
Forwald was third. Lyon of Illinoisl
was unable to do better than 44 feetc
8 5-8 inches.
The Wolverines suffered a severe
setback in the high hurdles when Don
Cooper, running in t he fast thirdI
heat, trailed McGinnis of WisconsinC
and McKeever of Illinois to the tape
in 15:3. Cooper was never in the
race, getting off to a slow start. His l
Ffast finish however, carried him justr
a foot or two out of second place.
In the low hurdles, the decision wast
reversed, with, Michigan qualifying
Cooperand Jones while Tarbill barely
missed qualifying with a third in the
first heat. Cooper ran his race as he p e sd w ie J n s w nb l a
pleased while Jones won by a clear
margin over Irvin. Byathe time this
event was run the rain was falling
Pahlmyer of Wisconsin sprung the
surprise of this event by winning the
second heat in 15:4 with Irwin sec-
ond. Allison of Iowa was in this heat,
but failed to qualify.
Baird of Iowa merely went through
the motions of running the quarter
mile with Leonard of Michigan tag-
ging behind him in the first heat, run
in 50:4.
None of the other three Michigan
runners in this event, qualified, Muel-
ler placing fourth in the second heat
I with Munger in a triple tie for fourth
in the next race. Ohheiser staged a
great finish in the fourth heat but
was unable to overtake the leaders

who had a 10 or 15 yard lead on him
at the last turn, where he lost his
stride in trying to pass a man on this
turn. Stephenson of Indiana and
Orlavich of Illinois ran great races to
do under :50 seconds on the heavy
Both Schravesand and Lovette qual-
ified in the discus with the latter hav-
ing the second best throw of the day,
one of 131 feet. The steady Rasmus
of Ohio led the field.
Jack Lovette made it a perfect day
for himself when he qualified third
in the javelin with a throw of 165
feet. Capt. Phil Northrop of Michi-3

rs fought through the steady, rain
nd stiff competition to places in the
nals. McCaffree barely slipped in
y tieing with Nelson of Iowa for
ixth place. Ketz easily led the field,
ith Shively next, and Campbell was
Buck Hester ran second in the fast-
st heat of both the 100 and 220 yard
ashes, 1 o s i n g to Hermanson of
'orthwestern when the Pui ple sprint
tar nipped him at the tape in 9.8 for
he century and Rea of Minnesota led
mm by a few inches in the furlong.
ta ran a great race, and wits Hester,
istanced the field until it was merely
two man race. The time was .21.7.
mith and Everingham breezed along
o tie for first in .22 in the second heat.
asser was fourth in this heat. Kriss
on the third heat from Hermanson
ut neither man was forced,
Everingham was a winner in the 100
ard dash as well, beating O'Shields
f Minnesota in the second heat. Las-
er was fifth. Kriss defeated Herman-
on in the third heat.
Times in the half mile were excel-
ent ,in view of the rain which after
etting up during some of the events
as back with a vengeance. Lomont
nerely ran to place in the third heat
f 1.58.5 which was won by Sittig of
Ilinois. The Illini man was running
asily. Gtt surprised 'tio take the
econd heat with Tooley of Ohio sec-
md. The real race here, however,
vas for third with Beals and Garby
f Northwestern tieing. Pfluke missed
lacing by only taking fourth in the
irst heat.
120 yard high hurdles-first heat-
von by Cuhel, Iowa; Otterness, Min-
esota, second. Time 15.5. Second
icat-won by Pahlmeyer, Wisconsin,
rwin, Ohio State, second. Time 15.4.
hird heat-won by McGinnis, Wis-
onsin, McKeever, Illinois, second.
Time 15.3.
100 yard dash-First heat-Won by
Hermanson, Northwestern; Hester,
Michigan, second. Time 09.8. Second
eat-Won by Everingham, Iowa; O'-
Shields, Minnesota, second. Time 10.
Lasser was fifth. Third heat-Won by
Kriss, Ohio State, Smith, Wisconsin,
econd. Time 10.
220 yard dash-First heat -Won by
Rea, Minnesota; Hester, Michigan,
econd. Time 21.7. Second heat-
Smith, Wisconsin and Everingham,
Iowa, tied for first. Time 22. Lasser
and Peters failed to qualify. Third
heat. Won by Kriss,, Ohio, Herman-
son, Northwestern second. Time 22.2.
220 yard low hurdles-First heat;
won by Cuhel, Iowa; Pierce, Ohio,
second. Time 24.8. Second heat-Won
by Jones, Michigan; Irwin, Ohio, sec-
ond. Time, 24.6. Third heat-won by
Cooper, Michigan; Beatty, Iowa, sec-
ond. Time 24.8.
440 yard run-First heat-Won by
Baird, Iowa; Leonard, Michigan, sec-
ond. Time 50.4. Second heat-won by
Orlovich, Ills., Dougan, Wisconsin,
second. Time 49.8. Third heat-Won
by Stephenson, Indiana; ,Binger, Min-
nesota, second. Time 48.7. Fourth heat
-Won by Abromson, Indiana; Spen-
cer, Purdue, second. Time 50.4.
Half mile run-First heat-Win by
Erickson, Wisconsin; Ponzer, Illinois,
second; Reynolds, Northwestern third.
Time 1.59.3. Pfluke was fourth. Sec-
ond heat-Won by Gist, Chicago, Too-
ley, Ohio, second; Beals, Michigan and
Gorby, Northwestern tied for third.
Time 1.58.9. Third heat- won by Sit-
tig, Illinois, Bernhagen, Minn., sec-
ond; Lomont, Michigan, third. Time
Hammer, throw-Ketz, Michigan;
144 feet 10 inchos: Shively, Illinois,
137 feet 6 1-4 inches; Smalley, In-
diana, 136 feet 8 1-2 inches; Camp-
bell, Michigan, 135 feet 11 1-2 inches;
Dart, Northwestern, 134 feet 4 inches;
McCaffree, Michigan, and Nelson,
Iowa, 130 feet ,all qualified for finals.
Javelin throw-Rinehart, Indiana,
172 feet 5 1-2 inches; Northrop, Mich-
igan, 166 feet 5 1-2 inches; Lovette,
Michigan, 165 feet; Scheurman, Wis-
consin, 162 feet 11 1-4 inches; Rice,

(Continued on Page Six>
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 27.-Great Britain's
six year experiment in trying to live
in ordinary, peaceful'international re-
lations with Soviet Russia came to
an end today.
A note signed by Foreign Minister
Chamberlain was delivered this m-orn-
ing to Chesham house, the Soviet le-


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