ial Publication of the Summer Session
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Publiued every morning except Monday during the
UniLersity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Otro of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association
a*,d the Big Ten News Service.
so dated (llegitet cres5
1934 .iel~liOW 193S-
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ASsOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
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ASISTANT EDITORS: Eric W. Hall, Joseph Mattes, Elsie
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irculation Manager.... ..... ......... Clinton B. Conger
the University Summer Session
again Opens its doors to provide educational
facilities for several thousand students from every
state in the' Union and several foreign countries.
Here students attending .the University for the
first time will be offered the opportunity for a
summer of both educational advancement and
thorough enjoyment. Those who have been in at-
tendance before need no calling of this to mind.
'From the most humble of beginnings 42 years
ago, when the total enrollment numbered 91 stu-
dents and less than 50 courses were offered, the
Summer Session now rivals its great prototype,
the University of the regular academic year. Last
summer more than 600 courses were available to
x,272 students. A maximum of-advantages will
again be offered this summer. The faculty num-
,bers more than 400 and includes many prominent
isiting professors, while more than a dozen col-
leges will be open for pursuit of study. In addition,
a varied and extensive program of educational di-
version and entertainment has been arranged by
administrative officials. This includes a series of
22 lectures by distinguished authorities in their
respective fields; a group of nine plays presented
throughout the Session by the Michigan Repertory
Players; musical recitals and band concerts; ex-
'cursions to nearby places of interest; weekly
dances for all students at the Michigan League;
gnd vast facilities for athletic recreation.
Surely such, a program offers to all a summer
conducive both to successful study and enjoyable
vacationing. The Daily takes this opportunity to
welcome the students of the Summer Session to
Ann Arbor and to the University and urges them
to take full advantage of the manifold advantages
which are their's.
A Program
Of Distinction .. .
T1 mer Session seres will be given to-
morrow by Prof. James K. Pollock of the political
science department, who will speak on "Govern-
m*ent for Spoils Only."
Professor Pollock, an excellent lecturer who
knows of what he speaks, is an ideal person to
lpen what appears to be an even finer series of
lectures than was held at the last Summer Session.
One person remarked not long ago that the
Bummer Session lecture series was almost an ed-
ication in itself. A brief glance at the schedule
of speakers and their subjects would seem to prove
that point.
In previous years these lectures have always
been well attended) The type of persons enrolling
for the Summer Session are doubtless less the
undergraduate and more the scholar than those
who attend this University during the regular
The lecture series during the regular school
term was so poorly attended last year that it is
not too improbable that the University may be
forced to discontinue it entirely.
Unfortunately the majority of the undergradu-
ate body would never miss them, but there are a
few who would undoubtedly feel the loss keenly.
Regardless the Summer Session lecture series
maintains its popularity. At no time last Summer
did a sparsely attended Natural Science Audi-
torium greet a speaker. It is to be hoped that a
program of such promise as is being offered dur-
ing the next seven weeks will not go unheeded.
Others See
Jungle Law In The Orient. --
"If-as seems not improbable-Japan acquires
power to drill the Chinese and direct their ec-
onomic activities, the age of Genghis Khan may
China is helpless. Despite her teeming millions
of population, China cannot fight Japan. Her only
real weapon is the negative one of passive resis-
tance, and that is one whose effectiveness is felt
only in the passage of time. All of the great Pow-
ers have stakes in China, but none of them cares
to risk the war that would almost inevitably follow
if Japan were seriously challenged.
Besides, whose hands are clean enough to plead
for China in the court of equity? Certainly not
Great Britain, which furnished the Japanese some
of their most valuable lessons in imperialism. Not
Italy, a nation now embarked on an enterprise in
Africa seemingly even less defensible than Japan's
invasion of China. Not the United States, whose
interference in the domestic affairs, of Nicaragua
and other Caribbean nations is cited by the Jap-
anese in justification of their actions.
But even if the Powers' own escutcheons bore no
blots, they could not justify risking a great war to
preserve China against Japanese incursions. Noth-
ing can save China except China herself. It is her
battle. If she cannot fight it now, she must tem-
porarily succumb. There is no court in which she
can receive justice as the world is organized now.
Despite the horrors of the last great conflict, the
only law in international relations is the law of the
jungle, the law of tooth and claw.
Such is the tragic reality of the situation.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch.
The Situation In Small Colleges. .
WHEN INDIVIDUALS appeal to the nation for
increased support of the 600-odd small liberal
colleges in the country, characterizing them as the
seed beds of leadership and "among the principal
sources of high character and noble ideals with-
out which any purely economic system would col-
lapse," they voice an opinion in which leading im-
partial educators strongly concur.
The small liberal arts colleges have usually had
to travel a road of thorns and obstacles. Their
enaowments at best have been meager. They
possess only one-fourth of the capital funds behind
all higher educational institutions, large and small,
in the United States, and they include in their
cloisters one-half of the students. While large
universities have been spending huge sums in
extravagantly beautifying and enlarging their
physical aspects, the small colleges have carried on
with scant funds that do not even suffice to pay
their faculties fair salaries. The present period
of economic depression has further multiplied the
difficulties which in general beset these smaller
Distinctly American in nature, the small liberal
arts college truly plays a most important role in the
American educational system. Amid the growth of
state-supported institutions and highly-endowed
universities, the smaller college has held on as
one of the strongholds of a truly cultural educa-
tion. The broad opportunities which it offers for
intimacy and for increased student-faculty fellow-
ship have demonstrated the value of the small-
unit education. The recent inclusion within sev-
eral large institutions of a number of small divi-
sions, such as the colleges in the quad plan, is a
recognition of the advantages of the small college
over the large educational plants. Yet the great
bulk of these smaller institutions, along with the
equally-neglected womens colleges, are forced to
struggle along, leading a hand-to-mouth existence,
while a few major institutions grow relatively opu-
Regret is naturally occasioned by the fact that
America's larger institutions cannot secure all the
financial backing they could use to increase the
Four stars ---mustn't miss; three stars -- very good;
two stars-an average picture; one star -poor; no
star - don't go.
A Paramount Picture starring Will Rogers with Alison
Skipworth, Billie Burke. Sterling Hollway, and Gail
Patrick. Also a fair musical short in color, a better-
than-usual Chic Sale short, a color cartoon, newsreel,
and Paul Tompkins.
When his wife, together with most of the town's
populace, gets mixed up in some "play-acting bus-
iness" one of the best and funniest of Will Rogers'
pictures results.
No sooner than Thomas Brown has left for the
sausage-makers' convention than Madame Pom-
pinello (Alison Skipworth) lures his wife (Billie
Burke) into an amateur theatrical. Returning he
finds it not only too late to avoid witnessing her
performance in the real-life drama of loves and
hates, but is hard-pressed to prevent her leaving
for New York to express her "suppressed" dramatic
emotions in the metropolis.
To Will Rogers' supporting cast should go a
large part of the credit for the laughs in "Doubting
Thomas." Alison Skipworth as the leader of this
little theater movement, Billie Burke (in her best
performance yet), and Sterling Hollway, scout-
master of the town's Eagle Troop who is pressed
into service as giver-of-the-cues are excellent.
Best shot: Will Rogers' reaction when he walks
in on Mrs. Brown, just as she is giving the scornful
laugh of the villainess.
The best program Paul Tompkins has given yet,
features the supporting attractions. -R.A.C.
A Paramount picture starring Mae West. Also a
Merrie Melodie, two musical shorts, and a Hearst
This is for Mae West fans.
Wiggling her hips, singing through her nose, and
offering pertinent bits of biological information to
the males allured by her robust womanhood, she
rises from entertainer in a Western saloon to a
position in the British nobility, after steamrolling
her way through a portion of our best society.
When she falls heir to the millions of her rustler-
fiance she also falls for a British petroleum engi-
neer developing her properties. In pursuit of him
she wins an international Derby with her horse
Cactus (good shots here), marries into the blue-
bloods, sings Delilah in Samson and Delilah, and
leaves a dead husband behind. Everything comes
out all right in the end.
As usual, the Westian wisecracks brings the most
laughs. (Example: "Why should you stay single,
anyway?" "Why shouldn't I? I was born that
"Goin' To Town" is neither the worst nor the
best of Mae West's pictures.
The color cartoon is good, but the two musical
shorts are dull. In the newsreel we see a man shot
in the stomach with a cannonball not once but
three times, and apparently willing to come back
for more. --R.A.C.
New Books If You Prefer
salaries of faculty members or to erect luxurious
Gothic and Gregorian buildings. But the plight of
America's scores of worthy, but financially starv-
ing colleges, particularly prevalent in the South
and in certain portions of the West, brings to the
surface one of the most pressing needs of modern
American higher education.
-The Daily Princetonian.
What To Do If Inflation Comes
This article, which appeared in Harper's
Magazine, is, hereby printed in part.
THINK it important to venture the opinion that
inflation, if it comes to us, will not assume any
such horrendous proportions as were found in
Germany. The conditions of the two countries are
wholly different. Germany was a defeated nation
her industries exhausted, the spirit of her people
prostrate. Inflation had already made an astound-
ing advance during the war, but the economy con-
tinued to be controlled because the war psychology
could impose its will. Once the government was
broken and the war effort became a horrifying
failure, the inflation began to break its bounds.
There was imposed an appalling debt for repara-
tions. The country's credit was gone. Her bank
resources were paralyzed.1
This is not our case. Our resources are im-
mense. We have suffered no such catastrophe.
Our gold reserve is enormous. If inflation comes,
it will have its brief course and will be checked.
How far it might go is difficult to say. But it
will not in any sense be grotesque. Therefore, the
hope of piling up great fortunes by speculating in
land values and equities is greatly reduced. It can-
not come for another year, and after that, it will
be some time before its effect is serious.
* * * *
The hopes held out for those who have savings
are illusory. Investment in bonds and mortgages
if inflation comes will, of course, be disastrous.
Investment in common stocks is recommended
highly. But which common stocks? Can you an-
swer? Can anyone answer.
Stocks of those corporations with large bonded
indebtedness would be the ideal ones, because in-
flation is supposed to wipe out or reduce bonded
indebtedness. But corporations with large bonded
indebtedness are for the most part in trouble.
And they may crack before inflation can wipe out
the bonds. Moreover, inflation can so upset the'
economy of a nation that corporations may be
ruined and equities wiped out.
How about buying commodities? What com-
modities? If production in the heavy industries is
killed off by inflation, obviously you cannot afford
to buy the commodities which serve as raw ma-
terials for those industries. Commodities for quick
Buy real estate? Land or buildings? If land,
remember you will have to answer for the carry-
ing charges. And they may be very high. Interest,
it may be, will not rise, but taxes will, and may
devastate you. And buying land for cash will do
you no good if you plan to hold the land. After
the inflation is over, you may actually find it worth
less than when you bought it. And if you plan
to buy in order to sell before the inflation ends,
you may find yourself in difficulty. Because if you
succeed, you will still have the problem of reinvest-
ing your money. And you may not succeed, be-
cause selling vacant land will be difficult when
credit is stifled. Those farmers who bought land
in the great war-credit inflation of 1916 to 1919
were far worse off when it was over than their
brothers who remained within their own little
Put the money in foreign currency? What for-
eign currency? It is not so long ago people were
buying Belgian belgas and French francs. The
belga has toppled already, and it is now plain
they would have been wiser to have left their
funds in American dollars.
The simple truth is that what to do with your
money is a problem of speculation. You can prob-
ably make a great deal of money out of the infla-
tion if you will speculate as it progresses. But
this brings up the important question - Do you
know how to speculate? The answer is No. You
do not know and you will probably lose everything
if you attempt it. If inflation comes, you are
simply at the mercy of the elements.
* * * *
A far wiser course is to attempt to prevent it.
If it comes, it will oppress workers, investors, the
thrifty and the thriftless. The notion that it is a
device for taking from the thrifty to give to the
thriftless is a mistake. It takes from all. No one
will suffer more than that vast population which
is included in the classification "thriftless"- those
who, though they- may be industrious, have not
mastered the art of making and saving money.
And there is only one way to prevent inflation
and that is to turn now to the grim arts of taxation.
I do not mean the government must cease to
spend money. It dare not do that. But it must
get its funds out of current revenues and provide
them through heavy income taxes. That may be
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