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June 27, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-06-27

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owers today; to-
ly claiudy; not
hi temperature.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Part of a Tradition .
Answering The 'Pied
Pipers' .

.............. ........ . . ........... . I ..... ... .....





s On

rthur S Aiton Tells
roblems Existing In
6rs Third Of
mder Lectures
ies Are In Position
d States Was Fifty
, Ago,_He Says
ent and inherited problems
iC America were described
by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton
tory department, who de-;
third lecture of the reg-]
Mer Session series in Natural
Le America stands where
I States did 50 years ago
are not united and their
not too promising," he
the greatest problems now
g the Hispanic Americans
Latonship with the United
ording to Professor Aiton.
solution, as I see it," he
for the United Statesto
as people of honor and-be
. and direct in their deal-
' first of Hispanic Ame-
rited difficulties, Professor
ared that after Spain and
ad ruled the countries for
:they lft many serious
chie among which was the-
rited Problems Cited
ave large grants of land to
ors and the result was that
n gs of land came into the
of a few persons," he said.1
I1f~1ted prolemfsof 'these
d by the speaker were (1)
ystem, (2) the Indians, (3)
ion, (4) and regionalism'
entralization problem, Pro-
n said that after the wars
dence, practically all of the
were under, military rule -
6n horseback - and there
a In which the presidents
-a of the various countries
whelmingly important and
vith governing of vast areas
political boss attempted to
big political boss and the
political anarchy," he de-
e added that the governing
y, up beautiful constitutions
d themas new situations
nt depression has brought
dice of the Caudillo or pres-
said, "and whereas it was
ht that the despoticCau-
he result of political chaos
rind that economic chaos
;m out also."
,l1m and individualism is
problem, the speaker re-
e stated that if the people
ic America had their way
Id be 100,000,000 different
overnments, in power and
;attributes the failure of
mm to take firm root in His-
rica to that attitude.
>ks First To Family
tin American ooks first to
then to his town, and lastly
ion," Professor Aiton said,
I that regional jealousy is
prevalent in those countries.
next to the current prob-
ispanic America, Professor
ited out the specific prob-
oh country after first stat-
his beliefs on the subject
an objective but scientific
that when dealing with cur-
ry you are treading on the
With its 44,000 miles of ter-

d population of 4,000,000
esperate economic plight,"
"and although we have
.r sugar market to them at
se of a great deal of crit-
m local manufacturers of
ict, their future seems dark
Sin the next ten years, will
ame problems."
ntral American Republics,
umber, with coffee as the
stry along with bananas in
find themselves going up
ri economically, according


Our Huge Secondary Education,
System Is Traced To Puritans'
The gigantic system of public'sec- dramas, assembly programs, and other'
ondary education in the United States school events relating to this theme."
today was traced back to the year Thousands of Parent-Teacher As-
sociations, state and local education
1635 and to the Puritan forefathers' clubs, and numerous other closely re-
intense interest in education in an lated agencies have likewise taken an
address delivered yesterday by Prof. interest in the movement and have
Calvin O. Davis of the School of Edu- prepared programs concerning it, the
speaker said.
caton as the first in the series of "President Roosevelt himself issued
afternoon conferences sponsored by a proclamation in December of 1934
the School. calling upon school people and citizens
Professor Davis spoke before stu- in general to observe this anniversary
dents of the School in University High event in an appropriate manner," Pro-
School. fessor Davis asserted. "Thirty-six
"Today in America nearly 27,000 governors issued proclamations of like
secondary schools are ministering to import. Numerous books and pamph-
the needs of approximately 7,000,000 lets of various kinds, all telling of
young people," Professor Davis de- sm hs fteTretnr ni
clared, versary, have been published. In con-
sequence, the effect has been that all
"Indeed," he said, "almost 60 per over the land public secondary educa-
cent of all youths of high school age tion 'has received more attention and,
were actually in schools during the it is thought, has been anchored more
last school year. No educational firmly in the hearts and minds of
movement of this sort has ever before pupils, parents, and taxpayers than
been known in the history of the ever before.
World. . "The Tercentenary Celebration
"Other nations have given common movement has, therefore, been a de-
school education to their masses and cided success."
have provided secondary and higher
education for a selected few of the4
more scholarly minded boys and girls.

It nas remained foArica, nowvr,
to set the ideal at complete high
school education for evey.normal boy
and girl in the land.
"The ideal is coming close to reali-
Seven years ago, Professor Davis ex-
plained, the department of secondary
education of the National Education
Association took 'cognizance of the
fact that the year 1935 would mark
the 300th anniversary of the founding
of secondary schools in America. Con-
sequently, he stated, it was voted to
have a Tercentenary Anniversarys
program carried through during thei
current year and to make arrange-
ments for this a committee of 15 was
Professor Davis, who was madet
chairman of the national committeet
to carry through the Tercentenary
program, has been working with his
colleagues for seven years on planst
for the anniversary.
"Most commencement programs of
his ,month have taken as their theme
the Terceitenary Celebation," Prio-
fessor Davis pointed out. "Thousands
of schools have during the winter
and spring presented pageants,I
Three Vesper
Services Are
Being Planned
Dr. Howard Chapman To
Be In Charge Of New|
Summer Feature
Three vesper services, with pro-
grams arranged by Dr. Howard M.
Chapman, Baptist University pastor,
have been planned for the student
body of the Sumer Session.
The services will be held at 7:30
p. m. Sunday on the steps of the li-
brary under the auspices of the Uni-
versity, in conjunction with Ann Ar-
bor churches. .
This summer marks the first time
that services of this type have been
offered to students. They will be
held in addition to the regular Sun-
day worship offered by. all churches.
The first vesper will be held Sun-
day, June 30. The program has been
planned by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session. Prof.
David Mattern will lead the singing,
and is in charge of the music, also.
The address for the evening will be
given by the Rev. R. Allison Heaps,
pastor of the Congregational church.
Typewritten copies of the responses
will be distributed among the audi-
The second vesper will be held at
7:30 p. m. Sunday, July 14, when the
Reb. W. P. Lemon, pastor of the
Presbyterian Church, will deliver the
At the third vesper Sunday, July
28, a sacred concert will be prsented.
The program will be conducted by
either the Rev. R. Edgar Sayles or
the Rev. Charles W. Brashares.
Decree Conscripts
Germany's Labor

'Expected; Late
Arrivals tEnroll
College Of Pharmacy Only
Division Not Reporting
Increased Registration
Enrollment for the Summer Session
rose to 3,825 students yesterday, mak-
ing predictions for more than 4,000
when final compilations are made
appear to be a certainty.
Seventy-nine more students en-
tered the short term yesterday at
the office of the registrar. The total
of 3,825 continued to run far ahead
of last year, when at a. corresponding
time 3,031 students had enrolled.
In the School of Education an en-
rollment of 296 represented an in-
crease of 63.5 per cent over the 1934
figure. Gains of 30.4 per cent, 41.7
per cent, 50 per cent, 43.3 per cent,
and 25.2 per cent were made in the
literary college, the School of Busi-
ness Administration, the School of
Forestry and Conservation, the School
of "usic, and the Graduate School,
Enrollment increases were also list-
ed for the College of Engineering, the
College of Architecture, the Law
School and the Medical School.
The largest single unit enrollment
continued to be that of the Graduate
School which, at 5 p. m. yesterday,
had 1,879 students. The literary col-
lege showed a total of '.95.
Of the 794 gain over the previous
year, 457 of this number is represent-
ed by men and 337 by women.
Chinese, Mancliukuans
Waging A Fierce Battle
TOKIO, June 26. - UP) - A fierce
battle was reported under way today
between 80 Manchukuan frontier
guards and nearly 10 times that num-
ber of Chinese from Chahar province.
Advices to the Manchukuan war of-
fice here confirm similar reports to
the Rengo (Japanese) news agency
that there was fighting along the dis-
puted Jehol-Tahr frontier area of
. Rengo's dispatches from Hsinking,
capital of Manchukuo, said the clash
was the second battle between the two
armed bodies, the 500 Chinese troops
who engaged the Manchukuan patrol
Monday having since been reinforced
with 200 men from Tushihkou.
NEWARK, N. J., June 26.-(f)-
The first accounting of the estate of
Thomas A. Edison, filed in the Surro-
gate's office today, showed that the
estate is valued at $2,871,758.

Senate Group
Hits At Lovett
In ItsReport
Brands Him 'Unpatriotic,'
'No Asset' To University
Of Chicago
Spoke At Michigan,
Report, On Whole, Praises
Institution Investigated
After Walgreen Attack
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Junet26.-()
- The State Senate Committee which
investigated charges of communistic1
teaching at the University of Chicago1
late today practically gave the school1
a clean slate, but criticized one pro-
fessor as being "unpatriotic" and "no,
Also recommended in their report
was that any violation of the State
treason code be referred to the State,
Themajority statements of the
:ommittee, which investigated charges
levelled by drugstore magnate Charles
Walgreen that his niece was subjected
to subversive influences at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, in the main had
only commendation for the institu-
The report was signed by four of the
five committeemen.
Singled out for criticism, however,t
was Prof. Robert Morss Lovett, well-
known liberal leader, labor advocate,1
and "freedom of speech" protector.-
Lovett, the report said, "had pur-
sued an unpatriotic course of conduct
for a period of eight or ten years, add-
ing that he "cannot be an asset to any
forward-looking American Universi-
At the time Mr. Walgreen levelled
his charges at the University of Chi-
cago and demanded an investigation'
into teaching methods at that insti-
tution, he withdrew his niece from
the campus.
Professor Lovett was the principal7
speaker at a convocation held Thurs-
day, April 4 in Hill Auditorium. His
subject was war. This convocation
was spoisored by the University. It -
was preceded by a student peace dem-
onstration on the steps of the main
French Tennis
Champion Will
. Fight In Duel
Borotra To Defend Davis
Trophy Withdrawal In
Row With Reporter
WIMBLEDON, England, June 26. -
0P) - Jean Borotra, French tennis
star, officially announced tonight that
he had accepted a Paris sports writer's
challenge to a duel.
The "Bounding Basque," who is
competing in the Wimbledon Tourna-
ment, named Rene La Coste, also a
French tennis star, and Gen. Alvin as
his seconds.
Didier Poulain, the sports writer,
sent Borotra a challenge by registered
mail from Paris. He had accused Bo-
rotra of "letting down France" by
withdrawing from Davis Cup compe-
tition and said he had been insulted
by the player's reply to the accusa-
Poulain issued the call to arms to

IParis' favorite tennis player just as
the capital's favorite politician, Jean
Chiappe, prepared peaceful settlement
of another projected duel.
Chiappe, former Paris police pre-
fect, challenged Godin because of
I criticism of his police administration.

Huge Youth
Work Plans
Are Started
Roosevelt's Program To
Care For Half Million
Young Persons
Josephine Roche
Placed In Charge
To Spend $50,000,000 On
Drive To ~Save Energy
And Skill OfYoung
WASHINGTON, June 26 -(W)
A fifty-million-dollar program for
training young people and supplying
them with jobs was put under way
today by President Roosevelt.
Officials estimated that the plan
would take care of half a million
young men and women between 16
and 25. Upward of the same number
are to be helped by the Civilian Con-
servation Corps.
"The yield on the investment should
be high," said Mr. Roosevelt in an-
nouncing the program.
The new plan was divided into four
sections designed to:
Give young persons work in private
Train and re-train them for pri-
vate employment.
Allow them to finish high school and
Give them work relief on youth
National Chiefs Named
Miss Josephine Roche, assistant
secretary of the Treasury, and Au-
brey Williams, assistant to Relief
Administrator Harry L. Hopkins, were
put in charge of the new program.
Miss Roche declined for the time
being to amplify the presidential
statement, but said that the program
would get going very soon. Williams
was out of the city.
The money for the work was al-
located from the work relief fund.
In outlining the plan, the following
rates of payment were set: $15 a
month for youths on work relief; $6
a month for those in high school;
$15 a month for those in college.
In fixing the scale, Mr. Roosevelt
said:. "I have determined that we
shall do something for the unem-
ployed youth because we can ill af-
ford to lose the skill and energy of
these young men and women."
Under Miss Roche and Williams,
who will head the national setup, was
put a national advisory committee to
be comprised of representatives of
labor, business, agriculture, educa-
tion and youth.
Division for Each State
Along with this, in each state a
youth division was to be established,
headed by a state advisory commit-
tee to be appointed by the national
advisory organization. Similar repre-
sentation was to be had on the state
advisory groups to that comprising
the -national committee. A state di-
rector also was to be named in each
This director would mobilize in-
dustrial, commercial, agricultural and
educational forces to employ and help
youths without jobs, using both pub-
lic and private agencies. Other youth
committees would be appointed where
The program was designed to cover
all young men and women not regu-
larly in schools and not employed.
The CCC, in contrast, has stressed
taking young men whose families
were on relief rolls.

Employers would be asked to ap-
prentice the youths under arrange-
ments worked out locally. This would
cover not only the field of private
employment, but public works.
The President specified, also, that
where young persons were appren-
ticed to Government service it would
be "of the nature of field work for
classes to be farmer to train youth
for public service."
In carrying out the program, it was
specified that the facilities of fac-
tories, industries, plants and public
libraries should be used, with train-
ing classes wherever necessary or pos-
sible. The re-employment offices
would co-operate in placing youths in

In Far East Crisis

Ed White Of Texas
Eliminates Kocsis
Fischer, Malloy Meet In
Match Today; Both Win
First ContestsEasily
WASHINGTON, June 26 - (E) -
Coming from behind with a courag-
eous last-minute rally, Charles Yates,
the defending champion from Geor-
gia Tech, drove through the first two
rounds of the. National Intercollegi-
ate golf tournament today with a pair
of brilliant triumphs.
Carried to the 21st hole this morn-
ing before he downed Walter Emery
of Oklahoma, 1933 champion, Yates
again found himself facing elimina-
tion by Winfield Day of Notre Dame
in the second round, but he pulled a
lot of great shots out of his bag to
win from the Middlewesterner, 2-1.
Johnny Fischer of Michigan, who
won the championship three years
ago, marched into the quarter-finals
over an easier route, as did Woodrow
Malloy of Michigan, who tied with
Willis Johnson of Charleston and
Charles Kocsis of Michigan for med-
al honors yesterday.
Johnson and Kocsis, however, fell
this afternoon, after surviving the
opening battles.
Fischer had little trouble licking
Jack Hoerner of Stanford in the first
round, 4-3, and, after shooting a sub-
par 35 and taking a five-up lead
through the first nine this afternoon,
he could.afford to coast during the
afternoon to a 3-2 victory over Wil-
Son Marks of Princeton.
Woodrow Malloy eliminated Charles
Donnals of Georgia Tech, 3-2, and
then steamed to a 6-5 triumph over
R. B. Parker of Princeton.
After barely doing away with H. L.
Byer of Penn State this morning, i
up, Koesis ran into Ed White of Texas
and slipped out, 5-4, in the second
Tomorrow's engagements pit White
against G. A. Menard of Penn State,
Woodrow Malloy against Johnny
Fischer, and Bill Welch of Texas
against Fred Haas of Louisiana.
Dana Seeley of Michigan was elim-
inated by Haas, 2-1, in the morning

Fischer, Malloy
Win, But IKocsis
And Seelev Lose

Charles Yates, Champion,
Near Elimination But Is
Saved ByFine Golf

-Associated Press Photo.
China's course in the latest dis-
putes with Japan is being deserted
by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Shelk (top) dominant military lead..
r. Premier Kelsuke Okada (be-
low) is guiding Japan's policies in
the increasingly tense si4uation.
Blake To Talk.
On Worshi Of
Greeks Today
Fourth Summer Lecture
To Be Accompanied By
Slide Illustrations
Several interesting aspects of the
religion of the ancient Greeks will be
discussed by Warren E. Blake, asso-
ciate professor of Greek, in his lecture,
"Pagan Greek Worship," to be given
at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science Au-
ditorium. It will be the fourth in the
series of summer lectures by members
of the faculty.
Professor Blake has been a member
of the University faculty since 1925.
He received his A.B. degree in 1920,
his M.A. degree in 1921, and his Ph.D.
degree in 1924, all from Harvard Uni-
versity. After a year of teaching at
the University of Vermont, he came to
In 1928 he made a trip to Greece.
He has contributed to many jour-
nals concerned with classical studies,
among them the Journal of the Amer-
ican Philological Association, Classical
Philology, Art and Archaeology, Class-
ical Journal, and Mnemosyne, a Dutch
journal, published in Latin.
At present he is working on an
edition, in Greek, of the earliest Eu-
ropean novel, written by Chariton, a
novelist of Greece in the second cen-
tury B. C.
Professor Blake's lecture will be ac-
companied by slides.


Kocsis Is Honored

WASHINGTON, June 26 --- (Spec-
ial) - Charles Kocsis, 22, of Detroit,
one of two University of Michigan
golf players who were in the three-
way tie for qualifying medal, was
chosen secretary of the National In-
tercollegiate Golf Association today.
Jack Malloy, of Tulsa, Okla., who
will be a senior at Princeton next
year, is the organization's new presi-
National Decathlons
Led ByWillis Ward
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 26.-()
- By winning four of the five events
today, Willis Ward, Michigan Negro
star, took the lead in the National De-
cathlon Championship, with a total of
4321.83 points.
Bob Clark of the Olympic Club, San
Francisco, defending champion, was
second, and Runar Stone, San Fran-
cisco State College, was third, with
five events to go.
Ward won the 100-meter dash in
11 seconds flat for 904.8 points. He
took the broad jump at 23.59 feet for
899.88 points, and the high jump at
6.26 feet for 965 points.
The Michigan star came back to
take the 400-meter run in 50.8 sec-
onds to pick up 962.40 points to lead
the field with a total of 4,321.83.
Education Clubs Handle
Organization Business
Charles Horton, principal of Albion
High School, was elected president of
the Men's Education Club at its meet-

Faculty Reception For Students
Will Be Held Tonight At League

A general reception will be given
by the faculty for the students of the
Summer Session at 8:30 p. m. to-
morrow in the Michigan League.
Members of the factuly will receive
students from 8:3 0 until 9 :45 p. m.
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room.
. In addition to the reception there
will be dancing in the Ballroom as
well as the Grand Rapids Room from
9:45 p. m. until 1 a. m. Al Cowan's
orchestra will furnish the music.

the dining room on the second floor
as well as the third floor. There
will be two palm readers, and one
fortune teller who will use cards. The
game room will also be open.
Although men are not usually al-
lowed in the"garden or on the third
floor, these places will be open to
them at the reception. Guides will
be stationed in the Hostess Room in
order to assist the visitors.
Refreshments will be served in the

N. Y., June 26. - (A'P) -Wracked by
sleeplessness and pain, with the
scheduled hour of her death in the
electric chair only one day off, Mrs.
Eva Coo refused to see members of her
family tonight.
"I don't want. them to see me in
this condition," she told prison au-


BERLIN, June 26. -(OP) - A decree
passed by the German cabinet this
evening makes all Germans liable to
six months' service in building roads

Soviet Balloon Seeking
Data On Cosmic Rays
MOSCOW, June 26 - (YP) - The
stratosphere balloon "U. S. S. R. One
Bis," piloted by Kristoff Zille, a form-

Beginners In Dancing
May Still Join Class



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