M.S.C. Heads
May Organize
Crime School
State Crime Commission
Asks For Curriculum In
Police Education
LANSING, June 26. -(P) - Mich-
igan State College deans listened to-
day to a proposal from the state crime
commission that a scientific man-
hunting school be established in East
Dean R. C. Huston, of the applied
science division, will head the group
of four deans who will confer with a
sub-committee of the crime commis-
sion appointed by Attorney General
Harry S. Toy. Commissioner Oscar
S. Olander, who suggested the idea
originally, will attend.
The members of the sub-committee
are former State Senator Herbert P.
Orr, of Caro; Jay W. Linsey, of Grand
Rapids; Harry G. Gault of Flint. The
conference is designed to draft a ten-
tative curriculum for the proposed
school, which will be submitted to the
state board of agriculture, governing
body of the college, July 8.
Orr, who is vice chairman of the
crime commission and who has served
as a member since 1931, outlined his
idea for a curriculum today.
"I believe every student enrolled
should have a basic education," he
said. "He should live at the state
police barracks in East Lansing while
undergoing the usual intensive train-
ing given recruits, specializing in fin-
ger printing, a study of the police
radio and practical pistol marksman-
"At the college he should be taught
a smattering 'of psychology, psychiat-
ry, sociology and given intensive
training in criminal evidence and
criminal law."
Dean Huston believes each student
in the proposed scientific crime detec-
tion course should be required to take
four years of military training. He
would demand completion of a four-
year academic course leading to a
bachelor of science degree.
Glowing Account
Of Pioneer Town
Given By Hopkins
WASHINGTON, June 26 - (') --
A picture of Alaskan "pioneering"
with railroad service, radios, a hos-
pital and a laden commissary today
represented Harry L. Hopkins' reply
to charges that the Matanuska Valley
was a nest of disease' and discontent.
The FERA administrator put his
case before the Senate in a report
submitted at the request of Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg, Michigan Re-
publican, who had assailed the Alas-
kan colonization as a "crazy experi-
ment." Vandenberg read to the Sen-
ate telegramscharging that disease
and discontent were prevalent at the
Palmer colony.
Hopkins conceded that construction
was about three weeks behind sched-
ule, but presented as part of his re-
port a telegram from Administrator
Irwin of the colony explaining that
225 more men were being rushed in
to help with construction to provide
homes for the colonists by winter.
Month-End Clearance!
Silk Dresses
$7.95 $9.95 $12.95
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A few Silk Suits are also in-
cluded in this Clearance
Horse-Tennis Born Into World--
To Reduce Congress' Waistline
WASHINGTON, June 26 - (M) - Go the waist-line problem on Capitol
In the name of congressional waist- Hill. Sen. Huey P. Long, Louisiana,
lines - which get rather paunchy in does his battling at the dinner table.
spots - a new game has been invent- He lives on a rigid diet which he ob-
ed. .serves so carefully he carries a copy
It is "horse tennis," played in the in his pocket. Four days out of five
house gymnasium between 5 and 6 he eats a slim, but adequate diet. The
p. in. by congressmen with equator fifth day he drinks his meals - milk
trouble. and fruit juice. One of the "ade-
Team members are chosen in a quate" days permits him: breakfast,
novel manner. Dr. George W. Calver, grapefruit juice, black coffee, toast;
the capitol physician, .points an ac- lunch, clear soup, baked apple, tea,
cusing finger at a waist-line begin- toast; and dinner, consomme, fish,
ning to extend too far south, and the green peas and apricots.
gentleman in question, if he has will Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg of
power, buys shorts and sweatshirt. Michigan kills two birds with one
Thereafter he becomes a member of stone. He goes to a bowling alley
the waist-line legion. He shows up while he waits for his wife to do her
in the gymnasium after the day's ses- shopping.
sion, and with 50 or so other members Joe Robinson Fishes
pushes a ball around for an hour. There are several who take their
Horse Instead of Net I ,rt itti s ,n,-. i
He may push it in horse tennis, or
if he is conservative, he' can stick to
handball or volleyball. He finishes off
with a shower, and then goes back to
work with a feeling that all's well.
This horse tennis is a simple game,
invented by the congressmen. It is
played on a court with a carpenter's
wooden horse in place of a net. The
ball, which weighs five pounds, is put
into play by a plump gentleman who
bends over, picks it up, and heaves it
over the horse to another gentleman
who must wait until it bounces before
he can return the play.
Rep. James M. Mead of New York
is to blame for all this exertion. He
has been in Congress 18 years, and
he dislikes the way young members
quickly lose their youth. He remem-
bers with a frown the session when
29 members died.
Champions Developed
"Too much work and no exercise,"
he diagnoses. "So we agitated a gym-
nasium, and just got it this year by
chipping in $5 apiece and buying
equipment. And the paunches and
flabby muscles are disappearing."
Several champions have developed.
The two handball experts are Repre-
sentatives Mathew J. Merritt of New
York and William M. Citron of Con-
The baseball team includes two
former big league players; Thomas
S. McMillan of South Carolina, and
Edward A. Kelly of Illinois.
There are, of course, other solutions
Miss Earhart Recovering
After Operation On Nose
LOS ANGELES, June 26. -() -
Amelia Earhart Putnam was in a'
hospital here today recovering from
an operation on her nose. Dr. Joseph
Goldstein said it was "minor and un-
important" and that she would be
able to leave the hospital in a day or
LINDEN, Cal., June 26 - (P) - A
gold nugget about the size of a pea
was found in the gizzard of a three-
month-old chicken when it was killed
by Mrs. Nettie Stanley here.
sp si u 5'A n gVown wi ai- is -poein n
hand. They include Sen. "Joe" Rob-
inson of Arkasas, who will vary the
program by attending a ball game
with Vice President Garner; and
Rep. Lindsay Warren of South Car-
olina, who shanghaies friends on
Sunday for fishing on the Potomac.
Sen. Pat Harrison of Mississippi is
She" recognized golf charripion of
Laurels for the most energetic
sport go to Rep. Kent E. Keller of
Illinois, who likes to wrestle. His
secretary is the one who suffers. He
has to be the other half of the match.
Koella, Thieme
Will Lecture At
French Meeting
Summer Session Club To
Present 'Get -Together'
Program Tonight
The first meeting of the Summer
Session French Club will be a "get-
together" to be held at 8 p. m. today
in the second floor terrace room of
the Union, it was announced yester-
day by Prof. Charles Koella of the
French department, director of the
No formal program has been plan-
ned, but Professor Koella will wel-
come the members and Prof. Hugo
Thieme, chairman of the French de-
,partment, will also speak. Other
members of the French faculty will
also be present.
This is the first time that the
French Club has been orgarnized dur-
ing the Summer Session. - Member-
ship is open to any graduate or un-
dergraduate student in the depart-
ment, and to any student or faculty
member who can speak French rea-
sonably well.
All students wishing to join the club
must register with Professor Koella
and pay the $2 membership fee.
South African
Grows Drouth
Immune Maize
Expected To Revolutionize
Maize Growing In Areas
Of LightRainfall
PRETORIA, Union of South Africa,
June 26-(P)-The production of a
new type of drouth resistant maize
of prolific yield has been announced
The new maize, named the Mor-
genster Marvel, is the product of four
years' patient cross-breeding between
Wisconsin white maize and American
flint white maize.
S. W. Morkel, known as the North-
ern Transvaal's largest maize grow-
er, is responsible for the production
of this new type, which experts state
is likely to revolutionize maize grow-
ing in South Africa, and particularly
in uncertain rainfall areas.
Grain Proves Heavier
Unlike the Wisconsin and the
American. flint, the progenitors of the
new maize, which are normally grad-
ed by the elevator system as threes,
the new maize is readily accepted as
flat white twos in elevators.
Features claimed for the new type
of maize are its extraordinary drouth
resistant powers and the heavy weight
of grain: a crop of 9,760 bags reaped
from 700 acres averaged 239 /2 pounds
a bag, as against the standard weight
of 203 pounds.
The excessive hardness of the usual
flint mealie for milling purposes,
which has hitherto made flint maize
unpopular, with consequent lower
values, is not apparent in the new
breed of maize. The cobs are of an
average length of 12 inches, while
the grain is slightly larger than the
ordinary Wisconsin wide.
Does Not Revert To Type
Experiments over a number of
farms on large scale planting during
the past two years have demonstrated
'that the new maize does not revert to
type as in the case of normal cross
A typical example of the drouth-
resisting powers of the new maize is
to be seen on Morkel's farm, where
the new maize is yielding, under ex-
cessive drouth conditions, slightly
over six bags to the acre, while other
types planted at the same time and
under identical conditions are scarce-
ly producing one bag an acre.
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