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June 30, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-06-30

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'erally fair today; tomor-
robably thundershowers;
uch change in tempera-


icri iu
Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Ti No.7



old Ferris,
Women In
Murder Case
krrested In Ft. Wayne
Vill Be Questioned In
lickinson Murder
hweitzer' Refuses
o Talk To Officers
e Of Women Faints As
olice Car Takes Them
ack ToMichigan
NESVILLE, Mich., June 29- (P)
illiam Lee Ferris, alias William
eitzer, and three women arrest-
ith him at Fort Wayne, InQ,
brought here tonight under state
e escort for questioning in con-
on with the slaying of Howard
r Dickinson, New York attorney,
etroit Wednesday night.
ris, accompanied by Lieut. An-
Doyle of Detroit and Trooper
e Milligan of White Pigeon ar-
here from Fort Wayne by Au-
bile at 810 p.m. He was taken
diately into a private room for
eprintlng, but Doyle said that
d refused to discuss the shooting
ickinson and confined his con-
tin on the trip to remarks
; the weather.
Three Girls Arrested
Second car brought Miss Bobbie
ion, described as an intimate
I of Ferris, her sister Florence,
a third "party girl" who said
as Lillian Winles, of Detroit,
Under police escort.
'gt. C. B, Miller said that officers
ing the women had been de-
by the illness of Bobbie Jack-
He said that she fainted twice
e journey and her companions
leen so occupied in ministering
r that the oficers had little op-
nity to question them.
said Miss Winles had told them
1l e di
ngo~~ow I Jc nson met his
, and merely went. with the
on sisters "for the ride."
Had Fled Hurriedly
dence that the Jackson sisters
ned Detroit hurriedly was un-
ed Saturday mining. In the be-
hat they had driven away with
, messages were dispatched to
e throughout the Midwest, ask-
hem to be on the lookout for
hree and arrest them for "the
er" of the attorney.
,ectives found the house where
rackson sisters lived early Sat-
r. A guard was posted at 75
ins .St. to await their return.
i no sign of activity was seen, de-
'es entered the pjace. There
signs of disorder. Clothing had
flung about, taken as evidence
irried packing.
Connection Baffling
engthenng their theory, inves-
rs found a witness who saw a
car, similar to Schweitzer's old
1, parked in front of the sisters'
at 2:30 a.m., Thursday, several
before the body was found. The
ss said his attention was at-
d to the machine, parked about
et from the entrance, because
ian in the car was changing his
cing together activities of the
York attorney, a nephew of Chief
3e Charles Evans Hughes, of
United States Supreme Court,
tg his few days in Detroit, in-
ators repeatedly have found
s of two women in Dickinson's

ments here. 4
ris' connection with the promi-
attorney has been baffling to po-
Detectives throughout the Mid-
provided with his and his car's
iption, were intent on finding
Lericans Left
n Wimbledon Play
NDON, June 29. - (P)- Four
'icans remained in the chase for
bledon's major tennis titles today
ngles fields in the All-England
pionships were cut to eight in
hen's division and 16 in the woro-
a day of routine play that pro-
I no particular thrills, Sidney
I, New York's clever shot-maker,
d Donald Budge, the California
lead, in the men's quarter-finals
a comparatively easy conquest
arry Hopman, of Australia. The
California feminine aces, Helen

UMWA President Calls Off Coal
Strike At Request Of Roosevelt

Pastors Offer
ide Variety

WASHINGTON, June 29. -(1P)
- John L. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers of America,
tonight called off the soft coal
strike set for tomorrow night at
the request of President Roose-
Lewis agreed with Duncan Ken-
nedy . of Charleston, W. Va.,
spokesman for Appalachian pro-
ducers, to continue the mines in-
operation at present wages and
hours through July 31 if the oper-
ators accepted. Kennedy had no
power to bind the operators to
his agreement, but he predicted
they would accept it.
WASHINGTON, June 29. - ) -
John Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers, ordered all his mem-
bers in the soft coal industry to stop
work Sunday at midnight.
In the absence of any White House
action after the collapse of wage
negotiations with Appalachian pro-
ducers, Lewis sent out telegrams to
6,000 locals directing them to "sus-
pend mining of coal Monday."
He estimated 450,000 miners would
be affected by the strike call.
The union's - district presidents,
gathered here for wage parleys, im-
mediately left for their field head-
quarters to direct what may prove to

be the biggest soft coal strike in the
nation's history.
Meantime, the operators looked to
the White House for intervention.
President Roosevelt said at his press
conference Friday that he hoped
present wages and hours would be
extended until Congress acted on the
Guffey Coal Stabilization Bill to set
up a "Little NRA" for the bituminous
By mid-afternoon neither Lewis nor
the operators had heard directly from
the White House, and plans for the
strike went forward.
"We're wiring our local unions this
afternoon to the effect that the joint
wage negotiations have not been fruit-
ful and that the joint conferencehas
recessed, subject to call by its chair-
man at some future date'," Lewis said.
"The local unions and their mem-
bers are instructed by the Interna-
tional Policy Committee to put into
effect Monday instructions set forth
in a letter sent them June 1, 1935,
and suspend mining of coal Monday."
While Lewis was talking to re-
porters, the district officials filed past
him one by one, and shook hands.
They all exchanged "good luck."
Asked about union strike funds,
Lewis said:
"We're amply prepared to meet this
situation for any amount of time






Sing At Vesper
Servie Today
First In Series Of Three
Programs To Begin At
7:30 P. M. At Library
The first in a series of three ves-
per services which are being planned
by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, working
in conjunction with religious work-
ers' committee for the students en-
rolled in the Summer Session, will
be held at 7:30 p.m. today on the
't 6iary steps 'the Rev. Allison. Ray
Heaps, pastor of the Congregational
Church will preach the sermon, hav-
ing chosen 'Speaking of God" as his
Song sheets with a responsive order
of worship will be provided for the
audience, and the singing will be led
by Prof. David Mattern with a chorus
of fifty voices.
Dr. Hopkins, director of the Sum-
mer Session, will preside at the vesper
service and give the introductory re-
marks. The entire service will be kept
within an hour. In case of rain the
meeting will be moved from the li-
brary steps to the Congregational
The committee in charge of the
service has requested that everyone
attending the service come provided
with blanjets or camp stools as these
summer gatherings have been planned
to be informal and more like a "school
outing" than a lecture.
A large crowd is expected to at-
tend the service according to Dr. Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, Counselor in
Religious Education. This meeting
will mark the first of its kind ever to
be presented on the campus. Dr. W.
P. Lemon, pastor of the Presbyterian
Church, has been selected for the
speaker at the second vesper service
which will be held July 14.
Sample Places
Tree Student

By Its A ttendance
Alone Excursion Is
Complete Success
If mere attendance is any proof, the
Summer Session excursion to down-
town Detroit yesterday was a com-
plete success.
Two complete bus-loads - 64 stu-
dents in all - made up the party, ac-
cording to Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the
mathematics department, who is in
charge of the summer excursions.
Several other students who wished to
make the trip were necessarily turned.
away because there were not enough
to a third bus.. . . .
The group, which was the largest
ever to make the trip, inspected the
Detroit News Plant, the WJR studios
in the Fisher Building, Belle Isle, the
Detroit Institute of Arts, the Public
Library, and other points of interest.
The third excursion will be held)
next Saturday, July 6. At this time
the schools of the Cranbrook Foun-
dation at Bloomfield Hills will be vis-
ited. Reservations for the trip, which
will cost $1.25, must be made at the
office of the Summer Session in Room
1213 Angell Hall before 5 p.m. Fri-
day, July 5.
Tryouts For The
Summer Opera,
Tryouts for the light opera "The
Chocolate Soldier," by Oscar Straus
and Stanislaus Stange, which will be
given by the Michigan Repertory
Players in collaboration with the
School of Music August 7-11, will be
held at 4:30 p. m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, Prof. David
Mattern, and Prof. Arthur Hackett
all of the School of Music and Val-
entine B. Windt, director of the Rep-
ertory Players, will select the cast of
50 for the production.
All students enrolled in the Sum-
mer Session may try out for the
show, even if they are not enrolled
in Play Production or the School of
This is the first time the Repertory
Players have combined with the
music school in a production, al-
though during the regular school
year several operettas have been pro-
duced by the two groups, among them
"The Gondoliers," "Iolanthe," and
"A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Joseph Conlin, who was in charge
of the music of "The Gondoliers," will
also be musical director for "The
Chocolate Soldier."
Lessons In Eight Sports
Are Offered To Students
Instruction in eight sports, an in-
novation for the Summer Session, will
be offered by the intramural depart-
ment from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily, ac-
cording to John Johnstone, intra-
mural insrer.

Dr. W. P. Lemon To Giveo
Second Talk. In Series,
'DialoguesWith God'
Prof. .Brumm Will
Open New Series
'Religious Thinking' Is
Subject Of Lectures To
Be Held At Stalker Hall
Six religious services, four morn-
ing and two evening, will be offered t
the students of the Summer SessionI
Dr. W. P. Lemon of the First Pres-
byterian Church will deliver the sec-
ond of his series of sermons entitled
"Dialogues With God" at 10:45 a.
m. this morning.1
In the Zion Lutheran Church thef
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will preach onc
the theme "Obedience to The Gospel"
at 10:30 a. m. The Common Servicer
liturgy will be used throughout the
service with special music by the1
church choir under the direction of1
Mr. Allan Callahan.iz
Yoder Speaks On 'God First'
At the same hour the Rev. Henry'
O. Yoder will deliver a sermon on1
"God First" in the Trinity Lutheran1
Church. Miss Christine Siefert will
direct the church choir in its es-t
pecially-planned music.
A series of religious educational
events starting today for the Sum-t
mer Session students has been an-t
nounced by the Wesley Foundation.-
The program each Sunday includesY
morning worship at 10:45 a. m. at the1
Methodist Episcopal Church with Dr.c
C. W. Brashares delivering the ser-I
In addition to its regular service,
the Presbyterian Church will cn-c
duct meetings at its Church House
on Washtenaw Avenue at 5:30 p. m
every Sunday. This Sunday Prof.
John'L. Brumm of the journalism de-
partment will speak on "A Journalist
Looks at Religion." The following
schedule was announced: July 7,
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, "An Educator
Looks at Religion;" July 14, Mr. Ros-
coe Bonisteel, "A Lawyer Looks at
Religion;" July 21, Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department,
"A Teacher of Literature Looks at
Religion;" and July 28; Mrs. Her-
bert Mallory, "A Psychiatrist Looks
at Religion."
Announces Speakers
"Religious Thinking" will be the;
subject of a series of talks and dis-
cussions at 6 p. m. every Sunday in
Stalker Hall, where faculty and lay
members will consider vital modern
religious issues.
Speakers on this program and their
topics have been announced for the
following five weeks. They are: June
20, "A Workable Christian Faith;"
July 7, Dean James B. Edmonson of
the School of Education, "A Chris-
tian Serves His Community"; July
14, Prof. Howard McClusky of the
Education School, "Religion and
Mental Health"; July 21, Prof. Low-
ell Julliard Carr of the sociology de-
partment, "Redefining Christian
Charity"; and July 28, Dr. Brashares,
"Life Choices in the Light of Re-
Entries Bevin
For 1935 City
Tennis Meet
Entries for the annual city tennis
tournament are now being taken, -ac-
cording to George J. Moe, the tourna-
ment manager, and may be made at.
either of the Moe Sport Shops.
The tourney, which is open to Sum-
mer Session students, annually at-

tracts more than a hundred entries,
according to Moe. Divisions for all
players are held, including men's and
women's singles and doubles and
mixed doubles.
An innovation in the annual tour-
nament will be introduced this year,
it has been announced, with the
holding of a novice tournament in
connection with the Detroit News.
The novice tournament, held an-
nually in suburban cities by the De-
troit News, will be held here for the
first time.
Winners in suburban tournaments

White Wins
In Collegiate
Golf Tourney
Champion Stays With Par
To Defeat Fred Haas In
Final Round
Victor Eliminated
Kocsis 3_Days Ago
Winner Takes Crown After
Being Runnerup In Last
Year's Tournament
WASHINGTON,. June 29. - (A') -
Climaxing a week of great golf, young
Ed White of Texas kept level with par
over a long route today to whip gan-
gling Fred Haas of Louisiana State,
5 and 4, and win the national Inter-
collegiate championship.
The 21-year-old player from Bon-
ham, Tex., ended his three year quest
for highest college laurels with one
of the finest stretches of consistent
golf in the history of tje tournament.
Through the five rounds of match
play - a total of 129 holes for him -
he was three under par.
As a sophomore two seasons ago,
he lost to Rodney Bliss in the second
round. Last year he bowed to Charles
Yates for the championship.
His route this time wasn't easy, for r
he was forced to bowl over Charles
Kocsis of Michigan, the co-medalist,
as well as Yates, before he ran into
the tough 19-year-old boy from the
cotton country,
Although his margin was decisive
today, White had no easy rival in the
tall, former southern amateur cham-
pion. Through the first 27 holes
neither ever held more than a two-
hole advantage. In fact, White was
one down after the first round, but
he lost little time going ahead after
the second round again and once on
the home stretch he unloosed a brand
of sub-par golf that was too good
for Haas.
Coller To Talk.
On Surgery In
Fourth Lecture
Head Of Michigan Surgery
Department Will Speak
On Its Development
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, professor of
surgery and director of the surgery
department of the University, will be
the fourth lecturer on the Summer
Session lecture series, when he de-
livers an address on ."The Develop-
ment of Surgery" at 5 p.m. tomorrow
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Coller has been associated with
the University since 1920, serving as
a professor until he was appointed
head of the surgery department in
During the World War, Dr. Coller
served overseas with the Harvard
Unit of the American Ambulance
Corps in 1915 and 1916. He was made
Captain of the Medical Corps in 1917
and major in 19-18, later serving, with
the Sanitary Division overseas.
From 1924 to 1929 he was lieuten-
ant-colonel in the Medical Reserve
He is a member of the American
Medical Association, the Society of
Clinical Surgery, the International
Surgery Association, the Society for
Study of Goiter, the Michigan State

Medical Society, the Washtenaw
County Medical Society, and the De-
troit Academy of Medicine.
Besides being on the staff of the
University Hospital, Dr. Coller has
been with the Massachusetts Gen-
eral Hospital. In the periods inter-
vening between his service on hospit-
al stafts, he has been a resident physi-
The lecture will be illustrated.
Pavilion. Collapse
Injures Hundreds
NANTICOKE, Pa., June 29- (P) -
A collapse of a rustic dance pavilion,
accompanied by the "terrific ripping
and crashing of boards," hurled some
400 picnickers into shallow, rocky,
Hunlock Creek today, injuring about
250 persons, at least four seriously.
In the scene.of wild confusion, 175
ofe vintmsmere millne rmthe



The three University of Michigan
students -Peter J. Elstob, 19, Sum-
mit, N. J., Jean Durham, 20, Corunna,
and A. Ward Wood, 20, Herkimer, N.
Y. - upon whom charges of forgery
were preferred earlier in the week
were yesterday placed on a five year
probation by Judge George W. Sample
in circuit court.
Judge Sample decreed that upon
default of the probationary contract
the three were to be given a suspend-
ed sentence of one .to fourteen years
with the minintum recommended.
The Rev. Henry Lewis of St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church was made special
probationary officer for the three.
In the probationary contract it was
specified that none of the three
should use intoxicating liquors or en-
ter establishments where it is sold.
Judge Sample also suggested to El-
stop upon anonymous request, that
he enlist in the British army, the
fnmp ,,.ai it f,'rohmnin havino-

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