movers, cooler in west
portions today; to-
trtly cloudy.
L .L
Sir Ab
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
;66mz;; -
ernational Law
rley Will Open
Teachers Will Meet
e For Fourth Annual
t, Reeves To
ddress Members
es Begin Tomorrow
'ning; Hyde, Wilson,
Ah Also On Staff
1 exercises opening the fourth
summer Sessjon on Teaching
onal Law will be held at 8
light. The membership of
on includes forty .teachers of
onal law and international
from universities and col-
oughout the country.
red by the Carnegie Endow-
International Peace, the con-
s conducted here anually to
achers of international law
unity to contact and receive
on from recognized author-
his field.-;
mes Brown, director of the
of international law of the
Endowment for Interna-
ace, and Prgf. Jesse S. Reeves
aiversity political science de-
b, both of whom are members
eaching staff of the session,
ress the opening meeting of
udents in the session will be
r the five-week period at the
elta Phi fraternity house, 556
ate St.
3urses Begin Thursday
s dealing with the various
f international law will begin
v morning. Plans provide
Dean Of Law Parley
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the Uni-
versity political science department,
who will again serve as dean of the
annual Summer Session on Teach-
ing International Law. The parley
opens here today and will continue
until July 30.
Senators Whip
Rowe, 7 To 4,
In Final Game
Goslin Has Perfect Day At
Bat As He Hits Safely In
13 i Straight Game
DETROIT, June 25 - (Special) -
The Washington Senators won the
final game of the series from the De-
troit Tigers today, 7 to 4, when they
batted Lynwood "Schoolboy" Rowe
from the box after five innings. The
series went to Detroit, however, as
the Tigers had previously won three.
Nearly 4000
Enrolled For
Studies Here
Incomplete Figures Show
3,746 Students Are In
1935 Summer Session
Hopkins Predicts A
Record Registration
Visible Gains Recorded
Over Last Smmer In
All Schools,_Colleges
With 3,746 students enrolled in the
Summer Session at 5 p.m. yesterday,
the probability that the total enroll-1
ment would surpass 4,000 appeared a
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, stated that he1
expects the 1935 term to be the largest
since 1931, when g record high en-
rollment of 4,328 was registered. If
the total for this year reaches 4.000
when final compilations are made by
the office of the registrar, it will be
only the second time in the 42 years
of the Summer Session's history that
this figure has been reached,
Enrollment continued to run far
ahead of the 1934 mark again yester-
day. At this date last yea 2,928
students had registered, 818 less than
were recorded yesterday.. The 1934
total enrollment of 3,272 had already
been passed with Monday's total of
Perceptible gains were again shown
yesterday in registration in the liter-,
ary college, the College of Engineer-
ing, the Medical School, the Law
School, the Graduate School, the
School of Music, the College of Ar-
chitecture, the School of Education,
the School of Business Administra-
tion, and the School of Forestry andj
Of the 3,746 enrolled in the Uni-
versity to date, figures showed that
2,376 of this number were men as
p wd .70 T .
of618 studie its ove last year in-
cluded 471 men and 347 women.
Educators Plan
Meetings Today
Extracurricular activity in the
School of Education gets under way in
earnest today, with an afternoon con-
ference, two club organization meet-
ings, and an honorary society organi-
zation meeting scheduled.
Calvin O. Davis, professor of sec-
ondary education and secretary of the
School of Education, will address the
first afternoon conference at 4:10 p.
m. in Room 1022 University High
School. Professor Davis will discuss
"The Tercentenary Celebration and
its Results."
Those interested in the formation
of a Women's Education Club will
meet with Miss Gertrude Muxen and
Dr. Mabel Rugen at 7:15 p. m. in the
Michigan League. A garden party is
planned. Men will meet for the or-
ganization of thir club with Prof.
Jackson R. Sharman at 7:30 p. m. in
the Union.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold its or-
ganization meeting at 8:15 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Prof. Cleo Murt-
land will preside.
Louis Batters
Carnera F o r
Win In Sixthb
Technical Knockout Given
Sensational Negro After
Three Knockdowns
Amazing Crowd Of
70,000 Sees Fight
Is Largest Throng Since
1930; Louis Pounds Big
Italian From Start
June 25.-- (RP) - Joe Louis, sensa-
tional Negro from Detroit, scored a
technical knockout over Primo Car-
nera, former heavyweight champion,
in two minutes, twenty-two seconds of.
the sixth round of a fifteen round
battle tonight before a crowd esti-
mated at the amazing total of 70,-
Carnera, badly battered all the way
and bleeding freely from the mouth
after the first round, went down twice
for a count of four in the sixth before
Louis flattened him for the third
time with a left hook to the chin.
Carnera rose then at three, so dazed
that he turned helplessly to the ref-
eree, Arthur Donovan, unable to con-
tinue. Donovan immediately stepped
in and stopped the slaughter, award-
ing Louis a technical knockout.
Louis' punching was amazingly
powerful as he drilled the man who
outweighed him by 64/ pounds. Car-
nera scaled 260%, Louis 196.
The gate receipts were estimated
at close to $500,000.
The size of the crowd, greatest since
Max Schmeling won the heavyweight
title from Jack Sharkey before 79,-
222 persons in this same ring on a
foul in 1930, witnessed with astonish-
ment the merciless exhibition of the
brown boy who fought his first pro-
fessional fight only a year ago.
idmked-n otytih en ii the '22 ffghts
he has had as a professional, but had
little trouble cutting Carnera down as
an expert woodman with a two-edged
axe would fell a monster oak in a
forest. -
Shuffling forward, Louis lashed out
suddenly at the start of the first round
with a left hook that nearly tore away
the lower half of Carnera's head. The
giant, all waving arms and strumbling
legs when he is hurt, fought desper-
ately to grab the youngster, lean on
him, batter him in the clinches.
Joe just moved away and then
back, to swing a long right into Pri-
mo's mouth that tore the lip and
started blood flowing, then to nail
him again with a right that sent
ripples of startled reaction from
muscles all over Carnera's bulgy
LONDON, June 25. -(RP) -Helen
Wills Moody began her campaign to
regain the all-English tennis cham-
pionship today by eliminating M.
Baumgarten of Hungary, 6-0, 6-1, in
a first round match on Wimbledon's
famous courts.
Helen Jacobs, the American cham-
pion and old rival of Mrs. Moody's,
also advanced into the second round
in easy style, whipping Nelli Adamson,
Belgian champion, 6-3, 6-2.
Tie For Medal Honors
is scheduled to con-
Golf Team Keeps College
Title With MalloY Kocsis
Each of the members of the teach-
faculty of five will direct one or
re of the courses. The personnel
this council, as announced last
;ht, includes Dr. Scott as chairman,
ofessor Reeves as dean, George A.
ich, managing editor of the Amer-
,n Journal of International Law, as
Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde, Ham-
on Fish Professor of International
w at Columbia University, and Prof.
orge Grafton Wilson, professor of
ernational law at Harvard Uni-
sity, complete the membership of
e eaching staff.
Wilson Opens Series
the program of the session includes,
addition to the courses, group con-
ences and evening lectures, as well
a limited number of consultation
riods. The lectures are the only
rtion of the session to which the
blic is admitted.
Professor Wilson will open the ser-
of five lectures at 8 p. m. Monday
Room 1025. Angell Hall when he
eaks on "The Treaty of Versailles
.d International Law." Other mem-'
rs of the council will speak on suc-
eding Monday nights throughout
ee session.
The second lecture will be given by
ofessor Reeves, who will speak on
nternational Boundaries."dA speech
i"The Tragedy of Words in In-
rnational Law" by Professor Hyde
11 be presented the fd-Howing week.
"The United States and the De-
lopment of the European Situation"
11 be the subject of Mr. Finch in
e fourth lecture. The last in the
ries will be delivered by Dr. Scott
1 July 29. His subject will be "Sanc-
mns of International Law."
Prof. Aiton To
Deliver Third
Talk In Series
Noted Authority Will Tell
Of Current Problems In
Hispanic America
The third of the series of University
lectures for the Summer Session will
be given today by Prof. Arthur S. Ai-
ton of the History Department. He
will speak on "Current Problems in
Hispanic America" at 5 p.m. in Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
Professor Aiton is a recognized au-
thority on Hispanic-American affairs,
having served on the board of editors
of the Hispanic-American Historical
Review and as a member of the com-
mission on Research in Latin-Amer-
ican Relations. He has been a fre-
quent contributor to periodicals and
reviews on the subject of Hispanic-
American affairs and history, and %
the author of "Antonio de Mendoza,
First Viceroy of New Spain.
Coming to the University of Mich-
igan as instructor in history in 1921,
Professor Aiton has been professor
of Hispanic-American history since
1929. His early training was received
at the University of California, fol-
lowed by study as a traveling fellow
in. Spain, 1920-21, and graduate study
at the University of Caen, France, in
Professor Aiton has served as fel-
low in National Social Science Re-
search, France and Spain, 1928-29,
and as a membe of tbeactyof
thff s r'choos of'thr thiVerityN
of California, 1926 and 1930, and of
the University of Chicago, 1927.
Britain Invites
T h. r e e Powers
To Naval Talk
Russia, France, And Italy
Asked, But Acceptances
Are Not Certain
LONDON, June 25.-MP) - Great
Britain, with Germany's promise
never again to engage in unrestricted
submarine warfare in her possession,
today made ready to discuss naval
issues with France, Italy and Russia.
Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in-
formed the House .of Commons that
the three had been invited to send
delegations to London, but dodged
questions as to whether the invitations
had been accepted.
A short time before, Sir Bolton
Eyres-Monsell, first lord of the ad-
miralty, stirred the legislators to
cheers with the announcement that
the Reich had given her pledge to ad-
here to the rules and regulations re-
garding submarine warfare in part
four of the Washington Treaty re-
gardless of other powers.
Some caustic comment followed Sir
Bolton's address. Aneurin Bevan, La-
bor party member, asked whether any
warring nation on the vem'ge of defeat
would abide by the treaty provisions if
that meant losing the war.
"That would be the policy of de-
spair," Sir Bolton retorted while the
House cheered. "That would mean a
return to jungle war."
-Flying Cadets Willis M. Darnell,
22 years old, and Robert C. Streater,
24, were killed today when in pursuit
planes they were flying in formation
with 16 other ships of the Ninety-
Sixth Pursuit Squadron locked wings
and crashed into a marsh.
g ames.
A young left-hander, Leon Pettit,
kept the Tigers effectively at bay for
the eight innings he worked before
giving way to Jack Russell. His
mates gave him an early lead, when
they got three runs in the third. They
followed in up with four more in the
fifth, driving Rowe out of the game.
The brightest spot in an otherwise
unsatisfactory day for Detroit was the
fine hitting of Goose Goslin, who got
a double and three singles in four
times at bat. He has hit safely in
thirteen consecutive games - every
one since he returned to the linup.
Johnny Stone and Fred Schulte
carried the brunt of the Senator at-
tack. Stone drove in three runs with
a triple and two singles, while
Schulte's home run in the fifth scored'
Travis ahead of him.
Auker relieved Rowe in the sixth
and, when Reiber batted for him in
the seventh, was replaced by Hog-
sett. The Senators failed to score
off either of the Tiger relief pitchers.
Detroit remained five games out of
first place as Cleveland defeated New
York. The Tigers open a series at
Chicago tomorrow.
Infection Was A Malign Spirit
In His Body To The Algonquin
To Teach Courses
Dr. Scott wil teach two courses in-
uiding The Classics of Internation-
Law before Grotius and Classic
ojects of International Law Organ-
ation. Professor Reeves will discuss
he Classics of International Law
om Grotius to Vattel and Political
hieory and International Law.
Territorial Waters, Neutrality, and
iternational Law and the Constitu-
:n will be the subjects of the three
urses tought by Professor Wilson.
ofessoi Hyde will discuss Interpre-
tion of International Law by the
upreme Court of the United States.
r. Finch will have as his subject
he Modern Sources of Interna-
onal Law.
The Members of the council will
irpn am rfppnnapnt ra anr
'Silly'4" C- omplaints
Roundly Attacked
WASHINGTON, June 25.-P) -
Indignantly, Anthony J. Dimond,
Alaska's delegate to Congress denies
Matanuska valley is a "dusty, mos-
quito-infested" country-as described
by returning California transient
Dimond also termed 'grossly ex-
aggerated" and "silly" complaints of
settlers in the government's coloniza-
tion project against its management.
These pioneers went to Alaska from
drouth areas of Wisconsin, Minnesota
and Michigan.
Pointing out that he had repeatedly
warned the settlers should be care-
fully selected and impressed with the
faoft that thev uwrr nnt being led into
The medical theories and practices
of the Algonquin Indians of the Great
Lakes region were the subject of the
second lecture in the Summer Session
series, delivered by Dr. Wilbert M.
Hinsdale, professor-emeritus of the
Medical School, yesterday in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium.
In differentiating between the mod-
ern and primitive conception of med-
icine, Dr. Hinsdale said that we speak
of infection as the cause of illness,
while the Indian though of it as an
invasion or possession of his body by
a malignspirit and whatever acted
against it was medicine, whether
something to swallow, a ritual, pray-
er or a protective enchantment.
"Among people in the lower cul-
tures," he said, "medicine is insep-
arably associated with religion, if re-
ligion includes the conception of im-
material forces supposed to permeate
all things."
Dr. Hinsdale stated that there are
two sources of information about the
practices of the Algonquin Indians
residing in the Great Lakes area, one
of the writings of the first explorers
and missionaries and the other the
pure archaeological evidence. How-
ever, the value of the first source is
somewhat impaired, he pointed out,
because "the early writers described,
so far as thy comprehended, things
as they found them, but they fre-
quently misunderstood the full pur-
port of what they described."
The commoner minor was treated
by a simple dose, he said, and al-
most every root;-bark and plant were
used for such purposes, although the
use of such remedies has long since
passed into historic pharmocology.
"The Indians' contribution to the
stock of white men's drugs was quite
voluminous for 200 years," Dr. Hins-
dale stated, "but excepting a few
barks and roots from South America,
the others are mere markers along
Open Registration For
Memberships In Union
Registration for Summer Ses-
sion memberships in the Union
will continue for the remainder of
the week at the main desk in the
lobby of the Union, it was an-
nounced last, night by Stanley G.