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June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cloudy and cool today; little change in temperature. C, . r Mi1t igau ~~Iait Editorials Going To Summer School.. VOL. XLV. No. 179 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt Hits NRA 0 .I10 President Hints Wish For Amendment To National Constitution Says Nation Must Decide Questions Faculty Men Think Abolition Of NRA Unharmful To Nation Declares Court Has Taken Country Back 'To Days Of Horse And...…

June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 1, won* sent to the Recorder's Office, where their semester's credits will be held up [AL BULLETIN until such time as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regu- uetive notice to al members of laton of the Regents. o. of the Asaistnt to the S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian School of Forestry: All classes. S o c I a 1 Directors, Chaperones, Tuesday, June 11, at 5 p.m. Ioaseheads, Undergradua...…

June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Berger Larson Chosen Baseball Captain; 14 Awarded l Letters Michigan State Downs Varsity In Final Game Spartans Bunch Their Hits To Win, 4-1, With Good PitchingOfSophomore Kidston Is Manager Team Finishes Year With Record Of 11 Wins And 11 Defeats Berger Larson was chosen next year's captain, 14 letters were award- ed, and the Varsity lost to Michi- gan State, 4-1, Thursday at East Lansing as Michi...…

June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .1 Publisied every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service, MEMBER .ssoctted flet9tit 9rt55 1934 fj CeFSt 1935- MANWHONWCOSN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to th...…

June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 5

…AY, JUNE 1, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . _ . Many Students Will Return To Oriental Lands Kaoru Hayashi Appointed Lieutenant In Japanese Army; Others To Teach Twelve foreign students, studying at the University will return to their native lands this summer to take up positions there. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students, has just received word from Kaoru Hayashi that he has been promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in ...…

June 01, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 179) • Page Image 6

…PAGE :SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUIWAY, JUNE 1, 1935 °AGE°SIX1TAL A M 1T1 1AN DAIL Faculty Men Discuss Result Of NRA Ruling E x p r e s s Confidence In Continued Upswing Of BusinessQ Recovery (Continued from Page 1) of the anti-trust measures will depend largely on the executive. "The Pres- ident sponso'ed the law encouraging industry to codify and suspend the anti-trust laws," he said, "Now how can he in good grace crack down and demand ...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Occasional showers today and tomorrow; cooler tomorrow. Yl r e it igazi ~Iait I Editorials To The Graduates... Crime And The Newspapers .. . VOL. XLVY. No. 180 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1935 IM IIIIIII II I II I 1 . 1 - PRICE FIVE CENTS E pid emic Of Cholera Threatens Fires Quenched In Quetta As Many Lives Are Lost And City Devastated Rescuers Rush To Aid Of Survivors Files Of Century--Old Paper Found ByHistory...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN *o * Ia the Bulletin i constructive notice to all mi~iberso( iavd.. at the ofrice of the Assistant to the 'Ifl3)104am.Saturday. SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1935 VOL. XLV No. 179 Notices Commeneemei Tickets: Tickets' for Commencenent and the Alumni- Senior Dance and Reception may be obtained upon request at the Secre- tary's Office, Room 3, University Hall, The Commencement Week Programs are also av...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1935 'p THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~_ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) . Hill Auditorium. Seats will be re- served until 10:50 a.m. Faculty will assemble in the dress- ing rooms, second and third floors of Hill Auditorium, where they may robe. Enter by rear doors. Commencement - Monday, June 17, 9:00 a.m. Weather Fair Time of Assembly -7:45 a.m. Places of Assembly: Members of the Faculties and in- vited guests, in A...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUD Pubiiled every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. .'Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ,ocioated o keiat t re ,4AD43Oiro WMSCOt6R- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to Itcr pt oth...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 5

…Y, JUNE 2, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE.L/HIAN alLY ?lans For Senior Ball Completed By CominiUee Commi" New Assistant Director For Former Graduates Married Yesterd lay Name Guests iutstanding DevelopmentiViade In Field Of Women's Athletics Eleanor R. Coryell and Hamilton Mosher Named E. Whitman, both graduates of the Kathleen Carpenter, '35, has been appointed assistant social director of Mosher Hall for next year, it was announce...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY ":4 PAGESJXTHEI.H.ANAIL Sherf Signs With Detroit01' mics Captain Seymour Siegel, Bob Ander-' Rotber Downs Kasabach with Stuart Newsom, won the intra- son, and Milton Eskowitz are auto- mural doubles title last fall. matically eliminated. John Rodriguez, Fo I- T ni Crw the Porto Rican netter, is scheduled to! Albert Rotberg defeated Harry Ka- RIVAL RED SOX sail for home June 20, so will be un- sabach, 8-6, 6-4. to win t...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1935 THE..N. ... ~.1UN M C IA N.C .'L. TTV. U.. "' 111 I W .TC1V'AN1\1AITV gL. I4i~a VEX ,. rAU v n Michigan Wins 4 Big Ten Titles In 1934-35 MAKES SURE Newark to New York City until after Jesse Hill, Yankee outfielder, re- May 15 this year, wishing to be sure fused to move his residence from he wouldn't be farmed out. F __ _._ Maize And Blue Is Either First Or Near Bottom Swimmers Take National Crown For Sixth Time In N...…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY QTT146M AV' I THE MTCHT 1l"AA VAN 1 iA LTA 1UN'LY'UA YJ Featured Dance Team Of 'Up To The Stars' Death Of NRA May Mean New Life For Trade Wider Field For Activities Wil Be R esult Of Blue Fa le's D emise WASHINGTON, June 1.- (P') - Termination of NRA codes may put new life into the trade association movement. Since the Supreme Court's NRA decision, trade organization execu- tives have been busy surveying pros- pects of ...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…0 it igan 4:Iuiti Editorials Forty-Second Session ... A Program Of Distinction Official Publication Of The Summer Session ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ___________________________________________________ U Welcome In Italy Is Cool For Britain United Front Of France And Italy Confronts Eden In Rome I1 Duce Opposes Reich Arms Plans Expect Eden To Present Question Of Ethiopia Before Mussolini ROME, June 23...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY More Than 110 Attend Sixth Annual Session O Alumni Un MONDAY, JUNE iversi increase Over rio Who Escaped F Last Year Of 20 Per Cent oted Present Eleven Courses On Ge e alTgpcOf 'The World Today' CContue Next Year Graduates Enthused Over f Program; Interest Said f To le Increased L " By THOMAS E. GROEHN By racing up the stecs of an er More than 110 people attended the a 25-foot wall, these three convicts sixth annual Alumni ...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Debates New Plan Purse Raised For 1935 Thompson Trophy Race CLEVELAND, June 23. - (A') - L. W. Greve, president of the National Air Races of Cleveland, announced today that the purse for the Thomp- son Trophy Race has been increased to $15,000 from $10,000. He said efforts will be made for the first time to obtain participation of foreign planes in the race. The Bendix trans-continental race purse has been boosted from $1...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, JTUNE 24,19 IE MICHIGAN DAILY ial Publication of the Summer Session k'l N Zz 7 1 Publiued every morning except Monday during the UniLersity year and Summer Session by the Board in Otro of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association a*,d the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER so dated (llegitet cres5 1934 .iel~liOW 193S- ADson scaHSN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

… 35 THE MICHIGAN DAILY AG r Summei Many Weddings A d Betrothals Are Announced Pettibone-Rea Cerenmo y Held June 19; Karlson- Shaw Engageinent Told Between the closing of the regular school session and the opening of the summer session there have been an unusually large number of lovely wed- dings and betrothal announcements of University students and graduates. One especially attractive wedding was that of Miss Marjory Pettibone, daughter of ...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

… Business Administration Authorities On Subjects Will Give Lectures Scenic Vew Of University Campus From The Air S e r i e s Entitled Problems Of 'Current Business Management' Begins Tomorrow Course Will Consist Of 14 Lectures Conducted By 7 Members Of School A comprehensive course of 14 lec- tures, each delivered by a specialist in his field, will be devoted to historical and contemporary aspects of the Rooseveltian New Deal, it has bee...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ichigan Golfers Begin Defense Of National - Sjx-Matn Squad In Title Play At.Washington Fischer And Koesis Lead Wolverine Team Picked To Retam Championsl i bed by two former low medalists for the tourney, Michigan's six-man teai will begin its defense of the National Intercollegiate- golf championship to- day on the Congressional Country Club course at Washington, D.C. John Fischer, present Big Ten champion, a member of t...…

June 24, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, JUNE 24, 10 Excursions Are Listed In Summer Plan rips To Niagara Falls And Put-In-Bay Again Head- line Program (Continued from Page 1) furnaces, and the rolling mill. On- portunities for examination of phases of.modern production such as the ex- treme specialization of labor, the continuous conveyor-belt system, and large scale production will be fur- nished. The cost of this afternoon trip is $1.25. On July 12,...…

June 25, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…sing cloudiness and 4t warmer; local thun- E. Official Publication Of The Summer Session J 1 Editorials More Political Implications .. . Another Popular Exploitation. . Distinction In Another Field ... I f No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS _ __ _ _ _ _ Talk Roosevelt Expected To Demand Enactment Of Tax Proposals Woody Malloy' f S ei lelivered James K. Pollock ks On 'Government Spoils Only' ise...…

June 25, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY of the Summer Session I 1, AI Publi.ed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. ;Memberof the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ossotiated t oUeate $ress - 1934 &&gige gg 193- S wsct4s" MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicat...…

June 25, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women's Sport Activities For Term Planned' Mixed Badminton And Tap Dancing Classes Will Be' Offered Plans for the Summer Session women's athletic program were an- nounced yesterday by Miss Virginia Peaseley of the department of phys-' ical education. The staff for the sum- mer will be composed of Miss Peaseley,, Miss Laurie Campbell and Miss Marie Hartwig. Mixed badminton and beginning tap dancing classes will be offered a...…

June 25, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kentucky Floods Take Toll In Deaths And Damages --Associated Press Photo, Floods accompanied by rain, wind and hail storms caused four deaths and thousands of dollars damage in central and western Kentucky. This New Orleans to, Louisville train maintained its schedule despite having to plunge through several feat of water near Dawson Springs. A mother and her three children lost their lives near Bardwell when their rowboat...…

June 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…Weather movers, cooler in west portions today; to- trtly cloudy. L .L Sir Ab Official Publication Of The Summer Session E CENTS ;3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1935 PRICE: FIV 'E CENTS ;66mz;; - ernational Law rley Will Open etingS Tonight Teachers Will Meet e For Fourth Annual ference t, Reeves To ddress Members es Begin Tomorrow 'ning; Hyde, Wilson, Ah Also On Staff 1 exercises opening the fourth summer Sessjon on Tea...…

June 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…__THE MICHIGAN DAILY ial Publication of the N DAILY Summer Session r y. j I wif Publibed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications.- Jember- of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big- T&n News Service. , MEMBER . As5ocatedS %oliteiate rts x1934 GAI giaeX M t935e MAWSON- '. t4Stn MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Assobiated Press is exclusi...…

June 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Careers And Personalities Of Our Senators: Rush D. Holt G-Men' Locate Fugitive After 16- Year Chase DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. others who ,are expected to occupy theHovrT msA et'n limelight during the 74th Congress. signature. Hoover Terms...…

June 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY WENE Two Portuguese Noblemen Are Overtaken By Fate Misfortune overtook Albert and George De Monteverde, wealthy ti(?ipted a non-stop flight from Floyd Bennett field to, Rome, Italy. to take the air and crashed into a sandpile. Neither flier was injured. --Associated Press Photo. Portuguese noblemen, when they at- Their heavily-laden monoplane refused Couzens Spurs New Roosevelt Taxation Plans From Hospital Bed Senator O...…

June 27, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…f ilier owers today; to- ly claiudy; not hi temperature. L Official Publication Of The Summer Session Editorials Part of a Tradition . Answering The 'Pied Pipers' . .............. ........ . . ........... . I ..... ... ..... MMMMMMQMMIWAMIMW <4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS s On panic ierica rthur S Aiton Tells roblems Existing In America 6rs Third Of mder Lectures ies Are In Position d States Was...…

June 27, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…_THE1MICHIGAN DAILY STAGE Ws 4 -6 AT THE CONCLUSION of part one, the Rev. Patrick Bronte says "Give me my tea black and bitter." A black and bitter portion of tea is pre- cisely the ingredient which serves to make up "Moor Born," Dan Totlberoh's impressive drama concerning the illustrious Bronte sisters. "Moor Born," which opened last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, officially ushered in the 1935 Summer Session theater bill and to a...…

June 27, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…E sAN DAILY M.S.C. Heads May Organize Crime School State Crime Commission Asks For Curriculum In Police Education LANSING, June 26. -(P) - Mich- igan State College deans listened to- day to a proposal from the state crime commission that a scientific man- hunting school be established in East Lansing. Dean R. C. Huston, of the applied science division, will head the group of four deans who will confer with a sub-committee of the crime commis...…

June 27, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ruetion In They Made Bows To King George And Queen Mary Nine Sports Is Given Women X11 Of Athletic Facilities Thrown Open; Activities Will BeginToday Two ideally equipped athletic build- gs, Barbour Gymnasium and the romen's Athletic Building, together mtaining accommodations for more lan 2,000 women, and the Union vimming pool will be used for the tmer Session women's athletic pro- am commencing today. Instruction ill be...…

June 28, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…[ter Y.l r y; gentle southwest Is becoming varlable Official Publication Of The Summer Session Editorials In Defense Of Athetic... Radio Fot Congress... No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS S Now eption 3e Held Kellum Will Study Geologicul Structure Of Central America League I y To come Give To Official S udents wan's Orchestra [o Play For Dance nn itune Telling, ,Bridge ournament To Furnish ntert...…

June 28, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY Publication of the Summer Session " , , . f, rI 13 Publisaed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER 4 aat&4 *Utiate 'rvs -934 ffUniakj1QePz 935 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the u...…

June 28, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

… -Associated Press Photo. Not even a sailor could tie knots like these, so no one expected a couple of referees to untie them. The wrestlers, all four of them, were engaged in a bit of contortionism at Milwaukee when this picture was taken. Cool'Congo Cloth' Suit Is Pr Practical For Summer Wear I I r 11 …

June 28, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ lht Fischer Downs Malloy To Enter Semi-Finals FHA Authorizes Third All-Star Baseball Game ise t F a y klulu}l 4 Local Banks Moves Into Largest Stadium To Give Loans $2,000 May Be Borrowed For Renovation, Utility Improvements Four local banks have been author- ized by the Federal Housing Admin- istration to make loans to Ann Arbor home owners for repairs or improve- ments under the plan of insurance provided in the Natio...…

June 29, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…eather Allummum . 0--Md . iiE lowers at vaious .out the day today. SOicialr igan OficalPublication Of Tlhe Summer Session Editorials American Ratlonaliation ... Radio Vs. Newspapers .. The Isolation' Myth .. . ;. ' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1935 PRICE: FIVE CENTS kOn Harold Smith Made Member Of International Union Of Cities dng Is ten Off al Tsai's Troops Are en Back By Loyal iese Army ricans Saved y Two Attaches it...…

June 29, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY f the Summer Session -I 7 1 1 -O abli !led every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in .trol of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER' Associated, legiatt fee -i 934 ]|} gg 19Ss=e MAMSOW VASONSIN MIEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of...…

June 29, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHI'GAN DAILY Bor glum Begins Jef ferson Lead In Rushmore Project fea On B Admit Of 4 Clau WASH Adminisi fighting tence" in bill, expr were gai As det ceeded o from diff carriedc to gain cept "ne by 1942. The Se a provisi wants iti to the H mittee w holding c commissi Repres Miss.), or said toda foes of th to comm cent priv whittled "cloakroc shrink " "The of strength tacks on hurt us Republice issue ofi Rankin Associated Press Photo...…

June 29, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

….; ', THE MICHIGAN DAILY .'t ,..,., ._ f -+Associated Press Photo. Feminine golfers in the west are wearing shorts this season. An attractive example of the mode is the outfitwormhere by Eleanor Rowley, Pasadena debutante, as she played the course at Lake Arrowhead, Calif. Wagner Labor Bill Is Causing Strike Rumors Act Waiting For Signature Of President; Laborites Are Jubilant WASHINGTON, June 28. -(P) - The Wagner labor disputes bill, ha...…

June 30, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…eather 'erally fair today; tomor- robably thundershowers; uch change in tempera- YI icri iu Official Publication Of The Summer Session !!eft Ti No.7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY,'JUNE 30, 1935 PRICE: FIV E CENTS old Ferris, Women In Murder Case krrested In Ft. Wayne Vill Be Questioned In lickinson Murder hweitzer' Refuses o Talk To Officers e Of Women Faints As olice Car Takes Them ack ToMichigan NESVILLE, Mich., June 29- (P) illiam Le...…

June 30, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY Publication of the Summer Session swer to all demands. Like many another virtue - sobriety, sincerity and courage -we pay it our solemn respects, thereafter proceeding to give it as wide a berth as we can. \1 A Washington BYSTANDER LI Publited every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editori...…

June 30, 1935 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY sic Faculty Will Present SiX Pograms. frst Concert, Devoted To Brahms' Work, Will Be G1ven Tresday Six musical programs have been rranged by the faculty of the School Music for presentation during the ummer Session, and will be given I 8':30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium on iccessive Tuesday evenings, begin- ing July 2. The programs have been planned include a wide range of composi- ons, varying from the purely class- al works to...…

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